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# TA1: Железный век
TA1 - это добыча достаточного количества руды и производство древесного угля с помощью простых инструментов и оборудования, чтобы в TA2 можно было производить и эксплуатировать машины.
Разумеется, для железного века необходимо железо, а не только сталь, как в «Minetest Game». В результате некоторые рецепты были изменены таким образом, что сначала должно быть произведено железо, а затем сталь.
Долговечность инструментов зависит от эпохи и поэтому не соответствует оригинальной игре Minetest.
Например, долговечность / твердость для топора:
* Бронза: 20
* Сталь: 30
## Charcoal Pile (угольная горелка)
Угольная куча нужна для получения древесного угля. Древесный уголь необходим для плавильной печи, а также, например, в TA2 для парового двигателя.
Для угольной горелки вам понадобятся:
- блок зажигалки (`techage:lighter`)
- 26 деревянных блоков, которые складываются в кучу дров. Тип древесины не имеет значения
- Грязь, чтобы покрыть кучу дров
- Кремень и железо (техническое название: `fire:flint_and_steel`), чтобы зажечь блок зажигалки.
Инструкции по строительству (см. также план):
- Постройте площадку 5x5 из грязи.
- Положите 7 деревянных брусков вокруг зажигалки, но оставьте отверстие для зажигалки
- Положите сверху еще 2 слоя дерева, чтобы получился деревянный куб 3x3x3
- Покройте все слоем грязи, чтобы получился куб 5x5x5, но отверстие для зажигалки оставьте открытым
- Зажгите зажигалку и сразу же закройте отверстие деревянным блоком и грязью.
- Если вы все сделали правильно, угольная горелка начнет дымить через несколько секунд.
- Открывайте угольную горелку только тогда, когда дым исчезнет (примерно через 20 минут).
Тогда вы сможете извлечь 9 угольных блоков и заново наполнить угольную кучу.
## Плавильная печь
Плавильная печь нужна, например, для того, чтобы плавить железо и другие руды в плавильном котле. Существуют различные рецепты, требующие разной температуры. Чем выше плавильная башня, тем жарче пламя. Для всех рецептов подходит высота 11 блоков над опорной плитой, но для горелки с такой высотой требуется больше древесного угля.
Инструкции по строительству (см. также план):
* Постройте каменную башню (булыжник) с основанием 3x3 (высота 7-11 блоков)
* Оставьте открытым отверстие с одной стороны внизу.
* Положите в него зажигалку
* Наполните башню до краев древесным углем, опуская уголь в отверстие сверху
* Зажгите зажигалку через отверстие
* Поместите плавильный котел на вершину башни прямо в пламя, на один блок выше края башни.
* Чтобы остановить горелку, временно закройте отверстие, например, блоком грязи.
У плавильного котла есть собственное меню рецептов и инвентарь, в который нужно складывать руды.
## Водяная мельница
Водяную мельницу можно использовать для перемалывания пшеницы и других зерен в муку, а затем выпекать их в печи для приготовления хлеба.
Мельница приводится в движение силой воды. Для этого к мельничному колесу через канал нужно подвести жернова.
Поток воды и, соответственно, мельничное колесо можно регулировать с помощью шлюза. Шлюз состоит из шлюзового замка и шлюзовой ручки.
На рисунке справа (нажмите на «План») показана структура водяной мельницы.
### Мельница TA1
Водяную мельницу можно использовать для перемалывания пшеницы и других зерен в муку, а затем выпекать их в печи для приготовления хлеба. Мельница должна быть соединена с мельничным колесом с помощью оси TA1. Мощности мельничного колеса достаточно только для одной мельницы.
Мельницу можно автоматизировать с помощью Minecart Hopper, чтобы, например, мука прямо с мельницы доставлялась в печь для выпечки из нее хлеба.
### TA1 Шлюзовой затвор
Шлюзовой затвор должен быть установлен непосредственно рядом с прудом или ручьем на той же высоте, что и поверхность воды.
Когда ворота открываются, вода течет через задвижку. Затем эта вода подается на мельничное колесо, где приводит в движение мельницу.
### Рукоятка шлюза TA1
Ручка шлюза TA1 должна быть установлена на воротах шлюза. Ворота можно открыть с помощью рукоятки шлюза (правый клик).
### TA1 Доска из яблоневого дерева
Доски из разных пород дерева для строительства канала мельницы. Однако можно использовать и любой другой материал.
### TA1 Яблоневая доска для мельничного канала
Блок из различных пород дерева для строительства канала мельницы. Этот блок особенно подходит для соединения
со столбами деревянного забора для создания опоры канала.
## Руды и инструменты
В TA1 есть свои инструменты, такие как молоток и сито для гравия, но можно использовать и бункер Minecart Hopper.
### Молот
Молот TA1 можно использовать для отбивания/выкапывания камня в шахте, а также для разбивания булыжника на гравий. Молоток выпускается в разных вариантах и, соответственно, с разными свойствами: бронзовый, стальной, латунный и алмазный.
### Сито для просеивания гравия
Руды можно отсеивать из гравия с помощью сита для гравия. Для этого нажмите на сито с гравием. Просеянный гравий и руды выпадут вниз.
Чтобы не стоять часами у сита, просеивание можно автоматизировать с помощью бункера.
### Воронка
Воронка из мода «Minecart» используется в основном для погрузки и разгрузки Minecarts. Она втягивает предметы сверху и выдает их направо. Поэтому, размещая бункер, обращайте внимание на направление выдачи.
Воронка также может доставать предметы из ящиков (сундуков), если ящик(сундук) находится рядом с воронкой или на ней.
Воронка также может класть предметы в сундуки, если сундук находится рядом с воронкой.
### Просеивание гравия с помощью воронки
С помощью двух ящиков, двух воронок и сита для гравия можно автоматизировать процесс просеивания. На плане справа показана конструкция.
Убедитесь, что ящики заперты на «chest_lock», иначе кто-нибудь украдет ценные руды из ящика внизу.
### Меридий
В TA1 существует металлический сплав меридий. Слитки меридия можно изготовить с помощью печи на древесном угле из стали и кристаллов месе. Меридий светится в темноте. Инструменты из меридия также светятся и поэтому очень полезны при подземной добыче.
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# TA2: Паровая эпоха
TA2 - это строительство и эксплуатация первых машин для переработки руды. Некоторые машины должны приводиться в движение с помощью ведущих осей. Для этого нужно построить паровой двигатель и топить его углем или древесным топливом.
В TA2 также есть гравийный промыватель, который можно использовать для промывки редких руд, таких как самородки усмия. Эти самородки понадобятся вам позже для дальнейших рецептов.
## Паровая машина
Паровая машина состоит из нескольких блоков и должна быть собрана, как показано на плане справа. Необходимы блоки TA2 «Топка», TA2 «Верх котла», TA2 «Низ котла», TA2 «Цилиндр», TA2 «Маховик» и паровые трубы.
Кроме того, необходимы ведущие оси и блоки шестерен для изменения направления движения. Маховик должен быть соединен со всеми машинами, которые должны приводиться в движение через ведущие мосты.
При установке всегда обращайте внимание на выравнивание всех блоков:
- Цилиндр слева, маховик справа.
- Подсоединяйте паровые трубы там, где есть соответствующее отверстие
- Ведущая ось на маховике только справа
- Во всех машинах ведущие оси могут быть подключены со всех сторон, которые не заняты другими функциями, например, отверстиями IN и OUT в измельчителе и ссеялке.
Котел должен быть заполнен водой. Залейте в котел до 10 ведер воды.
Топочный ящик должен быть заполнен углем или древесным углем.
Когда вода нагреется (индикатор температуры вверху), можно запустить паровой двигатель на маховике.
Мощность парового двигателя составляет 25 ku, поэтому он может приводить в движение несколько машин одновременно.
### TA2 Топка
Часть парового двигателя.
Топка должна быть заполнена углем или древесным углем. Время горения зависит от мощности, которую требует паровая машина. Уголь горит 32 с, а древесный уголь - 96 с при полной нагрузке.
### TA2 Водонагреватель
Часть парового двигателя. Должен быть заполнен водой. Это можно сделать, нажав на котел с ведром воды. Когда воды больше нет или температура падает слишком низко, паровая машина выключается. При работе парового двигателя часть воды теряется в виде пара при каждом ходе поршня, поэтому воду необходимо регулярно доливать.
### Цилиндр TA2
Часть парового двигателя.
### TA2 Маховик
Приводная часть парового двигателя. Маховик должен быть соединен с машинами через ведущие оси.
### TA2 Паровые трубы
Часть парового двигателя. Котел должен быть соединен с цилиндром через паровые трубы. Паровая труба не имеет ответвлений, максимальная длина - 12 м (блоков).
### TA2 Ведущий мост / TA2 Редуктор
Ведущие оси используются для передачи энергии от парового двигателя к другим машинам. Максимальная длина ведущей оси составляет 10 блоков. С помощью редукторов TA2 можно преодолевать большие расстояния, делать ответвления и менять направление движения.
### Электрогенератор TA2
Электрогенератор TA2 необходим для работы ламп или других потребителей электрической энергии от парового двигателя'. Электрогенератор TA2 должен быть подключен к ведущим осям с одной стороны, а затем подавать электричество на другую сторону.
Если на электрогенератор не подается достаточное количество энергии, он переходит в состояние ошибки и должен быть снова активирован щелчком правой кнопки мыши.
Электрогенератор принимает макс. 25 ku энергии от оси и выдает на другую сторону макс. 24 ku в виде электроэнергии. Таким образом, он потребляет один ku для преобразования.
## Накопитель энергии TA2
Для больших систем с несколькими паровыми двигателями или большим количеством приводимых в движение машин рекомендуется использовать систему накопления энергии. Накопитель энергии в TA2 работает на энергии положения. Для этого балласт (камни, гравий, песок) затягивается в ларь с помощью тросовой лебедки. При избытке энергии в осевой сети ларь подтягивается вверх. Если в краткосрочной перспективе требуется больше энергии, чем может дать паровая машина, накопитель энергии снова высвобождает запасенную энергию, и ларь снова опускается вниз.
Накопитель энергии состоит из нескольких блоков и должен быть собран, как показано на плане справа.
Чтобы достичь максимальной вместимости, сундук должен быть полностью заполнен грузами, а высота мачты с двумя коробками передач должна составлять 12 блоков. Возможны и более компактные конструкции.
### TA2 Лебедка
Тросовая лебедка должна быть соединена с коробкой передач и может поглощать избыточную энергию и таким образом тянуть груз вверх.
При сборке лебедки убедитесь, что стрелка на верхней части блока направлена на коробку передач.
Максимальная длина троса составляет 10 блоков.
### Грузовой сундук TA2
Этот ящик должен быть установлен под лебедкой на расстоянии до 10 блоков и заполнен булыжником, гравием или песком. Если минимальный вес стопки (99+ предметов) достигнут и есть избыток энергии, ящик автоматически подключается к лебедке с помощью веревки и подтягивается вверх.
### TA2 Сцепление
С помощью муфты оси и машины могут быть отделены от накопителя энергии. Это означает, что оси после сцепления останавливаются, а системы машин могут быть восстановлены. При сборке муфты убедитесь, что стрелка на верхней части блока направлена на систему накопления энергии.
## Толкать и сортировать предметы
Для транспортировки предметов от одной станции обработки к другой используются толкатели и трубки. См. план.
### TechAge Tube
Две машины могут быть соединены с помощью толкателя и трубки. Трубы не имеют ответвлений. Максимальная длина - 200 м (блоков).
Кроме того, трубки можно размещать с помощью клавиши Shift. Это позволяет, например, прокладывать трубы параллельно, не допуская их случайного соединения.
Транспортная емкость трубки неограниченна и ограничивается только толкателем.
### Концентратор трубок
Несколько трубок можно объединить в одну с помощью концентратора. Направление, в котором передаются все предметы, отмечено стрелкой.
### Толкатель TA2
Толкатель может вытаскивать предметы из ящиков или машин и заталкивать их в другие ящики или машины. Другими словами, между двумя блоками с инвентарем должен быть один и ровно один толкатель. Несколько толкателей в ряд невозможны.
