Renewable energy sources such as wind, sun and biofuels help you to leave the oil age. With modern technologies and intelligent machines you set out into the future.
A wind turbine always supplies electricity when there is wind. There is no wind in the game, but the mod simulates this by turning the wind turbines only in the morning (5:00 - 9:00) and in the evening (17:00 - 21:00). A wind turbine only supplies electricity if it is set up in a suitable location.
The TA wind power plants are pure offshore plants, which means that they have to be built in the sea. This means that wind turbines can only be build in a sea (occean) biome and that there must be sufficient water and a clear view around the mast.
To find a suitable spot, click on the water with the wrench (TechAge Info Tool). A chat message will show you whether this position is suitable for the mast of the wind turbine.
The current must be led from the rotor block down through the mast. First pull the power line up and then "plaster" the power cable with TA4 pillar blocks. A work platform can be built below. The plan on the right shows the structure in the upper part.
The wind turbine delivers 70 ku, but only 8 hours a day (see above).
### TA4 Wind Turbine
The wind turbine block (rotor) is the heart of the wind turbine. This block must be placed on top of the mast. Ideally at Y = 15, then you just stay within a map / forceload block.
When you start the turbine, all conditions for the operation of the wind turbine are checked. If all conditions are met, the rotor blades (wings) appear automatically. Otherwise you will get an error message.
This block must be placed on the black end of the wind turbine block.
### TA4 Wind Turbine Signal Lamp
This flashing light is only for decorative purposes and can be placed on top of the wind turbine block.
### TA4 Pillar
This builds the mast for the wind turbine. However, these blocks are not set by hand but must be set with the help of a trowel, so that the power line to the mast tip is replaced with these blocks (see under TA power cable).
## Solar System
The solar system only produces electricity when the sun is shining. In the game this is every game day from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm.
The same power is always available during this time. After 6:00 p.m., the solar modules switch off completely.
The biome temperature is decisive for the performance of the solar modules. The hotter the temperature, the higher the yield.
The biome temperature can be determined with the Techage Info Tool (wrench). It typically fluctuates between 0 and 100:
- full power is available at 100
- at 50, half the power is available
- at 0 there is no service available
It is therefore advisable to look for hot steppes and deserts for the solar system.
The overhead lines are available for the transport of electricity.
However, hydrogen can also be produced, which can be transported and converted back into electricity at the destination.
The smallest unit in a solar system is two solar modules and one carrier module. The carrier module must be placed first, the two solar modules to the left and right next to it (not above!).
The plan on the right shows 3 units, each with two solar modules and one carrier module, connected to the inverter via red cables.
Solar modules supply DC voltage, which cannot be fed directly into the power grid. Therefore, the solar units must first be connected to the inverter via the red cable. This consists of two blocks, one for the red cable to the solar modules (DC) and one for the gray power cable to the power grid (AC).
The map area where the solar system is located must be fully loaded. This also applies to the direct position above the solar module, because the light intensity is regularly measured there. It is therefore advisable to first set a forceload block and then to place the modules within this area.
### TA4 Solar Module
The solar module must be placed on the carrier module. Two solar modules are always required.
In a pair, the solar modules perform up to 3 ku, depending on the temperature.
With the solar modules, care must be taken that they have full daylight and are not shaded by blocks or trees. This can be tested with the Info Tool (wrench).
### TA4 Solar Carrier Module
The carrier module is available in two heights (1m and 2m). Both are functionally identical.
The carrier modules can be placed directly next to one another and thus connected to form a row of modules. The connection to the inverter or to other module series must be made with the red low-voltage cables or the low-voltage junction boxes.
### TA4 Solar Inverter
The inverter converts the solar power (DC) into alternating current (AC) so that it can be fed into the power grid.
An inverter can feed a maximum of 100 ku of electricity, which corresponds to 33 solar modules or more.
### TA4 Low Power Cable
The low voltage cable is used to connect rows of solar modules to the inverter. The cable must not be used for other purposes.
