local modname = minetest.get_current_modname() local modpath = minetest.get_modpath(modname) local mod = mcl_minecarts -- This is a candidate for adding to mcl_util local function table_merge(base, overlay) for k,v in pairs(overlay) do if type(base[k]) == "table" then table_merge(base[k], v) else base[k] = v end end return base end local north = vector.new( 0, 0, 1); local N = 1 local south = vector.new( 0, 0,-1); local S = 2 -- Note: this is overwritten below local east = vector.new( 1, 0, 0); local E = 4 local west = vector.new(-1, 0, 0); local W = 8 local HORIZONTAL_CONNECTIONS = { north, south, east, west } local HORIZONTAL_STANDARD_MAPPINGS = { [N] = "_ns", [S] = "_ns", [N+S] = "_ns", [E] = "_ew", [W] = "_ew", [E+W] = "_ew", } local HORIZONTAL_CURVES_MAPPINGS = { [N+E] = "_corner_ne", [N+W] = "_corner_nw", [S+E] = "_corner_se", [S+W] = "_corner_sw", [N+E+W] = "_tee_new_off", [S+E+W] = "_tee_sew_off", [N+S+E] = "_tee_nse_off", [N+S+W] = "_tee_nsw_off", -- [N+S+E+W] = "_cross", } table_merge(HORIZONTAL_CURVES_MAPPINGS, HORIZONTAL_STANDARD_MAPPINGS) local HORIZONTAL_MAPPINGS_BY_RAIL_GROUP = { [1] = HORIZONTAL_STANDARD_MAPPINGS, [2] = HORIZONTAL_CURVES_MAPPINGS, } print(dump(HORIZONTAL_MAPPINGS_BY_RAIL_GROUP)) local DIRECTION_BITS = {N, S, E, W} local function update_rail_connections(pos, update_neighbors) local node = minetest.get_node(pos) local nodedef = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] if not nodedef._mcl_minecarts then minetest.log("warning", "attemting to rail connect "..node.name) return end -- Get the mappings to use local mappings = HORIZONTAL_MAPPINGS_BY_RAIL_GROUP[nodedef.groups.rail] if not mappings then return end -- Horizontal rules, Check for rails on each neighbor local connections = 0 for i = 1,4 do local neighbor = vector.add(pos, HORIZONTAL_CONNECTIONS[i]) local node = minetest.get_node(neighbor) local nodedef = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] if nodedef.groups.rail then connections = connections + DIRECTION_BITS[i] end if update_neighbors then update_rail_connections(neighbor, false) end end local mapping = mappings[connections] if mapping then local new_name = nodedef._mcl_minecarts.base_name..mapping if new_name ~= node.name then print("swapping "..node.name.." for "..new_name.." at "..tostring(pos)) node.name = new_name minetest.swap_node(pos, node) end end end mod.update_rail_connections = update_rail_connections -- Now get the translator after we have finished using S for other things local S = minetest.get_translator(modname) local BASE_DEF = { description = S("Rail"), _tt_help = S("Track for minecarts"), _doc_items_longdesc = S("Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. Normal rails slightly slow down minecarts due to friction."), _doc_items_usagehelp = mod.text.railuse, groups = { rail = mod.RAIL_GROUPS.CURVES, }, after_place_node = function(pos, placer, itemstack, pointed_thing) update_rail_connections(pos, true) end, } local CORNERS = { { "nw", "I" }, { "ne", "R90" }, { "se", "R180" }, { "sw", "R270" }, } local TEES = { { "nse", "I", "FX" }, { "nsw", "R90", "FXR90" }, { "new", "R180", "FY" }, { "sew", "R270", "FYR90" }, } local function register_curves_rail(base_name, tiles, def) def = def or {} local base_def = table.copy(BASE_DEF) table_merge(base_def,{ _mcl_minecarts = { base_name = base_name }, drop = base_name.."_ns", }) table_merge(base_def, def) -- Register the base node mod.register_rail(base_name.."_ns", table_merge(table.copy(base_def),{ tiles = {"default_gravel.png^"..tiles[1]}, })) BASE_DEF.craft = nil -- East-west variant mod.register_rail(base_name.."_ew", table_merge(table.copy(base_def),{ tiles = { "default_gravel.png^[transformR90:"..tiles[1].."" }, groups = { not_in_creative_inventory = 1, }, })) -- Corner variants for _,c in ipairs(CORNERS) do mod.register_rail(base_name.."_corner_"..c[1], table_merge(table.copy(base_def),{ tiles = { "default_gravel.png^[transform"..c[2]..":"..tiles[2] }, groups = { not_in_creative_inventory = 1, }, })) end -- Tee variants for _,t in ipairs(TEES) do mod.register_rail(base_name.."_tee_"..t[1].."_off", table_merge(table.copy(base_def),{ tiles = { "default_gravel.png^[transform"..t[2]..":"..tiles[3] }, groups = { not_in_creative_inventory = 1, }, })) mod.register_rail(base_name.."_tee_"..t[1].."_on", table_merge(table.copy(base_def),{ tiles = { "default_gravel.png^[transform"..t[3]..":"..tiles[3] }, groups = { not_in_creative_inventory = 1, }, })) end -- Cross variant --[[ mod.register_rail(base_name.."_cross", table_merge(table.copy(base_def),{ tiles = { tiles[4] }, groups = { not_in_creative_inventory = 1, }, })) ]] end mod.register_curves_rail = register_curves_rail register_curves_rail("mcl_minecarts:rail", {"default_rail.png", "default_rail_curved.png", "default_rail_t_junction.png", "default_rail_crossing.png"},{ craft = { output = "mcl_minecarts:rail_ns 16", recipe = { {"mcl_core:iron_ingot", "", "mcl_core:iron_ingot"}, {"mcl_core:iron_ingot", "mcl_core:stick", "mcl_core:iron_ingot"}, {"mcl_core:iron_ingot", "", "mcl_core:iron_ingot"}, } }, })