Images instead of ASCII diagrams in Book of Portals
This commit is contained in:
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ SOFTWARE.
* `nether_portal_ignite.ogg` is a derivative of "Flame Ignition" by hykenfreak (, used under CC BY 3.0. "Nether Portal ignite" is licensed under CC BY 3.0 by Treer.
### [Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)](
* `nether_book_`* (files starting with "nether_book"): Treer, 2019
* `nether_book_`* (files starting with "nether_book"): Treer, 2019-2020
* `nether_portal_ignition_failure.ogg`: Treer, 2019
* `nether_particle_anim`* (files starting with "nether_particle_anim"): Treer, 2019
@ -75,24 +75,12 @@ if nether.NETHER_REALM_ENABLED then
shape = nether.PortalShape_Traditional,
frame_node_name = "default:obsidian",
wormhole_node_color = 0, -- 0 is magenta
title = S("Nether Portal"),
book_of_portals_pagetext = S([[Construction requires 14 blocks of obsidian, which we found deep underground where water had solidified molten rock. The finished frame is four blocks wide, five blocks high, and stands vertically, like a doorway.
-- Warning: "Four per Em" spaces have been used to align the diagram in this text, rather
-- than ASCII spaces. If Minetest changes font this may need to be updated.
book_of_portals_pagetext = S([[ ──══♦♦♦◊ The Nether ◊♦♦♦══──
This opens to a truly hellish place, though for small mercies the air there is still breathable. There is an intriguing dimensional mismatch happening between this realm and ours, as after opening the second portal into it we observed that 10 strides taken in the Nether appear to be an equivalent of @1 in the natural world.
Requiring 14 blocks of obsidian, which we found deep underground where water had solidified molten rock. The frame must be constructed in the following fashion:
├─╢ ├─╢
├─╢ ├─╢ four blocks wide
├─╚═╤═╡─╢ five blocks high
└─┴─┴─┴─┘ Standing vertically, like a doorway
This opens to a truly hellish place, though for small mercies the air there is still breathable. There is an intriguing dimensional mismatch happening between this realm and ours, as after opening the second portal into it we observed that 10 strides taken in the Nether appear to be an equivalent of @1 in the natural world.
The expedition parties have found no diamonds or gold, and after an experienced search party failed to return from the trail of a missing expedition party, I must conclude this is a dangerous place.
]], 10 * nether.FASTTRAVEL_FACTOR),
The expedition parties have found no diamonds or gold, and after an experienced search party failed to return from the trail of a missing expedition party, I must conclude this is a dangerous place.]], 10 * nether.FASTTRAVEL_FACTOR),
is_within_realm = function(pos) -- return true if pos is inside the Nether
return pos.y < nether.DEPTH
@ -123,8 +123,10 @@ nether.PortalShape_Traditional = {
name = "Traditional",
size =, 5, 1), -- size of the portal, and not necessarily the size of the schematic,
-- which may clear area around the portal.
schematic_filename = nether.path .. "/schematics/nether_portal.mts",
is_horizontal = false, -- whether the wormhole is a vertical or horizontal surface
schematic_filename = nether.path .. "/schematics/nether_portal.mts",
is_horizontal = false, -- whether the wormhole is a vertical or horizontal surface
diagram_image_texture = "nether_book_diagram_traditional.png", -- The diagram to be shown in the Book of Portals
diagram_image_aspect = 2.11, -- gives the vertical size of the image when multiplied by the width
-- returns the coords for minetest.place_schematic() that will place the schematic on the anchorPos
get_schematicPos_from_anchorPos = function(anchorPos, orientation)
@ -271,8 +273,10 @@ nether.PortalShape_Circular = {
name = "Circular",
size =, 7, 1), -- size of the portal, and not necessarily the size of the schematic,
-- which may clear area around the portal.
