Translate all extended tooltips to German
This commit is contained in:
@ -72,4 +72,4 @@ Weapon Smith=Waffenschmied
Tool Smith=Werkzeugschmied
Protects you from death when wielding it=Schützt vor dem Tod, wenn es gehalten wird
Protects you from death while wielding it=Schützt vor dem Tod, wenn es gehalten wird
@ -72,4 +72,4 @@ Weapon Smith=
Tool Smith=
Protects you from death when wielding it=
Protects you from death while wielding it=
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# textdomain: mcl_tt
Head armor=Kopfrüstung
Torso armor=Torsorüstung
Legs armor=Beinrüstung
Feet armor=Fußrüstung
Armor points: @1=Rüstungspunkte: @1
Armor durability: @1=Rüstungshaltbarkeit: @1
Protection: @1%=Schutz: @1%
Hunger points: +@1=Hungerpunkte: +@1
Saturation points: +@1=Sättigungspunkte: +@1
Deals damage when falling=Macht Schaden beim Fallen
Grows on grass blocks or dirt=Wächst auf Grasblöcken oder Erde
Grows on grass blocks, podzol, dirt or coarse dirt=Wächst auf Grasblöcken, Podsol, Erde oder grober Erde
Zombie view range: -50%=Zombiesichtweite: -50%
Skeleton view range: -50%=Skelettsichtweite: -50%
Creeper view range: -50%=Creepersichtweite: -50%
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# textdomain: mcl_tt
Head armor=
Torso armor=
Legs armor=
Feet armor=
Armor points: @1=
Armor durability: @1=
Protection: @1%=
Hunger points: +@1=
Saturation points: +@1=
Deals damage when falling=
Grows on grass blocks or dirt=
Grows on grass blocks, podzol, dirt or coarse dirt=
Zombie view range: -50%=
Skeleton view range: -50%=
Creeper view range: -50%=
@ -4,10 +4,6 @@ Damage (@1): @2=
Healing: @1=
Healing (@1): @2=
Full punch interval: @1s=
Food item=
+@1 satiation=
@1 satiation=
+@1 food points=
Contact damage: @1 per second=
Contact healing: @1 per second=
Drowning damage: @1=
@ -22,6 +18,14 @@ No rising=
Fall damage: @1%=
Fall damage: +@1%=
No fall damage=
Digs @1 blocks=
Digs @1 blocks instantly=
Minimum dig time: @1s=
Mining speed: @1=
Very fast=
Extremely fast=
Very slow=
Painfully slow=
Mining durability: @1=
Block breaking strength: @1=
@1 uses=
Unlimited uses=
@ -4,10 +4,6 @@ Damage (@1): @2=Schaden (@1): @2
Healing: @1=Heilung: @1
Healing (@1): @2=Heilung (@1): @2
Full punch interval: @1s=Zeit zum Ausholen: @1s
Food item=Lebensmittel
+@1 satiation=+@1 Sättigung
@1 satiation=@1 Sättigung
+@1 food points=+@1 Nahrungspunkte
Contact damage: @1 per second=Kontaktschaden: @1 pro Sekunde
Contact healing: @1 per second=Kontaktheilung: @1 pro Sekunde
Drowning damage: @1=Ertrinkensschaden: @1
@ -22,6 +18,14 @@ No rising=Kein Aufsteigen
Fall damage: @1%=Fallschaden: @1%
Fall damage: +@1%=Fallschaden: +@1%
No fall damage=Kein Fallschaden
Digs @1 blocks=Gräbt „@1“-Blöcke
Digs @1 blocks instantly=Gräbt „@1“-Blöcke sofort
Minimum dig time: @1s=Minimale Grabezeit: @1s
Mining speed: @1=Grabegeschwindigkeit: @1
Very fast=Sehr schnell
Extremely fast=Extrem schnell
Very slow=Sehr langsam
Painfully slow=Furchtbar langsam
Mining durability: @1=Grabehaltbarkeit: @1
Block breaking strength: @1=Blockbruchstärke: @1
@1 uses=@1 Verwendungen
Unlimited uses=Unbegrenzte Verwendungen
@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ local dispenserdef = {
local horizontal_def = table.copy(dispenserdef)
horizontal_def.description = S("Dispenser")
horizontal_def._tt_help = S("9 inventory slots").."\n"..S("Launches item when powered with redstone power")
horizontal_def._tt_help = S("9 inventory slots").."\n"..S("Launches item when powered by redstone power")
horizontal_def._doc_items_longdesc = S("A dispenser is a block which acts as a redstone component which, when powered with redstone power, dispenses an item. It has a container with 9 inventory slots.")
horizontal_def._doc_items_usagehelp = S("Place the dispenser in one of 6 possible directions. The “hole” is where items will fly out of the dispenser. Use the dispenser to access its inventory. Insert the items you wish to dispense. Supply the dispenser with redstone energy once to dispense a random item.").."\n\n"..
@ -21,3 +21,5 @@ The dispenser will do different things, depending on the dispensed item:=Der Wer
Downwards-Facing Dispenser=Nach unten zeigender Werfer
Upwards-Facing Dispenser=Nach oben zeigender Werfer
9 inventory slots=9 Inventarplätze
Launches item when powered by redstone power=Wirft Gegenstand aus, wenn mit Redstoneenergie versorgt
@ -21,3 +21,5 @@ The dispenser will do different things, depending on the dispensed item:=
Downwards-Facing Dispenser=
Upwards-Facing Dispenser=
9 inventory slots=
Launches item when powered by redstone power=
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ local dropperdef = {
local horizontal_def = table.copy(dropperdef)
horizontal_def.description = S("Dropper")
horizontal_def._tt_help = S("9 inventory slots").."\n"..S("Drops item when powered with redstone power")
horizontal_def._tt_help = S("9 inventory slots").."\n"..S("Drops item when powered by redstone power")
horizontal_def._doc_items_longdesc = S("A dropper is a redstone component and a container with 9 inventory slots which, when supplied with redstone power, drops an item or puts it into a container in front of it.")
horizontal_def._doc_items_usagehelp = S("Droppers can be placed in 6 possible directions, items will be dropped out of the hole. Use the dropper to access its inventory. Supply it with redstone energy once to make the dropper drop or transfer a random item.")
horizontal_def.after_place_node = function(pos, placer, itemstack, pointed_thing)
@ -5,3 +5,5 @@ Droppers can be placed in 6 possible directions, items will be dropped out of th
Downwards-Facing Dropper=Nach unten zeigender Spender
Upwards-Facing Dropper=Nach oben zeigender Spender
9 inventory slots=9 Inventarplätze
Drops item when powered by redstone power=Gibt einen Gegenstand aus, wenn mit Redstoneenergie versorgt
@ -5,3 +5,5 @@ Droppers can be placed in 6 possible directions, items will be dropped out of th
Downwards-Facing Dropper=
Upwards-Facing Dropper=
9 inventory slots=
Drops item when powered by redstone power=
@ -2,3 +2,4 @@
An observer is a redstone component which observes the block in front of it and sends a very short redstone pulse whenever this block changes.=Ein Wächter ist eine Redstonekomponente, die den Block vor ihm beobachtet und einen sehr kurzen Redstoneimpuls sendet, wenn sich dieser Block ändert.
