local modname = minetest.get_current_modname() local modpath = minetest.get_modpath(modname) local mod = mcl_minecarts local S = minetest.get_translator(modname) local mcl_log = mcl_util.make_mcl_logger("mcl_logging_minecarts", "Minecarts") -- Imports local CART_BLOCK_SIZE = mod.CART_BLOCK_SIZE local table_merge = mcl_util.table_merge local get_cart_data = mod.get_cart_data local save_cart_data = mod.save_cart_data local update_cart_data = mod.update_cart_data local destroy_cart_data = mod.destroy_cart_data local find_carts_by_block_map = mod.find_carts_by_block_map local do_movement,do_detached_movement,handle_cart_enter = dofile(modpath.."/movement.lua") assert(do_movement) assert(do_detached_movement) assert(handle_cart_enter) -- Constants local max_step_distance = 0.5 local MINECART_MAX_HP = 4 local function detach_driver(self) local staticdata = self._staticdata if not self._driver then return end -- Update player infomation local driver_name = self._driver local playerinfo = mcl_playerinfo[driver_name] if playerinfo then playerinfo.attached_to = nil end mcl_player.player_attached[driver_name] = nil minetest.log("action", driver_name.." left a minecart") -- Update cart informatino self._driver = nil self._start_pos = nil -- Detatch the player object from the minecart local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(driver_name) if player then local dir = staticdata.dir or vector.new(1,0,0) local cart_pos = mod.get_cart_position(staticdata) or self.object:get_pos() local new_pos = vector.offset(cart_pos, -dir.z, 0, dir.x) player:set_detach() print("placing player at "..tostring(new_pos).." from cart at "..tostring(cart_pos)..", old_pos="..tostring(player:get_pos()).."dir="..tostring(dir)) -- There needs to be a delay here or the player's position won't update minetest.after(0.1,function(driver_name,new_pos) local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(driver_name) player:moveto(new_pos, false) end, driver_name, new_pos) player:set_eye_offset(vector.new(0,0,0),vector.new(0,0,0)) mcl_player.player_set_animation(player, "stand" , 30) else print("No player object found for "..driver_name) end end -- Table for item-to-entity mapping. Keys: itemstring, Values: Corresponding entity ID local entity_mapping = {} local function make_staticdata( _, connected_at, dir ) return { connected_at = connected_at, distance = 0, velocity = 0, dir = vector.new(dir), mass = 1, seq = 1, } end local DEFAULT_CART_DEF = { initial_properties = { physical = true, collisionbox = {-10/16., -0.5, -10/16, 10/16, 0.25, 10/16}, visual = "mesh", visual_size = {x=1, y=1}, }, hp_max = MINECART_MAX_HP, groups = { minecart = 1, }, _driver = nil, -- player who sits in and controls the minecart (only for minecart!) _passenger = nil, -- for mobs _start_pos = nil, -- Used to calculate distance for “On A Rail” achievement _last_float_check = nil, -- timestamp of last time the cart was checked to be still on a rail _boomtimer = nil, -- how many seconds are left before exploding _blinktimer = nil, -- how many seconds are left before TNT blinking _blink = false, -- is TNT blink texture active? _old_pos = nil, _staticdata = nil, } function DEFAULT_CART_DEF:on_activate(staticdata, dtime_s) -- Transfer older data local data = minetest.deserialize(staticdata) or {} if not data.uuid then data.uuid = mcl_util.assign_uuid(self.object) end self._seq = data.seq or 1 local cd = get_cart_data(data.uuid) if not cd then update_cart_data(data) else if not cd.seq then cd.seq = 1 end data = cd end -- Fix up types data.dir = vector.new(data.dir) -- Fix mass data.mass = data.mass or 1 -- Make sure all carts have an ID to isolate them self._uuid = data.uuid self._staticdata = data -- Activate cart if on powered activator rail if self.on_activate_by_rail then local pos = self.object:get_pos() local node = minetest.get_node(vector.floor(pos)) if node.name == "mcl_minecarts:activator_rail_on" then self:on_activate_by_rail() end end end function DEFAULT_CART_DEF:get_staticdata() save_cart_data(self._staticdata.uuid) return minetest.serialize({uuid = self._staticdata.uuid, seq=self._seq}) end function DEFAULT_CART_DEF:add_node_watch(pos) local staticdata = self._staticdata local watches = staticdata.node_watches or {} for _,watch in ipairs(watches) do if watch == pos then return end end watches[#watches+1] = pos staticdata.node_watches = watches end function DEFAULT_CART_DEF:remove_node_watch(pos) local staticdata = self._staticdata local watches = staticdata.node_watches or {} local new_watches = {} for _,node_pos in ipairs(watches) do if node_pos ~= pos then new_watches[#new_watches] = node_pos end end staticdata.node_watches = new_watches end function DEFAULT_CART_DEF:get_cart_position() local staticdata = self._staticdata if staticdata.connected_at then return staticdata.connected_at + staticdata.dir * staticdata.distance else return self.object:get_pos() end end function DEFAULT_CART_DEF:on_step(dtime) local staticdata = self._staticdata if not staticdata then staticdata = make_staticdata() self._staticdata = staticdata end -- Update entity position local pos = mod.get_cart_position(staticdata) if pos then self.object:move_to(pos) end -- Repair cart_type if not staticdata.cart_type then staticdata.cart_type = self.name end -- Remove superceded entities if self._seq ~= staticdata.seq then print("removing cart #"..staticdata.uuid.." with sequence number mismatch") self.object:remove() return end -- Regen local hp = self.object:get_hp() local time_now = minetest.get_gametime() if hp < MINECART_MAX_HP and (staticdata.last_regen or 0) <= time_now - 1 then staticdata.last_regen = time_now hp = hp + 1 self.object:set_hp(hp) end -- Cart specific behaviors local hook = self._mcl_minecarts_on_step if hook then hook(self,dtime) end if (staticdata.hopper_delay or 0) > 0 then staticdata.hopper_delay = staticdata.hopper_delay - dtime end -- Controls local ctrl, player = nil, nil if self._driver then player = minetest.get_player_by_name(self._driver) if player then ctrl = player:get_player_control() -- player detach if ctrl.sneak then detach_driver(self) return end -- Experimental controls local now_time = minetest.get_gametime() local controls = {} if ctrl.up then controls.forward = now_time end if ctrl.down then controls.brake = now_time end staticdata.controls = controls end -- Give achievement when player reached a distance of 1000 nodes from the start position if vector.distance(self._start_pos, pos) >= 1000 then awards.unlock(self._driver, "mcl:onARail") end end if not staticdata.connected_at then do_detached_movement(self, dtime) end mod.update_cart_orientation(self) end local function kill_cart(staticdata) local pos minetest.log("action", "cart #"..staticdata.uuid.." was killed") -- Leave nodes if staticdata.attached_at then handle_cart_leave(self, staticdata.attached_at, staticdata.dir ) else mcl_log("TODO: handle detatched minecart death") end -- Handle entity-related items local le = mcl_util.get_luaentity_from_uuid(staticdata.uuid) if le then pos = le.object:get_pos() detach_driver(le) -- Detach passenger if le._passenger then local mob = le._passenger.object mob:set_detach() end else pos = mod.get_cart_position(staticdata) end -- Drop items if not staticdata.dropped then local entity_def = minetest.registered_entities[staticdata.cart_type] if entity_def then local drop = entity_def.drop for d=1, #drop do minetest.add_item(pos, drop[d]) end -- Prevent item duplication staticdata.dropped = true end end -- Remove data destroy_cart_data(staticdata.uuid) end function DEFAULT_CART_DEF:on_death(killer) kill_cart(self._staticdata) end -- Place a minecart at pointed_thing function mcl_minecarts.place_minecart(itemstack, pointed_thing, placer) if not pointed_thing.type == "node" then return end local spawn_pos = pointed_thing.above local cart_dir = vector.new(1,0,0) local railpos, node if mcl_minecarts:is_rail(pointed_thing.under) then railpos = pointed_thing.under elseif mcl_minecarts:is_rail(pointed_thing.above) then railpos = pointed_thing.above end if railpos then spawn_pos = railpos node = minetest.get_node(railpos) cart_dir = mcl_minecarts:get_rail_direction(railpos, vector.new(1,0,0)) end local entity_id = entity_mapping[itemstack:get_name()] -- Setup cart data local uuid = mcl_util.gen_uuid() data = make_staticdata( nil, railpos, cart_dir ) data.uuid = uuid data.cart_type = entity_id update_cart_data(data) save_cart_data(uuid) -- Create the entity with the staticdata already setup local sd = minetest.serialize({ uuid=uuid, seq=1 }) local cart = minetest.add_entity(spawn_pos, entity_id, sd) cart:set_yaw(minetest.dir_to_yaw(cart_dir)) -- Update static data local le = cart:get_luaentity() if le then le._staticdata = data end -- Call placer if le._mcl_minecarts_on_place then le._mcl_minecarts_on_place(le, placer) end if railpos then handle_cart_enter(data, railpos) end local pname = "" if placer then pname = placer:get_player_name() end if not minetest.is_creative_enabled(pname) then itemstack:take_item() end return itemstack end local function dropper_place_minecart(dropitem, pos) -- Don't try to place the minecart if pos isn't a rail local node = minetest.get_node(pos) if minetest.get_item_group(node.name, "rail") == 0 then return false end mcl_minecarts.place_minecart(dropitem, { above = pos, under = vector.offset(pos,0,-1,0) }) return true end local function register_minecart_craftitem(itemstring, def) local groups = { minecart = 1, transport = 1 } if def.creative == false then groups.not_in_creative_inventory = 1 end local item_def = { stack_max = 1, _mcl_dropper_on_drop = dropper_place_minecart, on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) if not pointed_thing.type == "node" then return end -- Call on_rightclick if the pointed node defines it local node = minetest.get_node(pointed_thing.under) if placer and not placer:get_player_control().sneak then if minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] and minetest.registered_nodes[node.name].on_rightclick then return minetest.registered_nodes[node.name].on_rightclick(pointed_thing.under, node, placer, itemstack) or itemstack end end return mcl_minecarts.place_minecart(itemstack, pointed_thing, placer) end, _on_dispense = function(stack, pos, droppos, dropnode, dropdir) -- Place minecart as entity on rail. If there's no rail, just drop it. local placed if minetest.get_item_group(dropnode.name, "rail") ~= 0 then -- FIXME: This places minecarts even if the spot is already occupied local pointed_thing = { under = droppos, above = vector.new( droppos.x, droppos.y+1, droppos.z ) } placed = mcl_minecarts.place_minecart(stack, pointed_thing) end if placed == nil then -- Drop item minetest.add_item(droppos, stack) end end, groups = groups, } item_def.description = def.description item_def._tt_help = def.tt_help item_def._doc_items_longdesc = def.longdesc item_def._doc_items_usagehelp = def.usagehelp item_def.inventory_image = def.icon item_def.wield_image = def.icon minetest.register_craftitem(itemstring, item_def) end --[[ Register a minecart * itemstring: Itemstring of minecart item * entity_id: ID of minecart entity * description: Item name / description * longdesc: Long help text * usagehelp: Usage help text * mesh: Minecart mesh * textures: Minecart textures table * icon: Item icon * drop: Dropped items after destroying minecart * on_rightclick: Called after rightclick * on_activate_by_rail: Called when above activator rail * creative: If false, don't show in Creative Inventory ]] function mcl_minecarts.register_minecart(def) assert( def.drop, "def.drop is required parameter" ) assert( def.itemstring, "def.itemstring is required parameter" ) local entity_id = def.entity_id; def.entity_id = nil local craft = def.craft; def.craft = nil local itemstring = def.itemstring; def.itemstring = nil -- Build cart definition local cart = table.copy(DEFAULT_CART_DEF) table_merge(cart, def) minetest.register_entity(entity_id, cart) -- Register item to entity mapping entity_mapping[itemstring] = entity_id register_minecart_craftitem(itemstring, def) if minetest.get_modpath("doc_identifier") then doc.sub.identifier.register_object(entity_id, "craftitems", itemstring) end if craft then minetest.register_craft(craft) end end local register_minecart = mcl_minecarts.register_minecart dofile(modpath.."