--[[ TechAge ======= Copyright (C) 2019-2025 Joachim Stolberg AGPL v3 See LICENSE.txt for more information Meltingpot recipes Bucket redefinitions ]]-- local S = techage.S -- -- New burner recipes -- techage.ironage_register_recipe({ output = "default:obsidian", recipe = {"default:cobble"}, heat = 10, time = 8, }) techage.ironage_register_recipe({ output = "techage:iron_ingot", recipe = {"default:iron_lump"}, heat = 5, time = 3, }) minetest.register_craftitem("techage:iron_ingot", { description = S("TA1 Iron Ingot"), inventory_image = "techage_iron_ingot.png", use_texture_alpha = techage.CLIP, }) local function check_protection(pos, name, text) if minetest.is_protected(pos, name) then minetest.log("action", (name ~= "" and name or "A mod") .. " tried to " .. text .. " at protected position " .. minetest.pos_to_string(pos) .. " with a bucket") minetest.record_protection_violation(pos, name) return true end return false end -- derived from bucket/init.lua local function register_liquid(source, flowing, itemname, inventory_image, name, groups, force_renew) bucket.liquids[source] = { source = source, flowing = flowing, itemname = itemname, force_renew = force_renew, } bucket.liquids[flowing] = bucket.liquids[source] if itemname ~= nil then minetest.unregister_item(itemname) minetest.register_craftitem(":"..itemname, { description = name, inventory_image = inventory_image, stack_max = 1, liquids_pointable = true, groups = groups, on_place = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) -- Must be pointing to node if pointed_thing.type ~= "node" then return end local node = minetest.get_node_or_nil(pointed_thing.under) local ndef = node and minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] -- Call on_rightclick if the pointed node defines it if ndef and ndef.on_rightclick and not (user and user:is_player() and user:get_player_control().sneak) then return ndef.on_rightclick( pointed_thing.under, node, user, itemstack) end local lpos -- Check if pointing to a buildable node if ndef and ndef.buildable_to then -- buildable; replace the node lpos = pointed_thing.under else -- not buildable to; place the liquid above -- check if the node above can be replaced lpos = pointed_thing.above node = minetest.get_node_or_nil(lpos) local above_ndef = node and minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] if not above_ndef or not above_ndef.buildable_to then -- do not remove the bucket with the liquid return itemstack end end if check_protection(lpos, user and user:get_player_name() or "", "place "..source) then return end -------------------------------- Start Modification if techage.disable_lava_above_sea_level then if source == "default:lava_source" and lpos.y > 0 and not minetest.is_singleplayer() then minetest.chat_send_player(user:get_player_name(), S("[Bucket] Lava can only be placed below sea level!")) return else -- see "basis/lib.lua" techage.is_ocean(pos) minetest.set_node(lpos, {name = source, param2 = 1}) end else minetest.set_node(lpos, {name = source, param2 = 1}) end -------------------------------- End Modification return ItemStack("bucket:bucket_empty") end }) end end -- -- Changed default recipes -- if techage.modified_recipes_enabled then minetest.clear_craft({ output = "default:bronze_ingot", type = "crafting", }) -- delete cooking iron lumps into steel ingots minetest.clear_craft({ type = "cooking", recipe = "default:iron_lump", }) minetest.clear_craft({output = "fire:flint_and_steel"}) minetest.clear_craft({output = "bucket:bucket_empty"}) if minetest.global_exists("moreores") then minetest.clear_craft({ recipe = "moreores:silver_lump", type = "cooking", }) end -- add again minetest.register_craft({ output = 'default:bronze_ingot 9', recipe = { {'default:bronzeblock'}, } }) techage.ironage_register_recipe({ output = "default:bronze_ingot 4", recipe = {"default:copper_ingot", "default:copper_ingot", "default:copper_ingot", "default:tin_ingot"}, heat = 4, time = 8, }) techage.ironage_register_recipe({ output = "default:steel_ingot 4", recipe = {"default:coal_lump", "default:iron_lump", "default:iron_lump", "default:iron_lump"}, heat = 7, time = 8, }) techage.ironage_register_recipe({ output = "default:tin_ingot 1", recipe = {"default:tin_lump"}, heat = 4, time = 2, }) if minetest.global_exists("moreores") then techage.ironage_register_recipe({ output = "moreores:silver_ingot 1", recipe = {"moreores:silver_lump"}, heat = 5, time = 2, }) end minetest.register_craft({ output = "fire:flint_and_steel", recipe = { {"default:flint", "default:iron_lump"} } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'bucket:bucket_empty 2', recipe = { {'techage:iron_ingot', '', 'techage:iron_ingot'}, {'', 'techage:iron_ingot', ''}, } }) minetest.override_item("fire:flint_and_steel", { description = S("Flint and Iron"), inventory_image = "fire_flint_steel.png^[colorize:#c7643d:60", }) minetest.override_item("bucket:bucket_empty", { inventory_image = "bucket.png^[colorize:#c7643d:40" }) minetest.override_item("bucket:bucket_river_water", { inventory_image = "bucket_river_water.png^[colorize:#c7643d:30" }) register_liquid( "default:water_source", "default:water_flowing", "bucket:bucket_water", "bucket_water.png^[colorize:#c7643d:30", "Water Bucket", {water_bucket = 1} ) register_liquid( "default:lava_source", "default:lava_flowing", "bucket:bucket_lava", "bucket_lava.png^[colorize:#c7643d:30", "Lava Bucket" ) end