В противоположном направлении, однако, толкатель проницаем для предметов, так что ящик может быть заполнен через трубку, а также обучен.
Толкатель переходит в состояние «ожидания», если у него нет предметов для толкания. Если выход заблокирован или инвентарь получателя переполнен, толкатель переходит в состояние «заблокировано». Если ситуация изменилась, толкатель автоматически выходит из обоих состояний через несколько секунд.
Мощность обработки пушера TA2 составляет 2 предмета каждые 2 с.
### TA2 Distributor
Распространитель может перемещать предметы из своего инвентаря, отсортированные в четырёх направлениях. Для этого распределитель должен быть настроен соответствующим образом.
Распределитель имеет меню с 4 фильтрами разного цвета, соответствующими 4 выходам. Если какой-либо выход будет использоваться, соответствующий фильтр должен быть активирован с помощью флажка «включено». Все элементы, сконфигурированные для этого фильтра, будут выводиться через назначенный выход. Если фильтр активирован без настроенных элементов, речь идет о «ненастроенном», открытом выходе.
**Внимание: Распределитель также является толкателем на своих выходных сторонах. Поэтому никогда не вытаскивайте предметы из распределителя с помощью толкателя!
Для неконфигурированного выхода существует два режима работы:
1) Выводятся все предметы, которые не могут быть выведены ни на какой другой выход, даже если они заблокированы.
2) Выводить только те предметы, которые не были настроены ни на какой другой фильтр.
В первом случае все элементы всегда пересылаются, и распределитель не переполняется. Во втором случае элементы задерживаются, и распределитель может быть переполнен, а затем заблокирован.
Режим работы можно установить с помощью флажка «Режим блокировки».
Мощность обработки распределителя TA2 составляет 4 элемента каждые 2 с, при этом распределитель пытается распределить 4 элемента по открытым выходам.
Если один и тот же элемент конфигурируется несколько раз в одном фильтре, долгосрочный коэффициент распределения будет иметь соответствующее влияние.
Обратите внимание, что распределение является вероятностным процессом. Это означает, что соотношение распределений не будет совпадать точно, но только в долгосрочной перспективе.
Максимальный размер стака в фильтрах - 12; всего можно настроить не более 36 элементов
### TA2 Карьер
Карьер используется для извлечения камней и других материалов из-под земли. Карьер выкапывает яму размером 5x5 блоков. Глубину можно регулировать.
Мощность обработки - один блок каждые 4 с. Карьеру требуется 10 ku энергии. Максимальная глубина - 20 метров. Для большей глубины смотрите TA3 / TA4.
### TA2 Шлифовальный станок
Кофемолка способна перемалывать различные камни, а также дерево и другие предметы.
Мощность обработки - один предмет каждые 4 с. Кофемолке требуется 4 ku энергии.
### TA2 Гравийное сито
Гравийное сито способно просеивать гравий для извлечения руды. В результате получается частично «просеянный гравий», который нельзя просеять снова.
Мощность обработки - один предмет каждые 4 с. Гравийное сито требует 3 ku энергии.
## Производство предметов
Машины TA2 могут не только добывать руду, но и производить предметы.
### TA2 Автокрафтер
Автокрафтер используется для автоматического производства товаров. Все, что игрок может произвести через «Сетку ремесел», может сделать и автокрафтер. Для этого нужно ввести рецепт в меню автокрафтера и добавить необходимые ингредиенты.
Ингредиенты и изготовленные товары можно перемещать в блок и из него с помощью труб и толкателей.
Мощность обработки - один предмет каждые 4 с. Автокрафтер требует 4 ku энергии.
### TA2 Электронная фабрика
Электронная фабрика - это специальная машина, которая может быть использована только для производства вакуумных трубок. Вакуумные трубки требуются для машин и блоков TA3.
Мощность обработки составляет одну радиолампу каждые 6 с. Электронная фабрика требует 8 ku энергии.
## Другие блоки
### TA2 Наполнитель жидкостями
Для некоторых рецептов требуется вода. Чтобы эти рецепты можно было обрабатывать автоматически с помощью автокрафтера, вода должна подаваться в ведрах. Для этого используется наполнитель жидкостями. Ему нужны пустые ведра, которые нужно опустить в воду.
Производительность обработки - одно ведро воды каждые 8 с. Пробоотборник жидкости требует 3 ku энергии.
### TA2 Защищенный сундук
Защищенный сундук может быть использован только игроками, которые могут строить в этом месте, т.е. имеют права на защиту. При этом не имеет значения, кто устанавливает сундук.
### Блок загрузки карты
Minetest делит карту на так называемые блоки карты. Это кубы с длиной грани 16x16x16 блоков. Такой блок карты всегда загружается сервером полностью, но загружаются только блоки вокруг игрока (примерно 2-3 блока во всех направлениях). В направлении взгляда игрока также больше блоков карты. Только эта часть мира активна, и только здесь растут растения и деревья или работают машины.
С помощью блока загрузки вы можете заставить блок карты, в котором находится блок загрузки, оставаться загруженным до тех пор, пока вы находитесь на сервере. Когда все ваши фермы и машины покрыты блоками блоками загрузки, все всегда работает.
Блоки карты с их координатами предопределены, например (0,0,0) - (15,15,15), или (16,16,16) - (31,31,31).
Вы можете перемещать блок forceload внутри блока карты как угодно, положение блока карты остается неизменным.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,908 @@
# TA3: Oil Age
At TA3 it is important to replace the steam-powered machines with more powerful and electric-powered machines.
To do this, you have to build coal-fired power plants and generators. You will soon see that your electricity needs can only be met with oil-powered power plants. So you go looking for oil. Drilling derricks and oil pumps help them get the oil. Railways are used to transport oil to the power plants.
The industrial age is at its peak.
## Coal-fired Power Station / Oil-fired Power Station
The coal-fired power plant consists of several blocks and must be assembled as shown in the plan on the right. The blocks TA3 power station fire box, TA3 boiler top, TA3 boiler base, TA3 turbine, TA3 generator and TA3 cooler are required.
The boiler must be filled with water. Fill up to 10 buckets of water in the boiler.
The fire box must be filled with coal or charcoal.
When the water is hot, the generator can then be started.
Alternatively, the power plant can be equipped with an oil burner and then operated with oil.
The oil can be refilled using a pump and oil pipe.
The power plant delivers an output of 80 ku.
### TA3 power station firebox
Part of the power plant.
The fire box must be filled with coal or charcoal. The burning time depends on the power that is requested by the power plant. Coal burns for 20 s and charcoal for 60 s under full load. Correspondingly longer under partial load (50% load = double time).
### TA3 Power Station Oil Burner
Part of the power plant.
The oil burner can be filled with crude oil, fuel oil, naphtha or gasoline. The burning time depends on the power that is requested by the power plant. Under full load, crude oil burns 15 s, fuel oil 20 s, naphtha 22 s and gasoline 25 s.
Correspondingly longer under partial load (50% load = double time).
The oil burner can only hold 50 units of fuel. An additional oil tank and an oil pump are therefore advisable.
### TA3 boiler base / top
Part of the power plant. Must be filled with water. If there is no more water or the temperature drops too low, the power plant switches off.
The water consumption of the TA3 boiler is much lower than that of the steam engine due to the closed steam circuit.
With the steam engine, some water is lost as steam with each piston stroke.
### TA3 turbine
The turbine is part of the power plant. It must be placed next to the generator and connected to the boiler and cooler via steam pipes as shown in the plan.
### TA3 generator
The generator is used to generate electricity. It must be connected to the machines via power cables and junction boxes.
### TA3 cooler
Used to cool the hot steam from the turbine. Must be connected to the boiler and turbine via steam pipes as shown in the plan.
## Electrical current
In TA3 (and TA4) the machines are powered by electricity. To do this, machines, storage systems, and generators must be connected with power cables.
TA3 has 2 types of power cables:
- Insulated cables (TA power cables) for local wiring in the floor or in buildings. These cables can be hidden in the wall or in the floor (can be "plastered" with the trowel).
- Overland lines (TA power line) for outdoor cabling over long distances. These cables are protected and cannot be removed by other players.
Several consumers, storage systems, and generators can be operated together in a power network. Networks can be set up with the help of the junction boxes.
If too little electricity is provided, consumers run out.
In this context, it is also important that the functionality of Forceload blocks is understood, because generators, for example, only supply electricity when the corresponding map block is loaded. This can be enforced with a forceload block.
In TA4 there is also a cable for the solar system.
### Importance of storage systems
Storage systems in the power grid fulfill two tasks:
- To cope with peaks in demand: All generators always deliver just as much power as is needed. However, if consumers are switched on/off or there are fluctuations in demand for other reasons, consumers can fail for a short time. To prevent this, there should always be at least one battery block in every network. This serves as a buffer and compensates for these fluctuations in the seconds range.
- To store regenerative energy: Solar and wind are not available 24 hours a day. So that the power supply does not fail when no electricity is produced, one or more storage systems must be installed in the network. Alternatively, the gaps can also be bridged with oil/coal electricity.
A storage system indicates its capacity in kud, i.e. ku per day. For example, a storage system with 100 kud delivers 100 ku for one game day, or 10 ku for 10 game days.
All TA3/TA4 energy sources have adjustable charging characteristics. By default this is set to "80% - 100%". This means that when the storage system is 80% full, the output is reduced further and further until it switches off completely at 100%. If electricity is required in the network, 100% will never be reached, since the power of the generator has at some point dropped to the electricity demand in the network and the storage system is no longer charged, but only the consumers are served.
This has several advantages:
- The charging characteristics are adjustable. This means, for example, that oil/coal energy sources can be reduced at 60% and regenerative energy sources only at 80%. This means that oil/coal is only burned if there are not enough renewable energy sources available.
- Several energy sources can be operated in parallel and are loaded almost evenly, because all energy sources work, for example, up to 80% of the storage system's charging capacity at their full capacity and then reduce their capacity at the same time.
- All storage systems in a network form a large buffer. The charging capacity and the filling level of the entire storage system can always be read in percent on every storage system, but also on the electricity terminal.
### TA Electric Cable
For local wiring in the floor or in buildings.
Branches can be realized using junction boxes. The maximum cable length between machines or junction boxes is 1000 m. A maximum of 1000 nodes can be connected in a power network. All blocks with power connection, including junction boxes, count as nodes.
Since the power cables are not automatically protected, the land lines (TA power line) are recommended for longer distances.
Power cables can be plastered with the trowel so they can be hidden in the wall or in the floor. All stone, clay and other blocks without "intelligence" can be used as plastering material. Dirt does not work because dirt can be converted to grass or the like, which would destroy the line.
For plastering, the cable must be clicked on with the trowel. The material with which the cable is to be plastered must be on the far left in the player inventory.
The cables can be made visible again by clicking on the block with the trowel.
In addition to cables, the TA junction box and the TA power switch box can also be plastered.
### TA Electric Junction Box
With the junction box, electricity can be distributed in up to 6 directions. Junction boxes can also be plastered (hidden) with a trowel and made visible again.
### TA Power Line
With the TA power line and the electricity poles, reasonably realistic overhead lines can be realized. The power pole heads also serve to protect the power line (protection). A pole must be set every 16 m or less. The protection only applies to the power line and the poles, however, all other blocks in this area are not protected.
### TA Power Pole
Used to build electricity poles. Is protected from destruction by the electricity pole head and can only be removed by the owner.
### TA Power Pole Top
Has up to four arms and thus allows electricity to be distributed in up to 6 directions.
The electricity pole head protects power lines and poles within a radius of 8 m.
### TA Power Pole Top 2
This electricity pole head has two fixed arms and is used for the overhead lines. However, it can also transmit current downwards and upwards.
The electricity pole head protects power lines and poles within a radius of 8 m.
### TA Power Switch
The switch can be used to switch the power on and off. To do this, the switch must be placed on a power switch box. The power switch box must be connected to the power cable on both sides.
