2025-01-03 11:56:04 +01:00

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670 B

# textdomain: mcl_totems
Totem of Undying=Tótem do eterno
A totem of undying is a rare artifact which may safe you from certain death.=Un tótem de eternidade é un artefacto raro que pode salvarte dunha morte segura.
The totem only works while you hold it in your hand. If you receive fatal damage, you are saved from death and you get a second chance with 1 HP. The totem is destroyed in the process, however.=O tótem só funciona mentres o tes na man. Se recibes danos mortais, sálvanos da morte e tes unha segunda oportunidade con 1 HP. Non obstante, o tótem destrúese no proceso.
Protects you from death while wielding it=Protéxete da morte mentres o esgrimes