kno10 972185907f Better map colors (+ tools) ()
Reviewed-by: the-real-herowl <>
Co-authored-by: kno10 <>
Co-committed-by: kno10 <>
2024-12-07 16:42:51 +01:00

408 lines
14 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys, os.path, getopt, re, json
from pyparsing import CharsNotIn, Suppress, infix_notation, opAssoc, ZeroOrMore
from PIL import Image, ImageColor, ImageChops, ImageEnhance, ImageMath # aka "pillow"
# Instructions for generating a colors.txt file for custom games and/or mods:
# 1) Add the dumpnodes mod to a Minetest world with the chosen game and mods enabled.
# 2) Join ingame and run the /dumpnodes chat command.
# 3) Run this script and poin it to the installation path of the game using -g,
# the path(s) where mods are stored using -m and the nodes.txt in your world folder.
# Example command line:
# python3 \
# --game /usr/share/minetest/games/minetest_game \
# --mods ~/.minetest/mods \
# --mods /usr/share/minetest/textures \
# ~/.minetest/worlds/my_world/nodes.txt
# 4) Copy the resulting colors.txt file to your world folder or to any other places
# and use it with minetestmapper's --colors option.
# 5) Copy the resulting colors.json file to the mcl_maps mod
# adjust water transparency, primarily for minetestmapper
def adjust_water_transparency(cs):
if isinstance(cs[0], int):
return (cs[0],cs[1],cs[2], 224, 128)
return [(x[0],x[1],x[2], 224, 128) for x in cs]
def strip_alpha(cs):
if isinstance(cs[0], int):
return (cs[0],cs[1],cs[2])
return [(x[0],x[1],x[2]) for x in cs]
# called with nodename, colors
REPLACEMENTS = [(re.compile(pat),rule) for pat,rule in [
# Nicer colors for water and lava
(r'^(default|mclx?_core):river_water_(flowing|source)$', (36, 67, 130, 224, 128)),
(r'^(default|mclx?_core):water_(flowing|source)$', adjust_water_transparency), # was (36, 67, 130, 224, 128)),
(r'^(default|mcl_core):lava_(flowing|source)$', (230, 90, 0)),
# Transparency for glass nodes and panes
(r'^default:.*glass$', lambda c: (c[0], c[1], c[2], 64, 16)),
(r'^doors:.*glass[^ ]*$', lambda c: (c[0], c[1], c[2], 64, 16)),
(r'^mcl_core:.*glass[^ ]*$', lambda c: (c[0], c[1], c[2], 64, 16)),
(r'^xpanes:.*(pane|bar)', lambda c: (c[0], c[1], c[2], 64, 16)),
(r'^mcl_core:.*leaves(_orphan)?$', strip_alpha), # no alpha
(r'^mcl_core:.*ice(?:_\d+)?$', lambda c: (c[0], c[1], c[2])), # no alpha
(r'^mcl_core:snow$', lambda c: (c[0], c[1], c[2], 223, 31)), # almost no alpha
(r'^mcl_bamboo:bamboo(_endcap)?$', lambda c: (c[0], c[1], c[2], 32)), # much more alpha
def usage():
print("Usage: [options] [input file]")
print("If not specified the input file defaults to ./nodes.txt")
print("The output will be written as ./colors.txt for minetestmapper")
print("and as ./colors.json for the mcl_maps module")
print(" -g / --game <folder>\t\tSet path to the game (for textures), required")
print(" -m / --mods <folder>\t\tAdd search path for mod textures")
############ Reduce an input texture to an average color.
def average_color(name, inp, color2):
data = inp.load()
c, w = [0, 0, 0], 0
for y in range(inp.size[0]):
for x in range(inp.size[1]):
px = data[y, x]
a = px[3] / 255
if a == 0: continue
c[0] = c[0] + px[0] * a
c[1] = c[1] + px[1] * a
c[2] = c[2] + px[2] * a
w = w + a
if w == 0:
print(f"Texture all transparent: {name}", file=sys.stderr)
return None
c0, c1, c2 = c[0] / w, c[1] / w, c[2] / w
if color2: # param2 blending
c0, c1, c2 = c0 * color2[0] / 255., c1 * color2[1] / 255., c2 * color2[2] / 255.