/carts/minecart.lua") dofile(modpath.."/carts/with_chest.lua") dofile(modpath.."/carts/with_commandblock.lua") dofile(modpath.."/carts/with_hopper.lua") dofile(modpath.."/carts/with_furnace.lua") dofile(modpath.."/carts/with_tnt.lua") if minetest.get_modpath("mcl_wip") then mcl_wip.register_wip_item("mcl_minecarts:chest_minecart") mcl_wip.register_wip_item("mcl_minecarts:furnace_minecart") mcl_wip.register_wip_item("mcl_minecarts:command_block_minecart") end local function respawn_cart(cart) local cart_type = cart.cart_type or "mcl_minecarts:minecart" local pos = mod.get_cart_position(cart) local players = minetest.get_connected_players() local distance = nil for _,player in pairs(players) do local d = vector.distance(player:get_pos(), pos) if not distance or d < distance then distance = d end end if not distance or distance > 90 then return end print("Respawning cart #"..cart.uuid.." at "..tostring(pos)..",distance="..distance..",node="..minetest.get_node(pos).name) -- Update sequence so that old cart entities get removed cart.seq = (cart.seq or 1) + 1 save_cart_data(cart.uuid) -- Create the new entity and refresh caches local sd = minetest.serialize({ uuid=cart.uuid, seq=cart.seq }) local entity = minetest.add_entity(pos, cart_type, sd) local le = entity:get_luaentity() le._staticdata = cart mcl_util.assign_uuid(entity) -- We intentionally don't call the normal hooks because this minecart was already there end -- Try to respawn cart entities for carts that have moved into range of a player local function try_respawn_carts() -- Build a map of blocks near players local block_map = {} local players = minetest.get_connected_players() for _,player in pairs(players) do local pos = player:get_pos() local min = vector.floor(vector.divide(vector.offset(pos,-CART_BLOCK_SIZE,-CART_BLOCK_SIZE,-CART_BLOCK_SIZE), CART_BLOCK_SIZE)) local max = vector.floor(vector.divide(vector.offset(pos, CART_BLOCK_SIZE, CART_BLOCK_SIZE, CART_BLOCK_SIZE), CART_BLOCK_SIZE)) + vector.new(1,1,1) for z = min.z,max.z do for y = min.y,max.y do for x = min.x,max.x do block_map[ vector.to_string(vector.new(x,y,z)) ] = true end end end end -- Find all cart data that are in these blocks local carts = find_carts_by_block_map(block_map) -- Check to see if any of these don't have an entity for _,cart in pairs(carts) do local le = mcl_util.get_luaentity_from_uuid(cart.uuid) if not le then respawn_cart(cart) end end end local timer = 0 minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) timer = timer - dtime if timer <= 0 then local start_time = minetest.get_us_time() try_respawn_carts() local stop_time = minetest.get_us_time() local duration = (stop_time - start_time) / 1e6 timer = duration / 250e-6 -- Schedule 50us per second if timer > 5 then timer = 5 end --print("Took "..tostring(duration).." seconds, rescheduling for "..tostring(timer).." seconds in the future") end -- Handle periodically updating out-of-range carts -- TODO: change how often cart positions are updated based on velocity for uuid,staticdata in mod.carts() do local pos = mod.get_cart_position(staticdata) local le = mcl_util.get_luaentity_from_uuid(staticdata.uuid) --[[ print("cart# "..uuid.. ",velocity="..tostring(staticdata.velocity).. ",pos="..tostring(pos).. ",le="..tostring(le).. ",connected_at="..tostring(staticdata.connected_at) )]] --- Non-entity code if staticdata.connected_at then do_movement(staticdata, dtime) -- TODO: move this into mcl_core:cactus _mcl_minecarts_on_enter_side -- Drop minecart if it collides with a cactus node local pos = mod.get_cart_position(staticdata) if pos then local r = 0.6 for _, node_pos in pairs({{r, 0}, {0, r}, {-r, 0}, {0, -r}}) do if minetest.get_node(vector.offset(pos, node_pos[1], 0, node_pos[2])).name == "mcl_core:cactus" then kill_cart(staticdata) local le = mcl_util.get_luaentity_from_uuid(staticdata.uuid) if le then le:on_death() le.object:remove() else kill_cart(staticdata) end return end end end end end end)