* Cleaned up all of the code, checked to make sure that there were no erraneous debug logging.
* To enable debugging, turn it on in the api by changing the following line in item_frames_api.lua:
mcl_itemframes.DEBUG = false -- set to true to see debug output.
* Made the standard Item Frame and the new Glow Frame use the frames API.
Added in backwards compatibility mode.
* Made frames pop out items into the world on the old frames' entities when they are a hidden / broken entity. (Part of the backwards compatibility.)
* Tested locally.
* *Converted the spaces to tabs!*
Should be fully functional and ready for review.
* Cleaned up all of the code, checked to make sure that there were no erraneous debug logging.
* To enable debugging, turn it on in the api by changing the following line in item_frames_api.lua:
mcl_itemframes.DEBUG = false -- set to true to see debug output.
* Made the standard Item Frame and the new Glow Frame use the frames API.
Added in backwards compatibility mode.
* Made frames pop out items into the world on the old frames' entities when they are a hidden / broken entity. (Part of the backwards compatibility.)
* Tested locally.
Should be fully functional and ready for review.
Updated the Readme. Added in the ability to rotate the displayed item with a screwdriver. Made the Screwdriver mod required, due to rotating the item being fundamental behavoir.
Finalized a few bug fixes... still have to remove the all of the forced debug code, and move the item frames and glow frames over to the new api, and do a final test.
Added a return code to load_maps to check for if dynamic_add_media registers a fail.
Used by mcl_itemframes when reloading a map placed into an itemframe.
cleaned up a LOT of duplicate code. Added in the custom frames, and a couple of calls in init.lua to begin testing custom frames out.
to do: fix the freaking maps. (It looks like it's client side that is failing, to be honest.)
Replaced the standing sign (90 degrees) starting replacement node for on_rotate().
Tested on all signs, testing all degrees of rotation (all 16 of them).
fixes newly found bug: non-oak standing sign becomes oak standing sign when initially rotated with a screwdriver.
Changed the colors and added in the old drips because they look pretty cool on it.
Wanted it to match the surrounding color scheme more than the green and orange one.
texture license: full usage under the standard MineClone2 texture license.
Created by Michieal, based off of the Minecraft Warped Fungus.
Without calling the add_plant function, sweet berry bushes will not go through growth stages and it is impossible to farm them. Sweet berry bush and beetroot have the same number of growth stages, so I used beetroot's interval and chance values here. If somebody has a better approximation of these values, feel free to change them.