local math, tonumber, vector, minetest, mcl_mobs = math, tonumber, vector, minetest, mcl_mobs local mob_class = mcl_mobs.mob_class local validate_vector = mcl_util.validate_vector local active_particlespawners = {} local disable_blood = minetest.settings:get_bool("mobs_disable_blood") local DEFAULT_FALL_SPEED = -9.81*1.5 local PI = math.pi local TWOPI = math.pi * 2 local PI_HALF = math.pi * 0.5 -- 90 degrees local MAX_PITCH = math.pi * 0.45 -- about 80 degrees local MAX_YAW = math.pi * 0.66 -- about 120 degrees local PATHFINDING = "gowp" local player_transfer_distance = tonumber(minetest.settings:get("player_transfer_distance")) or 128 if player_transfer_distance == 0 then player_transfer_distance = math.huge end -- custom particle effects function mcl_mobs.effect(pos, amount, texture, min_size, max_size, radius, gravity, glow, go_down) radius = radius or 2 min_size = min_size or 0.5 max_size = max_size or 1 gravity = gravity or DEFAULT_FALL_SPEED glow = glow or 0 go_down = go_down or false local ym if go_down then ym = 0 else ym = -radius end minetest.add_particlespawner({ amount = amount, time = 0.25, minpos = pos, maxpos = pos, minvel = {x = -radius, y = ym, z = -radius}, maxvel = {x = radius, y = radius, z = radius}, minacc = {x = 0, y = gravity, z = 0}, maxacc = {x = 0, y = gravity, z = 0}, minexptime = 0.1, maxexptime = 1, minsize = min_size, maxsize = max_size, texture = texture, glow = glow, }) end function mcl_mobs.death_effect(pos, yaw, collisionbox, rotate) local min, max if collisionbox then min = {x=collisionbox[1], y=collisionbox[2], z=collisionbox[3]} max = {x=collisionbox[4], y=collisionbox[5], z=collisionbox[6]} else min = { x = -0.5, y = 0, z = -0.5 } max = { x = 0.5, y = 0.5, z = 0.5 } end if rotate then min = vector.rotate(min, {x=0, y=yaw, z=math.pi/2}) max = vector.rotate(max, {x=0, y=yaw, z=math.pi/2}) min, max = vector.sort(min, max) min = vector.multiply(min, 0.5) max = vector.multiply(max, 0.5) end minetest.add_particlespawner({ amount = 50, time = 0.001, minpos = vector.add(pos, min), maxpos = vector.add(pos, max), minvel = vector.new(-5,-5,-5), maxvel = vector.new(5,5,5), minexptime = 1.1, maxexptime = 1.5, minsize = 1, maxsize = 2, collisiondetection = false, vertical = false, texture = "mcl_particles_mob_death.png^[colorize:#000000:255", }) minetest.sound_play("mcl_mobs_mob_poof", { pos = pos, gain = 1.0, max_hear_distance = 8, }, true) end -- play sound function mob_class:mob_sound(soundname, is_opinion, fixed_pitch) local soundinfo if self.sounds_child and self.child then soundinfo = self.sounds_child elseif self.sounds then soundinfo = self.sounds end if not soundinfo then return end local sound = soundinfo[soundname] if sound then if is_opinion and self.opinion_sound_cooloff > 0 then return end local pitch if not fixed_pitch then local base_pitch = soundinfo.base_pitch if not base_pitch then base_pitch = 1 end if self.child and (not self.sounds_child) then -- Children have higher pitch pitch = base_pitch * 1.5 else pitch = base_pitch end -- randomize the pitch a bit pitch = pitch + math.random(-10, 10) * 0.005 end -- Should be 0.1 to 0.2 for mobs. Cow and zombie farms loud. At least have cool down. minetest.sound_play(sound, { object = self.object, gain = 1.0, max_hear_distance = self.sounds.distance, pitch = pitch, }, true) self.opinion_sound_cooloff = 1 end end function mob_class:step_opinion_sound(dtime) if self.state ~= "attack" and self.state ~= PATHFINDING then if self.opinion_sound_cooloff > 0 then self.opinion_sound_cooloff = self.opinion_sound_cooloff - dtime end -- mob plays random sound at times. Should be 120. Zombie and mob farms are ridiculous if math.random(1, 70) == 1 then self:mob_sound("random", true) end end end function mob_class:add_texture_mod(mod) local full_mod = "" local already_added = false for i=1, #self.texture_mods do if mod == self.texture_mods[i] then already_added = true end full_mod = full_mod .. self.texture_mods[i] end if not already_added then full_mod = full_mod .. mod table.insert(self.texture_mods, mod) end self.object:set_texture_mod(full_mod) end function mob_class:remove_texture_mod(mod) local full_mod = "" local remove = {} for i=1, #self.texture_mods do if self.texture_mods[i] ~= mod then full_mod = full_mod .. self.texture_mods[i] else table.insert(remove, i) end end for i=#remove, 1 do table.remove(self.texture_mods, remove[i]) end self.object:set_texture_mod(full_mod) end function mob_class:damage_effect(damage) -- damage particles if (not disable_blood) and damage > 0 then local amount_large = math.floor(damage / 2) local amount_small = damage % 2 local pos = self.object:get_pos() pos.y = pos.y + (self.collisionbox[5] - self.collisionbox[2]) * .5 local texture = "mobs_blood.png" -- full heart damage (one particle for each 2 HP damage) if amount_large > 0 then mcl_mobs.effect(pos, amount_large, texture, 2, 2, 1.75, 0, nil, true) end -- half heart damage (one additional particle if damage is an odd number) if amount_small > 0 then -- TODO: Use "half heart" mcl_mobs.effect(pos, amount_small, texture, 1, 1, 1.75, 0, nil, true) end end end function mob_class:remove_particlespawners(pn) if not active_particlespawners[pn] then return end if not active_particlespawners[pn][self.object] then return end for k,v in pairs(active_particlespawners[pn][self.object]) do minetest.delete_particlespawner(v) end end function mob_class:add_particlespawners(pn) if not active_particlespawners[pn] then active_particlespawners[pn] = {} end if not active_particlespawners[pn][self.object] then active_particlespawners[pn][self.object] = {} end for _,ps in pairs(self.particlespawners) do ps.attached = self.object ps.playername = pn table.insert(active_particlespawners[pn][self.object],minetest.add_particlespawner(ps)) end end function mob_class:check_particlespawners(dtime) if not self.particlespawners then return end --minetest.log(dump(active_particlespawners)) if self._particle_timer and self._particle_timer >= 1 then self._particle_timer = 0 local players = {} for _,player in pairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do local pn = player:get_player_name() table.insert(players,pn) if not active_particlespawners[pn] then active_particlespawners[pn] = {} end local dst = vector.distance(player:get_pos(),self.object:get_pos()) if dst < player_transfer_distance and not active_particlespawners[pn][self.object] then self:add_particlespawners(pn) elseif dst >= player_transfer_distance and active_particlespawners[pn][self.object] then self:remove_particlespawners(pn) end end elseif not self._particle_timer then self._particle_timer = 0 end self._particle_timer = self._particle_timer + dtime end -- set defined animation function mob_class:set_animation(anim, fixed_frame) if not self.animation or not anim then return end if self.jockey and self.object:get_attach() then anim = "jockey" elseif not self.object:get_attach() then self.jockey = nil end if self.state == "die" and anim ~= "die" and anim ~= "stand" then return end if self.fly and self:flight_check() and anim == "walk" then anim = "fly" end self._current_animation = self._current_animation or "" if (anim == self._current_animation or not self.animation[anim .. "_start"] or not self.animation[anim .. "_end"]) and self.state ~= "die" then return end self._current_animation = anim local a_start = self.animation[anim .. "_start"] local a_end if fixed_frame then a_end = a_start else a_end = self.animation[anim .. "_end"] end if a_start and a_end then self.object:set_animation({ x = a_start, y = a_end}, self.animation[anim .. "_speed"] or self.animation.speed_normal or 15, 0, self.animation[anim .. "_loop"] ~= false) end end -- above function exported for mount.lua function mcl_mobs:set_animation(self, anim) self:set_animation(anim) end local function who_are_you_looking_at (self, dtime) if self.order == "sleep" then self._locked_object = nil return end -- was 10000 - div by 12 for avg entities as outside loop local stop_look_at_player = math.random() * 833 <= self.curiosity if self.attack then self._locked_object = not self.target_time_lost and self.attack or nil elseif self.following then self._locked_object = self.following elseif self._locked_object then if stop_look_at_player then self._locked_object = nil end elseif not self._locked_object then if mcl_util.check_dtime_timer(self, dtime, "step_look_for_someone", 0.2) then local pos = self.object:get_pos() for _, obj in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 8)) do if obj:is_player() and vector.distance(pos, obj:get_pos()) < 4 then self._locked_object = obj break elseif obj:is_player() or (obj:get_luaentity() and self ~= obj:get_luaentity() and obj:get_luaentity().name == self.name) then -- For the wither this was 20/60=0.33, so probably need to rebalance and divide rates. -- but frequency of check isn't good as it is costly. Making others too infrequent requires testing -- was 5000 but called in loop based on entities. so div by 12 as estimate avg of entities found, -- then div by 20 as less freq lookup if math.random() * 150 <= self.curiosity then self._locked_object = obj break end end end end end end function mob_class:check_head_swivel(dtime) if not self.head_swivel or type(self.head_swivel) ~= "string" then return end who_are_you_looking_at(self, dtime) local newr, oldp, oldr = vector.zero(), nil, nil if self.object.get_bone_override then -- minetest >= 5.9 local ov = self.object:get_bone_override(self.head_swivel) oldp, oldr = ov.position.vec, ov.rotation.vec else -- minetest < 5.9 oldp, oldr = self.object:get_bone_position(self.head_swivel) oldr = vector.apply(oldr, math.rad) -- old API uses radians end local locked_object = self._locked_object if locked_object and (locked_object:is_player() or locked_object:get_luaentity()) and locked_object:get_hp() > 0 then local _locked_object_eye_height = (locked_object:is_player() and locked_object:get_properties().eye_height * 0.8) -- food in hands of player or (locked_object:get_luaentity() and locked_object:get_luaentity().head_eye_height) or 1.5 local self_rot = self.object:get_rotation() -- If a mob is attached, should we really be messing with what they are looking at? -- Should this be excluded? if self.object:get_attach() and self.object:get_attach():get_rotation() then self_rot = self.object:get_attach():get_rotation() end local ps = self.object:get_pos() ps.y = ps.y + self.head_eye_height -- why here, instead of below? * .7 local pt = locked_object:get_pos() pt.y = pt.y + _locked_object_eye_height local dir = vector.direction(ps, pt) -- is (pt-ps):normalize() local mob_yaw = math.atan2(dir.x, dir.z) local mob_pitch = -math.asin(dir.y) * (self.head_pitch_multiplier or 1) -- allow axis inversion mob_yaw = mob_yaw + self_rot.y -- to relative orientation while mob_yaw > PI do mob_yaw = mob_yaw - TWOPI end while mob_yaw < -PI do mob_yaw = mob_yaw + TWOPI end mob_yaw = mob_yaw * 0.8 -- lessen the effect so it become less staring local max_yaw = self.head_max_yaw or MAX_YAW mob_yaw = (mob_yaw < -max_yaw and -max_yaw) or (mob_yaw < max_yaw and mob_yaw) or max_yaw -- avoid twisting the neck mob_pitch = mob_pitch * 0.8 -- make it less obvious that this is computed local max_pitch = self.head_max_pitch or MAX_PITCH mob_pitch = (mob_pitch < -max_pitch and -max_pitch) or (mob_pitch < max_pitch and mob_pitch) or max_pitch local smoothing = (self.state == "attack" and self.attack and 0.25) or 0.05 local old_pitch = oldr.x local old_yaw = (self.head_yaw == "y" and oldr.y or -oldr.z) - self.head_yaw_offset -- to -pi:+pi range, so we rotate over 0 when interpolating: while old_yaw > PI do old_yaw = old_yaw - TWOPI end while old_yaw < -PI do old_yaw = old_yaw + TWOPI end mob_pitch, mob_yaw = (mob_pitch-old_pitch)*smoothing+old_pitch, (mob_yaw-old_yaw)*smoothing+old_yaw -- apply the yaw to the mob mob_yaw = mob_yaw + self.head_yaw_offset if self.head_yaw == "y" then newr = vector.new(mob_pitch, mob_yaw, 0) elseif self.head_yaw == "z" then newr = vector.new(mob_pitch, 0, -mob_yaw) -- z yaw is opposite direction end elseif math.abs(oldr.x) + math.abs(oldr.y) + math.abs(oldr.z) > 0.05 then newr = vector.multiply(oldr, 0.9) -- smooth stop looking end -- 0.02 is about 1.14 degrees tolerance, to update less often if math.abs(oldr.x-newr.x) + math.abs(oldr.y-newr.y) + math.abs(oldr.z-newr.z) < 0.02 and vector.equals(oldp, vector.zero()) then return end if self.object.get_bone_override then -- minetest >= 5.9 self.object:set_bone_override(self.head_swivel, { position = { vec = self.head_bone_position, absolute = true }, rotation = { vec = newr, absolute = true, interpolation = 0.1 } }) else -- minetest < 5.9 -- old API uses degrees not radians and absolute positions self.object:set_bone_position(self.head_swivel, self.head_bone_position, vector.apply(newr, math.deg)) end end function mob_class:set_animation_speed() local v = self.object:get_velocity() if v then if self.frame_speed_multiplier then local v2 = math.abs(v.x)+math.abs(v.z)*.833 if not self.animation.walk_speed then self.animation.walk_speed = 25 end if math.abs(v.x)+math.abs(v.z) > 0.5 then self.object:set_animation_frame_speed((v2/math.max(1,self.run_velocity))*self.animation.walk_speed*self.frame_speed_multiplier) else self.object:set_animation_frame_speed(25) end end --set_speed if validate_vector(self.acc) then self.object:add_velocity(self.acc) end end end minetest.register_on_leaveplayer(function(player) local pn = player:get_player_name() if not active_particlespawners[pn] then return end for _,m in pairs(active_particlespawners[pn]) do for k,v in pairs(m) do minetest.delete_particlespawner(v) end end active_particlespawners[pn] = nil end)