The maximum cable length is 200 m.
### TA4 Low Voltage Junction Box
The junction box must be placed on the floor. It has only 4 connections (in the 4 directions).
### TA4 Street Lamp Solar Cell
As the name suggests, the street lamp solar cell is used to power a street lamp. A solar cell can supply two lamps (1 ku). The solar cell stores the sun's energy during the day and delivers the electricity to the lamp at night. That means the lamp only glows in the dark.
This solar cell cannot be combined with the other solar modules.
A window made of an obsidian glass block may be in the concrete shell. This must be placed fairly in the middle of the wall. Through this window you can see whether the storage is loaded more than 80%. In the plan on the right you can see the structure of TA4 heat exchanger consisting of 3 blocks, the TA4 turbine and the TA4 generator. Pay attention to the alignment of the heat exchanger (the arrow at block 1 must point to the turbine).
Contrary to the plan on the right, the connections on the storage block must be on the same level (arranged horizontally, i.e. not below and above). The pipe inlets (TA4 Pipe Inlet) must be exactly in the middle of the wall and face each other. The yellow TA4 pipes are used as steam pipes. The TA3 steam pipes cannot be used here.
Both the generator and the heat exchanger have a power connection and must be connected to the power grid.
In principle, the heat storage system works exactly the same as the batteries, only with much more storage capacity.
The heat exchanger consists of 3 parts that must be placed on top of each other, with the arrow of the first block pointing towards the turbine. The pipes must be built with the yellow TA4 pipes.
The heat exchanger must be connected to the power grid. The energy storage device is recharged via the heat exchanger, provided that sufficient electricity is available.
The turbine is part of the energy storage. It must be placed next to the generator and connected to the heat exchanger via TA4 tubes as shown in the plan.
### TA4 Generator
The generator is used to generate electricity. Therefore, the generator must also be connected to the power grid.
The generator is part of the energy storage. It is used to generate electricity and thus releases the energy from the energy storage unit. Therefore, the generator must also be connected to the power grid.
With the help of power cables and junction boxes, power networks of up to 1000 blocks/nodes can be set up. However, it should be noted that distribution boxes must also be counted. This means that up to 500 generators/storage systems/machines/lamps can be connected to a power grid.
With the help of an isolating transformer and electricity meter, networks can be connected to form even larger structures.
### TA4 Isolation Transformer
With the help of an isolating transformer, two power grids can be connected to form a larger network. The isolation transformer can transmit electricity in both directions.
With the help of an electricity meter, two electricity networks can be connected to form a larger network. The electricity meter only transmits electricity in one direction (note arrow). The amount of electrical energy passed through (in kud) is measured and displayed. This value can also be queried by a Lua controller using the `consumption` command. The current current can be queried via the command `current`.
The electricity meter can pass up to 200 ku. The maximum value is adjustable via the wrench menu.
A power output countdown can also be entered via the wrench menu. When this countdown reaches zero, the electricity meter switches off. The countdown can be queried using the `countdown` command.
The TA4 laser is used for wireless power transmission. Two blocks are required for this: TA4 Laser Beam Emitter and TA4 Laser Beam Receiver. There must be an air gap between the two blocks so that the laser beam can be built up from the emitter to the receiver. First the emitter must be placed. This immediately switches on the laser beam and shows possible positions of the receiver. Possible positions for the receiver are also output via a chat message.
With the laser, distances of up to 96 blocks can be bridged. Once the connection has been established (no current has to flow), this is indicated via the info text of the emitter and also of the receiver.
The laser blocks themselves do not require any electricity.
Electrolysis can be used to split electricity into hydrogen and oxygen. On the other hand, hydrogen can be converted back into electricity with oxygen from the air using a fuel cell.
This enables current peaks or an excess supply of electricity to be converted into hydrogen and thus stored.
In the game, electricity can be converted back into electricity via the fuel cell using the electrolyzer in hydrogen and hydrogen.
