--[[ TechAge ======= Copyright (C) 2019 Joachim Stolberg GPL v3 See LICENSE.txt for more information Cooking recipes for furnace ]]-- techage.furnace.register_recipe({ output = "techage:iron_ingot", recipe = {"default:iron_lump"}, time = 2, }) if techage.modified_recipes_enabled then techage.furnace.register_recipe({ output = "default:bronze_ingot 4", recipe = {"default:copper_ingot", "default:copper_ingot", "default:copper_ingot", "default:tin_ingot"}, time = 2, }) techage.furnace.register_recipe({ output = "default:steel_ingot 4", recipe = {"default:coal_lump", "default:iron_lump", "default:iron_lump", "default:iron_lump"}, time = 4, }) end if minetest.global_exists("wielded_light") then techage.furnace.register_recipe({ output = "techage:meridium_ingot", recipe = {"default:steel_ingot", "default:mese_crystal_fragment"}, heat = 4, time = 3, }) end local function node_group(group) local tbl = {} for key,_ in pairs(minetest.registered_items) do if minetest.get_item_group(key, group) > 0 then tbl[#tbl + 1] = key end end return tbl end minetest.after(1, function() for key,_ in pairs(minetest.registered_items) do if key ~= "" then local tbl = minetest.get_all_craft_recipes(key) if tbl then for _,recipe in ipairs(tbl) do if recipe and recipe.method == "cooking" then if recipe.items[1] and string.split(recipe.items[1], ":")[1] == "group" then for _,item in ipairs(node_group(string.split(recipe.items[1], ":")[2])) do techage.furnace.register_recipe({ output = recipe.output, recipe = {item}, time = math.floor((recipe.width + 1) / 2), }) end else techage.furnace.register_recipe({ output = recipe.output, recipe = recipe.items, time = math.floor((recipe.width + 1) / 2), }) end end end end end end end) techage.furnace.register_recipe({ output = "techage:basalt_glass2", recipe = { "techage:basalt_gravel", "techage:basalt_gravel", }, time = 4, }) techage.furnace.register_recipe({ output = "techage:basalt_glass", recipe = { "techage:sieved_basalt_gravel", "techage:sieved_basalt_gravel", }, time = 4, }) techage.furnace.register_recipe({ output = "techage:basalt_glass_thin2 2", recipe = { "techage:basalt_gravel", }, time = 4, }) techage.furnace.register_recipe({ output = "techage:basalt_glass_thin 2", recipe = { "techage:sieved_basalt_gravel", }, time = 4, }) techage.furnace.register_recipe({ output = "techage:basalt_glass_thin_xl2", recipe = { "techage:basalt_gravel", }, time = 4, }) techage.furnace.register_recipe({ output = "techage:basalt_glass_thin_xl", recipe = { "techage:sieved_basalt_gravel", }, time = 4, }) techage.furnace.register_recipe({ output = "basic_materials:concrete_block 4", recipe = { "basic_materials:wet_cement", "group:sand", "default:gravel", "techage:steelmat", }, time = 4, })