### TA Power Switch Small
The switch can be used to switch the power on and off. To do this, the switch must be placed on a power switch box. The power switch box must be connected to the power cable on both sides.
### TA Power Switch Box
see TA power switch.
### TA3 Small Power Generator
The small power generator runs on gasoline and can be used for small consumers with up to 12 ku. Gasoline burns for 150 s under full load. Correspondingly longer under partial load (50% load = double time).
The power generator can only hold 50 units of gasoline. An additional tank and a pump are therefore advisable.
### TA3 Accu Block
The accu block (rechargeable battery) is used to store excess energy and automatically delivers power in the event of a power failure (if available).
Several accu blocks together form a TA3 energy storage system. Each accu block has a display for the charging state and for the stored load.
The values for the entire network are always displayed here. The stored load is displayed in "kud" or "ku-days" (analogous to kWh) 5 kud thus corresponds, for example, to 5 ku for a game day (20 min) or 1 ku for 5 game days.
A accu block has 3.33 kud
### TA3 Power Terminal
The power terminal must be connected to the power grid. It shows data from the power grid.
The most important figures are displayed in the upper half:
- current/maximum generator power
- current power consumption of all consumers
- current charging current in/from the storage system
- Current state of charge of the storage system in percent
The number of network blocks is output in the lower half.
Additional data on the generators and storage systems can be queried via the "console" tab.
### TA3 Electric Motor
The TA3 Electric Motor is required in order to be able to operate TA2 machines via the power grid. The TA3 Electric Motor converts electricity into axle power.
If the electric motor is not supplied with sufficient power, it goes into an fault state and must be reactivated with a right-click.
The electric motor takes max. 40 ku of electricity and provides on the other side max. 39 ku as axle power. So he consumes one ku for the conversion.
## TA3 Industrial Furnace
The TA3 industrial furnace serves as a supplement to normal furnaces. This means that all goods can be produced with "cooking" recipes, even in an industrial furnace. But there are also special recipes that can only be made in an industrial furnace.
The industrial furnace has its own menu for recipe selection. Depending on the goods in the industrial furnace inventory on the left, the output product can be selected on the right.
The industrial furnace requires electricity (for the booster) and fuel oil / gasoline for the burner. The industrial furnace must be assembled as shown in the plan on the right.
See also TA4 heater.
### TA3 Furnace Oil Burner
Is part of the TA3 industrial furnace.
The oil burner can be operated with crude oil, fuel oil, naphtha or gasoline. The burning time is 64 s for crude oil, 80 s for fuel oil, 90 s for naphtha and 100 s for gasoline.
The oil burner can only hold 50 units of fuel. An additional tank and a pump are therefore advisable.
### TA3 Furnace Top
Is part of the TA3 industrial furnace. See TA3 industrial furnace.
### TA3 Booster
Is part of the TA3 industrial furnace. See TA3 industrial furnace.
## Liquids
Liquids such as water or oil can only be pumped through the special pipes and stored in tanks. As with water, there are containers (canisters, barrels) in which the liquid can be stored and transported.
It is also possible to connect several tanks using the yellow pipes and connectors. However, the tanks must have the same content and there must always be at least one yellow pipe between the tank, pump and distributor pipe.
E.g. It is not possible to connect two tanks directly to a distributor pipe.
The liquid filler is used to transfer liquids from containers to tanks. The plan shows how canisters or barrels with liquids are pushed into a liquid filler via pushers. The container is emptied in the liquid filler and the liquid is led down into the tank.
The liquid filler can also be placed under a tank to empty the tank.
### TA3 Tank
Liquids can be stored in a tank. A tank can be filled or emptied using a pump. To do this, the pump must be connected to the tank via a pipe (yellow pipes).
A tank can also be filled or emptied manually by clicking on the tank with a full or empty liquid container (barrel, canister). It should be noted that barrels can only be completely filled or emptied. If, for example, there are less than 10 units in the tank, this remainder must be removed with canisters or pumped empty.
A TA3 tank can hold 1000 units or 100 barrels of liquid.
### TA3 Pump
The pump can be used to pump liquids from tanks or containers to other tanks or containers. The pump direction (arrow) must be observed for the pump. The yellow lines and connectors also make it possible to arrange several tanks on each side of the pump. However, the tanks must have the same content.
The TA3 pump pumps 4 units of liquid every two seconds.
Note 1: The pump must not be placed directly next to the tank. There must always be at least a piece of yellow pipe between them.
### TA Liquid Filler
The liquid filler is used to transfer liquids between containers and tanks.
- If the liquid filler is placed under a tank and empty barrels are put into the liquid filler with a pusher or by hand, the contents of the tank are transferred to the barrels and the barrels can be removed from the outlet
- If the liquid filler is placed on a tank and if full containers are put into the liquid filler with a pusher or by hand, the content is transferred to the tank and the empty containers can be removed on the exit side
It should be noted that barrels can only be completely filled or emptied. If, for example, there are less than 10 units in the tank, this remainder must be removed with canisters or pumped empty.
### TA4 Pipe
The yellow pipes are used for the transmission of gas and liquids.
The maximum pipe length is 100 m.
### TA3 Pipe Wall Entry Blocks
The blocks serve as wall openings for tubes, so that no holes remain open.
### TA Valve
There is a valve for the yellow pipes, which can be opened and closed with a click of the mouse.
The valve can also be controlled via on/off commands.
## Oil Production
In order to run your generators and stoves with oil, you must first look for oil and build a derrick and then extract the oil.
TA3 oil explorer, TA3 oil drilling box and TA3 pump jack are used for this.
### TA3 Oil Explorer
You can search for oil with the oil explorer. To do this, place the block on the floor and right-click to start the search. The oil explorer can be used above ground and underground at all depths.
The chat output shows you the depth to which oil was searched and how much oil (petroleum) was found.
You can click the block multiple times to search for oil in deeper areas. Oil fields range in size from 4,000 to 20,000 items.
If the search was unsuccessful, you have to move the block approx. 16 m further.
The oil explorer always searches for oil in the whole map block and below, in which it was set. A new search in the same map block (16x16 field) therefore makes no sense.
If oil is found, the location for the derrick is displayed. You have to erect the derrick within the area shown, it is best to mark the spot with a sign and protect the entire area against foreign players.
Don't give up looking for oil too quickly. If you're unlucky, it can take a long time to find an oil well.
It also makes no sense to search an area that another player has already searched. The chance of finding oil anywhere is the same for all players.
The oil explorer can always be used to search for oil.
### TA3 Oil Drill Box
The oil drill box must be placed in the position indicated by the oil explorer. Drilling for oil elsewhere is pointless.
If the button on the oil drilling box is clicked, the derrick is erected above the box. This takes a few seconds.
The oil drilling box has 4 sides, at IN the drill pipe has to be delivered via pusher and at OUT the drilling material has to be removed. The oil drilling box must be supplied with power via one of the other two sides.
The oil drilling box drills to the oil field (1 meter in 16 s) and requires 16 ku of electricity.
Once the oil field has been reached, the derrick can be dismantled and the box removed.
### TA3 Oil Pumpjack
The oil pump (pump-jack) must now be placed in the place of the oil drilling box. The oil pump also requires electricity (16 ku) and supplies one unit of oil every 8 s. The oil must be collected in a tank. To do this, the oil pump must be connected to the tank via yellow pipes.
Once all the oil has been pumped out, the oil pump can also be removed.
### TA3 Drill Pipe
The drill pipe is required for drilling. As many drill pipe items are required as the depth specified for the oil field. The drill pipe is useless after drilling, but it also cannot be dismantled and remains in the ground. However, there is a tool to remove the drill pipe blocks (-> Tools -> TA3 drill pipe pliers).
### Oil tank
The oil tank is the large version of the TA3 tank (see liquids -> TA3 tank).
The large tank can hold 4000 units of oil, but also any other type of liquid.
## Oil Transportation
### Oil transportation by Tank Carts
Tank carts can be used to transport oil from the oil well to the oil processing plant. A tank cart can be filled or emptied directly using pumps. In both cases, the yellow pipes must be connected to the tank cart from above.
The following steps are necessary:
- Place the tank cart in front of the rail bumper block. The bumper block must not yet be programmed with a time so that the tank cart does not start automatically
- Connect the tank cart to the pump using yellow pipes
- Switch on the pump
- Program the bumper with a time (10 - 20 s)
This sequence must be observed on both sides (fill / empty).
[tank_cart | image]
### Oil transportation with barrels over Minecarts
Canisters and barrels can be loaded into the Minecarts. To do this, the oil must first be transferred to barrels. The oil barrels can be pushed directly into the Minecart with a pusher and tubes (see map). The empty barrels, which come back from the unloading station by Minecart, can be unloaded using a hopper, which is placed under the rail at the stop.
It is not possible with the hopper to both **unload the empty barrels and load the full barrels at a stop**. The hopper immediately unloads the full barrels. It is therefore advisable to set up 2 stations on the loading and unloading side and then program the Minecart accordingly using a recording run.
The plan shows how the oil can be pumped into a tank and filled into barrels via a liquid filler and loaded into Minecarts.
For the Minecarts to start again automatically, the bumper blocks must be configured with the station name and waiting time. 5 s are sufficient for unloading. However, since the pushers always go into standby for several seconds when there is no Minecart, a time of 15 or more seconds must be entered for loading.
### Tank Cart
The tank truck is used to transport liquids. Like tanks, it can be filled with pumps or emptied. In both cases, the yellow tube must be connected to the tank truck from above.
200 units fit in the tank truck.
[tank_cart | image]
### Chest Cart
The chest cart is used to transport items. Like chests, it can be filled or emptied using a pusher.
4 stacks fit in the chest cart.
[chest_cart | image]
## Oil Processing
Oil is a mixture of substances and consists of many components. The oil can be broken down into its main components such as bitumen, fuel oil, naphtha, gasoline and propane gas via a distillation tower.
Further processing to end products takes place in the chemical reactor.
### Distillation Tower
The distillation tower must be set up as in the plan at the top right.
The bitumen is drained off via the base block. The exit is on the back of the base block (note the direction of the arrow).
The "distillation tower" blocks with the numbers: 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4 are placed on this basic block
Fuel oil, naphtha and gasoline are drained from the openings from bottom to top. The propane gas is caught at the top.
All openings on the tower must be connected to tanks.
The reboiler must be connected to the "distillation tower 1" block.
The reboiler needs electricity (not shown in the plan)!
#### Reboiler
The reboiler heats the oil to approx. 400 ° C. It largely evaporates and is fed into the distillation tower for cooling.
The reboiler requires 14 units of electricity and produces one unit of bitumen, fuel oil, naphtha, gasoline and propane every 16 s.
To do this, the reboiler must be supplied with oil via a pump.
## Logic / Switching Blocks
In addition to the tubes for goods transport, as well as the gas and power pipes, there is also a wireless communication level through which blocks can exchange data with each other. No lines have to be drawn for this, the connection between transmitter and receiver is only made via the block number.
**Info:** A block number is a unique number that is generated by Techage when many Techage blocks are placed. The block number is used for addressing during communication between Techage controllers and machines. All blocks that can participate in this communication show the block number as info text if you fix the block with the mouse cursor.
Which commands a block supports can be read out and displayed with the TechAge Info Tool (wrench).
The simplest commands supported by almost all blocks are:
- `on` - to turn on block / machine / lamp
- `off` - to turn off the block / machine / lamp
With the help of the TA3 Terminal, these commands can be tried out very easily. Suppose a signal lamp is number 123.
Then with:
cmd 123 on
the lamp can be turned on and with:
cmd 123 off
the lamp can be turned off again. These commands must be entered in the input field of the TA3 terminal.
Commands such as `on` and` off` are sent to the recipient without a response coming back. These commands can therefore be sent to several receivers at the same time, for example with a push button / switch, if several numbers are entered in the input field.
A command like `state` requests the status of a block. The block then sends its status back. This type of confirmed command can only be sent to one recipient at a time.