Place the observer directly in front of the block you want to observe with the “face” looking at the block. The arrow points to the side of the output, which is at the opposite side of the “face”. You can place your redstone dust or any other component here.=Platzieren Sie den Wächter direkt vor dem Block, den Sie beobachten wollen, so dass das „Gesicht“ zum Block schaut. Der Pfeil zeigt auf die Seite des Signalausgangs, der sich gegenüber vom „Gesicht“ befindet. Hier können Sie Ihren Restonestaub oder eine beliebige andere Komponente platzieren.
Emits redstone pulse when block in front changes=Macht einen Redstonepuls, wenn der Block vor ihm sich ändert
@ -2,3 +2,4 @@
An observer is a redstone component which observes the block in front of it and sends a very short redstone pulse whenever this block changes.=
Place the observer directly in front of the block you want to observe with the “face” looking at the block. The arrow points to the side of the output, which is at the opposite side of the “face”. You can place your redstone dust or any other component here.=
Emits redstone pulse when block in front changes=
@ -9,3 +9,6 @@ Dark Oak Button=Schwarzeichenknopf
Spruce Button=Fichtenknopf
Jungle Button=Dschungelknopf
A wooden button is a redstone component made out of wood which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1.5 seconds. Wooden buttons may also be pushed by arrows.=Ein Holzknopf ist eine Redstonekomponente aus Holz. Er kann gedrückt werden, um ein Redstonesignal zu senden. Im gedrückten Zustand versorgt er benachbarte Redstonekomponenten für 1,5 Sekunden mit Redstoneenergie. Holzknöpfe können auch von Pfeilen gedrückt werden.
Provides redstone power when pushed=Gibt Redstoneenergie, wenn gedrückt
Push duration: @1s=Druckdauer: @1s
Pushable by arrow=Drückbar von Pfeilen
@ -9,3 +9,6 @@ Dark Oak Button=
Spruce Button=
Jungle Button=
A wooden button is a redstone component made out of wood which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1.5 seconds. Wooden buttons may also be pushed by arrows.=
Provides redstone power when pushed=
Push duration: @1s=
Pushable by arrow=
@ -26,3 +26,4 @@ Example 2:@n give @@n mcl_core:apple 5@nGives the nearest player 5 apples=2.
Access denied. You need the “maphack” privilege to edit command blocks.=Zugriff verweigert. Sie brauchen das „maphack“-Privileg, um Befehlsblöcke zu bearbeiten.
Editing the command block has failed! You can only change the command block in Creative Mode!=Bearbeitung des Befehlsblocks fehlgeschlagen! Sie können den Befehlsblock nur im Kreativmodus ändern!
Editing the command block has failed! The command block is gone.=Bearbeiten des Befehlsblocks fehlgeschlagen! Der Befehlsblock ist verschwunden.
Executes server commands when powered by redstone power=Führt Serverbefehle aus, wenn mit Redstoneenergie versorgt
@ -26,3 +26,4 @@ Example 2:@n give @@n mcl_core:apple 5@nGives the nearest player 5 apples=
Access denied. You need the “maphack” privilege to edit command blocks.=
Editing the command block has failed! You can only change the command block in Creative Mode!=
Editing the command block has failed! The command block is gone.=
Executes server commands when powered by redstone power=
@ -184,7 +184,9 @@ end
local help, tt, longdesc, usagehelp, icon, on_construct
if i == 1 then
help = true
tt = S("Redstone component").."\n"..S("Restricts power to one direction").."\n"..S("Delays signal").."\n"..S("Output can be locked")
tt = S("Transmits redstone power only in one direction").."\n"..
S("Delays signal").."\n"..
S("Output locks when getting active redstone repeater signal from the side")
longdesc = S("Redstone repeaters are versatile redstone components with multiple purposes: 1. They only allow signals to travel in one direction. 2. They delay the signal. 3. Optionally, they can lock their output in one state.")
usagehelp = S("To power a redstone repeater, send a signal in “arrow” direction (the input). The signal goes out on the opposite side (the output) with a delay. To change the delay, use the redstone repeater. The delay is between 0.1 and 0.4 seconds long and can be changed in steps of 0.1 seconds. It is indicated by the position of the moving redstone torch.").."\n"..
S("To lock a repeater, send a signal from an adjacent repeater into one of its sides. While locked, the moving redstone torch disappears, the output doesn't change and the input signal is ignored.")
@ -8,3 +8,6 @@ Redstone Repeater (Locked)=Redstoneverstärker (gesperrt)
Redstone Repeater (Locked, Powered)=Redstoneverstärker (gesperrt, bestromt)
Redstone Repeater (Delay @1)=Redstoneverstärker (Verzögerung @1)
Redstone Repeater (Delay @1, Powered)=Redstoneverstärker (Verzögerung @1, bestromt)
Transmits redstone power only in one direction=Überträgt Redstoneenergie in nur eine Richtung
Delays signal=Verzögert Signal
Output locks when getting active redstone repeater signal from the side=Ausgangssignal wird gesperrt, wenn Signal von aktivem Redstoneverstärker an der Seite erhalten
@ -8,3 +8,6 @@ Redstone Repeater (Locked)=
Redstone Repeater (Locked, Powered)=
Redstone Repeater (Delay @1)=
Redstone Repeater (Delay @1, Powered)=
Transmits redstone power only in one direction=
Delays signal=
Output locks when getting active redstone repeater signal from the side=
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
# textdomain: mesecons_lightstone
Redstone Lamp=Redstonelampe
Redstone lamps are simple redstone components which glow brightly (light level @1) when they receive redstone power.=Redstonelampen sind einfache Redstonekomponenten, die hell aufleuchten (Helligkeitspegel von @1), wenn sie Redstoneenergie erhalten.
Glows when powered by redstone power=Leuchtet, wenn mit Redstoneenergie versorgt
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
# textdomain: mesecons_lightstone
Redstone Lamp=
Redstone lamps are simple redstone components which glow brightly (light level @1) when they receive redstone power.=
Glows when powered by redstone power=
@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ Use the note block to choose the next musical note (there are 25 semitones, or 2
• Sand or gravel: Snare drum=• Sand oder Kies: Kleine Trommel
• Anything else: Piano=• Alles andere: Klavier
The note block will only play a note when it is below air, otherwise, it stays silent.=Der Notenblock wird nur eine Note spielen, wenn er sich unter Luft befindet, sonst bleibt er stumm.