# for alpha, find maximum alpha in chunks to account for complex textures
a = 0
for y2 in range(0,inp.size[0]-15,8):
for x2 in range(0,inp.size[1]-15,8):
a2 = 0
for y in range(y2, min(y2+16,inp.size[0])):
for x in range(x2, min(x2+16,inp.size[1])):
a2 = a2 + data[y,x][3]
a2 = a2 / 256
a = max(a, a2)
if a > 0 and a < 190:
return tuple(int(round(x)) for x in (c0, c1, c2, a))
return tuple(int(round(x)) for x in (c0, c1, c2))
_param2_cache = dict()
def get_param2_colors(filename):
if not filename: return None
cols = _param2_cache.get(filename)
if not cols and filename in textures:
inp =[filename]).convert('RGBA')
data = inp.load()
cols = []
for y in range(inp.size[1]):
for x in range(inp.size[0]):
col = data[x, y]
if col[3] == 0: break
assert len(cols) == x + y * inp.size[0]
cols.append((col[0], col[1], col[2])) # copy
_param2_cache[filename] = cols
return cols
def get_param2_color(filename, param2):
if not filename: return None
cols = get_param2_colors(filename)
return cols[param2] if cols else None
def apply_sed(line, exprs):
for expr in exprs:
if expr[0] == '/':
if not expr.endswith("/d"): raise ValueError()
if[1:-2], line):
return ''
elif expr[0] == 's':
expr = expr.split(expr[1])
if len(expr) != 4 or expr[3] != '': raise ValueError()
line = re.sub(expr[1], expr[2], line)
raise ValueError()
return line
# global texture cache
textures = {}
########################### Texture parser
# Pure image load
class Filename:
def __init__(self, tokens):
self.fn = tokens[0]
def gen(self, prev=None):
if not self.fn in textures:
raise FileNotFoundError(self.fn)
im =[self.fn]).convert('RGBA')
if not prev: return im
return prev
def pprint(self):
print("Load " + self.fn)
# Filter operations - todo: split them in the parser already?
class Filter:
_combinere = re.compile(r"(-?\d+),(-?\d+)=(.*)")
def __init__(self, tokens):
self.fname = tokens[0]
self.opts = tokens[1:]
def gen(self, prev=None):
# complex image loading filter, the most important one
if self.fname in ["combine"]:
assert prev is None
#print(self.fname, self.opts)
w, h = map(int, self.opts[0].split("x"))
im ="RGBA", (w,h), (255,255,0,0))
for blit in self.opts[1:]:
blit = Filter._combinere.match(blit).groups()
x, y, bfn = int(blit[0]), int(blit[1]), blit[2]
if not bfn in textures:
print("Skipping missing texture:", bfn, file=sys.stderr)
return im
t =[bfn]).convert('RGBA')
im.alpha_composite(t, dest=(x,y))
return im
elif self.fname == "transformFX":
return prev.transpose(Image.Transpose.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
elif self.fname == "transformFY":
return prev.transpose(Image.Transpose.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM)
elif self.fname == "transformR90":
return prev.transpose(Image.Transpose.ROTATE_90)
elif self.fname == "transformR180":
return prev.transpose(Image.Transpose.ROTATE_180)
elif self.fname == "transformR270":
return prev.transpose(Image.Transpose.ROTATE_270)
elif self.fname == "opacity":
#print(self.fname, self.opts)
f = int(self.opts[0]) / 255.
bands = prev.split()
bands[3].point(lambda x: x * f)
return Image.merge('RGBA', bands)
elif self.fname == "noalpha":
return prev
elif self.fname == "multiply":
#print(self.fname, self.opts)
col = ImageColor.getrgb(self.opts[0])
im ="RGB", prev.size, col)
bands = prev.split()
im = ImageChops.multiply(im, Image.merge('RGB', bands[:3]))
return im
elif self.fname == "brighten":
im ="RGB", prev.size, (255,255,255))
bands = prev.split()
im = Image.blend(im, Image.merge('RGB', bands[:3]), 0.5)
return im
elif self.fname == "hsl":
#print(self.fname, self.opts)
assert self.opts[0] == "0", "Color shifts are currently not implemented." ## TODO
assert len(self.opts) == 2, "Only saturation is currently supported." ## TODO
f = int(self.opts[1])
return ImageEnhance.Color(prev).enhance(f/100. + 1)
elif self.fname == "colorize":
# Needs testing.
# print(self.fname, self.opts, prev.size)
col = ImageColor.getrgb(self.opts[0])
if len(self.opts) == 1:
im ="RGB", prev.size, col)
mask = prev.getchannel("A")
mask.point(lambda x: 255 if x > 0 else 0)
return im
elif self.opts[1] == "alpha":
im ="RGB", prev.size, col)
return im
f = int(self.opts[1]) / 255.