This command can also be tested with the TA3 terminal on a pusher, for example:
cmd 123 state
Possible responses from the pusher are:
- `running` -> I'm working
- `stopped` -> switched off
- `standby` -> nothing to do because source inventory is empty
- `blocked` -> can't do anything because target inventory is full
This status and other information is also output when the wrench is clicked on the block.
### TA3 Button / Switch
The button/switch sends `on` / `off` commands to the blocks that have been configured via the numbers.
The button/switch can be configured as a button or a switch. If it is configured as a button, the time between the `on` and `off` commands can be set. With the operating mode "on button" only an `on` and no `off` command is sent.
The checkbox "public" can be used to set whether the button can be used by everyone (set) or only by the owner himself (not set).
Note: With the programmer, block numbers can be easily collected and configured.
### TA3 Command Converter
With the TA3 command converter, `on` / `off` commands can be converted into other commands, and forwarding can be prevented or delayed.
The number of the target block or the numbers of the target blocks, the commands to be sent and the delay times in seconds must be entered. If no command is entered, nothing is sent.
The numbers can also be programmed using the Techage programmer.
### TA3 Flip-Flop
The TA3 flip-flop changes its state with each received `on` command. Received `off` commands are ignored. Depending on the status change, `on` / `off` commands are sent alternately. The number of the target block or the numbers of the target blocks must be entered. The numbers can also be programmed using the Techage programmer.
For example, lamps can be switched on and off with the help of buttons.
### TA3 Logic Block
The TA3 logic block can be programmed in such a way that one or more input commands are linked to one output command and sent. This block can therefore replace various logic elements such as AND, OR, NOT, XOR etc.
Input commands for the logic block are `on` /` off` commands.
Input commands are referenced via the number, e.g. `1234` for the command from the sender with the number 1234.
The same applies to output commands.
A rule is structured as follows:
<output> = on/off if <input-expression> is true
`<output>` is the block number to which the command should be sent.
`<input-expression>` is a boolean expression where input numbers are evaluated.
**Examples for the input expression**
Negate signal (NOT):
1234 == off
Logical AND:
1234 == on and 2345 == on
Logical OR:
1234 == on or 2345 == on
The following operators are allowed: `and` `or` `on` `off` `me` `==` `~=` `(` `)`
If the expression is true, a command is sent to the block with the `<output>` number.
Up to four rules can be defined, whereby all rules are always checked when a command is received.
The internal processing time for all commands is 100 ms.
Your own node number can be referenced using the keyword `me`. This makes it possible for the block to send itself a command (flip-flop function).
The blocking time defines a pause after a command, during which the logic block does not accept any further external commands. Commands received during the blocking period are thus discarded. The blocking time can be defined in seconds.
### TA3 Repeater
The repeater sends the received signal to all configured numbers.
This can make sense, for example, if you want to control many blocks at the same time. The repeater can be configured with the programmer, which is not possible with all blocks.
### TA3 Sequencer
The sequencer can send a series of `on` / `off` commands, whereby the interval between the commands must be specified in seconds. You can use it to make a lamp blink, for example.
Up to 8 commands can be configured, each with target block number and pending the next command.
The sequencer repeats the commands endlessly when "Run endless" is set.
If nothing is selected, only the specified time in seconds is waited for.
### TA3 Timer
The timer can send commands time-controlled. The time, the target number(s) and the command itself can be specified for each command line. This means that lamps can be switched on in the evening and switched off again in the morning.
### TA3 Terminal
The terminal is primarily used to test the command interface of other blocks (see "Logic / switching blocks"), as well as for the automation of systems using the BASIC programming language.
You can also assign commands to keys and use the terminal productively.
set <button-num> <button-text> <command>
With `set 1 ON cmd 123 on`, for example, user key 1 can be programmed with the command `cmd 123 on`. If the key is pressed, the command is sent and the response is output on the screen.
The terminal has the following local commands:
- `clear` clear screen
- `help` output a help page
- `pub` switch to public mode
- `priv` switch to private mode
In private mode, the terminal can only be used by players who can build at this location, i.e. who have protection rights.
In public mode, all players can use the preconfigured keys.
You can switch to BASIC mode using the open-ended wrench menu. You can find more information about BASIC mode [here](
### TechAge Color Lamp
The signal lamp can be switched on or off with the `on` / `off` command. This lamp does not need electricity and can be colored with the airbrush tool from the mod Unified Dyes" and via Lua/Beduino commands.
With the chat command `/ta_color` the color palette with the values for the Lua/Beduino commands is displayed and with `/ta_send color <num>` the color can be changed.
### Door/Gate Blocks
With these blocks you can realize doors and gates that can be opened via commands (blocks disappear) and closed again. One door controller is required for each gate or door.
The appearance of the blocks can be adjusted via the block menu.
This makes it possible to realize secret doors that only open for certain players (with the help of the player detector).
### TA3 Door Controller
The door controller is used to control the TA3 door/gate blocks. With the door controller, the numbers of the door/gate blocks must be entered. If an `on` / `off` command is sent to the door controller, this opens/closes the door or gate.
### TA3 Door Controller II
The Door Controller II can remove and set all types of blocks. To teach in the Door Controller II, the "Record" button must be pressed. Then all blocks that should be part of the door / gate must be clicked. Then the "Done" button must be pressed. Up to 16 blocks can be selected. The removed blocks are saved in the controller's inventory. The function of the controller can be tested manually using the "Exchange" button. If an `on` /`off` command is sent to the Door Controller II, it removes or sets the blocks as well.
With `$send_cmnd(node_number, "exchange", 2)` individual blocks can be set, removed or replaced by other blocks from the inventory.
With `$send_cmnd(node_number, "set", 2)` a block from the inventory can be set explicitly, as long as the inventory slot is not empty.
A block can be removed again with `$send_cmnd(node_number, "dig", 2)` if the inventory slot is empty.
The name of the set block is returned with `$send_cmnd(node_number, "get", 2)`.
The slot number of the inventory (1 .. 16) must be passed as payload in all three cases.
With `$send_cmnd(node_number, "reset")` the door controller is reset.
This can also be used to simulate extendable stairs and the like.
### TA3 Sound Block
Different sounds can be played with the sound block. All sounds of the Mods Techage, Signs Bot, Hyperloop, Unified Inventory, TA4 Jetpack and Minetest Game are available.
The sounds can be selected and played via the menu and via command.
- Command `on` to play a sound
- Command `sound <idx>` to select a sound via the index
- Command `gain <volume>` to adjust the volume via the `<volume>` value (1 to 5).
### TA3 Mesecons Converter
The Mesecons converter is used to convert Techage on/off commands into Mesecons signals and vice versa.
To do this, one or more node numbers must be entered and the converter with Mesecons blocks
has to be connected via Mesecons cables. The Mesecons converter can also be configured with the programmer.
The Mesecons converter accepts up to 5 commands per second; it switches itself off at higher loads.
**This node only exists if the mod mesecons is active!**
## Detectors
Detectors scan their surroundings and send an `on` command when the search is recognized.
### TA3 Item Detector
The detector is a special tube block that detects when items are passed on through the tube. To do this, it must be connected to tubes on both sides. If items are pushed into the detector with a pusher, they are automatically passed on.
It sends an `on` when an item is recognized, followed by an `off` a second later.
Then further commands are blocked for 8 seconds.
The waiting time and the items that should trigger a command can be configured using the open-ended wrench menu.
### TA3 Cart Detector
The cart detector sends an `on` command if it has recognized a cart (Minecart) directly in front of it. In addition, the detector can also restart the cart when an `on` command is received.
The detector can also be programmed with its own number. In this case, he pushes all the wagons that stop near him (one block in all directions).
### TA3 Node Detector
The node detector sends an `on` command if it detects that nodes (blocks) appear or disappear in front of it, but must be configured accordingly. After switching the detector back to the standard state (gray block), an `off` command is sent. Valid blocks are all types of blocks and plants, but not animals or players. The sensor range is 3 blocks / meter in the direction of the arrow.
### TA3 Player Detector
The player detector sends an `on` command if it detects a player within 4 m of the block. If the player leaves the area again, an `off` command is sent.
If the search should be limited to specific players, these player names can also be entered.
### TA3 Light Detector
The light detector sends an `on` command if the light level of the block above exceeds a certain level, which can be set through the right-click menu.
If you have a TA4 Lua Controller, you can get the exact light level with $get_cmd(num, 'light_level')
## TA3 Machines
TA3 has the same machines as TA2, only these are more powerful and require electricity instead of axis drive.
Therefore, only the different technical data are given below.
### TA3 Pusher
The function corresponds to that of TA2.
The processing power is 6 items every 2 s.
### TA3 Distributor
The function of the TA3 distributor corresponds to that of TA2.
The processing power is 12 items every 4 s.
### TA3 Autocrafter
The function corresponds to that of TA2.
The processing power is 2 items every 4 s. The autocrafter requires 6 ku of electricity.
### TA3 Electronic Fab
The function corresponds to that of TA2, only TA4 WLAN chips are produced here.
The processing power is one chip every 6 s. The block requires 12 ku of electricity for this.
### TA3 Quarry
The function corresponds to that of TA2.
The maximum depth is 40 meters. The quarry requires 12 ku of electricity.
### TA3 Gravel Sieve
The function corresponds to that of TA2.
The processing power is 2 items every 4 s. The block requires 4 ku of electricity.
### TA3 Gravel Rinser
The function corresponds to that of TA2.
The probability is also the same as for TA2. The block also requires 3 ku of electricity.
But in contrast to TA2, the status of the TA3 block can be read (controller)
### TA3 Grinder
The function corresponds to that of TA2.
The processing power is 2 items every 4 s. The block requires 6 ku of electricity.
### TA3 Injector
The injector is a TA3 pusher with special properties. It has a menu for configuration. Up to 8 items can be configured here. He only takes these items from a chest to pass them on to machines with recipes (autocrafter, industrial furnace and electronic fab).
When passing on, only one position in the inventory is used in the target machine. If, for example, only the first three entries are configured in the injector, only the first three storage locations in the machine's inventory are used. So that an overflow in the machine inventory is prevented.
The injector can also be switched to "pull mode". Then he only pulls items out of the chest from the positions that are defined in the configuration of the injector. In this case, item type and position must match. This allows to empty specific inventory entries of a chest.
The processing power is up to 8 times one item every 4 seconds.
## Tools
### Techage Info Tool
The Techage Info Tool (open-ended wrench) has several functions. It shows the time, position, temperature and biome when an unknown block is clicked on.
If you click on a TechAge block with command interface, all available data will be shown (see also "Logic / switching blocks").
With Shift + right click an extended menu can be opened for some blocks. Depending on the block, further data can be called up or special settings can be made here. In the case of a generator, for example, the charging curve/switch-off can be programmed.
### TechAge Programmer
With the programmer, block numbers can be collected from several blocks with a right click and written into a block like a button / switch with a left click.
If you click in the air, the internal memory is deleted.
### TechAge Trowel / Trowel
The trowel is used for plastering power cables. See also "TA power cable".
### TA3 drill pipe wrench
This tool can be used to remove the drill pipe blocks if, for example, a tunnel is to pass through there.
### Techage Screwdriver
The Techage Screwdriver serves as a replacement for the normal screwdriver. It has the following functions:
- Left click: turn the block to the left
- Right click: turn the visible side of the block upwards
- Shift + left click: save the alignment of the clicked block
- Shift + right click: apply the saved alignment to the clicked block
### TechAge Assembly Tool
The TechAge Assembly Tool is used to remove and reposition Techage blocks without these blocks losing their block number or being assigned a new number when setting. This is helpful, for example, for quarries, as they often have to be moved.
- Left button: Remove a block
- Right button: Set a block
The block that was previously removed with the assembly tool and is to be placed again must be on the far left of the player inventory.
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# TA5: Future
Machines to overcome space and time, new sources of energy and other achievements shape your life.
Experience points are required for the manufacture and use of TA5 machines and blocks. These can only be worked out using the collider from TA4.
