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# textdomain: mesecons_commandblock
Command blocks are not enabled on this server=此服务器上未启用命令方块
Placement denied. You need the “maphack” privilege to place command blocks.=放置被拒绝。您需要“地图作弊”权限才能放置命令方块。
Command Block=命令方块
Executes server commands when powered by redstone power=在由红石能量驱动时执行服务器命令
Command blocks are mighty redstone components which are able to alter reality itself. In other words, they cause the server to execute server commands when they are supplied with redstone power.=命令方块是强大的红石元件,能够改变现实本身。换句话说,当有红石能量驱动时,它们会使服务器执行服务器命令。
Everyone can activate a command block and look at its commands, but not everyone can edit and place them.=每个人都可以激活命令方块并查看其命令,但不是每个人都能编辑和放置它们。
To view the commands in a command block, use it. To activate the command block, just supply it with redstone power. This will execute the commands once. To execute the commands again, turn the redstone power off and on again.=要查看命令方块中的命令,使用它即可。要激活命令方块,只需给它提供红石能量,这将使命令执行一次。要再次执行命令,需关闭再打开红石能量。
To be able to place a command block and change the commands, you need to be in Creative Mode and must have the “maphack” privilege. A new command block does not have any commands and does nothing. Use the command block (in Creative Mode!) to edit its commands. Read the help entry “Advanced usage > Server Commands” to understand how commands work. Each line contains a single command. You enter them like you would in the console, but without the leading slash. The commands will be executed from top to bottom.=要能够放置命令方块并更改其命令,您需要处于创造模式且必须拥有“地图作弊”权限。一个新的命令方块没有任何命令且不会执行任何操作。使用命令方块(在创造模式下!)来编辑其命令。阅读帮助条目“高级用法>服务器命令”以了解命令的工作原理。每行包含一个命令,您输入它们的方式就如同在控制台中输入一样,但不要输入开头的斜杠。命令将自上而下执行。
All commands will be executed on behalf of the player who placed the command block, as if the player typed in the commands. This player is said to be the “commander” of the block.=所有命令都将以放置命令方块的玩家的名义执行,就好像是该玩家输入了这些命令一样。这位玩家被称作该方块的“指挥官”。
Command blocks support placeholders, insert one of these placeholders and they will be replaced by some other text:=命令方块支持占位符,插入其中一个占位符,它们就会被其他文本替换:
• “@@c”: commander of this command block=• “@@c”:此命令方块的指挥官
• “@@n” or “@@p”: nearest player from the command block=• “@@n”或“@@p”:距离命令方块最近的玩家
• “@@f” farthest player from the command block=• “@@f”:距离命令方块最远的玩家
• “@@r”: random player currently in the world=
• “@@@@”: literal “@@” sign=• “@@@@”:字面意义的“@@”符号
Example 1:@n time 12000@nSets the game clock to 12:00=示例1:@n time 12000@n将游戏内时间设置为12:00
Example 2:@n give @@n mcl_core:apple 5@nGives the nearest player 5 apples=示例2:@n give @@n mcl_core:apple 5@n给距离最近的玩家5个苹果
##[ api.lua ]##
Error: The command “@1” does not exist; your command block has not been changed. Use the “help” chat command for a list of available commands.=错误:命令“@1”不存在;您的命令方块未被更改。使用“help”聊天命令来获取可用命令列表。
Error: The command “@1” does not exist; your command block has not been changed. Use the “help” chat command for a list of available commands. Hint: Try to remove the leading slash.=错误:命令“@1”不存在;您的命令方块未被更改。使用“help”聊天命令来获取可用命令列表。提示:尝试去掉开头的斜杠。
Error: You have insufficient privileges to use the command “@1” (missing privilege: @2)! The command block has not been changed.=错误:您没有足够权限使用命令“@1”(缺少权限:@2)!命令方块未被更改。
Error: No commander! Block must be replaced.=错误:无指挥官!必须替换该方块。
Commander: @1=指挥官:@1
No commands.=无命令。
Access denied. You need the “maphack” privilege to edit command blocks.=访问被拒绝。您需要“地图作弊”权限来编辑命令方块。
Editing the command block has failed! You can only change the command block in Creative Mode!=编辑命令方块失败!您只能在创造模式下更改命令方块!
Editing the command block has failed! The command block is gone.=编辑命令方块失败!命令方块不见了。