--[[ TechAge ======= Copyright (C) 2019 Joachim Stolberg GPL v3 See LICENSE.txt for more information TA2/TA3/TA4 Distributor ]]-- -- for lazy programmers local M = minetest.get_meta local N = minetest.get_node -- Consumer Related Data local CRD = function(pos) return (minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(pos).name] or {}).consumer end local S = techage.S local SRC_INV_SIZE = 8 local COUNTDOWN_TICKS = 10 local STANDBY_TICKS = 10 local CYCLE_TIME = 4 local INFO = [[- Turn port on/off: command = "port", payload = "red/green/blue/yellow=on/off" - Clear counter: command = "clear_counter"]] --local Side2Color = {B="red", L="green", F="blue", R="yellow"} local SlotColors = {"red", "green", "blue", "yellow"} local Num2Ascii = {"B", "L", "F", "R"} local FilterCache = {} -- local cache for filter settings local function filter_settings(pos) local meta = M(pos) local param2 = minetest.get_node(pos).param2 local inv = meta:get_inventory() local filter = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("filter")) or {false,false,false,false} local ItemFilter = {} -- { = {dir,...}] local OpenPorts = {} -- {dir, ...} local FilterItems = {} -- {, , ...} for sequencing only -- collect all filter settings for idx,slot in ipairs(SlotColors) do if filter[idx] == true then local side = Num2Ascii[idx] local out_dir = techage.side_to_outdir(side, param2) if inv:is_empty(slot) then table.insert(OpenPorts, out_dir) else for _,stack in ipairs(inv:get_list(slot)) do local name = stack:get_name() if name ~= "" then if not ItemFilter[name] then ItemFilter[name] = {} end table.insert(ItemFilter[name], out_dir) table.insert(FilterItems, name) end end end end end FilterCache[minetest.hash_node_position(pos)] = { ItemFilter = ItemFilter, OpenPorts = OpenPorts, FilterItems = FilterItems, } end -- Return filter table and list of open ports. -- (see test data) local function get_filter_settings(pos) -- local ItemFilter = { -- ["default:dirt"] = {1,2}, -- ["default:cobble"] = {4}, -- } -- local OpenPorts = {3} -- local FilterItems = {"default:dirt",...} -- return ItemFilter, OpenPorts, FilterItems local hash = minetest.hash_node_position(pos) if FilterCache[hash] == nil then filter_settings(pos) end return FilterCache[hash].ItemFilter, FilterCache[hash].OpenPorts, FilterCache[hash].FilterItems end local function order_checkbox(pos, filter) local cnt = 0 for _,val in ipairs(filter) do if val then cnt = cnt + 1 end end if cnt == 1 then local order = M(pos):get_int("order") == 1 and "true" or "false" return "checkbox[2,0;order;1:1;"..order.."]".. "tooltip[2,0;1,1;"..S("Force order of filter items")..";#0C3D32;#FFFFFF]" else M(pos):set_int("order", 0) -- disable sequencing end return "" end local function blocking_checkbox(pos, filter) local cnt = 0 local _, open_ports = get_filter_settings(pos) for _,val in ipairs(filter) do if val then cnt = cnt + 1 end end if cnt > 1 and #open_ports > 0 then local blocking = M(pos):get_int("blocking") == 1 and "true" or "false" return "checkbox[2,0;blocking;>>|;"..blocking.."]".. "tooltip[2,0;1,1;"..S("Block configured items for open ports")..";#0C3D32;#FFFFFF]" else M(pos):set_int("blocking", 0) -- disable blocking end return "" end local function formspec(self, pos, mem) local filter = minetest.deserialize(M(pos):get_string("filter")) or {false,false,false,false} local order = order_checkbox(pos, filter) local blocking = blocking_checkbox(pos, filter) return "size[10.5,8.5]".. default.gui_bg.. default.gui_bg_img.. default.gui_slots.. "list[context;src;0,0;2,4;]".. order.. blocking.. "image[2,1.5;1,1;techage_form_arrow.png]".. "image_button[2,3;1,1;"..self:get_state_button_image(mem)..";state_button;]".. "checkbox[3,0;filter1;On;"..dump(filter[1]).."]".. "checkbox[3,1;filter2;On;"..dump(filter[2]).."]".. "checkbox[3,2;filter3;On;"..dump(filter[3]).."]".. "checkbox[3,3;filter4;On;"..dump(filter[4]).."]".. "image[4,0;0.3,1;techage_inv_red.png]".. "image[4,1;0.3,1;techage_inv_green.png]".. "image[4,2;0.3,1;techage_inv_blue.png]".. "image[4,3;0.3,1;techage_inv_yellow.png]".. "list[context;red;4.5,0;6,1;]".. "list[context;green;4.5,1;6,1;]".. "list[context;blue;4.5,2;6,1;]".. "list[context;yellow;4.5,3;6,1;]".. "list[current_player;main;1.25,4.5;8,4;]".. "listring[context;src]".. "listring[current_player;main]".. default.get_hotbar_bg(1.25,4.5) end local function allow_metadata_inventory_put(pos, listname, index, stack, player) local inv = M(pos):get_inventory() local list = inv:get_list(listname) if minetest.is_protected(pos, player:get_player_name()) then return 0 end if listname == "src" then CRD(pos).State:start_if_standby(pos) return stack:get_count() elseif (list[index]:get_count() == 0 or stack:get_name() ~= list[index]:get_name()) then return 1 end return 0 end local function allow_metadata_inventory_take(pos, listname, index, stack, player) if minetest.is_protected(pos, player:get_player_name()) then return 0 end return stack:get_count() end local function allow_metadata_inventory_move(pos, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player) local meta = M(pos) local inv = meta:get_inventory() local stack = inv:get_stack(from_list, from_index) return allow_metadata_inventory_put(pos, to_list, to_index, stack, player) end local function push_item(pos, filter, item_name, num_items, mem) local idx = 1 local num_pushed = 0 local num_ports = #filter local amount = math.floor(math.max((num_items + 1) / num_ports, 1)) local num_of_trials = 0 while num_pushed < num_items and num_of_trials <= 8 do num_of_trials = num_of_trials + 1 local push_dir = filter[idx] local num_to_push = math.min(amount, num_items - num_pushed) if techage.push_items(pos, push_dir, ItemStack(item_name.." "..num_to_push)) then num_pushed = num_pushed + num_to_push mem.port_counter[push_dir] = (mem.port_counter[push_dir] or 0) + num_to_push end -- filter start offset idx = idx + 1 if idx > num_ports then idx = 1 end end return num_pushed end -- move items to output slots local function distributing(pos, inv, crd, mem) local item_filter, open_ports = get_filter_settings(pos) local sum_num_pushed = 0 local num_pushed = 0 local blocking_mode = M(pos):get_int("blocking") == 1 -- start searching after last position local offs = mem.last_index or 1 for i = 1, SRC_INV_SIZE do local idx = ((i + offs - 1) % 8) + 1 local stack = inv:get_stack("src", idx) local item_name = stack:get_name() local num_items = stack:get_count() local num_to_push = math.min(crd.num_items - sum_num_pushed, num_items) num_pushed = 0 if item_filter[item_name] then -- Push items based on filter num_pushed = push_item(pos, item_filter[item_name], item_name, num_to_push, mem) elseif blocking_mode and #open_ports > 0 then -- Push items based on open ports num_pushed = push_item(pos, open_ports, item_name, num_to_push, mem) end if not blocking_mode and num_pushed == 0 and #open_ports > 0 then -- Push items based on open ports num_pushed = push_item(pos, open_ports, item_name, num_to_push, mem) end sum_num_pushed = sum_num_pushed + num_pushed stack:take_item(num_pushed) inv:set_stack("src", idx, stack) if sum_num_pushed >= crd.num_items then mem.last_index = idx break end end if num_pushed == 0 then crd.State:blocked(pos, mem) else crd.State:keep_running(pos, mem, COUNTDOWN_TICKS, sum_num_pushed) end end local function sequencing(pos, inv, crd, mem) local _,open_ports, filter_items = get_filter_settings(pos) local offs = mem.last_index or 1 local num_filters = 0 -- already processed local num_pushed = 0 local push_dir = open_ports[1] or 1 local blocked = false while num_pushed < crd.num_items and num_filters < 7 do local stack = filter_items[offs] and ItemStack(filter_items[offs]) if stack then if not inv:contains_item("src", stack) then