## Energy Sources
### TA5 Fusion Reactor
Nuclear fusion means the fusing of two atomic nuclei. Depending on the reaction, large amounts of energy can be released. Nuclear fusions, in which energy is released, take place in the form of chain reactions. They are the source of the energy of the stars, including our sun, for example. A fusion reactor converts the energy released during controlled nuclear fusion into electricity.
**How do fusion reactors work?**
A fusion reactor works according to the classic principle of a thermal power plant: water is heated and drives a steam turbine, whose kinetic energy is converted into electricity by a generator.
A fusion power plant initially requires a large amount of energy, since a plasma has to be generated. "Plasma" is the name given to the fourth state of matter, after solid, liquid and gaseous. This requires a lot of electricity. Only through this extreme concentration of energy does the fusion reaction ignite and the heat given off is used to generate electricity via the heat exchanger. The generator then delivers 800 ku of electricity.
The plan on the right shows a section through the fusion reactor.
60 experience points are required to operate the fusion reactor. The fusion reactor must be built entirely in a forceload block area.
#### TA5 Fusion Reactor Magnet
A total of 60 TA5 Fusion Reactor Magnets are required to set up the fusion reactor. These form the ring in which the plasma forms. The TA5 Fusion Reactor Magnets requires power and has two ports for cooling.
There are two types of magnets, so all sides of the magnet that face the plasma ring can also be protected with a heat shield.
With the corner magnets on the inside of the ring, one connection side is covered (power or cooling) and can therefore not be connected. This is technically not feasible and therefore has no influence on the function of the fusion reactor.
#### TA5 Pump
The pump is required to fill the cooling circuit with isobutane. About 350 units of isobutane are required.
Note: The TA5 pump can only be used to fill the cooling circuit, pumping out the coolant is not possible. Therefore, the pump should not be switched on until the magnets are correctly placed and all power and cooling lines are connected.
#### TA5 Heat Exchanger
The TA5 Heat Exchanger is required to convert the heat generated in the fusion reactor first to steam and then to electricity. The Heat Exchanger itself requires 5 ku electricity. The structure is similar to the Heat Exchanger of the energy store from TA4.
Note: The TA5 Heat Exchanger has two connections (blue and green) for the cooling circuit. The heat exchanger and all magnets must be connected to form a cooling circuit via the green and blue pipes.
The cooling circuit can be checked for completeness using the start button on the heat exchanger, even if no coolant has yet been filled in.
#### TA5 Fusion Reactor Controller
The fusion reactor is switched on via the TA5 Fusion Reactor Controller. The cooling/Heat Exchanger must be switched on first and then the controller. It takes about 2 minutes for the reactor to start up and supply electricity. The fusion reactor and thus the controller requires 400 ku of electricity to maintain the plasma.
#### TA5 Fusion Reactor Shell
The entire reactor must be surrounded by a shell that absorbs the enormous pressure that the magnets exert on the plasma and protects the environment from radiation. Without this shell, the reactor cannot be started. With the TechAge Trowel, power cables and cooling pipes of the fusion reactor can also be integrated into the shell.
#### TA5 Fusion Reactor Core
The core must sit in the center of the reactor. See illustration under "TA5 Fusion Reactor". The TechAge Trowel is also required for this.
## Energy Storage
### TA5 Hybrid Storage (planned)
## Logic blocks
## Transport and Traffic
### TA5 Flight Controller
The TA5 Flight Controller is similar to the TA4 Move Controller. In contrast to the TA4 Move Controller, several movements can be combined into one flight route. This flight route can be defined in the input field using several x,y,z entries (one movement per line). The flight route is checked and saved via "Save". In the event of an error, an error message is issued.
With the "Test" button, the flight route with the absolute coordinates is output for checking in the chat.
The maximum distance for the entire flight distance is 1500 m. Up to 32 blocks can be trained.
The use of the TA5 Flight Controller requires 40 experience points.
**Teleport mode**
If the 'Teleport Mode' is enabled, a player can also be moved without blocks. To do this, the start position must be configured using the "Record" button. Only one position can be configured here. The player to be moved must be in that position.
### TA5 Hyperloop Chest
The TA5 Hyperloop Chest allows objects to be transported over a Hyperloop network.
The TA5 Hyperloop Chest has to be placed on a Hyperloop Junction. The chest has a special menu, with which you can pair two chests. Things that are in the chest are teleported to the remote station. The chest can also be filled/emptied with a pusher.
For pairing you first have to enter a name for the chest on one side, then you can select this name for the other chest and thus connect the two blocks.
The use of the TA5 Hyperloop Chest requires 15 experience points.
### TA5 Hyperloop Tank
The TA5 Hyperloop Tank allows liquids to be transported over a Hyperloop network.
The TA5 Hyperloop Tank has to be placed on a Hyperloop Junction.The tank has a special menu, with which you can pair two tanks. Liquids in the tank will be teleported to the remote station. The tank can also be filled/emptied with a pump.
For pairing you first have to enter a name for the tank on one side, then you can select this name for the other tank and thus connect the two blocks.
The use of the TA5 Hyperloop Tank requires 15 experience points.
## Teleport Blocks
Teleport blocks allow things to be transferred between two teleport blocks without the need for a pipe or tube in between. To pair the blocks, you first have to enter a name for the block on one side, then you can select this name for the other block and thus connect the two blocks. Pairing can only be carried out by one player (player name is checked) and must be completed before the server is restarted. Otherwise the pairing data will be lost.
The map on the right shows how the blocks can be used.
### TA5 Teleport Block Items
These teleport blocks allow the transfer of items and thus replace a tube. Distances of up to 500 blocks can be bridged.
Each Teleport blocks requires 12 ku of electricity.
30 experience points are required to use the teleport blocks.
### TA5 Teleport Block Liquids
These teleport blocks allow the transfer of liquids and thus replace a pipe. Distances of up to 500 blocks can be bridged.
Each Teleport blocks requires 12 ku of electricity.
30 experience points are required to use the teleport blocks.
### Hyperloop Teleport Blocks (planned)
The Hyperloop Teleport Blocks allow the construction of a Hyperloop network without Hyperloop tubes.
The use of the Hyperloop Teleport Blocks requires 60 experience points.
## More TA5 Blocks/Items
### TA5 Container (planned)
The TA5 container allows Techage systems to be packed and unpacked at another location.
80 experience points are required to use the TA5 container.
### TA5 AI Chip
The TA5 AI Chip is partly required for the production of TA5 blocks. The TA5 AI Chip can only be manufactured at the TA4 Electronics Fab. This requires 10 experience points.
### TA5 AI Chip II
The TA5 AI Chip II is required to build the TA5 Fusion Reactor. The TA5 AI Chip II can only be manufactured at the TA4 Electronics Fab. This requires 25 experience points.
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# TA4 ICTA Controller
The ICTA controller (ICTA stands for "If Condition Then Action") is used to monitor and control machines. The controller can be used to read in data from machines and other blocks and, depending on this, switch other machines and blocks on / off.
### 8 Controller Rules
The controller works on the basis of rules, whereby up to 8 rules can be created per controller.
Examples of rules are:
- If a distributor is blocked, the pusher in front of it should be switched off
- If a machine displays the fault state, a lamp should be switched on to indicate the fault
- If a player is close to a player detector, his name should be shown on a display
- If a Minecart is recognized by the cart sensor, the cart should be loaded (pusher switched on)
All rules should only be executed as often as necessary. This has two advantages:
- the battery of the controller lasts longer (each controller needs a battery)
- the load for the server is lower (therefore fewer lags)
### Cyclic execution of rules
These rules are checked cyclically by the controller. If a condition is met, the action is carried out. As long as the condition is not met, nothing happens. Even if the condition was already met when the rule was last edited and the action was carried out, nothing happens. The condition must first become invalid and then apply again so that the action is executed again.
How often a rule is checked by the controller can be configured individually for each rule. A cycle time in seconds (`Cycle/s`) must be specified for each rule (1..1000).
### Event-driven execution of rules
As an alternative to the cyclically checked rules, there is also the event-controlled execution of rules.
Events are commands that are sent from other blocks to the controller. Examples are sensors and switches. These send `on` / `off` commands. For example, if the switch is switched on, it sends an `on` command, if it is switched off, it sends an `off` command to the block with the number that was configured for the switch.
For rules that are to be executed in an event-controlled manner, cycle time 0 must be specified.
### Delay Time
You have to set a delay time (`after/s`) for each action. If the action is to be carried out immediately, 0 must be entered.
#### Terms / Conditions
One of the following conditions can be configured for each rule. However, only one condition can be configured per rule.
- `initial` - This condition is always met after the controller is switched on and is used, for example, to switch off a lamp so that it can then be switched on again if an error occurs.
- `true` - This condition is always fulfilled and is used, for example, to make a lamp flash. Two rules are required for this. For example, if both rules have a cycle time of 2 s, but the first rule has a delay time of 0 s and the second rule has a delay time of 1 s, then a lamp can be cyclically switched on and off again.
- `condition` - Depending on another rule, an action can be started here. To do this, the number of the other rule (1..8) must be specified. This means that 2 actions can be carried out with one `condition`. With the additional configurable condition, `was not true` was used to switch off a lamp, for example, when the condition is no longer met.
- `inputs` - This enables the received value `on` / `off` of a command (event) to be evaluated. Please note here: For rules that are to be executed event-controlled, cycle time 0 must be specified.
- `read block state` - This allows the status of a machine to be queried. The machine number (block number) must be entered. Possible machine states are:
- `running` -> machine is working
- `stopped` -> machine is switched off
- `standby` -> machine has nothing to do, for example because the inventory is empty
- `blocked` -> machine cannot do anything, e.g. the initial inventory is full
- `fault` -> machine has a fault. The machine menu may provide further information
- `unloaded` -> Machines at a greater distance may have been unloaded from the server without a forceload block. Then these are not active.
If a configured condition is fulfilled, e.g. `block number 456 is stopped`, the action is carried out.
**Info:** A **block number** is a unique number that is generated by Techage when many Techage blocks are placed and is displayed as information text behind the block name. The block number is used for addressing during communication between Techage controllers and machines.
The easiest way to determine which machines provide which status information is with the wrench / Techage Info tool directly on the machine.
- `read amount of fuel` - This can be used to read out how much fuel a machine still has (typically 0-99 units) and to compare it with a value of 'larger' or 'smaller'. If the configured condition is met, the action is carried out.
`read power / liquid load` - This means that the charge of a battery or the heat storage device can be queried in percent (values from 0..100) and checked for 'larger' / 'smaller' with the configured condition. If the condition is met, the action is carried out.
- `read delivered power` - This can be used to query the amount of electricity that a generator (in ku) is delivering. The value can be checked with the configured condition for 'larger' / 'smaller'. If the condition is met, the action is carried out. Since batteries not only emit electricity but also absorb, this value is negative when the battery is charged.
- `read chest state` - This enables the status of a TA3/TA4 chest to be queried and evaluated. Chests provide the states:
- `empty` - the chest is empty
- `loaded` - the chest partially filled
- `full` - All stacks in the chest are at least partially occupied
If the condition is met, the action is carried out.
- `read Signal Tower state` - This allows the color of a Signal Tower to be queried and checked. Signal towers deliver the values `off`, `green`, `amber`, `red`. If the condition is met, the action is carried out.
- `read Player Detector` - This can be used to query a player detector. The detector provides the player's name near the detector. If not only a specific but every player's name is to be shown on a display, enter '*' in 'player name (s).
You can also enter multiple names separated by spaces. If the action is to be carried out when there is no player nearby, enter `-`.
### Actions
For all actions that control a block (such as a lamp), the number of the block must be specified in the action. Only one action can be configured per rule.
- `print to output window` - e.g. a text can be output in the controller menu (under 'outp') for test purposes. This is especially helpful when troubleshooting.
- `send Signal Tower command` - This allows the color of the Signal Tower to be set. Possible values are: `off`,` green`, `amber`,` red`.
- `turn block off / on` - This enables a block or machine to be switched on or off again.
- `Display: overwrite one line` - This allows text to be output on the display. The line number on the display (1..5) must be specified.
If the player name of the player detector is to be output from the condition, then 'text' is on
Enter the `*` character.
