# Tech Age Mod Tech Age - это технологический мод с 5 этапами развития: TA1: Железная эпоха Используйте инструменты и приспособления, такие как пиролизные печи, сеялки гравия, молотки и бункеры для добычи и переработки необходимых руд и металлов. TA2: Паровая эпоха Постройте паровой двигатель с механическими передачами и используйте его для работы своих первых машин по переработке руды. TA3: Нефтяная эпоха Найдите и добывайте нефть, постройте железные дороги для транспортировки нефти и электростанцию. Электростанция дает необходимое электричество для ваших машин. Электрический свет освещает ваши промышленные предприятия. TA4: Настоящее Возобновляемые источники энергии, такие как ветер, солнце и биотопливо, помогут вам покинуть нефтяной век. С помощью современных технологий и умных машин вы отправляетесь в будущее. TA5: Будущее Машины для преодоления пространства и времени, новые источники энергии и другие достижения способствуют развитию вашей жизни. Примечание: При нажатии на знак «плюс» вы попадаете в подразделы данного руководства. [techage_ta4|image] ## Hints Эта документация доступна как «в игре» (Блок - план строительства), так и на GitHub в виде MD-файлов. - Ссылка: https://github.com/joe7575/techage/wiki Планы (схемы) строительства машин и картинки доступны только в игре. With Tech Age you have to start over. You can only create TA2 blocks with the items from TA1, for TA3 you need the results from TA2, etc. In TA2, the machines only run with drive axes. From TA3, the machines run on electricity and have a communication interface for remote control. TA4 adds more power sources, but also higher logistical challenges (power lines, item transport). ## Changes from version 1.0 From V1.0 (07/17/2021) the following has changed: - The algorithm for calculating the power distribution has changed. This makes energy storage systems more important. These compensate for fluctuations, which is important in larger networks with several generators. - For this reason TA2 got its own energy storage. - The battery blocks from TA3 also serve as energy storage. Their functionality has been adapted accordingly. - The TA4 storage system has been revised. The heat heat exchanger have been given a new number because the functionality has been moved from the lower to the middle block. If these were remotely controlled, the node number must be adapted. The generators no longer have their own menu, but are only switched on / off via the heat exchanger. The heat exchanger and generator must now be connected to the same network! - Several power grids can now be coupled via a TA4 transformer blocks. - A TA4 electricity meter block for sub-networks is also new. - At least one battery block or a storage system in each network ### Tips on switching Many more blocks have received minor changes. It is therefore possible that machines or systems do not start up again immediately after the changeover. In the event of malfunctions, the following tips will help: - Switch machines off and on again - remove a power cable block and put it back in place - remove the block completely and put it back in place ## Ores and Minerals Techage adds some new items to the game: - Meridium - an alloy for the production of luminous tools in TA1 - Usmium - an ore that is mined in TA2 and needed for TA3 - Baborium - a metal that is needed for recipes in TA3 - Petroleum - is needed in TA3 - Bauxite - an aluminum ore that is needed in TA4 to produce aluminum - Basalt - arises when water and lave touch ### Meridium Meridium is an alloy of steel and mesecons crystals. Meridium ingots can be made with the coal burner from steel and mesecons crystals. Meridium glows in the dark. Tools made of Meridium also light up and are therefore very helpful in underground mining. [meridium|image] ### Usmium Usmium only occurs as nuggets and can only be obtained by washing gravel with the TA2/TA3 gravel washing system. [usmium|image] ### Baborium Barborium can only be obtained from underground mining. This substance can only be found at a depth of -250 to -340 meters. Baborium can only be melted in the TA3 Industrial Furnace. [baborium|image] ### Petroleum Petroleum can only be found with the help of the Explorer and extracted with the help of appropriate TA3 machines. See TA3. [oil|image] ### Bauxite Bauxite is only extracted in underground mining. Bauxite is only found in stone at a height between -50 and -500 meters. It is required for the production of aluminum, which is mainly used in TA4. [bauxite|image] ### Basalt Basalt is only created when lava and water come together. The best thing to do is to set up a system where a lava and a water source flow together. Basalt is formed where both liquids meet. You can build an automated basalt generator with the Sign Bot. [basalt|image] ## History - 28.09.2019: Solar system added - 05.10.2019: Data on the solar system and description of the inverter and the power terminal changed - 18.11.2019: Chapter for ores, reactor, aluminum, silo, bauxite, furnace heating, gravel washing system added - 22.02.2020: corrections and chapters on the update - 29.02.2020: ICTA controller added and further corrections - 14.03.2020 Lua controller added and further corrections - 22.03.2020 More TA4 blocks added