Plays a musical note when powered by redstone power=Spielt eine Musiknote, wenn mit Redstoneenergie versorgt
@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ Use the note block to choose the next musical note (there are 25 semitones, or 2
• Sand or gravel: Snare drum=
• Anything else: Piano=
The note block will only play a note when it is below air, otherwise, it stays silent.=
Plays a musical note when powered by redstone power=
@ -4,3 +4,5 @@ Piston=Kolben
A piston is a redstone component with a pusher which pushes the block or blocks in front of it when it is supplied with redstone power. Not all blocks can be pushed, however.=Ein Kolben ist eine Redstonekomponente mit einem Schieber den Block oder die Blöcke vor ihm schieben wird, wenn er mit Redstoneenergie versorgt wird. Allerdings können nicht alle Blöcke können geschoben werden.
Sticky Piston=Klebriger Kolben
A sticky piston is a redstone component with a sticky pusher which can be extended and retracted. It extends when it is supplied with redstone power. When the pusher extends, it pushes the block or blocks in front of it. When it retracts, it pulls back the single block in front of it. Note that not all blocks can be pushed or pulled.=Ein klebriger Kolben ist eine Redstonekomponente mit einem klebrigen Schieber, der ein- und ausgefahren werden kann. Er fährt aus, wenn er mit Redstoneenergie versorgt wird. Wenn der Schieber ausgefahren wird, schiebt er den Block oder die Blöcke vor ihm. Wird er eingefahren, zieht er den Block vor ihm zu sich. Nicht alle Blöcke können geschoben oder gezogen werden.
Pushes block when powered by redstone power=Schiebt Block, wenn mit Redstoneenergie versorgt
Pushes or pulls block when powered by redstone power=Schiebt oder zieht Block, wenn mit Redstoneenergie versorgt
@ -4,3 +4,5 @@ Piston=
A piston is a redstone component with a pusher which pushes the block or blocks in front of it when it is supplied with redstone power. Not all blocks can be pushed, however.=
Sticky Piston=
A sticky piston is a redstone component with a sticky pusher which can be extended and retracted. It extends when it is supplied with redstone power. When the pusher extends, it pushes the block or blocks in front of it. When it retracts, it pulls back the single block in front of it. Note that not all blocks can be pushed or pulled.=
Pushes block when powered by redstone power=
Pushes or pulls block when powered by redstone power=
@ -101,13 +101,13 @@ function mesecon.register_pressure_plate(basename, description, textures_off, te
local tt = S("Provides redstone power when pushed")
if not activated_by then
tt = tt .. "\n" .. S("Pushed by players, mobs and objects")
tt = tt .. "\n" .. S("Pushable by players, mobs and objects")
elseif activated_by.mob and activated_by.player then
tt = tt .. "\n" .. S("Pushed by players and mobs")
tt = tt .. "\n" .. S("Pushable by players and mobs")
elseif activated_by.mob then
tt = tt .. "\n" .. S("Pushed by mobs")
tt = tt .. "\n" .. S("Pushable by mobs")
elseif activated_by.player then
tt = tt .. "\n" .. S("Pushed by players")
tt = tt .. "\n" .. S("Pushable by players")
mesecon.register_node(basename, {
@ -9,4 +9,8 @@ Jungle Pressure Plate=Dschungeldruckplatte
A wooden pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while any movable object (including dropped items, players and mobs) rests on top of it.=Eine Holzdruckplatte ist eine Redstonekomponente, die ihre benachbarten Blöcke mit Redstoneenergie versorgt, solange sich ein beliebiges bewegliches Objekt (wie Gegenstände, Spieler und Mobs) auf ihm befindet.
Stone Pressure Plate=Steindruckplatte
A stone pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while a player or mob stands on top of it. It is not triggered by anything else.=Eine Steindruckplatte ist eine Redstonekomponente, die ihre benachbarten Blöcke mit Redstoneenergie versorgt, solange sich ein Spieler oder Mob auf ihm befindet. Sie wird von nichts anderem ausgelöst.
Provides redstone power when pushed=Gibt Redstoneenergie aus, wenn gedrückt
Pushable by players, mobs and objects=Drückbar von Spielern, Mobs und Objekten
Pushable by players and mobs=Drückbar von Spielern und Mobs
Pushable by players=Drückbar von Spielern
Pushable by mobs=Drückbar von Mobs
@ -9,3 +9,8 @@ Jungle Pressure Plate=
A wooden pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while any movable object (including dropped items, players and mobs) rests on top of it.=
Stone Pressure Plate=
A stone pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while a player or mob stands on top of it. It is not triggered by anything else.=
Provides redstone power when pushed=
Pushable by players, mobs and objects=
Pushable by players and mobs=
Pushable by players=
Pushable by mobs=
@ -4,3 +4,5 @@ Daylight sensors are redstone components which provide redstone power when they
Inverted Daylight Sensor=Invertierter Tageslichtsensor
Use the daylight sensor to toggle its state.=Benutzen Sie den Tageslichtsensor, um seinen Zustand umzuschalten.
In inverted state, they provide redstone power when they are not in sunlight and no power otherwise.=Im invertierten Zustand erzeugen sie Redstoneenergie, wenn sie sich nicht im Tageslicht befinden, ansonsten nicht.
Provides redstone power when in sunlight=Gibt Redstoneenergie aus, wenn im Sonnenlicht
Can be inverted=Kann invertiert werden
@ -4,3 +4,5 @@ Daylight sensors are redstone components which provide redstone power when they
Use the daylight sensor to toggle its state.=
Inverted Daylight Sensor=
In inverted state, they provide redstone power when they are not in sunlight and no power otherwise.=
Provides redstone power when in sunlight=
Can be inverted=
@ -6,3 +6,5 @@ A redstone torch is a redstone component which can be used to invert a redstone
Redstone torches can be placed at the side and on the top of full solid opaque blocks.=Redstonefackeln können an der Seite und auf der Oberseite der meisten undurchsichtigen ganzen Blöcke platziert werden.
Block of Redstone=Redstoneblock
A block of redstone permanently supplies redstone power to its surrounding blocks.=Ein Redstoneblock versorgt seine benachbarten Blöcke beständig mit Redstoneenergie.