- `Display: Clear screen` - clear the screen
- `send chat message` - This allows you to send yourself a chat message.
- `open / close door` - This allows the standard doors to be opened and closed. Since the doors have no numbers, the coordinates of the door must be entered. The coordination of a door can be easily determined with the wrench / Techage Info tool.
- `Turn distributor filter on / off` - This enables the filter / outputs of a distributor to be switched on and off. The corresponding output must be specified via the color.
### Miscellaneous
The controller has its own help and information on all commands via the controller menu.
Machine data is read in and blocks and machines are controlled using commands. To understand how commands work, the chapter TA3 -> Logic / switching blocks in the in-game help (construction plan) is helpful.
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# TA4 Lua Controller
![Lua Controller](
The TA4 Lua Controller is a small computer, programmable in Lua to control your machinery.
In contrast to the ICTA Controller this controller allows to implement larger and more complex programs.
But to write Lua scripts, some knowledge with the programming language Lua is required.
Minetest uses Lua 5.1. The reference document for Lua 5.1 is [here]( The book [Programming in Lua (first edition)]( is also a perfect source for learning Lua.
This TA4 Lua Controller manual is also available as PDF:
## Table of Contents
- [TA4 Lua Controller](#ta4-lua-controller)
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [TA4 Lua Controller Blocks](#ta4-lua-controller-blocks)
- [TA4 Lua Controller](#ta4-lua-controller-1)
- [Battery](#battery)
- [TA4 Lua Server](#ta4-lua-server)
- [TA4 Lua Controller Terminal](#ta4-lua-controller-terminal)
- [TA4 Sensor Chest](#ta4-sensor-chest)
- [Lua Functions and Environment](#lua-functions-and-environment)
- [Lua Functions and Limitations](#lua-functions-and-limitations)
- [Arrays, Stores, and Sets](#arrays-stores-and-sets)
- [Arrays](#arrays)
- [Stores](#stores)
- [Sets](#sets)
- [Initialization, Cyclic Task, and Events](#initialization-cyclic-task-and-events)
- [Initialization](#initialization)
- [Cyclic Task](#cyclic-task)
- [Events](#events)
- [Lua Controller Functions](#lua-controller-functions)
- [Controller local Functions](#controller-local-functions)
- [Input Example](#input-example)
- [Techage Command Functions](#techage-command-functions)
- [Server and Terminal Functions](#server-and-terminal-functions)
- [Communication between Lua Controllers](#communication-between-lua-controllers)
- [Further Functions](#further-functions)
- [Example Scripts](#example-scripts)
- [Simple Counter](#simple-counter)
- [Hello World](#hello-world)
- [For Loop with range(from, to)](#for-loop-with-rangefrom-to)
- [Monitoring Chest \& Furnace](#monitoring-chest--furnace)
- [Simple Calculator](#simple-calculator)
- [Welcome Display](#welcome-display)
- [Sensor Chest](#sensor-chest)
- [Read the "TA4 4x Button"](#read-the-ta4-4x-button)
- [Emails](#emails)
## TA4 Lua Controller Blocks
### TA4 Lua Controller
The controller block has a menu form with the following tabs:
- the `init` tab for the initialization code block
- the `func` tab for the Lua functions
- the `loop` tab for the main code block
- the `outp` tab for debugging outputs via `$print()`
- the `notes` tab for your code snippets or other notes (like a clipboard)
- the `help` tab with information to the available functions
The controller needs power to work. A battery pack has to be placed nearby.
### Battery
The battery pack has to be placed near the controller (1 block distance).
The needed battery power is directly dependent on the CPU time the controller consumes.
Because of that, it is important to optimize the execution time of the code (which helps the admin to keep server lags down :))
The controller will be restarted (init() is called) every time the Minetest server starts again.
To store data non-volatile (to pass a server restart), the "TA4 Lua Server" block has to be used.
### TA4 Lua Server
The Server block is used to store data from Lua Controllers nonvolatile. It can also be used for communication purposes between several Lua Controllers.
Only configured players have access to the server. Therefore, the server has a menu to enter player names.
For special Server functions, see "Server and Terminal Functions"
### TA4 Lua Controller Terminal
The Terminal is used to send command strings to the controller.
In turn, the controller can send text strings to the terminal.
The Terminal has a help system for internal commands. Its supports the following commands:
- `clear` = clear the screen
- `help` = output this message
- `pub` = switch terminal to public use (everybody can enter commands)
- `priv` = switch terminal to private use (only the owner can enter commands)
- `send <num> on/off` = send on/off event to e. g. lamps (for testing purposes)
- `msg <num> <text>` = send a text message to another Controller (for testing purposes)
For special Terminal functions for the TA4 Lua Controller, see "Server and Terminal Functions"
### TA4 Sensor Chest
## Lua Functions and Environment
### Lua Functions and Limitations
The controller uses a subset of the language Lua, called SaferLua. It allows the safe and secure execution of Lua scripts, but has the following limitations:
- limited code length
- limited execution time
- limited memory use
- limited possibilities to call functions
SaferLua follows the standard Lua syntax with the following restrictions:
- no `while` or `repeat` loops (to prevent endless loops)
- no table constructor {..}, see "Arrays, Stores, and Sets" for comfortable alternatives
- limited runtime environment
SaferLua directly supports the following standard functions:
- math.floor
- math.abs
- math.max
- math.min
- math.random
- tonumber
- tostring
- unpack
- type
- string.byte
- string.char
- string.find
- string.format
- string.gmatch
- string.gsub
- string.len
- string.lower
- string.match
- string.rep
- string.sub
- string.upper
- string.split (result is an Array)
- string.split2 (result are multiple returns like the Lua function unpack)
- string.trim
For own function definitions, the menu tab 'func' can be used. Here you write your functions like:
function foo(a, b)
return a + b
Each SaferLua program has access to the following system variables:
- ticks - a counter which increments by one each call of `loop()`
- elapsed - the amount of seconds since the last call of `loop()`
- event - a boolean flag (true/false) to signal the execution of `loop()` based on an occurred event
### Arrays, Stores, and Sets
It is not possible to easily control the memory usage of a Lua table at runtime. Therefore, Lua tables can't be used for SaferLua programs. Because of this, there are the following alternatives, which are secure shells over the Lua table type:
#### Arrays
_Arrays_ are lists of elements, which can be addressed by means of an index. An index must be an integer number. The first element in an _array_ has the index value 1. _Arrays_ have the following methods:
- add(value) - add a new element at the end of the array
- set(idx, value) - overwrite an existing array element on index `idx`
- get(idx) - return the value of the array element on index `idx`
- remove(idx) - remove the array element on index `idx`
- insert(idx, val) - insert a new element at index `idx` (the array becomes one element longer)
- size() - return the number of _array_ elements
- memsize() - return the needed _array_ memory space
- next() - `for` loop iterator function, returning `idx,val`
- sort(reverse) - sort the _array_ elements in place. If _reverse_ is `true`, sort in descending order.
a = Array(1,2,3,4) --> {1,2,3,4}
a.add(6) --> {1,2,3,4,6}
a.set(2, 8) --> {1,8,3,4,6}
a.get(2) --> function returns 8
a.insert(5,7) --> {1,8,3,4,7,6}
a.remove(3) --> {1,8,4,7,6}
a.insert(1, "hello") --> {"hello",1,8,4,7,6}
a.size() --> function returns 6
a.memsize() --> function returns 10
for idx,val in do
#### Stores
Unlike _arrays_, which are indexed by a range of numbers, _stores_ are indexed by keys, which can be a string or a number. The main operations on a _store_ are storing a value with some key and extracting the value given the key.
The _store_ has the following methods:
- set(key, val) - store/overwrite the value `val` behind the keyword `key`
- get(key) - read the value behind `key`
- del(key) - delete a value
- size() - return the number of _store_ elements
- memsize() - return the needed _store_ memory space
- next() - `for` loop iterator function, returning `key,val`
- keys(order) - return an _array_ with the keys. If _order_ is `"up"` or `"down"`, return the keys as sorted _array_, in order of the _store_ values.
s = Store("a", 4, "b", 5) --> {a = 4, b = 5}
s.set("val", 12) --> {a = 4, b = 5, val = 12}
s.get("val") --> returns 12
s.set(0, "hello") --> {a = 4, b = 5, val = 12, [0] = "hello"}
s.del("val") --> {a = 4, b = 5, [0] = "hello"}
s.size() --> function returns 3
s.memsize() --> function returns 9
for key,val in do
Keys sort example:
s = Store() --> {}
s.set("Joe", 800) --> {Joe=800}
s.set("Susi", 1000) --> {Joe=800, Susi=1000}
s.set("Tom", 60) --> {Joe=800, Susi=1000, Tom=60}
s.keys() --> {Joe, Susi, Tom}
s.keys("down") --> {Susi, Joe, Tom}
s.keys("up") --> {Tom, Joe, Susi}
#### Sets
A _set_ is an unordered collection with no duplicate elements. The basic use of a _set_ is to test if an element is in the _set_, e.g. if a player name is stored in the _set_.
The _set_ has the following methods:
- add(val) - add a value to the _set_
- del(val) - delete a value from the _set_
- has(val) - test if value is stored in the _set_
- size() - return the number of _set_ elements
- memsize() - return the needed _set_ memory space
- next() - `for` loop iterator function, returning `idx,val`
s = Set("Tom", "Lucy") --> {Tom = true, Lucy = true}
s.add("Susi") --> {Tom = true, Lucy = true, Susi = true}
s.del("Tom") --> {Lucy = true, Susi = true}
s.has("Susi") --> function returns `true`
s.has("Mike") --> function returns `false`
s.size() --> function returns 2
s.memsize() --> function returns 8
for idx,val in do
All three types of data structures allow nested elements, e.g. you can store a _set_ in a _store_ or an _array_ and so on. But note that the overall size over all data structures can't exceed the predefined limit. This value is configurable for the server admin. The default value is 1000.
The configured limit can be determined via `memsize()`:
memsize() --> function returns 1000 (example)
### Initialization, Cyclic Task, and Events
The TA4 Lua Controller distinguishes between the initialization phase (just after the controller was started) and the continuous operational phase, in which the normal code is executed.
#### Initialization
During the initialization phase the function `init()` is executed once. The `init()` function is typically used to initialize variables, clean the display, or reset other blocks:
-- initialize variables
counter = 1
table = Store()
player_name = "unknown"
# reset blocks
$clear_screen("123") -- "123" is the number-string of the display
$send_cmnd("2345", "off") -- turn off the blocks with the number "2345"
#### Cyclic Task
During the continuous operational phase the `loop()` function is cyclically called.
Code witch should be executed cyclically has to be placed here.
The cycle frequency is per default once per second but can be changed via:
$loopcycle(0) -- no loop cyle any more
$loopcycle(1) -- call the loop function every second
$loopcycle(10) -- call the loop function every 10 seconds
The provided number must be an integer value.
The cycle frequency can be changed in the `init()` function, but also in the `loop()` function.
#### Events
To be able to react directly on received commands, the TA4 Lua Controller supports events.
Events are usually turned off, but can be activated with the function `events()`:
$events(true) -- enable events
$events(false) -- disable events
If an event occurs (a command was received from another block), the `loop()` is executed (in addition to the normal loop cycle). In this case the system variable 'event' is set:
if event then
-- event has occurred
if $get_input("3456") == "on" then -- check input from block "3456"
-- do some action...
The first occurred event will directly be processed, further events may be delayed. The TA4 Lua Controller allows a maximum of one event every 100 ms.
## Lua Controller Functions
In addition to Lua standard function the Lua Controller provides the following functions:
### Controller local Functions
- `$print(text)` - Output a text string on the 'outp' tab of the controller menu.