break end if not techage.push_items(pos, push_dir, stack) then blocked = true break end num_pushed = num_pushed + 1 inv:remove_item("src", stack) end offs = (offs % 6) + 1 num_filters = num_filters + 1 end mem.last_index = offs if blocked then crd.State:blocked(pos, mem) elseif num_pushed == 0 then crd.State:standby(pos, mem) else crd.State:keep_running(pos, mem, COUNTDOWN_TICKS, num_pushed) end end -- move items to the output slots local function keep_running(pos, elapsed) local mem = tubelib2.get_mem(pos) mem.port_counter = mem.port_counter or {} local crd = CRD(pos) local inv = M(pos):get_inventory() if not inv:is_empty("src") then if M(pos):get_int("order") == 1 then sequencing(pos, inv, crd, mem) else distributing(pos, inv, crd, mem) end else crd.State:idle(pos, mem) end return crd.State:is_active(mem) end local function on_receive_fields(pos, formname, fields, player) if minetest.is_protected(pos, player:get_player_name()) then return end local meta = M(pos) local crd = CRD(pos) local filter = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("filter")) if fields.filter1 ~= nil then filter[1] = fields.filter1 == "true" elseif fields.filter2 ~= nil then filter[2] = fields.filter2 == "true" elseif fields.filter3 ~= nil then filter[3] = fields.filter3 == "true" elseif fields.filter4 ~= nil then filter[4] = fields.filter4 == "true" elseif fields.order ~= nil then meta:set_int("order", fields.order == "true" and 1 or 0) local mem = tubelib2.get_mem(pos) mem.last_index = 1 -- start from the beginning elseif fields.blocking ~= nil then meta:set_int("blocking", fields.blocking == "true" and 1 or 0) end meta:set_string("filter", minetest.serialize(filter)) filter_settings(pos) local mem = tubelib2.get_mem(pos) if fields.state_button ~= nil then crd.State:state_button_event(pos, mem, fields) else meta:set_string("formspec", formspec(crd.State, pos, mem)) end end -- techage command to turn on/off filter channels local function change_filter_settings(pos, slot, val) local slots = {["red"] = 1, ["green"] = 2, ["blue"] = 3, ["yellow"] = 4} local meta = M(pos) local filter = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("filter")) local num = slots[slot] or 1 if num >= 1 and num <= 4 then filter[num] = val == "on" end meta:set_string("filter", minetest.serialize(filter)) filter_settings(pos) local mem = tubelib2.get_mem(pos) meta:set_string("formspec", formspec(CRD(pos).State, pos, mem)) return true end local function can_dig(pos, player) if minetest.is_protected(pos, player:get_player_name()) then return false end local inv = M(pos):get_inventory() return inv:is_empty("src") end local tiles = {} -- '#' will be replaced by the stage number -- '{power}' will be replaced by the power PNG tiles.pas = { -- up, down, right, left, back, front "techage_filling_ta#.png^techage_appl_distri.png^techage_frame_ta#_top.png", "techage_filling_ta#.png^techage_frame_ta#.png", "techage_filling_ta#.png^techage_frame_ta#.png^techage_appl_distri_yellow.png", "techage_filling_ta#.png^techage_frame_ta#.png^techage_appl_distri_green.png", "techage_filling_ta#.png^techage_frame_ta#.png^techage_appl_distri_red.png", "techage_filling_ta#.png^techage_frame_ta#.png^techage_appl_distri_blue.png", } tiles.act = { -- up, down, right, left, back, front { image = "techage_filling4_ta#.png^techage_appl_distri4.png^techage_frame4_ta#_top.png", backface_culling = false, animation = { type = "vertical_frames", aspect_w = 32, aspect_h = 32, length = 1.0, }, }, "techage_filling_ta#.png^techage_frame_ta#.png", "techage_filling_ta#.png^techage_frame_ta#.png^techage_appl_distri_yellow.png", "techage_filling_ta#.png^techage_frame_ta#.png^techage_appl_distri_green.png", "techage_filling_ta#.png^techage_frame_ta#.png^techage_appl_distri_red.png", "techage_filling_ta#.png^techage_frame_ta#.png^techage_appl_distri_blue.png", } local