Provides redstone power when it's not powered itself=Gibt Redstoneenergie aus, wenn es nicht selbst bestromt ist
Provides redstone power=Gibt Redstoneenergie aus
@ -6,3 +6,5 @@ A redstone torch is a redstone component which can be used to invert a redstone
Redstone torches can be placed at the side and on the top of full solid opaque blocks.=
Block of Redstone=
A block of redstone permanently supplies redstone power to its surrounding blocks.=
Provides redstone power when it's not powered itself=
Provides redstone power=
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ minetest.register_node("mesecons_walllever:wall_lever_off", {
groups = {handy=1, dig_by_water=1, destroy_by_lava_flow=1, dig_by_piston=1, attached_node_facedir=1},
is_ground_content = false,
_tt_help = S("Provides redstone power when flipped on"),
_tt_help = S("Provides redstone power while it's turned on"),
_doc_items_longdesc = S("A lever is a redstone component which can be flipped on and off. It supplies redstone power to adjacent blocks while it is in the “on” state."),
_doc_items_usagehelp = S("Use the lever to flip it on or off."),
on_rightclick = function (pos, node)
@ -2,3 +2,4 @@
A lever is a redstone component which can be flipped on and off. It supplies redstone power to adjacent blocks while it is in the “on” state.=Ein Hebel ist eine Redstonekomponente, die ein- und ausgeschaltet werden kann. Er versorgt seine benachbarten Blöcke mit Redstoneenergie, solange er sich im eingeschalteten Zustand befindet.
Use the lever to flip it on or off.=Benutzen Sie den Hebel, um ihn ein- oder auszuschalten.
Provides redstone power while it's turned on=Gibt Redstoneenergie aus, während er eingeschaltet ist
@ -2,3 +2,4 @@
A lever is a redstone component which can be flipped on and off. It supplies redstone power to adjacent blocks while it is in the “on” state.=
Use the lever to flip it on or off.=
Provides redstone power while it's turned on=
@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ Redstone=Redstone
Powered Redstone Spot (@1)=Bestromter Redstoneklecks (@1)
Redstone Trail (@1)=Redstonespur (@1)
Powered Redstone Trail (@1)=Bestromte Redstonespur (@1)
Transmits redstone power, powers mechanisms=Überträgt Redstoneenergie, bestromt Mechanismen
@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ Redstone=
Powered Redstone Spot (@1)=
Redstone Trail (@1)=
Powered Redstone Trail (@1)=
Transmits redstone power, powers mechanisms=
@ -38,3 +38,4 @@ Note: Night skip is disabled.=Anmerkung: Überspringen der Nacht deaktiviert.
You're sleeping.=Sie schlafen.
You will fall asleep when all players are in bed.=Sie werden einschlafen, wenn alle Spieler im Bett sind.
You're in bed.=Sie sind im Bett.
Allows you to sleep=Zum Einschafen
@ -38,3 +38,4 @@ Note: Night skip is disabled.=
You're sleeping.=
You will fall asleep when all players are in bed.=
You're in bed.=
Allows you to sleep=
@ -23,3 +23,4 @@ To copy the text of the written book, place it into the crafting grid together w
Bookshelves are used for decoration.=Bücherregale werden zur Dekoration benutzt.
Book and Quill=Buch und Federkiel
Write down some notes=Zum Aufschreiben von Notizen
@ -25,3 +25,4 @@ To copy the text of the written book, place it into the crafting grid together w
Bookshelves are used for decoration.=
Book and Quill=
Write down some notes=
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ end
-- Bow item, uncharged state
minetest.register_tool("mcl_bows:bow", {
description = S("Bow"),
_tt_help = S("Launch arrows"),
_tt_help = S("Launches arrows"),
_doc_items_longdesc = S("Bows are ranged weapons to shoot arrows at your foes.").."\n"..
S("The speed and damage of the arrow increases the longer you charge. The regular damage of the arrow is between 1 and 9. At full charge, there's also a 20% of a critical hit, dealing 10 damage instead."),
_doc_items_usagehelp = S("To use the bow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button to charge, release to shoot."),
@ -9,3 +9,7 @@ Bows are ranged weapons to shoot arrows at your foes.=Bogen sind Fernwaffen, um
The speed and damage of the arrow increases the longer you charge. The regular damage of the arrow is between 1 and 9. At full charge, there's also a 20% of a critical hit, dealing 10 damage instead.=Die Geschwindigkeit und der Schaden des Bogens erhöht sich, je länger sie den Bogen spannen. Der reguläre Schaden des Pfeiles ist zwischen 1 und 9. Ist der Bogen voll gespannt, gibt es eine 20%-ig Change für einen kritischen Treffer, der 10 Schaden anrichtet.
To use the bow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button to charge, release to shoot.=Um den Bogen zu benutzen, muss sich im Inventar mindestens ein Pfeil befinden (außer im Kreativmodus). Halten sie die rechte Maustaste gedrückt zum Spannen, lassen Sie sie los zum Schießen.
Damage from bow: 1-10=Schaden vom Bogen: 1-10
Damage from dispenser: 3=Schaden vom Werfer: 3
Launches arrows=Verschießt Pfeile
@ -9,3 +9,7 @@ Bows are ranged weapons to shoot arrows at your foes.=
The speed and damage of the arrow increases the longer you charge. The regular damage of the arrow is between 1 and 9. At full charge, there's also a 20% of a critical hit, dealing 10 damage instead.=
To use the bow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button to charge, release to shoot.=
Damage from bow: 1-10=
Damage from dispenser: 3=
Launches arrows=
@ -11,3 +11,7 @@ Place it to empty the bucket and create a water source.=Platzieren Sie ihn, um d
River Water Bucket=Flusswassereimer
A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids. This one is filled with river water.=Ein Eimer kann benutzt werden, um Flüssigkeiten aufzusammeln und wieder freizulassen. Dieser hier ist mit Flusswasser gefüllt.
Place it to empty the bucket and create a river water source.=Platzieren Sie ihn, um den Eimer zu leeren und eine Flusswasserquelle zu erzeugen.
Collects liquids=Sammelt Flüssigkeiten auf
Places a lava source=Platziert eine Lavaquelle
Places a water source=Platziert eine Wasserquelle
Places a river water source=Platziert eine Flusswasserquelle
@ -11,3 +11,7 @@ Place it to empty the bucket and create a water source.=
River Water Bucket=
A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids. This one is filled with river water.=
Place it to empty the bucket and create a river water source.=
Collects liquids=
Places a lava source=
Places a water source=
Places a river water source=
@ -8,3 +8,5 @@ Cake (4 Slices Left)=Kuchen (4 Stücke übrig)
Cake (3 Slices Left)=Kuchen (3 Stücke übrig)
Cake (2 Slices Left)=Kuchen (2 Stücke übrig)
Cake (1 Slice Left)=Kuchen (1 Stück übrig)
With 7 tasty slices!=Mit 7 leckeren Stücken!