E.g.: `$print("Hello "`
- `$loopcycle(seconds)` - This function allows to change the call frequency of the controller loop() function, witch is per default one second. For more info, see "Cyclic Task"
- `$events(bool)` - Enable/disable event handling. For more info, see "Events"
- `$get_ms_time()` - Returns the time with millisecond precision
- `$get_gametime()` - Returns the time, in seconds, since the world was created
- `$time_as_str()` - Read the time of day (ingame) as text string in 24h format, like "18:45"
- `$time_as_num()` - Read the time of day (ingame) as integer number in 24h format, like 1845
- `$get_input(num)` - Read an input value provided by an external block with the given number _num_. The block has to be configured with the number of the controller to be able to send status messages (on/off commands) to the controller. _num_ is the number (data type string) of the remote block, like "1234".
#### Input Example
- A Player Detector with number "456" is configured to send on/off commands to the TA4 Lua Controller with number "345".
- The TA4 Lua Controller will receive these commands as input value.
- The program on the SaferLua Controller can always read the last input value from the Player Detector with number "456" by means of:
`sts = $get_input("456")`
### Techage Command Functions
With the `$send_cmnd(num, ident, add_data)` function, you can send commands to and retrieve data from another block with the given number _num_.
The possible commands can be classified in two groups: Commands for reading data and commands for triggering an action.
Please note, that this is not a technical distinction, only a logical.
**Reading data**
- _ident_ specifies the data to be read.
- _add_data_ is for additional data and normally not needed.
- The result is block dependent (see table below)
| ident | returned data | comment |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| "state" | one of: "running", "stopped", "blocked", "standby", "fault", or "unloaded" | Techage machine state, used by many machines |
| "state" | one of: "red", "amber", "green", "off" | Signal Tower state |
| "state" | one of: "empty", "loaded", "full" | State of a chest or Sensor Chest |
| "state" | one of: "on", "off" | State of a TA4 Button |
| "fuel" | number | fuel value of a fuel consuming block |
| "depth" | number | Read the current depth value of a quarry block (1..80) |
| "load" | number | Read the load value in percent (0..100) of a accu, or battery block. |
| "load" | number | Read the load value in percent (0..100) of a tank or silo. <br />Silo and tank return two values: <br />The percentage value and the absolute value in units.<br /> Example: percent, absolute = $send_cmnd("223", "load") |
| "load" | number | Read the grid storage amount (state of charge) in percent (0..100) from a TA3 Power Terminal. |
| "delivered" | number | Read the current delivered power value of a generator block. A power consuming block (accu) provides a negative value |
| "flowrate" | Total flow rate in liquid units | Only for TA4 Pumps |
| "action" | player-name, action-string | Only for Sensor Chests |
| "stacks" | Array with up to 4 Stores with the inventory content (see example) | Only for Sensor Chests |
| "count" | number | Read the item counter of the TA4 Item Detector block |
| "count" | number of items | Read the total amount of TA4 chest items. An optional number as `add_data` is used to address only one inventory slot (1..8, from left to right). |
| "count" | number of items | Read the number of pushed items for a TA4 Pusher in "flow limiter" mode |
| "count" | number of units | Read the number of pumped liquid units for a TA4 Pump in "flow limiter" mode |
| "itemstring" | item string of the given slot | Specific command for the TA4 8x2000 Chest to read the item type (technical name) of one chest slot, specified via `add_data` (1..8).<br />Example: s = $send_cmnd("223", "itemstring", 1) |
| "output" | recipe output string, <br />e.g.: "default:glass" | Only for the Industrial Furnace. If no recipe is active, the command returns "unknown" |
| "input" | \<index> | Read a recipe from the TA4 Recipe Block. `<index>` is the number of the recipe. The block return a list of recipe items. |
| "name" | \<player name> | Player name of the TA3/TA4 Player Detector or TA4 Button |
| "time" | number | Time in system ticks (norm. 100 ms) when the TA4 Button is clicked |
| "consumption" | number | TA4 Electric Meter: Amount of electrical energy passed through |
| "countdown" | number | TA4 Electric Meter: Countdown value for the amount of electrical energy passed through |
| "current" | number | TA4 Electric Meter: Current flow of electricity (current) |
**Trigger an action**
- _num_ is the number of the remote block, like "1234"
- _cmnd_ is the command
- _data_ is additional data (see table below)
| cmnd | data | comment |
| -------------------------------- | ------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| "on", "off" | nil | turn a node on/off (machine, lamp,...) |
| "red, "amber", "green", "off" | nil | set Signal Tower or Traffic Light color |
| "red, "amber", "green", "off" | lamp number (1..4) | Set the signal lamp color. Valid for "TA4 2x Signal Lamp" and "TA4 4x Signal Lamp" |
| "port" | string<br />`<color>=on/off` | Enable/disable a Distributor filter slot..<br />Example: `"yellow=on"`<br />colors: red, green, blue, yellow |
| "config" | "\<slot> \<item list>" | Configure a Distributor filter slot, like: "red default:dirt dye:blue" |
| "text" | text string | Text to be used for the Sensor Chest menu |
| "reset" | nil | Reset item and countdown counters of the TA4 Item Detector block |
| "countdown" | number | Set countdown counter of the TA4 Item Detector block to the given value and<br />start countdown mode. |
| "limit" | number | Configure a TA4 Pusher with the number of items that are allowed to be pushed ("flow limiter" mode)<br />limit = 0 turns off the "flow limiter" mode |
| "limit" | number | Configure a TA4 Pump with the number of liquid units that are allowed to be pumped ("flow limiter" mode)<br />limit = 0 turns off the "flow limiter" mode |
| "config" | item string | Configure the TA4 pusher.<br />Example: `wool:blue` |
| "exchange" | inventory slot number | TA3 Door Controller II (techage:ta3_doorcontroller2)<br />Exchange a block<br />*idx* is the inventory slot number (1..n) of/for the block to be exchanged |
| "set" | inventory slot number | TA3 Door Controller II (techage:ta3_doorcontroller2)<br />Set/add a block<br />*idx* is the inventory slot number (1..n) with the block to be set |
| "dig" | inventory slot number | TA3 Door Controller II (techage:ta3_doorcontroller2)<br />Dig/remove a block<br />*idx* is the empty inventory slot number (1..n) for the block |
| "a2b" | nil | TA4 Move Controller command to move the block(s) from position A to B |
| "b2a" | nil | TA4 Move Controller command to move the block(s) from position B to A |
| "move" | nil | TA4 Move Controller command to move the block(s) to the opposite position |
| "move2" | x,y,z | TA4 Move Controller command to move the block(s) by the given<br /> x/y/z-distance. Valid ranges for x, y, and z are -100 to 100.<br />Example: `$send_cmnd("1674", "move2", "0,4,0")` |
| "moveto" | x,y,z | TA4 Move Controller command to move the block(s) to the given<br /> absolute x/y/z-position. |
| "reset" | nil | Reset TA4 Move Controller (move block(s) to start position) |
| "left" | nil | TA4 Turn Controller command to turn the block(s) to the left |
| "right" | nil | TA4 Turn Controller command to turn the block(s) to the right |
| "uturn" | nil | TA4 Turn Controller command to turn the block(s) 180 degrees |
| "recipe" | `<item_name>,<item_name>,...` | Set the TA4 Autocrafter recipe. <br />Example for the torch recipe: `default:coal_lump,,,default:stick` <br />Hint: Empty fields may only be left out at the end of the item list! |
| "recipe" | `<number>.<index>` | Set the TA4 Autocrafter recipe with a recipe from a TA4 Recipe Block.<br />`<number>` is the TA4 Recipe Block number<br />`<index>` is the number of the recipe in the TA4 Recipe Block |
| "goto" | `<slot>` | Start command for the TA4 Sequencer. `<slot>` is the time slot like `[1]` where the execution starts. |
| "stop" | nil | Stop command for the TA4 Sequencer. |
| "gain" | volume | Set volume of the sound block (`volume` is a value between 0 and 1.0) |
| "sound" | index | Select sound sample of the sound block |
| "color" | \<color> | Set the color of the TechAge Color Lamp and TechAge Color Lamp 2 (color = 0..255) |
### Server and Terminal Functions
The Server is used to store data permanently/non-volatile. It can also be used to share data between several Controllers.
- `$server_write(num, key, value)` - Store a value on the server under the key _key_. _key_ must be a string. _value_ can be either a number, string, boolean, nil or data structure.
**This function does not allow nested data structures**.
_num_ is the number of the Server.
Example: `$server_write("0123", "state", state)`
- `$server_read(num, key)` - Read a value from the server. _key_ must be a string. _num_ is the number of the Server, like "1234".
The Terminal can send text strings as events to the Controller.
In contrast the Controller can send text strings to the terminal.
- `$get_term()` - Read a text command received from the Terminal
- `$put_term(num, text)` - Send a text string to the Terminal. _num_ is the number of the Terminal.
### Communication between Lua Controllers
Messages are used to transport data between Controllers. Messages can contain arbitrary data. Incoming messages are stored in order (up to 10) and can be read one after the other.
* `$get_msg([raw])` - Read a received message. The function returns the sender number as string and the message. (see example "Emails"). If the _raw_ parameter is not set or false, the message is guaranteed to be a string.
* `$send_msg(num, msg)` - Send a message to another Controller. _num_ is the destination number as string. (see example "Emails")
### Further Functions
* `$chat(text)` - Send yourself a chat message. _text_ is a text string.
* `$door(pos, text)` - Open/Close a door at position "pos".
Example: `$door("123,7,-1200", "close")`.
Hint: Use the Techage Info Tool to determine the door position.
* `$item_description("default:apple")`
Get the description (item name) for a specified itemstring, e. g. determined via the TA4 8x2000 Chest command `itemstring`:
`str = $send_cmnd("223", "itemstring", 1)`
`descr = $item_description(str)`
* `$display(num, row, text)` Send a text string to the display with number _num_. _row_ is the display row, a value from 1 to 5, or 0 to add the text string at the bottom (scroll screen mode). _text_ is the string to be displayed. If the first char of the string is a blank, the text will be horizontally centered.
* `$clear_screen(num)` Clear the screen of the display with number _num_.
* `$position(num)` Returns the position as string "'(x,y,z)" of the device with the given _num_.
## Example Scripts
### Simple Counter
Very simple example with output on the Controller menu.
init() code:
a = 1
loop() code:
a = a + 1
$print("a = "..a)
### Hello World
"Hello world" example with output on the Display.
init() code:
a = Array("Hello", "world", "of", "Minetest")
for i,text in do
$display("0669", i, text)
### For Loop with range(from, to)
Second "Hello world" example with output on the Display,
implemented by means of a for/range loop.
init() code:
a = Array("Hello", "world", "of", "Minetest")
for i in range(1, 4) do
text = a.get(i)
$display("0669", i, text)
### Monitoring Chest & Furnace
More realistic example to read Pusher states and output them on a display:
init() code:
DISPLAY = "1234" -- adapt this to your display number
min = 0
loop() code:
-- call code every 60 sec
if ticks % 60 == 0 then
-- output time in minutes
min = min + 1
$display(DISPLAY, 1, min.." min")
-- Cactus chest overrun
sts = $send_cmnd("1034", "state") -- read pusher status
if sts == "blocked" then $display(DISPLAY, 2, "Cactus full") end
-- Tree chest overrun
sts = $send_cmnd("1065", "state") -- read pusher status
if sts == "blocked" then $display(DISPLAY, 3, "Tree full") end
-- Furnace fuel empty
sts = $send_cmnd("1544", "state") -- read pusher status
if sts == "standby" then $display(DISPLAY, 4, "Furnace fuel") end
### Simple Calculator
A simple calculator (adds entered numbers) by means of a Lua Controller and a Terminal.
init() code:
TERM = "360" -- terminal number, to be adapted!
sum = 0
$put_term(TERM, "sum = "..sum)
loop() code:
s = $get_term() -- read text from terminal
if s then
val = tonumber(s) or 0 -- convert to number
sum = sum + val
text = string.format("+%d = %d", val, sum) -- format output string
$put_term(TERM, text) -- output to terminal
### Welcome Display
In addition to the controller, you also need a player detector and a display.
When the Player Detector detects a player the player name is shown on the display:
init() code:
SENSOR = "365" -- player detector number, to be adapted!