schematic_filename = nether.path .. "/schematics/nether_portal_circular.mts",
is_horizontal = false, -- whether the wormhole is a vertical or horizontal surface
schematic_filename = nether.path .. "/schematics/nether_portal_circular.mts",
is_horizontal = false, -- whether the wormhole is a vertical or horizontal surface
diagram_image_texture = "nether_book_diagram_circular.png", -- The diagram to be shown in the Book of Portals
diagram_image_aspect = 1.62, -- gives the vertical size of the image when multiplied by the width
-- returns the coords for minetest.place_schematic() that will place the schematic on the anchorPos
get_schematicPos_from_anchorPos = function(anchorPos, orientation)
@ -401,8 +405,10 @@ nether.PortalShape_Platform = {
name = "Platform",
size =, 2, 5), -- size of the portal, and not necessarily the size of the schematic,
-- which may clear area around the portal.
schematic_filename = nether.path .. "/schematics/nether_portal_platform.mts",
is_horizontal = true, -- whether the wormhole is a vertical or horizontal surface
schematic_filename = nether.path .. "/schematics/nether_portal_platform.mts",
is_horizontal = true, -- whether the wormhole is a vertical or horizontal surface
diagram_image_texture = "nether_book_diagram_platform.png", -- The diagram to be shown in the Book of Portals
diagram_image_aspect = 0.65, -- gives the vertical size of the image when multiplied by the width
-- returns the coords for minetest.place_schematic() that will place the schematic on the anchorPos
get_schematicPos_from_anchorPos = function(anchorPos, orientation)
@ -1379,7 +1385,7 @@ function run_wormhole(timerPos, time_elapsed)
local function create_book(item_name, inventory_description, inventory_image, title, author, page1_text, page2_text)
local function create_book(item_name, inventory_description, inventory_image, title, author, chapters)
local display_book = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
local player_name = user:get_player_name()
@ -1388,15 +1394,55 @@ local function create_book(item_name, inventory_description, inventory_image, ti
local formspec =
"size[18,12.122]" ..
"label[3.1,0.5;" .. minetest.formspec_escape(title) .. "]" ..
"label[3.6,0.9;" .. author .. "]" ..
"label[3.6,0.9;" .. author .. "]"
"textarea[ 0.9,1.7;7.9,12.0;;" .. minetest.formspec_escape(page1_text) .. ";]" ..
"textarea[10.1,0.8;7.9,12.9;;" .. minetest.formspec_escape(page2_text) .. ";]" ..
local image_x_adj = -0.4
local image_width = 1.6
local image_padding = 0.06
for i, chapter in ipairs(chapters) do
local left = 0.9
local top = 1.7
local width = 7.9
local height = 12.0
local item_number = i
local items_on_page = math.floor(#chapters / 2)
if i > items_on_page then
-- page 2
left = 10.1
top = 0.8
height = 12.9
item_number = i - items_on_page
items_on_page = #chapters - items_on_page
local available_height = (height - top) / items_on_page
local y = top + (item_number - 1) * available_height
-- add chapter title
local title_height = 0
if chapter.title ~= nil then
title_height = 0.6
formspec = formspec .. "label[".. left + 1.5 .. ","
.. y .. "; ──══♦♦♦◊ " .. minetest.formspec_escape(chapter.title) .. " ◊♦♦♦══──]"
-- add chapter image
local x_offset = 0
if chapter.image ~= nil then
x_offset = image_width + image_x_adj + image_padding
formspec = formspec .. "image[" .. left + image_x_adj .. "," .. y + title_height .. ";" .. image_width .. ","
.. image_width * chapter.aspect .. ";" .. chapter.image .. "]"
-- add chapter text
formspec = formspec .. "textarea[" .. left + x_offset .. "," .. y + title_height .. ";" .. width - x_offset .. ","
.. available_height - title_height .. ";;" .. minetest.formspec_escape(chapter.text) .. ";]"
minetest.show_formspec(player_name, item_name, formspec)
@ -1438,14 +1484,14 @@ end
-- A book the player can read to lean how to build the different portals
local function create_book_of_portals()
local page1_text
local page2_text = ""
local chapters = {}
local intro_text
-- tell the player how many portal types there are
if nether.registered_portals_count == 1 then
page1_text = S("In all my travels, and time spent in the Great Libraries, I have encountered no shortage of legends surrounding preternatural doorways said to open into other worlds, yet only one can I confirm as being more than merely a story.")