Hunger points: +@1 per slice=Hungerpunkte: +@1 pro Stück
@ -8,3 +8,5 @@ Cake (4 Slices Left)=
Cake (3 Slices Left)=
Cake (2 Slices Left)=
Cake (1 Slice Left)=
With 7 tasty slices!=
Hunger points: +@1 per slice=
@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ Cauldron (3/3 Water)=Kessel (3/3 Wasser)
Cauldron (1/3 River Water)=Kessel (1/3 Wasser)
Cauldron (2/3 River Water)=Kessel (2/3 Flusswasser)
Cauldron (3/3 River Water)=Kessel (3/3 Flusswasser)
Stores water=Speichert Wasser
@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ Cauldron (3/3 Water)=
Cauldron (1/3 River Water)=
Cauldron (2/3 River Water)=
Cauldron (3/3 River Water)=
Stores water=
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ minetest.register_node("mcl_chests:"..basename, {
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
--[[ This is a workaround for Minetest issue 5894
Apparently if we don't do this, double chests initially don't work when
Apparently if we don't do this, large chests initially don't work when
placed at chunk borders, and some chests randomly don't work after
placing. ]]
-- FIXME: Remove this workaround when the bug has been fixed.
@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ register_chest("chest",
S("Chests are containers which provide 27 inventory slots. Chests can be turned into large chests with double the capacity by placing two chests next to each other."),
S("27 inventory slots") .. "\n" .. S("Can be combined to a double chest"),
S("27 inventory slots") .. "\n" .. S("Can be combined to a large chest"),
small = {"default_chest_top.png", "mcl_chests_chest_bottom.png",
"mcl_chests_chest_right.png", "mcl_chests_chest_left.png",
@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ register_chest("trapped_chest",
S("Trapped Chest"),
S("A trapped chest is a container which provides 27 inventory slots. When it is opened, it sends a redstone signal to its adjacent blocks as long it stays open. Trapped chests can be turned into large trapped chests with double the capacity by placing two trapped chests next to each other."),
S("27 inventory slots") .. "\n" .. S("Can be combined to a double chest") .. "\n" .. S("Emits a redstone signal when opened"),
S("27 inventory slots") .. "\n" .. S("Can be combined to a large chest") .. "\n" .. S("Emits a redstone signal when opened"),
{receptor = {
@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ minetest.register_craft({
minetest.register_node("mcl_chests:ender_chest", {
description = S("Ender Chest"),
_tt_help = S("27 interdimensional inventory slots") .. "\n" .. S("Put items inside, retrieve them from any other ender chest"),
_tt_help = S("27 interdimensional inventory slots") .. "\n" .. S("Put items inside, retrieve them from any ender chest"),
_doc_items_longdesc = S("Ender chests grant you access to a single personal interdimensional inventory with 27 slots. This inventory is the same no matter from which ender chest you access it from. If you put one item into one ender chest, you will find it in all other ender chests. Each player will only see their own items, but not the items of other players."),
_doc_items_usagehelp = S("Rightclick the ender chest to access your personal interdimensional inventory."),
tiles = {"mcl_chests_ender_chest_top.png", "mcl_chests_ender_chest_bottom.png",
@ -28,3 +28,9 @@ To access the inventory of a shulker box, place and right-click it. To take a sh
Shulker Box=Schulkerkiste
Large Chest=Große Truhe
27 inventory slots=27 Inventarplätze
Can be carried around with its contents=Kann mitsamt Inhalt transportiert werden
Can be combined to a large chest=Kann zu einer großen Truhe kombiniert werden
27 interdimensional inventory slots=27 interdimensionale Inventarplätze
Put items inside, retrieve them from any ender chest=Abgelegte Gegenstände können aus beliebigen Endertruhen genommen werden
Emits a redstone signal when opened=Sendet ein Redstonesignal beim Öffnen
@ -28,3 +28,9 @@ To access the inventory of a shulker box, place and right-click it. To take a sh
Shulker Box=
Large Chest=
27 inventory slots=
Can be carried around with its contents=
Can be combined to a large chest=
27 interdimensional inventory slots=
Put items inside, retrieve them from any ender chest=
Emits a redstone signal when opened=
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ function watch.register_item(name, image, creative, frame)
if use_doc then
longdesc = S("Clocks are tools which shows the current time of day in the Overworld.")
usagehelp = S("The clock contains a rotating disc with a sun symbol (yellow disc) and moon symbol and a little “pointer” which shows the current time of day by estimating the real position of the sun and the moon in the sky. Noon is represented by the sun symbol and midnight is represented by the moon symbol.")
tt = S("Displays time of day in the Overworld")
tt = S("Displays the time of day in the Overworld")
minetest.register_craftitem(name, {
description = S("Clock"),
@ -2,3 +2,4 @@
Clocks are tools which shows the current time of day in the Overworld.=Uhren sind Werkzeuge, die die Tageszeit in der Oberwelt anzeigen.
The clock contains a rotating disc with a sun symbol (yellow disc) and moon symbol and a little “pointer” which shows the current time of day by estimating the real position of the sun and the moon in the sky. Noon is represented by the sun symbol and midnight is represented by the moon symbol.=Die Uhr enthält eine rotierende Scheibe mit einem Sonnensymbol (gelbe Scheibe) und einem Mondsymbol, und sie hat einem kleinen „Pfeil“, der die jetzige Tageszeit anzeigt, indem die reale Position von Sonne und Mond im Himmel abgeschätzt wird. Die Sonne repräsentiert die Mittagszeit und der Mond repräsentiert Mitternacht.
Displays the time of day in the Overworld=Zeigt die Tageszeit in der Oberwelt
@ -2,3 +2,4 @@
Clocks are tools which shows the current time of day in the Overworld.=
The clock contains a rotating disc with a sun symbol (yellow disc) and moon symbol and a little “pointer” which shows the current time of day by estimating the real position of the sun and the moon in the sky. Noon is represented by the sun symbol and midnight is represented by the moon symbol.=
Displays the time of day in the Overworld=
@ -73,3 +73,4 @@ Colored Terracotta=Gefärbte Terrakotta
Glazed Terracotta=Glasierte Terrakotta
Concrete Powder=Betonpulver
Turns into concrete on water contact=Wird zu Beton bei Wasserkontakt
@ -73,3 +73,4 @@ Colored Terracotta=
Glazed Terracotta=
Concrete Powder=
Turns into concrete on water contact=
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
# textdomain: mcl_compass
Compasses are tools which point to the world origin (X@=0, Z@=0) or the spawn point in the Overworld.=Kompasse sind Werkzeuge, die zum Ursprungspunkt der Welt (X@=0, Z@=0) oder den Einstiegspunkt der Welt zeigen.