However, the conversion of electricity into hydrogen and back is lossy. Out of 100 units of electricity, only 95 units of electricity come out after the conversion to hydrogen and back.
If the power stored in the power grid falls below the specified value of the switch-off point, the electrolyzer switches off automatically. This prevents the storage systems from running empty.
The fuel cell can deliver up to 34 ku of electricity and needs a hydrogen item every 4 s.
Usually the fuel cell works as a category 2 generator (like other storage systems).
In this case, no other category 2 blocks such as the battery block can be charged. However, the fuel cell can also be used as a category 1 generator via the check box.
The primary output product is always output to the side of the reactor stand, regardless of whether it is a powder or a liquid. The (secondary) waste product is always discharged at the bottom of the reactor stand.
Note 2: Tanks or silos with different contents must not be connected to a pipe system. In contrast, several tanks or silos with the same content may hang in parallel on one line.
Cracking breaks long chains of hydrocarbons into short chains using a catalyst.
Gibbsite powder serves as a catalyst (is not consumed). It can be used to convert bitumen into fueloil, fueloil into naphtha and naphtha into gasoline.
Part of the chemical reactor. Must be placed on the reactor. If this does not work, remove the pipe at the position above and place it again.
### TA4 Reactor Stand
Part of the chemical reactor. Here is also the power connection for the reactor. The reactor requires 8 ku of electricity.
The stand has two pipe connections, to the right for the starting product and down for the waste, such as red mud in aluminum production.
### TA4 Reactor Base
Part of the chemical reactor. Is required for the drainage of the waste product.
### TA4 Silo
Part of the chemical reactor. Is required to store substances in powder or granule form.
## ICTA Controller
The ICTA controller (ICTA stands for "If Condition Then Action") is used to monitor and control machines. The controller can be used to read in data from machines and other blocks and, depending on this, switch other machines and blocks on / off.
Machine data is read in and blocks and machines are controlled using commands. Chapter TA3 -> Logic / switching blocks is important for understanding how commands work.
The controller requires a battery to operate. The display is used to output data, the signal tower to display errors.
### TA4 ICTA controller
The controller works on the basis of `IF <condition> THEN <action>` rules. Up to 8 rules can be created per controller.
Examples of rules are:
- If a distributor is `blocked`, the pusher in front of it should be switched off
- If a machine shows an error, this should be shown on the display
The controller checks these rules cyclically. To do this, a cycle time in seconds (`` Cycle / s '') must be specified for each rule (1..1000).
For rules that evaluate an on / off input, e.g. from a switch or detector, cycle time 0 must be specified. The value 0 means that this rule should always be carried out when the input signal has changed, e.g. the button has sent a new value.
All rules should only be executed as often as necessary. This has two advantages:
- the battery of the controller lasts longer (each controller needs a battery)
- the load for the server is lower (therefore fewer lags)
You have to set a delay time (`after/s`) for each action. If the action is to be carried out immediately, 0 must be entered.
The controller has its own help and information on all commands via the controller menu.
### Battery
The battery must be placed in close proximity to the controller, i.e. in one of the 26 positions around the controller.
### TA4 Display
The display shows its number after placement. The display can be addressed via this number. Texts can be output on the display, whereby the display can display 5 lines and thus 5 different texts.
The Lua controller also requires a battery. The battery must be placed in close proximity to the controller, i.e. in one of the 26 positions around the controller.
### TA4 Lua Server
The server is used for the central storage of data from several Lua controllers. It also saves the data after a server restart.
- The status of the box can be queried via `state = $send_cmnd(<num>, "state")`. Possible answers are: "empty", "loaded", "full"
- The last player action can be queried via `name, action = $send_cmnd(<num>, "action")`. `name` is the player name. One of the following is returned as `action`: "put", "take", "f1", "f2".
- The contents of the box can be read out via `stacks = $send_cmnd(<num>, "stacks")`. See:
- Via `$send_cmnd(<num>, "text", "press both buttons and\nput something into the chest")` the text can be set in the menu of the sensor box.