intro_text = S("In all my travels, and time spent in the Great Libraries, I have encountered no shortage of legends surrounding preternatural doorways said to open into other worlds, yet only one can I confirm as being more than merely a story.")
page1_text = S("In all my travels, and time spent in the Great Libraries, I have encountered no shortage of legends surrounding preternatural doorways said to open into other worlds, yet only @1 can I confirm as being more than merely stories.", nether.registered_portals_count)
intro_text = S("In all my travels, and time spent in the Great Libraries, I have encountered no shortage of legends surrounding preternatural doorways said to open into other worlds, yet only @1 can I confirm as being more than merely stories.", nether.registered_portals_count)
-- tell the player how to ignite portals
@ -1453,27 +1499,31 @@ local function create_book_of_portals()
if ignition_item_name ~= nil and minetest.registered_items[ignition_item_name] ~= nil then
ignition_item_description = minetest.registered_items[ignition_item_name].description
page1_text = page1_text ..
S("\n\nThe key to opening such a doorway is to strike the frame with a @1, at which point the very air inside begins to crackle and glow.\n\n\n", string.lower(ignition_item_description))
intro_text = intro_text ..
S("\n\nThe key to opening such a doorway is to strike the frame with a @1, at which point the very air inside begins to crackle and glow.", string.lower(ignition_item_description))
chapters[#chapters + 1] = {text = intro_text}
-- Describe how to create each type of portal, or perhaps just give clues or flavor text,
-- but ensure the Nether is always listed first on the first page so other definitions can
-- refer to it (pairs() returns order based on a random hash).
local i = 1
local portalDefs_in_order = {}
if nether.registered_portals["nether_portal"] then
page1_text = page1_text .. nether.registered_portals["nether_portal"].book_of_portals_pagetext .. "\n\n\n"
i = i + 1
portalDefs_in_order[#portalDefs_in_order + 1] = nether.registered_portals["nether_portal"]
for portalName, portalDef in pairs(nether.registered_portals) do
if portalName ~= "nether_portal" then
if i <= nether.registered_portals_count / 2 then
page1_text = page1_text .. portalDef.book_of_portals_pagetext .. "\n\n\n"
page2_text = page2_text .. portalDef.book_of_portals_pagetext .. "\n\n\n"
i = i + 1
portalDefs_in_order[#portalDefs_in_order + 1] = portalDef
for _, portalDef in ipairs(portalDefs_in_order) do
chapters[#chapters + 1] = {
text = portalDef.book_of_portals_pagetext,
image = portalDef.shape.diagram_image_texture,
aspect = portalDef.shape.diagram_image_aspect,
title = portalDef.title
local previouslyRegistered = minetest.registered_items["nether:book_of_portals"] ~= nil
@ -1481,10 +1531,9 @@ local function create_book_of_portals()
S("Book of Portals"),
S("A treatise on Rifts and Portals"),
S("A definitive guide to Rifts and Portals"),
"Riccard F. Burton", -- perhaps a Richard F. Burton of an alternate universe
if not previouslyRegistered and nether.PORTAL_BOOK_LOOT_WEIGHTING > 0 and nether.registered_portals_count > 0 then
@ -1563,7 +1612,7 @@ function register_frame_node(frame_node_name)
extended_node_def.on_blast = function(pos, intensity)
if DEBUG then minetest.chat_send_all("portal frame material: blast") end
extinguish_portal(pos, frame_node_name, extended_node_def.replaced_by_portalapi.on_blast == nil)
if extended_node_def.replaced_by_portalapi.on_blast ~= nil then
if extended_node_def.replaced_by_portalapi.on_blast ~= nil then
extended_node_def.replaced_by_portalapi.on_blast(pos, intensity)
@ -1745,6 +1794,8 @@ end
-- The fallback defaults for registered portaldef tables
local portaldef_default = {
title = S("Untitled portal"),
book_of_portals_pagetext = S("We know almost nothing about this portal"),
shape = nether.PortalShape_Traditional,
wormhole_node_name = "nether:portal",
wormhole_node_color = 0,
@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ The portal system used to get to the Nether can be used to create portals
to other realms.