im ="RGBA", prev.size, col)
mask = prev.getchannel("A")
mask.point(lambda x: 255 if x > 0 else 0)
im = Image.blend(prev, im, f)
assert im.has_transparency_data
return im
elif self.fname in ["resize"]:
#print(self.fname, self.opts)
w, h = map(int, self.opts[0].split("x"))
return prev.resize((w,h))
elif self.fname in ["mask"]:
#print(self.fname, self.opts)
# bitwise AND, very odd operation
mfn = self.opts[0]
if not mfn in textures:
print("Skipping missing texture:", mfn, file=sys.stderr)
return prev
m =[mfn]).convert('RGBA')
return Image.merge('RGBA', [ImageMath.unsafe_eval("a&b", a=a, b=b).convert("L") for a,b in zip(prev.split(), m.split())])
elif self.fname in ["lowpart"]:
#print(self.fname, self.opts)
f = int(self.opts[0]) / 100
t = int(prev.size[1] * f)
return prev.crop((0, t, prev.size[0], prev.size[1]))
elif self.fname in ["verticalframe"]:
#print(self.fname, self.opts)
vdiv, idx = int(self.opts[0]), int(self.opts[1])
h = prev.size[1] // vdiv
return prev.crop((0, h * idx, prev.size[0], h * (idx + 1)))
print("Texture filter", self.fname, *self.opts, "not implemented yet.", file=sys.stderr)
def pprint(self):
print(self.fname, *self.opts)
class Overlay:
def __init__(self, tokens):
self.overlays = tokens[0]
def gen(self, prev=None):
cur = prev
for o in self.overlays:
cur = o.gen(cur)
return cur
def pprint(self):
for o in self.overlays:
# not sure how we would define escapes for filenames with ^ : or backslash
filt = (Suppress("[") + CharsNotIn("^[():")("name") + ZeroOrMore(Suppress(":") + CharsNotIn("^[():")("opt*")))("filter*")
fname = CharsNotIn("^():\\")("filename*")
parser = infix_notation(filt ^ fname, lpar=Suppress('('), rpar=Suppress(')'),
op_list=[(Suppress("^"), 2, opAssoc.LEFT, Overlay)])
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hg:m:", ["help", "game=", "mods="])
except getopt.GetoptError as e:
if ('-h', '') in opts or ('--help', '') in opts:
input_file = "./nodes.txt"
output_file = "./colors.txt"
json_file = "./colors.json"
texturepaths = []
gamepath = next(o[1] for o in opts if o[0] in ('-g', '--game'))
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(gamepath, "mods")):
print(f"'{gamepath}' doesn't exist or does not contain a game.", file=sys.stderr)
except StopIteration:
print("No game path set but one is required. (see --help)", file=sys.stderr)
for o in opts:
if o[0] not in ('-m', '--mods'): continue
if not os.path.isdir(o[1]):
print(f"Given path '{o[1]}' does not exist.'", file=sys.stderr)
if len(args) > 2:
print("Too many arguments.", file=sys.stderr)
if len(args) > 0:
input_file = args[0]
if not os.path.exists(input_file) or os.path.isdir(input_file):
print(f"Input file '{input_file}' does not exist.", file=sys.stderr)
# Build a cache to locate textures
print(f"Collecting textures from {len(texturepaths)} path(s)... ", end="", flush=True)
for path in texturepaths:
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path):
for f in filenames:
if not f in textures:
textures[f] = os.path.join(dirpath, f)
print("done", len(textures), "files")
print("Processing nodes...")
cmap = dict()
fin = open(input_file, 'r')
for line in fin:
line = line.rstrip('\r\n')
if not line or line[0] == '#':
#fout.write(line + '\n')
line = line.split(" ")
node, tex = line[0], line[1]
if not tex or tex == "blank.png":
im = None
if "^" in tex or "[" in tex:
#print(node, tex)
im = parser.parse_string(tex)[0].gen()
#assert not "/" in node"/tmp/test",node+".png"))
elif tex not in textures:
print(f"skip {node} texture {tex} not found")
im =[tex]).convert("RGBA")
# TODO: full param2 support
color2 = None
if len(line) == 3 and line[2].startswith("#"):
color2 = ImageColor.getrgb(line[2])
elif len(line) > 3 and line[2].startswith("color"):
if line[3].startswith("[combine:16x2:0,0="): line[3] = line[3][len("[combine:16x2:0,0="):] # simple resize for colorwallmounted
tints = get_param2_colors(line[3])
if tints:
cmap[node] = [average_color(node+" "+tex, im, v) for v in tints]
print("Unsupported:", *line)
elif len(line) > 2:
print("Unsupported:", *line[2:])
color = average_color(node+" "+tex, im, color2)
cmap[node] = color
# fix some missing values, perform some substitutions
for node, color in sorted(cmap.items()):
# Try stripping off last _postfix
if not color: color = cmap.get(node.rsplit("_", 1)[0])
for pat, rule in REPLACEMENTS:
color = rule(color) if callable(rule) else rule
cmap[node] = color
cmap = dict((x,y) for x,y in sorted(cmap.items()) if y) # remove remaining null entries
n = 0
fout = open(output_file, 'w')
prefix = ""
for node, color in cmap.items():
if not prefix or not node.startswith(prefix):
prefix = node.split(":")[0] + ":"
fout.write("\n# " + prefix[:-1] + "\n")
if not isinstance(color[0], int): color = color[0] # param2 needs minetestmapper support first
color = " ".join(str(x) for x in color)
fout.write(f"{node} {color}\n")
n += 1
js = json.dumps(cmap, indent="\t", separators=(",",":\t"))
js = re.sub(r'\n\t*(?!["\t}])', " ", js) # partially undo indenting to make more compact
open(json_file, "w").write(js)
print(f"Done, {n} entries written.")