--[[ TechAge ======= Copyright (C) 2019 Joachim Stolberg GPL v3 See LICENSE.txt for more information Basis functions for inter-node communication ]]-- --- for lazy programmers local S = function(pos) if pos then return minetest.pos_to_string(pos) end end local P = minetest.string_to_pos local M = minetest.get_meta ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Data base storage ------------------------------------------------------------------- local storage = minetest.get_mod_storage() local NextNumber = minetest.deserialize(storage:get_string("NextNumber")) or 1 local Version = minetest.deserialize(storage:get_string("Version")) or 1 local Number2Pos = minetest.deserialize(storage:get_string("Number2Pos")) or {} local function update_mod_storage() minetest.log("action", "[TechAge] Store data...") storage:set_string("NextNumber", minetest.serialize(NextNumber)) storage:set_string("Version", minetest.serialize(Version)) storage:set_string("Number2Pos", minetest.serialize(Number2Pos)) -- store data each hour minetest.after(60*59, update_mod_storage) minetest.log("action", "[TechAge] Data stored") end minetest.register_on_shutdown(function() update_mod_storage() end) -- store data after one hour minetest.after(60*59, update_mod_storage) -- Key2Number will be generated at runtine local Key2Number = {} ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Local helper functions ------------------------------------------------------------------- local function in_list(list, x) for _, v in ipairs(list) do if v == x then return true end end return false end -- Localize functions to avoid table lookups (better performance). local string_split = string.split local NodeDef = techage.NodeDef local Tube = techage.Tube -- Determine position related node number for addressing purposes local function get_number(pos) local key = minetest.hash_node_position(pos) if not Key2Number[key] then Key2Number[key] = NextNumber NextNumber = NextNumber + 1 end return string.format("%u", Key2Number[key]) end local function generate_Key2Number() local key for num,item in pairs(Number2Pos) do key = minetest.hash_node_position(item.pos) Key2Number[key] = num end end local function not_protected(pos, placer_name, clicker_name) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) if meta then local cached_name = meta:get_string("techage_cached_name") if placer_name and (placer_name == cached_name or not minetest.is_protected(pos, placer_name)) then meta:set_string("techage_cached_name", placer_name) if clicker_name == nil or not minetest.is_protected(pos, clicker_name) then return true end end end return false end local function register_lbm(name, nodenames) minetest.register_lbm({ label = "[TechAge] Node update", name = name.."update", nodenames = nodenames, run_at_every_load = true, action = function(pos, node) if NodeDef[node.name] and NodeDef[node.name].on_node_load then NodeDef[node.name].on_node_load(pos) end end }) end local DirToSide = {"B", "R", "F", "L", "D", "U"} local function dir_to_side(dir, param2) if dir < 5 then dir = (((dir - 1) - (param2 % 4)) % 4) + 1 end return DirToSide[dir] end local SideToDir = {B=1, R=2, F=3, L=4, D=5, U=6} local function side_to_dir(side, param2) local dir = SideToDir[side] if dir < 5 then dir = (((dir - 1) + (param2 % 4)) % 4) + 1 end return dir end techage.side_to_outdir = side_to_dir function techage.side_to_indir(side, param2) return tubelib2.Turn180Deg[side_to_dir(side, param2)] end local function get_next_node(pos, out_dir) local res, npos, node = Tube:compatible_node(pos, out_dir) local in_dir = tubelib2.Turn180Deg[out_dir] return res, npos, in_dir, node.name end local function get_dest_node(pos, out_dir) local spos, in_dir = Tube:get_connected_node_pos(pos, out_dir) local _,node = Tube:get_node(spos) return spos, in_dir, node.name end local function item_handling_node(name) local node_def = name and NodeDef[name] if node_def then return node_def.on_pull_item or node_def.on_push_item or node_def.is_pusher end end ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- API helper functions ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Check the given list of numbers. -- Returns true if number(s) is/are valid and point to real nodes. function techage.check_numbers(numbers) if numbers then for _,num in ipairs(string_split(numbers, " ")) do if Number2Pos[num] == nil then return false end end return true end return false end -- Function returns { pos, name } for the node on the given position number. function techage.get_node_info(dest_num) if