Pick a node type to have your portals built from, a shape in which the
portals must be built, and provide 3 functions for portals to find their
destination with:
portals must be built, and provide 3 functions for portals to find their
destination with:
* `find_realm_anchorPos(surface_anchorPos)`
* `find_surface_anchorPos(realm_anchorPos)`
* `is_within_realm(pos)`
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Optionally decorate by choosing portal colors, particles, media etc.
See `init.lua` and `portal_examples.lua` for examples of 3 different portals.
Portal code is more efficient when each type of portal uses a different type
of node to build its frame out of - consider creating your own node for
of node to build its frame out of - consider creating your own node for
players to build portals from. However it is possible to register more than
one kind of portal with the same frame material — such as obsidian — provided
the size of the PortalShape is distinct from any other type of portal that is
@ -24,15 +24,15 @@ using the same node for its frame, and portal sizes remain small.
Stone is not a good choice for portal frame nodes as the Minetest engine may
convert it into terrain nodes if the biome-pass occurs after the portal is
created. Similarly, avoid using nodes which may be replaced by ABMs or
created. Similarly, avoid using nodes which may be replaced by ABMs or
docoration functions without triggering the node's `on_destruct` handler.
This API uses the concept of a "realm" for each type of portal. If a portal is
outside its realm then it links to a portal inside the realm, if a portal is
This API uses the concept of a "realm" for each type of portal. If a portal is
outside its realm then it links to a portal inside the realm, if a portal is
inside its realm then it links to the outside.
You get to decide what consitutes your realm by implementing the function
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ any time a portal is opened it will use `find_surface_anchorPos()`.
Note that the name "find_surface_anchorPos" is a Nether-centric misnomer, as
different types of portals are free to use different definitions of a realm
such that leaving the realm might not be synonymous with travelling to the
such that leaving the realm might not be synonymous with travelling to the
@ -55,18 +55,18 @@ Helper functions
* `nether.volume_is_natural(minp, maxp)`: returns a boolean
* use this when determining where to spawn a portal, to avoid overwriting
player builds. It checks the area for any nodes that aren't ground or
* use this when determining where to spawn a portal, to avoid overwriting
player builds. It checks the area for any nodes that aren't ground or
Water will fail this test, unless it is unemerged.
* `nether.find_surface_target_y(target_x, target_z, portal_name)`: returns a
* `nether.find_surface_target_y(target_x, target_z, portal_name)`: returns a
suitable anchorPos
* Can be used when implementing custom find_surface_anchorPos() functions
* portal_name is optional, providing it allows existing portals on the
surface to be reused.
* `nether.find_nearest_working_portal(portal_name, anchorPos, distance_limit, y_factor)`: returns
* `nether.find_nearest_working_portal(portal_name, anchorPos, distance_limit, y_factor)`: returns
(anchorPos, orientation), or nil if no portal was found within the
* A y_factor of 0 means y does not affect the distance_limit, a y_factor
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ API functions
Call these functions only at load time:
* `nether.register_portal(name, portal_definition)`
* Returns true on success. Can return false if the portal definition
* Returns true on success. Can return false if the portal definition
clashes with a portal already registered by another mod, e.g. if the size
and frame node is not unique.
A false return value should be handled, you could:
@ -95,18 +95,18 @@ Call these functions only at load time:
* Unregisters the portal from the engine, and deletes the entry with key
`name` from `nether.registered_portals` and associated internal tables.
* Returns true on success
* You will probably never need to call this, it exists only for completeness.
* You will probably never need to call this, it exists only for completeness.
* `nether.register_portal_ignition_item(name, ignition_failure_sound)`
* ignition_failure_sound is optional, it plays any time an attempt to use
* ignition_failure_sound is optional, it plays any time an attempt to use
the item occurs if a portal is not ignited.
