local math, vector, minetest, mcl_mobs = math, vector, minetest, mcl_mobs local mob_class = mcl_mobs.mob_class -- based on lib_mount by Blert2112 (edited by TenPlus1) local enable_crash = false local crash_threshold = 6.5 -- ignored if enable_crash=false local GRAVITY = -9.8 local node_ok = mcl_mobs.node_ok local sign = math.sign -- minetest extension local function node_is(pos) local node = node_ok(pos) if node.name == "air" then return "air" end local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] if not ndef then return "other" end -- unknown/ignore if ndef.groups.lava then return "lava" end if ndef.groups.liquid then return "liquid" end if ndef.walkable then return "walkable" end return "other" end local function force_detach(player) local attached_to = player:get_attach() if not attached_to then return end local entity = attached_to:get_luaentity() if entity.driver and entity.driver == player then entity.driver = nil end player:set_detach() mcl_player.player_attached[player:get_player_name()] = false player:set_eye_offset(vector.zero(), vector.zero()) mcl_player.player_set_animation(player, "stand" , 30) player:set_properties({visual_size = {x = 1, y = 1} }) end minetest.register_on_leaveplayer(force_detach) minetest.register_on_shutdown(function() local players = minetest.get_connected_players() for i = 1, #players do force_detach(players[i]) end end) minetest.register_on_dieplayer(function(player) force_detach(player) return true end) function mcl_mobs.attach(entity, player) entity.player_rotation = entity.player_rotation or vector.zero() entity.driver_attach_at = entity.driver_attach_at or vector.zero() entity.driver_eye_offset = entity.driver_eye_offset or vector.zero() entity.driver_scale = entity.driver_scale or {x = 1, y = 1} local rot_view = entity.player_rotation.y == 90 and math.pi/2 or 0 local attach_at = entity.driver_attach_at local eye_offset = entity.driver_eye_offset entity.driver = player force_detach(player) player:set_attach(entity.object, "", attach_at, entity.player_rotation) mcl_player.player_attached[player:get_player_name()] = true player:set_eye_offset(eye_offset, vector.zero()) player:set_properties({ visual_size = entity.driver_scale }) minetest.after(0.2, function(name) local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) if player then mcl_player.player_set_animation(player, "sit_mount" , 30) end end, player:get_player_name()) player:set_look_horizontal(entity.object:get_yaw() - rot_view) end function mcl_mobs.detach(player, offset) force_detach(player) mcl_player.player_set_animation(player, "stand" , 30) player:add_velocity(vector.new(math.random()*12-6,math.random()*3+5,math.random()*12-6)) --throw the rider off end function mcl_mobs.drive(entity, moving_anim, stand_anim, can_fly, dtime) local velo = entity.object:get_velocity() local v = math.sqrt(velo.x * velo.x + velo.y * velo.y) local acce_y = GRAVITY -- process controls if entity.driver then local ctrl = entity.driver:get_player_control() if ctrl.up then -- forward v = v + entity.accel * 0.1 * entity.run_velocity * 0.385 elseif ctrl.down then -- backwards if entity.max_speed_reverse == 0 and v == 0 then return end v = v - entity.accel * 0.1 * entity.run_velocity * 0.385 end entity:set_yaw(entity.driver:get_look_horizontal() - entity.rotate, 2) if can_fly then -- FIXME: use acce_y instead? -- fly up if ctrl.jump then velo.y = math.min(velo.y + 1, entity.accel) elseif velo.y > 0.1 then velo.y = velo.y - 0.1 elseif velo.y > 0 then velo.y = 0 end -- fly down if ctrl.sneak then velo.y = math.max(velo.y - 1, -entity.accel) elseif velo.y < -0.1 then velo.y = velo.y + 0.1 elseif velo.y < 0 then velo.y = 0 end else -- jump if ctrl.jump then if velo.y == 0 then velo.y = velo.y + entity.jump_height acce_y = acce_y + 1 end end end end if math.abs(v) < 0.02 then -- stop entity.object:set_velocity(vector.zero()) v = 0 else v = v - 0.02 * sign(v) -- slow down end -- if not moving then set animation and return if v == 0 and velo.x == 0 and velo.y == 0 and velo.z == 0 then if stand_anim then mcl_mobs:set_animation(entity, stand_anim) end return else if moving_anim then mcl_mobs:set_animation(entity, moving_anim) end end -- enforce speed limit forward and reverse v = math.max(-entity.max_speed_reverse, math.min(v, entity.max_speed_forward)) -- Set position, velocity and acceleration local p = entity.object:get_pos() p.y = p.y - 0.5 local ni = node_is(p) if ni == "air" then if can_fly then acce_y = acce_y - GRAVITY end elseif ni == "liquid" or ni == "lava" then if ni == "lava" and entity.lava_damage ~= 0 then entity.lava_counter = (entity.lava_counter or 0) + dtime if entity.lava_counter > 1 then minetest.sound_play("default_punch", { object = entity.object, max_hear_distance = 5 }, true) entity.object:punch(entity.object, 1.0, { full_punch_interval = 1.0, damage_groups = {fleshy = entity.lava_damage} }, nil) entity.lava_counter = 0 end end if entity.terrain_type == 2 or entity.terrain_type == 3 then acce_y = 0 p.y = p.y + 1 if node_is(p) == "liquid" then if velo.y >= 5 then velo.y = 5 elseif velo.y < 0 then acce_y = 20 else acce_y = 5 end else if math.abs(velo.y) < 1 then local pos = entity.object:get_pos() pos.y = math.floor(pos.y) + 0.5 entity.object:set_pos(pos) velo.y = 0 end end else v = v * 0.25 end end local rot_view = entity.player_rotation.y == 90 and math.pi/2 or 0 local new_yaw = entity.object:get_yaw() - rot_view local new_velo = vector.new(-math.sin(new_yaw) * v, velo.y, math.cos(new_yaw) * v) entity.object:set_velocity(new_velo) entity.object:set_acceleration(vector.new(0, acce_y, 0)) if enable_crash then if v >= crash_threshold then entity.object:punch(entity.object, 1.0, { full_punch_interval = 1.0, damage_groups = {fleshy = v} }, nil) end end end -- directional flying routine by D00Med (edited by TenPlus1) function mcl_mobs.fly(entity, dtime, speed, shoots, arrow, moving_anim, stand_anim) local ctrl = entity.driver:get_player_control() local velo = entity.object:get_velocity() local dir = entity.driver:get_look_dir() local yaw = entity.driver:get_look_horizontal() if ctrl.up then entity.object:set_velocity(vector.new(dir.x * speed, dir.y * speed + 2, dir.z * speed)) elseif ctrl.down then entity.object:set_velocity(vector.new(-dir.x * speed, dir.y * speed + 2, -dir.z * speed)) elseif not ctrl.down or ctrl.up or ctrl.jump then entity.object:set_velocity(vector.new(0, -2, 0)) end entity:set_yaw(yaw - entity.rotate, 2) -- firing arrows if ctrl.LMB and ctrl.sneak and shoots then local pos = entity.object:get_pos() local obj = minetest.add_entity(vector.offset(pos, dir.x * 2.5, 1.5 + dir.y, dir.z * 2.5), arrow) local ent = obj:get_luaentity() if ent then ent.switch = 1 -- for mob specific arrows ent.owner_id = tostring(entity.object) -- so arrows dont hurt entity you are riding local vec = vector.new(dir.x * 6, dir.y * 6, dir.z * 6) local yaw = entity.driver:get_look_horizontal() obj:set_yaw(yaw) obj:set_velocity(vec) else obj:remove() end end -- change animation if stopped if velo.x == 0 and velo.y == 0 and velo.z == 0 then if stand_anim then mcl_mobs:set_animation(entity, stand_anim) end else if moving_anim then mcl_mobs:set_animation(entity, moving_anim) end end end mcl_mobs.mob_class.drive = mcl_mobs.drive mcl_mobs.mob_class.fly = mcl_mobs.fly mcl_mobs.mob_class.attach = mcl_mobs.attach function mob_class:on_detach_child(child) if self.detach_child and self.detach_child(self, child) then return end if self.driver == child then self.driver = nil end end