2024-12-31 02:39:28 +01:00

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# textdomain: mcl_minecarts
##[ carts/minecart.lua ]##
Sneak to dismount=
Vehicle for fast travel on rails=
Minecarts can be used for a quick transportion on rails.=Las vagonetas se pueden usar para transportarse rápido en los rieles.
Minecarts only ride on rails and always follow the tracks. At a T-junction with no straight way ahead, they turn left. The speed is affected by the rail type.=Las vagonetas solo viajan en rieles y siempre siguen las pistas. En un cruce en T sin camino recto, giran a la izquierda. La velocidad se ve afectada por el tipo de riel.
You can place the minecart on rails. Right-click it to enter it. Punch it to get it moving.=Puedes colocar el vagoneta en los rieles. Haga clic derecho para insertarlo. Golpea para que se mueva.
To obtain the minecart, punch it while holding down the sneak key.=Para obtener el vagoneta, golpéalo mientras mantienes presionada la tecla.
If it moves over a powered activator rail, you'll get ejected.=
##[ carts/with_chest.lua ]##
Minecart with Chest=Vagoneta con cofre
##[ carts/with_commandblock.lua ]##
Minecart with Command Block=Vagoneta con bloque de comandos
##[ carts/with_furnace.lua ]##
Minecart with Furnace=Vagoneta con horno
A minecart with furnace is a vehicle that travels on rails. It can propel itself with fuel.=
Place it on rails. If you give it some coal, the furnace will start burning for a long time and the minecart will be able to move itself. Punch it to get it moving.=
To obtain the minecart and furnace, punch them while holding down the sneak key.=
##[ carts/with_hopper.lua ]##
Minecart with Hopper=Vagoneta con tolva
##[ carts/with_tnt.lua ]##
Minecart with TNT=Vagoneta con dinamita
Can be ignited by tools or powered activator rail=
A minecart with TNT is an explosive vehicle that travels on rail.=
Place it on rails. Punch it to move it. The TNT is ignited with a flint and steel or when the minecart is on an powered activator rail.=
To obtain the minecart and TNT, punch them while holding down the sneak key. You can't do this if the TNT was ignited.=
##[ rails.lua ]##
Place them on the ground to build your railway, the rails will automatically connect to each other and will turn into curves, T-junctions, crossings and slopes as needed.=Colóquelos en el suelo para construir su ferrocarril, los rieles se conectarán automáticamente entre sí y se convertirán en curvas, uniones en T, cruces y pendientes según sea necesario.
New Rail=
Track for minecarts=
Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. Normal rails slightly slow down minecarts due to friction.=Los rieles se pueden usar para construir vías de transporte para vagonetas. Los rieles normales ralentizan ligeramente las vagonetas debido a la fricción.
Sloped Rail=
##[ rails/activator.lua ]##
Activator Rail=Raíl activador
Activates minecarts when powered=
Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. Activator rails are used to activate special minecarts.=Los rieles se pueden usar para construir vías de transporte para vagonetas. Los railes activador se utilizan para activar una vagoneta especial.
To make this rail activate minecarts, power it with redstone power and send a minecart over this piece of rail.=Para hacer que este riel active las vagonetas, enciéndelo con energía de redstone y envía una vagoneta sobre este pedazo de riel.
##[ rails/detector.lua ]##
Detector Rail=Raíl detector
Emits redstone power when a minecart is detected=
Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. A detector rail is able to detect a minecart above it and powers redstone mechanisms.=Los rieles se pueden usar para construir vías de transporte para vagonetas. Un raíl detector puede detectar una vagoneta sobre él y alimenta los mecanismos de redstone.
To detect a minecart and provide redstone power, connect it to redstone trails or redstone mechanisms and send any minecart over the rail.=Para detectar una vagoneta y proporcionar energía de redstone, conéctelo a los senderos de redstone o mecanismos de redstone y envíe cualquier vagoneta sobre el riel.
##[ rails/normal.lua ]##
##[ rails/powered.lua ]##
Powered Rail=Raíl propulsor
Speed up when powered, slow down when not powered=
Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. Powered rails are able to accelerate and brake minecarts.=Los rieles se pueden usar para construir vías de transporte para vagonetas. Los railes propulsores pueden acelerar y frenar las vagonetas.
Without redstone power, the rail will brake minecarts. To make this rail accelerate minecarts, power it with redstone power.=Sin energía de redstone, el riel frenará las vagonetas. Para hacer que este riel acelere las vagonetas, aliméntalo con redstone.