The checkbox "Allow public chest access" can be used to set whether the box can be used by everyone or only by players who have access/protection rights here.
Only the appearance of the TA4 button/switch has changed. The functionality is the same as with the TA3 button/switch. With the wrench menu, however, the data can be changed later.
This block has two buttons that can be individually configured using the wrench menu. The labeling and the target block address can be configured for each button. In addition, the command that is to be sent can be configured for each button.
This block has four buttons that can be individually configured using the wrench menu. The labeling and the target block address can be configured for each button. In addition, the command that is to be sent can be configured for each button.
This block has two lamps that can be controlled individually. Each lamp can display the colors "red", "green" and "amber". The labeling for both lamps can be configured via the wrench menu. The lamps can be controlled using the following commands:
- Switch lamp 1 to red: `$send_cmnd(1234, "red", 1)`
- Switch lamp 2 to green: `$send_cmnd(1234, "green ", 2)`
- Switch lamp 1 to orange: `$send_cmnd(1234, "amber", 1)`
- Switch lamp 2 off: `$send_cmnd(1234, "off", 2)`
### TA4 4x Signal Lamp
This block has four lamps that can be controlled individually. Each lamp can display the colors "red", "green" and "amber". The labeling for all lamps can be configured via the wrench menu. The lamps can be controlled using the following commands:
- Switch lamp 1 to red: `$send_cmnd(1234, "red", 1)`
- Switch lamp 2 to green: `$send_cmnd(1234, "green ", 2)`
- Switch lamp 3 to orange: `$send_cmnd(1234, "amber", 3)`
Only the appearance of the TA4 player detector has changed. The functionality is the same as with the TA3 player detector.
### TA4 State Collector
The status collector queries all configured machines in turn for the status. If one of the machines has reached or exceeded a preconfigured status, an "on" command is sent. For example, many machines can be easily monitored for faults from a Lua controller.
The functionality is the same as with the TA3 Node Detector.
In contrast to the TA3 node detector, the positions to be monitored can be configured individually here. To do this, the "Record" button must be pressed. Then all blocks must be clicked, the position of which is to be checked. Then the "Done" button must be pressed.
The charge detector measures the state of charge of the power grid's energy storage every 8 s.
If the value falls below a configurable threshold (switching point), a command (default: "off") is sent. If the value rises above this switching point again, a second command (default: "on") is sent. This allows consumers to be disconnected from the grid when the charge level of the energy storage device falls below the specified switching point.
To do this, the charge detector must be connected to the grid via a junction box. The charge detector is configured via the open-end wrench menu.
The TA4 gaze sensor generates a command when the block is viewed/focused by the owner or other configured players and sends a second command when the block is no longer focused. It thus serves as a replacement for buttons/switches, for example to open/close doors.
The TA4 Gaze Sensor can only be programmed using the open-end wrench menu. If you have an open-end wrench in your hand, the sensor does not trigger, even if it is focused.
- The movement can be tested with the menu buttons "Move A-B" and "Move B-A"
- you can also fly through walls or other blocks
- The target position for the blocks can also be occupied. In this case, the blocks are saved "invisibly". This is intended for sliding doors and the like
The Move Controller supports the following techage commands:
- If several blocks are to be moved, the block that is to take the players/mobs must be clicked first when training.
- If the block that is supposed to take the players/mobs has a reduced height, the height must be set in the controller using the open-ended wrench menu (e.g. height = 0.5). Otherwise the player/mob will not be "found" and will not be taken away.
The TA4 turn controller is similar to the "Move Controller", but the selected blocks are not moved, but rotated around their center to the right or left.
- Set the controller and train the blocks to be moved via the menu (up to 16 blocks can be trained)
- The movement can be tested with the menu buttons "Turn left" and "Turn right"
The turn controller supports the following techage commands:
TA4 contains a series of powerful lamps that enable better illumination or take on special tasks.