* `nether.register_wormhole_node(name, nodedef_overrides)`
* Can be used to register wormhole nodes with a different post_effect_color
from the "nether:portal" node. "Post effect color" is the tint the world
takes on when you are standing inside a portal. `post_effect_color` is the
takes on when you are standing inside a portal. `post_effect_color` is the
only key/value that is needed in the nodedef_overrides table to achieve that,
but the function allows any nodedef key/value to be specified/overridden.
* After `register_wormhole_node()`, invoke `register_portal()` and include
`wormhole_node_name` in the portal_definition, assigning it the name of the
* After `register_wormhole_node()`, invoke `register_portal()` and include
`wormhole_node_name` in the portal_definition, assigning it the name of the
new wormhole node.
@ -117,10 +117,10 @@ Used by `nether.register_portal`.
frame_node_name = "default:obsidian",
-- Required. For best results, have your portal constructed of a
-- Required. For best results, have your portal constructed of a
-- material nobody else is using.
shape = nether.PortalShape_Traditional,
shape = nether.PortalShape_Traditional,
-- Optional.
-- Shapes available are:
-- nether.PortalShape_Traditional (default)
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ Used by `nether.register_portal`.
wormhole_node_color = 0,
-- Optional. Defaults to 0/magenta.
-- A value from 0 to 7 corresponding to the color of pixels in
-- A value from 0 to 7 corresponding to the color of pixels in
-- nether_portals_palette.png:
-- 0 traditional/magenta
-- 1 black
@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ Used by `nether.register_portal`.
-- if not specified.
particle_texture = "image.png",
-- Optional. Hardware colouring (i.e. particle_color) is applied to
-- this texture, use particle_texture_colored instead if you want to
-- Optional. Hardware colouring (i.e. particle_color) is applied to
-- this texture, use particle_texture_colored instead if you want to
-- use the colors of the image.
-- Animation and particle scale may also be specified, e.g:
-- particle_texture = {
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ Used by `nether.register_portal`.
-- length = 1,
-- },
-- scale = 1.5
-- },
-- },
-- See lua_api.txt for Tile Animation definition
-- Some animated and non-animated textures are provided by this mod:
-- nether_particle.png (original)
@ -173,10 +173,23 @@ Used by `nether.register_portal`.
-- nether_particle_anim3.png (sparks)
-- nether_particle_anim4.png (particles)
title = "Gateway to Moria",
-- Optional. Provides a title for the portal.
-- Currently this title is only used by the Book of Portals.
book_of_portals_pagetext = "Everything I need the player to know",
-- Optional. Provides the text for the portal in the Book of Portals.
-- The Book of Portals is a book that can be found in chests, and
-- provides players with instructions on how to build and use the
-- portal, so be sure to mention the node type the frame must be built
-- from.
-- This can also provide flavortext or details about where the portal
-- will take the player.
sounds = {
ambient = <SimpleSoundSpec>,
-- if the ambient SimpleSoundSpec is a table it can also contain a
-- "length" int, which is the number of seconds to wait before
ambient = <SimpleSoundSpec>,
-- if the ambient SimpleSoundSpec is a table it can also contain a
-- "length" int, which is the number of seconds to wait before
-- repeating the ambient sound. Default is 3.
ignite = <SimpleSoundSpec>,
extinguish = <SimpleSoundSpec>,
@ -185,7 +198,7 @@ Used by `nether.register_portal`.
-- sounds is optional
within_realm = function(pos),
-- Required. Return true if a portal at pos is in the realm, rather
-- Required. Return true if a portal at pos is in the realm, rather
than the surface world.
find_realm_anchorPos = function(surface_anchorPos),
@ -207,7 +220,7 @@ Used by `nether.register_portal`.
-- are free to use different definitions of a realm such that leaving
-- the realm might not be synonymous with travelling to the surface.
-- If orientation is not specified then the orientation of the realm
-- portal will be used.
-- portal will be used.
-- If the location of an existing portal is returned then include the
-- orientation, otherwise the existing portal could be overwritten by
-- a new one with the orientation of the realm portal.