Points to the world origin=Zeigt zum Startpunkt der Welt
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
# textdomain: mcl_compass
Compasses are tools which point to the world origin (X@=0, Z@=0) or the spawn point in the Overworld.=
Points to the world origin=
@ -247,3 +247,11 @@ Stained Glass=Buntglas
Granite is an igneous rock.=Granit ist ein magmatisches Gestein.
Top snow can be stacked and has one of 8 different height levels. At levels 2-8, top snow is collidable. Top snow drops 2-9 snowballs, depending on its height.=Eine Schneeschicht kann gestapelt werden und hat eine von 8 verschiedenen Höhestufen. Bei den Höhestufen 2-8 ist die Schneeschnicht kollidierbar. Schneeschichten werfen 2-9 Schneebälle ab, abhängig von ihrer Höhe.
This block can only be placed on full solid blocks and on another top snow (which increases its height).=Dieser Block kann nur auf ganzen festen Blöcken und auf anderen Schneeschichten (was die Höhe erhöht) platziert werden.
Needs soil and light to grow=Benötigt Boden und Licht zum Wachsen
Grows on sand=Wächst auf Sand
Contact damage: @1 per half second=Kontaktschaden: @1 jede halbe Sekunde
Slows down movement=Verlangsamt die Fortbewegung
2×2 saplings required=2×2 Setzlinge benötigt
2×2 saplings @= large tree=2×2 Setzlinge @= großer Baum
Grows on sand or dirt next to water=Wächst auf Sand oder Erde neben Wasser
@ -247,3 +247,11 @@ Stained Glass=
Granite is an igneous rock.=
Top snow can be stacked and has one of 8 different height levels. At levels 2-8, top snow is collidable. Top snow drops 2-9 snowballs, depending on its height.=
This block can only be placed on full solid blocks and on another top snow (which increases its height).=
Needs soil and water to grow=
Grows on sand=
Contact damage: @1 per half second=
Slows down movement=
2×2 saplings required=
2×2 saplings @= large tree=
Grows on sand or dirt next to water=
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ local S = minetest.get_translator("mcl_crafting_table")
minetest.register_node("mcl_crafting_table:crafting_table", {
description = S("Crafting Table"),
_tt_help = S("Gives access to 3×3 crafting grid"),
_tt_help = S("3×3 crafting grid"),
_doc_items_longdesc = S("A crafting table is a block which grants you access to a 3×3 crafting grid which allows you to perform advanced crafts."),
_doc_items_usagehelp = S("Rightclick the crafting table to access the 3×3 crafting grid."),
_doc_items_hidden = false,
@ -5,3 +5,4 @@ Rightclick the crafting table to access the 3×3 crafting grid.=Rechtsklicken Si
Recipe book=Fertigungsbuch
3×3 crafting grid=3×3 Fertigungsgitter
@ -5,3 +5,4 @@ Rightclick the crafting table to access the 3×3 crafting grid.=
Recipe book=
3×3 crafting grid=
@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ function mcl_doors:register_door(name, def)
if not tt_help then
if def.only_redstone_can_open then
tt_help = S("Opened or closed by redstone power")
tt_help = S("Openable by redstone power")
tt_help = S("Use to open or close")
tt_help = S("Openable by players and redstone power")
@ -100,9 +100,9 @@ function mcl_doors:register_trapdoor(name, def)
if not tt_help then
if def.only_redstone_can_open then
tt_help = S("Opened or closed by redstone power")
tt_help = S("Openable by redstone power")
tt_help = S("Use to opened or close")
tt_help = S("Openable by players and redstone power")
@ -20,4 +20,5 @@ Wooden trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened and closed by hand
To open or close the trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.=Um die Falltür zu öffnen oder zu schließen, rechtsklicken Sie sie oder schicken Sie ein Redstone-Signal zu ihr.
Iron Trapdoor=Eisenfalltür
Iron trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can only be opened and closed by redstone signals, but not by hand. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. When open, they can be climbed like a ladder.=Eisenfalltüren sind horizontale Barrieren, die nur mit einem Redstone-Signal geöffnet oder geschlossen werden können, nicht von Hand. Sie belegen den oberen oder unteren Teil eines Blocks, je nach dem, wie sie platziert wurden. Wenn geöffnet, können sie wie eine Leiter erklommen werden.
Openable by players and redstone power=Zu öffnen von Spielern und Redstoneenergie
Openable by redstone power=Zu öffnen von Redstoneenergie
@ -20,3 +20,5 @@ Wooden trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened and closed by hand
To open or close the trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.=
Iron Trapdoor=
Iron trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can only be opened and closed by redstone signals, but not by hand. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. When open, they can be climbed like a ladder.=
Openable by players and redstone power=
Openable by redstone power=
@ -23,3 +23,5 @@ Rightclick a sheep to turn its wool white. Rightclick a plant to speed up its gr
Cocoa beans are a brown dye and can be used to plant cocoas.=Kakaobohnen sind ein brauner Farbstoff und werden benutzt, um Kakao anzupflanzen.
Rightclick a sheep to turn its wool brown. Rightclick on the side of a jungle tree trunk (Jungle Wood) to plant a young cocoa.=Rechtsklicken Sie auf ein Schaf, um die Wolle braun einzufärben. Rechtsklicken Sie an die Seite eines Dschungelbaumstamms (Dschungelholz), um eine junge Kakaoschote zu pflanzen.
Cocoa Beans=Kakaobohnen
Grows at the side of jungle trees=Wächst an der Seite von Dschungelbäumen
Speeds up plant growth=Beschleunigt Pflanzenwachstum
@ -23,3 +23,5 @@ Rightclick a sheep to turn its wool white. Rightclick a plant to speed up its gr
Cocoa beans are a brown dye and can be used to plant cocoas.=
Rightclick a sheep to turn its wool brown. Rightclick on the side of a jungle tree trunk (Jungle Wood) to plant a young cocoa.=
Cocoa Beans=
Grows at the side of jungle trees=
Speeds up plant growth=
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ minetest.register_entity("mcl_end:ender_eye", {
minetest.register_craftitem("mcl_end:ender_eye", {
description = S("Eye of Ender"),
_tt_help = S("Guides you to the End dimension"),
_tt_help = S("Guides the way to the mysterious End dimension"),
_doc_items_longdesc = S("This item is used to locate End portal shrines in the Overworld and to activate End portals.") .. "\n" .. S("NOTE: The End dimension is currently incomplete and might change in future versions."),
_doc_items_usagehelp = S("Use the attack key to release the eye of ender. It will rise and fly in the horizontal direction of the closest end portal shrine. If you're very close, the eye of ender will take the direct path to the End portal shrine instead. After a few seconds, it stops. It may drop as an item, but there's a 20% chance it shatters.") .. "\n" .. S("To activate an End portal, eyes of ender need to be placed into each block of an intact End portal frame."),
wield_image = "mcl_end_ender_eye.png",
@ -23,3 +23,6 @@ Use the attack key to release the eye of ender. It will rise and fly in the hori
To activate an End portal, eyes of ender need to be placed into each block of an intact End portal frame.=Um ein Endportal zu aktivieren, müssen Enderaugen in jeden Block eines intakten Endportalrahmens platziert werden.