Number2Pos[dest_num] then return Number2Pos[dest_num] end return nil end -- Function returns the node number from the given position or -- nil, if no node number for this position is assigned. function techage.get_node_number(pos) local key = minetest.hash_node_position(pos) local num = Key2Number[key] if num then num = string.format("%u", num) if Number2Pos[num] and Number2Pos[num].name then return num end end return nil end -- Function is used for available nodes with lost numbers, only. function techage.get_new_number(pos, name) -- store position local number = get_number(pos) Number2Pos[number] = { pos = pos, name = name, } return number end -- extract ident and value from strings like "ident=value" function techage.ident_value(s) local ident, value = unpack(string.split(s, "=", true, 1)) return (ident or ""):trim(), (value or ""):trim() end ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Node construction/destruction functions ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Add node to the techage lists. -- Function determines and returns the node position number, -- needed for message communication. function techage.add_node(pos, name) if item_handling_node(name) then Tube:after_place_node(pos) end -- store position local number = get_number(pos) Number2Pos[number] = { pos = pos, name = name, } return number end -- Function removes the node from the techage lists. function techage.remove_node(pos) local number = get_number(pos) local name if Number2Pos[number] then name = Number2Pos[number].name Number2Pos[number] = { pos = pos, name = nil, time = minetest.get_day_count() -- used for reservation timeout } end if item_handling_node(name) then Tube:after_dig_node(pos) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Node register function ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Register node for techage communication -- Call this function only at load time! -- Param names: List of node names like {"techage:pusher_off", "techage:pusher_on"} -- Param node_definition: A table according to: -- { -- on_pull_item = func(pos, in_dir, num), -- on_push_item = func(pos, in_dir, item), -- on_unpull_item = func(pos, in_dir, item), -- on_recv_message = func(pos, topic, payload), -- on_node_load = func(pos), -- LBM function -- on_transfer = func(pos, in_dir, topic, payload), -- } function techage.register_node(names, node_definition) -- store facedir table for all known node names for _,n in ipairs(names) do NodeDef[n] = node_definition end if node_definition.on_pull_item or node_definition.on_push_item or node_definition.is_pusher then Tube:add_secondary_node_names(names) for _,n in ipairs(names) do techage.KnownNodes[n] = true end end -- register LBM if node_definition.on_node_load then register_lbm(names[1], names) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Send message functions ------------------------------------------------------------------- function techage.not_protected(number, placer_name, clicker_name) if Number2Pos[number] and Number2Pos[number].name then local data = Number2Pos[number] if data.pos then return not_protected(data.pos, placer_name, clicker_name) end end return false end function techage.send_multi(numbers, topic, payload) for _,num in ipairs(string_split(numbers, " ")) do if Number2Pos[num] and Number2Pos[num].name then local data = Number2Pos[num] if data.pos and NodeDef[data.name] and NodeDef[data.name].on_recv_message then NodeDef[data.name].on_recv_message(data.pos, topic, payload) end end end end function techage.send_single(number, topic, payload) if Number2Pos[number] and Number2Pos[number].name then local data = Number2Pos[number] if data.pos and NodeDef[data.name] and NodeDef[data.name].on_recv_message then return NodeDef[data.name].on_recv_message(data.pos, topic, payload) end end return false end -- The destination node location is either: -- A) a destination position, specified by pos -- B) a neighbor position, specified by caller pos/outdir, or pos/side -- C) a tubelib2 network connection, specified by caller pos/outdir, or pos/side -- outdir is one of: 1..6 -- side is one of: "B", "R", "F", "L", "D", "U" -- network is a tuebelib2 network instance -- opt: nodenames is a table of valid the callee node names function techage.transfer(pos, outdir, topic, payload, network, nodenames) -- determine out-dir if outdir and type(outdir) == "string" then local param2 = techage.get_node_lvm(pos).param2 outdir = side_to_dir(outdir, param2) end -- determine destination pos local dpos, indir if network then dpos, indir = network:get_connected_node_pos(pos, outdir) else dpos, indir = tubelib2.get_pos(pos, outdir), outdir end -- check node name local name = techage.get_node_lvm(dpos).name if nodenames and not in_list(nodenames, name) then return false end -- call "on_transfer" local ndef = NodeDef[name] if ndef and ndef.on_transfer then return ndef.on_transfer(dpos, indir, topic, payload) end return false end ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Client side Push/Pull item functions ------------------------------------------------------------------- function techage.pull_items(pos, out_dir, num) local npos, in_dir, name = get_dest_node(pos, out_dir) if npos and NodeDef[name] and NodeDef[name].on_pull_item then return NodeDef[name].on_pull_item(npos, in_dir, num) end end function techage.push_items(pos, out_dir, stack) local npos, in_dir, name = get_dest_node(pos, out_dir) if npos and NodeDef[name] and NodeDef[name].on_push_item then return NodeDef[name].on_push_item(npos, in_dir, stack) elseif name == "air" then minetest.add_item(npos, stack) return true end return false end function techage.unpull_items(pos, out_dir, stack) local npos, in_dir, name = get_dest_node(pos, out_dir) if npos and NodeDef[name] and NodeDef[name].on_unpull_item then return NodeDef[name].on_unpull_item(npos, in_dir, stack) end return false end ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Client side Push/Pull item functions for hopper like nodes -- (nodes with no tube support) ------------------------------------------------------------------- function techage.neighbour_pull_items(pos, out_dir, num) local res, npos, in_dir, name = get_next_node(pos, out_dir) if res and NodeDef[name] and NodeDef[name].on_pull_item then return NodeDef[name].on_pull_item(npos, in_dir, num) end end function techage.neighbour_push_items(pos, out_dir, stack) local res, npos, in_dir, name = get_next_node(pos, out_dir) if res and NodeDef[name] and NodeDef[name].on_push_item then return NodeDef[name].on_push_item(npos, in_dir, stack) elseif name == "air" then minetest.add_item(npos, stack) return true end return false end function techage.neighbour_unpull_items(pos, out_dir, stack) local res, npos, in_dir, name = get_next_node(pos, out_dir) if res and NodeDef[name] and NodeDef[name].on_unpull_item then return NodeDef[name].on_unpull_item(npos, in_dir, stack) end return false end ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Server side helper functions ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Get the given number of items from the inv. The position within the list -- is random so that different item stacks will be considered. -- Returns nil if ItemList is empty. function techage.get_items(inv, listname, num) if inv:is_empty(listname) then return nil end local size = inv:get_size(listname) local startpos = math.random(1, size) for idx = startpos, startpos+size do idx = (idx % size) + 1 local items = inv:get_stack(listname, idx) if items:get_count() > 0 then local taken = items:take_item(num) inv:set_stack(listname, idx, items) return taken end end return nil end -- Put the given stack into the given ItemList. -- Function returns false if ItemList is full. function techage.put_items(inv, listname, stack) if inv and inv.room_for_item and inv:room_for_item(listname, stack) then inv:add_item(listname, stack) return true end return false end -- Return "full", "loaded", or "empty" depending -- on the inventory load. -- Full is returned, when no empty stack is available. function techage.get_inv_state(inv, listname) local state if inv:is_empty(listname) then state = "empty" else local list = inv:get_list(listname) state = "full" for _, item in ipairs(list) do if item:is_empty() then return "loaded" end end end return state end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Data Maintenance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function data_maintenance() minetest.log("info", "[TechAge] Data maintenance started") -- Remove old unused positions local Tbl = table.copy(Number2Pos) Number2Pos = {} local day_cnt = minetest.get_day_count() for num,item in pairs(Tbl) do if item.name then Number2Pos[num] = item -- data not older than 5 real days elseif item.time and (item.time + (72*5)) > day_cnt then Number2Pos[num] = item else minetest.log("info", "Position deleted", num) end end minetest.log("info", "[TechAge] Data maintenance finished") end generate_Key2Number() -- maintain data after 5 seconds -- (minetest.get_day_count() will not be valid at start time) minetest.after(5, data_maintenance)