### TA4 LED Grow Light
The TA4 LED grow light enables fast and vigorous growth of all plants from the `farming` mod. The lamp illuminates a 3x3 field, so that plants can also be grown underground.
The lamp must be placed one block above the ground in the middle of the 3x3 field.
The lamp can also be used to grow flowers. If the lamp is placed over a 3x3 flower bed made of "Garden Soil" (Mod `compost`), the flowers grow there automatically (above and below ground).
You can harvest the flowers with the Signs Bot, which also has a corresponding sign that must be placed in front of the flower field.
The lamp requires 1 ku of electricity.
### TA4 Street Lamp
The TA4 LED street lamp is a lamp with particularly strong illumination. The lamp consists of the lamp housing, lamp arm and lamp pole blocks.
The current must be led from below through the mast up to the lamp housing. First pull the power line up and then "plaster" the power cable with lamp pole blocks.
The lamp requires 1 ku of electricity.
### TA4 LED Industrial Lamp
The TA4 LED industrial lamp is a lamp with particularly strong illumination. The lamp must be powered from above.
The Collider is a research facility that conducts basic research. Experience points can be collected here, which are required for TA5 (Future Age).
Like its original at CERN in Geneva, the collider must be built underground. The standard setting here is Y <= -28. The value can, however, be changed by the server personnel via configuration. Please ask or try the "TA4 Collider Detector Worker" block.
Only one collider can be operated per player. So it makes no sense to set up two or more colliders. Experience points are credited to the player who owns the collider. The experience points cannot be transferred.
A collider consists of a "ring" made of tubes and magnets as well as a detector with a cooling system.
- The detector is the heart of the system. This is where the scientific experiments take place. The detector is 3x3x7 blocks in size.
- 22 TA4 Collider Magnets (not the TA4 Collider Detector Magnets!) must be connected to each other via 5 blocks of the TA4 vacuum tube. Each magnet also requires electricity and a gas connection for cooling. The whole thing forms (as shown in the plan on the right) a square with an edge length of 37 meters.
- the gray block is the detector with the worker block in the middle
- the red blocks are the magnets, the blue the vacuum tubes
### Detector
The detector is set up automatically with the help of the "TA4 Collider Detector Worker" block (similar to the derrick). All of the materials required for this must first be placed in the worker block. The detector is shown symbolically on the worker block. The detector is set up across the worker block.
The detector can also be dismantled again with the help of the worker block.
The connections for electricity, gas and vacuum tubes are located on the two front sides of the detector. A TA4 pump must be connected at the top in order to suck the tube empty / to create the vacuum.
The cooling system must be connected to the rear of the detector. The cooling system is shown in the plan on the right. In addition to the TA4 heat exchanger of the energy storage unit (which is used here for cooling), a TA4 cooler block is also required.
Note: The arrow on the heat exchanger must point away from the detector. The heat exchanger must also be supplied with electricity.
The collider is controlled via a TA4 terminal (not via the TA4 Lua controller terminal).
This terminal must be connected to the detector. The number of the detector is displayed as info text on the worker block.
The terminal supports the following commands:
-`connect <number>` (connect to the detector)
-`start` (starting the detector)
-`stop` (stop the detector)
-`test <number>` (checking a magnet)
-`points` (query of the experience points already achieved)
If an error occurs on a magnet during the `start`, the number of the magnet is output. The `test` command can be used to request further information on the magnet error.
- Install a TA4 pump as a vacuum pump on the detector and switch it on (no additional tank is required). If the pump goes into "standby", the vacuum is established. This will take a few seconds
- assemble the cooler (heat exchanger) and connect it to the power cable
- Place the TA4 terminal in front of the detector and connect it to the detector via `connect <number>`
- Switch on / connect the power supply
- switch on the cooler (heat exchanger)
- Switch on the detector via `start` on the TA4 terminal. After a few test steps, the detector goes into normal operation or outputs an error.
Up to 10 recipes can be saved in the recipe block. These recipes can then be called up via a TA4 Autocrafter command. This enables the autocrafter's recipe to be configured using a command. The recipes in the recipe block can also be queried directly using a command.