@ -75,22 +75,10 @@ if minetest.settings:get_bool("nether_enable_portal_example_floatlands", ENABLE_
scale = 1.5
book_of_portals_pagetext = S([[ ──══♦♦♦◊ The Floatlands ◊♦♦♦══──
title = S("Floatlands Portal"),
book_of_portals_pagetext = S([[Requiring 21 blocks of ice, and constructed in the shape of a 3 × 3 platform with walls, or like a bowl. A finished platform is 2 blocks high, and 5 blocks wide at the widest in both directions.
Requiring 21 blocks of ice, and constructed in the shape of a 3 × 3 platform with walls, or like a bowl:
┌─┼─┴─┴─┼─┐ Plan view (looking down from above)
├─┤ ├─┤
├─┤ ├─┤ five blocks wide
└─┼─┬─┬─┼─┘ in both directions
┌─┬─┬─┬─┬─┐ Side view (looking from either side)
└─┴─┴─┘ two blocks deep
This portal is different to the others, rather than acting akin to a doorway it appears to the eye more like a small pool of water which can be stepped into. Upon setting foot in the portal we found ourselves at a tremendous altitude.@1]],
This portal is different to the others, rather than acting akin to a doorway it appears to the eye more like a small pool of water which can be stepped into. Upon setting foot in the portal we found ourselves at a tremendous altitude.@1]],
is_within_realm = function(pos) -- return true if pos is inside the Nether
@ -129,22 +117,12 @@ if minetest.settings:get_bool("nether_enable_portal_example_surfacetravel", ENAB
shape = nether.PortalShape_Circular,
frame_node_name = "default:tinblock",
wormhole_node_color = 4, -- 4 is cyan
book_of_portals_pagetext = S([[ ──══♦♦♦◊ Surface portal ◊♦♦♦══──
title = S("Surface Portal"),
book_of_portals_pagetext = S([[Requiring 16 blocks of tin and constructed in a circular fashion, a finished frame is seven blocks wide, seven blocks high, and stands vertically like a doorway.
Requiring 16 blocks of tin, the frame must be constructed in the following fashion:
These travel a distance along the ground, and even when constructed deep underground will link back up to the surface. They appear to favor a strange direction, with the exit portal linking back only for as long as the portal stays open — attempting to reopen a portal from the exit doorway leads to a new destination along this favored direction. It has stymied our ability to study the behavior of these portals because without constructing dual portals and keeping both open it's hard to step through more than one and still be able to return home.
┌═┼─┘ └─┼═╗
├─╢ ├─╢
├─╢ ├─╢ seven blocks wide
└─╚═╗ ┌═╡─┘ seven blocks high
└─╚═╤═╤═┼─┘ in a circular shape
└─┴─┴─┘ standing vertically, like a doorway
These travel a distance along the ground, and even when constructed deep underground will link back up to the surface. They appear to favor a strange direction, with the exit portal linking back only for as long as the portal stays open — attempting to reopen a portal from the exit doorway leads to a new destination along this favored direction. It has stymied our ability to study the behavior of these portals because without constructing dual portals and keeping both open it's hard to step through more than one and still be able to return home.
Due to such difficulties, we never learned what determines the direction and distance a matching twin portal will appear, and I have lost my friend and protégé. In cavalier youth and with little more than a rucksack, Coudreau has decided to follow the chain as far as it goes, and has not been seen since. Coudreau believes it works in epicycles, but I am not convinced. Still, I cling to the hope that one day the portal will open and Coudreau will step out from whichever place leads to this one, perhaps with an epic tale to tell.]]),
Due to such difficulties, we never learned what determines the direction and distance where the matching twin portal will appear, and I have lost my friend and protégé. In cavalier youth and with little more than a rucksack, Coudreau has decided to follow the chain as far as it goes, and has not been seen since. Coudreau believes it works in epicycles, but I am not convinced. Still, I cling to the hope that one day the portal will open and Coudreau will step out from whichever place leads to this one, perhaps with an epic tale to tell.]]),
is_within_realm = function(pos)
-- Always return true, because these portals always just take you around the surface
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Reference in New Issue
Block a user