NOTE: The End dimension is currently incomplete and might change in future versions.=ANMERKUNG: Die Ende-Dimension ist momentan unfertig und könnte sich in künftigen Versionen ändern.
The stem attaches itself to end stone and other chorus blocks.=Der Stängel muss sich neben anderen Chorusblöcken oder Endstein befinden.
Grows on end stone=Wächst auf Endstein
Randomly teleports you when eaten=Zufällige Teleportation, wenn gegessen
Guides the way to the mysterious End dimension=Weist den Weg zur mysteriösen Endedimension
@ -23,3 +23,6 @@ Use the attack key to release the eye of ender. It will rise and fly in the hori
To activate an End portal, eyes of ender need to be placed into each block of an intact End portal frame.=
NOTE: The End dimension is currently incomplete and might change in future versions.=
The stem attaches itself to end stone and other chorus blocks.=
Grows on end stone=
Randomly teleports you when eaten=
Guides the way to the mysterious End dimension=
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ local S = minetest.get_translator("mcl_farming")
minetest.register_craftitem("mcl_farming:beetroot_seeds", {
description = S("Beetroot Seeds"),
_tt_help = S("Can be sown on farmland"),
_tt_help = S("Grows on farmland"),
_doc_items_longdesc = S("Grows into a beetroot plant. Chickens like beetroot seeds."),
_doc_items_usagehelp = S("Place the beetroot seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a beetroot plant. They grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it beetroot seeds."),
groups = { craftitem=1 },
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ minetest.register_node("mcl_farming:carrot", {
minetest.register_craftitem("mcl_farming:carrot_item", {
description = S("Carrot"),
_tt_help = S("Can be planted on farmland"),
_tt_help = S("Grows on farmland"),
_doc_items_longdesc = S("Carrots can be eaten and planted. Pigs and rabbits like carrots."),
_doc_items_usagehelp = S("Hold it in your hand and rightclick to eat it. Place it on top of farmland to plant the carrot. It grows in sunlight and grows faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it."),
inventory_image = "farming_carrot.png",
@ -91,3 +91,9 @@ Hay Bale=Heuballen
Hay bales are decorative blocks made from wheat.=Heuballen sind dekorative Blöcke, die aus Weizen gemacht sind.
To carve a face into the pumpkin, use the shears on the side you want to carve.=Um ein Gesicht in den Kürbis zu schnitzen, benutzen Sie die Schere an der Seite, die Sie schnitzen wollen.
Use the “Place” key on an animal to try to feed it wheat.=Benutzen Sie die „Platzieren“-Taste auf einem Tier, um zu versuchen, es zu füttern.
Grows on farmland=Wächst auf Ackerboden
Turns block into farmland=Macht Block zu Ackerboden
60% chance of poisoning=60% Vergiftungsgefahr
Surface for crops=Boden für Nutzpflanzen
Can become wet=Kann nass werden
Uses: @1=Verwendungen: @1
@ -91,3 +91,9 @@ Hay Bale=
Hay bales are decorative blocks made from wheat.=
To carve a face into the pumpkin, use the shears on the side you want to carve.=
Use the “Place” key on an animal to try to feed it wheat.=
Grows on farmland=
Turns block into farmland=
60% chance of poisoning=
Surface for crops=
Can become wet=
Uses: @1=
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ local S = minetest.get_translator("mcl_farming")
-- Seeds
minetest.register_craftitem("mcl_farming:melon_seeds", {
description = S("Melon Seeds"),
_tt_help = S("Can be sown on farmland"),
_tt_help = S("Grows on farmland"),
_doc_items_longdesc = S("Grows into a melon stem which in turn grows melons. Chickens like melon seeds."),
_doc_items_usagehelp = S("Place the melon seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a melon stem. Melon stems grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. When mature, the stem will attempt to grow a melon at the side. Rightclick an animal to feed it melon seeds."),
stack_max = 64,
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ minetest.register_node("mcl_farming:potato", {
minetest.register_craftitem("mcl_farming:potato_item", {
description = S("Potato"),
_tt_help = S("Can be planted on farmland"),
_tt_help = S("Grows on farmland"),
_doc_items_longdesc = S("Potatoes are food items which can be eaten, cooked in the furnace and planted. Pigs like potatoes."),
_doc_items_usagehelp = S("Hold it in your hand and rightclick to eat it. Place it on top of farmland to plant it. It grows in sunlight and grows faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it."),
inventory_image = "farming_potato.png",
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ end
-- Seeds
minetest.register_craftitem("mcl_farming:pumpkin_seeds", {
description = S("Pumpkin Seeds"),
_tt_help = S("Can be sown on farmland"),
_tt_help = S("Grows on farmland"),
_doc_items_longdesc = S("Grows into a pumpkin stem which in turn grows pumpkins. Chickens like pumpkin seeds."),
_doc_items_usagehelp = S("Place the pumpkin seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a pumpkin stem. Pumpkin stems grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. When mature, the stem attempts to grow a pumpkin next to it. Rightclick an animal to feed it pumpkin seeds."),
stack_max = 64,
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ local S = minetest.get_translator("mcl_farming")
minetest.register_node("mcl_farming:soil", {
tiles = {"mcl_farming_farmland_dry.png", "default_dirt.png"},
description = S("Farmland"),
_tt_help = S("Surface for farming plants").."\n"..S("Can become wet"),
_tt_help = S("Surface for crops").."\n"..S("Can become wet"),
_doc_items_longdesc = S("Farmland is used for farming, a necessary surface to plant crops. It is created when a hoe is used on dirt or a similar block. Plants are able to grow on farmland, but slowly. Farmland will become hydrated farmland (on which plants grow faster) when it rains or a water source is nearby. This block will turn back to dirt when a solid block appears above it or a piston arm extends above it."),
drop = "mcl_core:dirt",
drawtype = "nodebox",
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ local S = minetest.get_translator("mcl_farming")
minetest.register_craftitem("mcl_farming:wheat_seeds", {
-- Original Minecraft name: “Seeds”
description = S("Wheat Seeds"),
_tt_help = S("Can be sown on farmland"),
_tt_help = S("Grows on farmland"),
_doc_items_longdesc = S("Grows into a wheat plant. Chickens like wheat seeds."),
_doc_items_usagehelp = S("Place the wheat seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a wheat plant. They grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it wheat seeds."),
groups = { craftitem=1 },
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ mcl_fences.register_fence_gate = function(id, fence_gate_name, texture, groups,
cgroups_closed.mesecon_effector_off = nil
minetest.register_node(gate_id, {
description = fence_gate_name,
_tt_help = S("Use to open or close"),
_tt_help = S("Openable by players and redstone power"),
_doc_items_longdesc = S("Fence gates can be opened or closed and can't be jumped over. Fences will connect nicely to fence gates."),
_doc_items_usagehelp = S("Right-click the fence gate to open or close it."),
tiles = {texture},
@ -15,3 +15,4 @@ Dark Oak Fence Gate=Schwarzeichenzauntor
Acacia Fence=Akazienzaun
Acacia Fence Gate=Akazienzauntor
Nether Brick Fence=Netherziegelzaun
Openable by players and redstone power=Zu öffnen von Spielern und Redstoneenergie
@ -15,3 +15,4 @@ Dark Oak Fence Gate=
Acacia Fence=
Acacia Fence Gate=
Nether Brick Fence=
Openable by players and redstone power=
@ -15,3 +15,5 @@ Eternal fire is a damaging block. Eternal fire can be extinguished by punches an
@1 died in a fire.=@1 starb in einem Feuer.