tubing = { on_pull_item = function(pos, in_dir, num) local inv = M(pos):get_inventory() return techage.get_items(inv, "src", num) end, on_push_item = function(pos, in_dir, stack) local inv = M(pos):get_inventory() CRD(pos).State:start_if_standby(pos) return techage.put_items(inv, "src", stack) end, on_unpull_item = function(pos, in_dir, stack) local inv = M(pos):get_inventory() return techage.put_items(inv, "src", stack) end, on_recv_message = function(pos, src, topic, payload) if topic == "info" then return INFO elseif topic == "port" then -- "red"/"green"/"blue"/"yellow" = "on"/"off" local slot, val = techage.ident_value(payload) return change_filter_settings(pos, slot, val) else local resp = CRD(pos).State:on_receive_message(pos, topic, payload) if resp then return resp else return "unsupported" end end end, on_node_load = function(pos) CRD(pos).State:on_node_load(pos) end, } local node_name_ta2, node_name_ta3, node_name_ta4 = techage.register_consumer("distributor", S("Distributor"), tiles, { cycle_time = CYCLE_TIME, standby_ticks = STANDBY_TICKS, formspec = formspec, tubing = tubing, after_place_node = function(pos, placer) local meta = M(pos) local filter = {false,false,false,false} meta:set_string("filter", minetest.serialize(filter)) local inv = meta:get_inventory() inv:set_size('src', 8) inv:set_size('yellow', 6) inv:set_size('green', 6) inv:set_size('red', 6) inv:set_size('blue', 6) end, can_dig = can_dig, node_timer = keep_running, on_receive_fields = on_receive_fields, allow_metadata_inventory_put = allow_metadata_inventory_put, allow_metadata_inventory_move = allow_metadata_inventory_move, allow_metadata_inventory_take = allow_metadata_inventory_take, on_metadata_inventory_move = function(pos, from_list, from_index, to_list) if from_list ~= "src" or to_list ~= "src" then filter_settings(pos) local mem = tubelib2.get_mem(pos) M(pos):set_string("formspec", formspec(CRD(pos).State, pos, mem)) end end, on_metadata_inventory_put = function(pos, listname) if listname ~= "src" then filter_settings(pos) local mem = tubelib2.get_mem(pos) M(pos):set_string("formspec", formspec(CRD(pos).State, pos, mem)) end end, on_metadata_inventory_take = function(pos, listname) if listname ~= "src" then filter_settings(pos) local mem = tubelib2.get_mem(pos) M(pos):set_string("formspec", formspec(CRD(pos).State, pos, mem)) end end, groups = {choppy=2, cracky=2, crumbly=2}, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), num_items = {0,4,12,36}, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = node_name_ta2.." 2", recipe = { {"group:wood", "techage:iron_ingot", "group:wood"}, {"techage:tubeS", "default:mese_crystal", "techage:tubeS"}, {"group:wood", "techage:iron_ingot", "group:wood"}, }, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = node_name_ta3, recipe = { {"", "techage:iron_ingot", ""}, {"", node_name_ta2, ""}, {"", "techage:vacuum_tube", ""}, }, }) local help = S("The Distributor works as filter and pusher. It allows to divide and distribute incoming items into the 4 output ports. ".. "The channels can be switched on/off and individually configured with up to 6 item types. ".. "The filter passes the configured items and restrains all others. ".. "Unconfigured but activated filters are used for items, which do not fit to all other filters. ".. "If the Distributor can’t push an item into a block with an inventory (such as a chest) because that inventory is full, ".. "but there is one open and unconfigured output, it will use this output port.") techage.register_entry_page("ta2", "distributor", S("TA2 Distributor"), help..S("@nThe Distributor tries to push 4 items every 2 seconds."), "techage:ta2_distributor_pas") techage.register_entry_page("ta3m", "distributor", S("TA3 Distributor"), help..S("@nThe Distributor tries to push 12 items every 2 seconds."), "techage:ta3_distributor_pas")