DISPLAY = "367" -- display number, to be adapted!
loop() code:
if event then
name = $send_cmnd(SENSOR, "name")
if name == "" then -- no player arround
$display(DISPLAY, 2, " Welcome")
$display(DISPLAY, 3, " "
### Sensor Chest
The following example shows the functions/commands to be used with the Sensor Chest:
init() code:
SENSOR = "372" -- sensor chest number, to be adapted!
$send_cmnd(SENSOR, "text", "press both buttons and\nput something into the chest")
loop() code:
if event and $get_input(SENSOR) == "on" then
-- read inventory state
state = $send_cmnd(SENSOR, "state")
$print("state: "..state)
-- read player name and action
name, action = $send_cmnd(SENSOR, "action")
$print("action"..": "" "..action)
-- read inventory content
stacks = $send_cmnd(SENSOR, "stacks")
for i,stack in do
$print("stack: "..stack.get("name").." "..stack.get("count"))
### Read the "TA4 4x Button"
For the `$get_input(...)` function, the Lua controller expects received `on`/`off` commands. However, the "TA4 4x Button" is not able to send an `on` command followed by an `off` command. To be able to receive commands from "TA4 4x Button", the `$get_msg()` function has to be used.
Therefore, the "TA4 4x Button" (Type set to "button") has to be programmed with commands like: `msg 1`, `msg 2`, `msg 3`, `msg 4`.
The following example demonstrates receiving "TA4 4x Button" commands:
init() code:
BUTTON = "372" -- "TA4 4x Button" number, to be adapted!
loop() code:
if event then
num,text = $get_msg()
if num == BUTTON then
$print("button: " .. text)
If the buttons are pressed, the "outp" window of the Lua controller will look like:
button: 1
button: 4
button: 3
button: 2
### Emails
For an email system you need a TA4 Lua Server and a TA4 Lua Controller with Terminal per player.
The TA4 Lua Server serves as database for player name/block number resolution.
* Each Player needs its own Terminal and Controller. The Terminal has to be connected with the Controller
* Each Controller runs the same Lua Script, only the numbers and the owner names are different
* To send a message, enter the receiver name and the text message like `Tom: hello` into the Terminal
* The Lua script will determine the destination number and send the message to the destination Controller
* All players who should be able to take part in the email system have to be entered into the Server form
init() code:
-- Start: update to your conditions
TERM = "360"
NAME = "Tom"
SERVER = "363"
-- End: update to your conditions
$print($server_write(SERVER, NAME, CONTROLLER))
$print($server_write(SERVER, CONTROLLER, NAME))
loop() code:
-- read from Terminal and send the message
s = $get_term()
if s then
name,text = string.split2(s, ":", false, 1)
num = $server_read(SERVER, name)
if num then
$send_msg(num, text)
$put_term(TERM, "message sent")
-- read message and output to terminal
num,text = $get_msg()
if num then
name = $server_read(SERVER, num)
if name then
$put_term(TERM, name..": "..text)
Normal file
Normal file
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# Table of Contents
- [Tech Age Mod](./
- [Hints](./
- [Changes from version 1.0](./
- [Tips on switching](./
- [Ores and Minerals](./
- [Meridium](./
- [Usmium](./
- [Baborium](./
- [Petroleum](./
- [Bauxite](./
- [Basalt](./
- [History](./
- [TA1: Iron Age](./
- [Charcoal Pile (charcoal burner)](./
- [Melting Furnace](./
- [Watermill](./
- [TA1 mill](./
- [TA1 sluice gate](./
- [TA1 sluice handle](./
- [TA1 Apple Wood Board](./
- [TA1 Apple Millrace Board](./
- [Ores and Tools](./
- [Hammer](./
- [Gravel Sieve](./
- [Hopper](./
- [Gravel seven with the hopper](./
- [Meridium](./
- [TA2: Steam Age](./
- [Steam Engine](./
- [TA2 Firebox](./
- [TA2 Boiler](./
- [TA2 Cylinder](./
- [TA2 Flywheel](./
- [TA2 Steam Pipes](./
- [TA2 Drive Axle / TA2 Gearbox](./
- [TA2 Power Generator](./
- [TA2 energy storage](./
- [TA2 Winch](./
- [TA2 Weight Chest](./
- [Push and sort items](./
- [TechAge Tube](./
- [Tube Concentrator](./
- [TA2 Pusher](./
- [TA2 Distributor](./
- [Gravel washer](./
- [TA2 Gravel Rinser](./
- [Dig stone\\, grind and sieve](./\\,-grind-and-sieve)
- [TA2 Quarry](./
- [TA2 Grinder](./
- [TA2 Gravel Sieve](./
- [Produce Items](./
- [TA2 Autocrafter](./
- [TA2 Electronic Fab](./
- [Other blocks](./
- [TA2 Liquid Sampler](./
- [TA2 Protected Chest](./
- [Techage Forceload Block](./
- [TA3: Oil Age](./
- [Coal-fired Power Station / Oil-fired Power Station](./
- [TA3 power station firebox](./
- [TA3 Power Station Oil Burner](./
- [TA3 boiler base / top](./
- [TA3 turbine](./
- [TA3 generator](./
- [TA3 cooler](./
- [Electrical current](./
- [Importance of storage systems](./
- [TA Electric Cable](./
- [TA Electric Junction Box](./
- [TA Power Line](./
- [TA Power Pole](./
- [TA Power Pole Top](./
- [TA Power Pole Top 2](./
- [TA Power Switch](./
- [TA Power Switch Small](./
- [TA Power Switch Box](./
- [TA3 Small Power Generator](./
- [TA3 Battery Block](./
- [TA3 Power Terminal](./
- [TA3 Electric Motor](./
- [TA3 Industrial Furnace](./
- [TA3 Furnace Oil Burner](./
- [TA3 Furnace Top](./
- [TA3 Booster](./
- [Liquids](./
- [TA3 Tank](./
- [TA3 Pump](./
- [TA Liquid Filler](./
- [TA4 Pipe](./
- [TA3 Pipe Wall Entry Blocks](./
- [TA Valve](./
- [Oil Production](./
- [TA3 Oil Explorer](./
- [TA3 Oil Drill Box](./
- [TA3 Oil Pumpjack](./
- [TA3 Drill Pipe](./
- [Oil tank](./
- [Oil Transportation](./
- [Oil transportation by Tank Carts](./
- [Oil transportation with barrels over Minecarts](./
- [Tank Cart](./
- [Chest Cart](./
- [Oil Processing](./
- [Distillation Tower](./
- [Reboiler](./
- [Logic / Switching Blocks](./
- [TA3 Button / Switch](./
- [TA3 Command Converter](./
- [TA3 Flip-Flop](./
- [TA3 Logic Block](./
- [TA3 Repeater](./
- [TA3 Sequencer](./
- [TA3 Timer](./
- [TA3 Terminal](./
- [TechAge Color Lamp](./
- [Door/Gate Blocks](./
- [TA3 Door Controller](./
- [TA3 Door Controller II](./
- [TA3 Sound Block](./
- [TA3 Mesecons Converter](./
- [Detectors](./
- [TA3 Detector](./
- [TA3 Cart Detector](./
- [TA3 Node Detector](./
- [TA3 Player Detector](./
- [TA3 Light Detector](./
- [TA3 Machines](./
- [TA3 Pusher](./
- [TA3 Distributor](./
- [TA3 Autocrafter](./
- [TA3 Electronic Fab](./
- [TA3 Quarry](./
- [TA3 Gravel Sieve](./
- [TA3 Gravel Rinser](./
- [TA3 Grinder](./
- [TA3 Injector](./
- [TA3 Item Flow Limiter](./
- [Tools](./
- [Techage Info Tool](./
- [TechAge Programmer](./
- [TechAge Trowel / Trowel](./
- [TA3 drill pipe wrench](./
- [Techage Screwdriver](./
- [TA4: Present](./
- [Wind Turbine](./
- [TA4 Wind Turbine](./
- [TA4 Wind Turbine Nacelle](./
- [TA4 Wind Turbine Signal Lamp](./
- [TA4 Pillar](./
- [Solar System](./
- [TA4 Solar Module](./
- [TA4 Solar Carrier Module](./
- [TA4 Solar Inverter](./
- [TA4 Low Power Cable](./
- [TA4 Low Voltage Junction Box](./
- [TA4 Street Lamp Solar Cell](./
- [Thermal Energy Storage](./
- [TA4 Heat Exchanger](./
- [TA4 Turbine](./
- [TA4 Generator](./
- [TA4 Pipe Inlet](./
- [TA4 Pipe](./
- [Power Distribution](./
- [TA4 Isolation Transformer](./
- [TA4 Electric Meter](./
- [TA4 Laser](./
- [Hydrogen](./
- [Electrolyzer](./
- [Fuel Cell](./
- [Chemical Reactor](./
- [TA4 Doser](./
- [TA4 Reactor](./
- [TA4 Filler Pipe](./
- [TA4 Reactor Stand](./
- [TA4 Reactor Base](./
- [TA4 Silo](./
- [ICTA Controller](./
- [TA4 ICTA controller](./
- [Battery](./
- [TA4 Display](./
- [TA4 Display XL](./
- [TA4 Signal Tower](./
- [TA4 Lua Controller](./
- [TA4 Lua Server](./
- [TA4 Sensor Box / Chest](./
- [TA4 Lua Controller Terminal](./
- [TA4 Logic/Switching Modules](./
- [TA4 Button/Switch](./
- [TA4 2x Button](./
- [TA4 4x Button](./
- [TA4 2x Signal Lamp](./
- [TA4 4x Signal Lamp](./
- [TA4 Player Detector](./
- [TA4 State Collector](./
- [TA4 Detector](./
- [TA4 Node Detector](./
- [TA4 Energy Storage Charge Detector](./
- [TA4 Gaze Sensor](./
- [TA4 Sequencer](./
- [Move/Turn Controller](./
- [TA4 Move Controller](./
- [TA4 Turn Controller](./
- [TA4 Lamps](./
- [TA4 LED Grow Light](./
- [TA4 Street Lamp](./
- [TA4 LED Industrial Lamp](./
- [TA4 Liquid Filter](./
- [Base Layer](./
- [Gravel Layer](./
- [Filling Layer](./
- [TA4 Collider (Particle Accelerator)](./
- [Detector](./
- [Control / TA4 Terminal](./
- [Construction](./
- [More TA4 Blocks](./
- [TA4 Recipe Block](./
- [TA4 Autocrafter](./
- [TA4 Tank](./
- [TA4 Pump](./
- [TA4 Furnace Heater](./
- [TA4 Water Pump (deprecated)](./
- [TA4 Water Inlet](./
- [TA4 Tube](./
- [TA4 Pusher](./
- [TA4 Chest](./
- [TA4 8x2000 Chest](./
- [TA4 Distributor](./
- [TA4 High Performance Distributor](./
- [TA4 Gravel Sieve](./
- [TA4 Grinder](./
- [TA4 Quarry](./
- [TA4 Electronic Fab](./
- [TA4 Injector](./
- [TA4 Recycler](./
- [TA4 Item Flow Limiter](./
- [TA5: Future](./
- [Energy Sources](./
- [TA5 Fusion Reactor](./
- [TA5 Fusion Reactor Magnet](./
- [TA5 Pump](./
- [TA5 Heat Exchanger](./
- [TA5 Fusion Reactor Controller](./
- [TA5 Fusion Reactor Shell](./
- [TA5 Fusion Reactor Core](./
- [Energy Storage](./
- [TA5 Hybrid Storage (planned)](./
- [Logic blocks](./
- [Transport and Traffic](./
- [TA5 Flight Controller](./
- [TA5 Hyperloop Chest](./
- [TA5 Hyperloop Tank](./
- [Teleport Blocks](./
- [TA5 Teleport Block Items](./
- [TA5 Teleport Block Liquids](./
- [Hyperloop Teleport Blocks (planned)](./
- [More TA5 Blocks/Items](./
- [TA5 Container (planned)](./
- [TA5 AI Chip](./
- [TA5 AI Chip II](./
Reference in New Issue
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