Eternal Fire=Ewiges Feuer
Dispenser projectile=Werferprojektil
Starts fires and ignites blocks=Entfacht Feuer und zündet Blöcke an
@ -15,3 +15,5 @@ Eternal fire is a damaging block. Eternal fire can be extinguished by punches an
@1 died in a fire.=
Eternal Fire=
Dispenser projectile=
Starts fires and ignites blocks=
@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ end)
-- Fishing Rod
minetest.register_tool("mcl_fishing:fishing_rod", {
description = S("Fishing Rod"),
_tt_help = S("Catch fish in water"),
_tt_help = S("Catches fish in water"),
_doc_items_longdesc = S("Fishing rods can be used to catch fish."),
_doc_items_usagehelp = S("Rightclick to launch the bobber. When it sinks right-click again to reel in an item. Who knows what you're going to catch?"),
groups = { tool=1 },
@ -14,3 +14,5 @@ Clownfish=Clownfisch
Clownfish may be obtained by fishing (and luck) and is a food item which can be eaten safely.=Einen Clownfisch kann man beim Angeln mit etwas Glück fangen. Er ist ein Lebensmittel, der sicher verzehrt werden kann.
Pufferfish are a common species of fish and can be obtained by fishing. They can technically be eaten, but they are very bad for humans. Eating a pufferfish only restores 1 hunger point and will poison you very badly (which drains your health non-fatally) and causes serious food poisoning (which increases your hunger).=Kugelfische sind eine verbreitete Fischart, die geangelt werden können. Sie können theoretisch gegessen werden, aber sie sind sehr schlecht für Menschen. Es gibt nur 1 Hungerpunkt und es wird Sie schwer vergiften (was Ihre Gesundheit verringert, aber nicht bis zum Tod) und Ihr Hungerpegel wird aufgrund der schweren Lebensmittelvergiftung stark ansteigen.
Catches fish in water=Fängt Fische im Wasser
Very poisonous=Sehr giftig
@ -14,3 +14,5 @@ Clownfish=
Clownfish may be obtained by fishing (and luck) and is a food item which can be eaten safely.=
Pufferfish are a common species of fish and can be obtained by fishing. They can technically be eaten, but they are very bad for humans. Eating a pufferfish only restores 1 hunger point and will poison you very badly (which drains your health non-fatally) and causes serious food poisoning (which increases your hunger).=
Catches fish in water=
Very poisonous=
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ local cubes = {
minetest.register_node("mcl_flowerpots:flower_pot", {
description = S("Flower Pot"),
_tt_help = S("Can holds a small flower or plant"),
_tt_help = S("Can hold a small flower or plant"),
_doc_items_longdesc = S("Flower pots are decorative blocks in which flowers and other small plants can be placed."),
_doc_items_usagehelp = S("Just place a plant on the flower pot. Flower pots can hold small flowers (not higher than 1 block), saplings, ferns, dead bushes, mushrooms and cacti. Rightclick a potted plant to retrieve the plant."),
drawtype = "mesh",
@ -23,3 +23,4 @@ Cactus Flower Pot=Blumentopf mit Kaktus
Flower Pot=Blumentopf
Flower pots are decorative blocks in which flowers and other small plants can be placed.=Blumentöpfe sind dekorative Blöcke, in die Blumen und andere kleine Pflanzen platziert werden können.
Just place a plant on the flower pot. Flower pots can hold small flowers (not higher than 1 block), saplings, ferns, dead bushes, mushrooms and cacti. Rightclick a potted plant to retrieve the plant.=Platzieren Sie einfach eine Pflanze auf den Blumentopf. Blumentöpfe können kleine Blumen (nicht höher als 1 Block), Setzlinge, Farne, tote Büsche, Pilze und Kakteen halten. Rechtsklicken Sie auf eine Topfpflanze, um sie zurück zu erhalten.
Can hold a small flower or plant=Hält eine kleine Blume oder Pflanze
@ -23,3 +23,4 @@ Cactus Flower Pot=
Flower Pot=
Flower pots are decorative blocks in which flowers and other small plants can be placed.=
Just place a plant on the flower pot. Flower pots can hold small flowers (not higher than 1 block), saplings, ferns, dead bushes, mushrooms and cacti. Rightclick a potted plant to retrieve the plant.=
Can hold a small flower or plant=
@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ Use the recipe book to see what you can smelt, what you can use as fuel and how
Burning Furnace=Aktiver Ofen
Recipe book=Fertigungsbuch
Uses fuel to smelt or cook items=Benutzt Brennstoff, um Dinge zu schmelzen oder zu kochen
@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ Use the recipe book to see what you can smelt, what you can use as fuel and how
Burning Furnace=
Recipe book=
Uses fuel to smelt or cook items=
@ -11,3 +11,6 @@ Disabled Hopper=Deaktivierter Trichter
Side Hopper=Seitwärtstrichter
Disabled Side Hopper=Deaktivierter Seitwärtstrichter
5 inventory slots=5 Inventarplätze
Collects items from above, moves items to container below=Sammelt Gegenstände von oben, legt Gegenstände in Behälter unterhalb ab
Can be disabled with redstone power=Kann mit Redstoneenergie deaktiviert werden
@ -11,3 +11,6 @@ Disabled Hopper=
Side Hopper=
Disabled Side Hopper=
5 inventory slots=
Collects items from above, moves items to container below=
Can be disabled with redstone power=
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