`input <index>` reads a recipe from the TA4 recipe block. `<index>` is the number of the recipe. The block returns a list of recipe ingredients.
Example: `$send_cmnd(1234, "input", 1)`
### TA4 Autocrafter
The function corresponds to that of TA3.
The processing power is 4 items every 4 s. The autocrafter requires 9 ku of electricity for this.
In addition, the TA4 Autocrafter supports the selection of different recipes using the following commands:
`recipe "<number>.<index>"` switches the autocrafter to a recipe from the TA4 Recipe Block. `<number>` is the number of the recipe block, `<index>` the recipe number. Example: `$send_cmnd(1234, "recipe", "5467.1")`
The `flush` command moves all items from the input inventory to the output inventory. The command returns `true` if the input inventory was completely emptied. If `false` was returned (output inventory full), the command must be repeated at a later time.
The TA4 pump pumps 8 units of liquid every two seconds.
In the "Flow limiter" mode, the number of units pumped by the pump can be limited. The flow limiter mode can be activated via the open-end wrench menu by configuring the number of units in the menu. Once the configured number of units have been pumped, the pump will turn off. When the pump is turned on again, it will pump the configured number of units again and then turn off.
The flow limiter can also be configured and started using a Lua or Beduino controller.
The pump also supports the `flowrate` command. This allows the total flow rate through the pump to be queried.
Some recipes require water. The water must be pumped from the sea with a pump (water at y = 1). A "pool" made up of a few water blocks is not sufficient for this!
To do this, the water inlet block must be placed in the water and connected to the pump via pipes. If the block is placed in the water, it must be ensured that there is water under the block (water must be at least 2 blocks deep).
The function basically corresponds to that of TA2 / TA3. In addition, a menu can be used to configure which objects should be taken from a TA4 chest and transported further.
In the "flow limiter" mode, the number of items that are moved by the pusher can be limited. The flow limiter mode can be activated via the open-end wrench menu by configuring the number of items in the menu. As soon as the configured number of items have been moved, the pusher switches off. If the pusher is switched on again, it moves the configured number of items again and then switches off.
The TA4 pusher can also be configured and started using a Lua or Beduino controller.
Here are the additional commands for the Lua controller:
The function corresponds to that of TA3. The chest can hold more content.
In addition, the TA4 chest has a shadow inventory for configuration. Here certain stack locations can be pre-assigned with an item. Pre-assigned inventory stacks are only filled with these items when filling. A TA4 pusher or TA4 injector with the appropriate configuration is required to empty a pre-assigned inventory stacks.
### TA4 8x2000 Chest
The TA4 8x2000 chest does not have a normal inventory like other chest, but has 8 stores, whereby each store can hold up to 2000 items of one sort. The orange buttons can be used to move items to or from the store. The box can also be filled or emptied with a pusher (TA2, TA3 or TA4) as usual.
If the chest is filled with a pusher, all stores fill from left to right. If all 8 stores are full and no further items can be added, further items are rejected.
Several TA4 8x2000 chests can be connected to a large chest with more content. To do this, the chests must be placed in a row one after the other.
First the front chest must be placed, then the stacking chests are placed behind with the same direction of view (all boxes have the front towards the player). With 2 chests in a row, the size increases to 8x4000, etc.
The rows of chests can no longer be removed. There are two ways to dismantle the chests:
- Empty and remove the front chest. This unlocks the next chest and can be removed.
- Empty the front chest so far that all stores contain a maximum of 2000 items. This unlocks the next chest and can be removed.
The chests have an "order" checkbox. If this checkbox is activated, the stores are no longer completely emptied by a pusher. The last item remains in the store as a default. This results in a fixed assignment of items to storage locations.
The chest can only be used by players who can build at this location, i.e. who have protection rights. It does not matter who sets the chest.
The chest has an additional command for the Lua controller:
-`count` is used to request how many items are in the chest.