--[[ Autobahn Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Joachim Stolberg GPL v3 See LICENSE.txt for more information History: 2017-11-11 v0.01 first version 2019-09-13 v0.02 adapted to 5.0.0 2020-03-19 v0.03 recipe added for techage bitumen ]]-- autobahn = {} local Facedir2Dir = {[0] = {x=0, y=0, z=1}, {x=1, y=0, z=0}, {x=0, y=0, z=-1}, {x=-1, y=0, z=0}, } -- To prevent race condition crashes local Currently_left_the_game = {} local function is_active(player) local pl_meta = player:get_meta() if not pl_meta or pl_meta:get_int("autobahn_isactive") ~= 1 then return false end return true end local function set_player_privs(player) local physics = player:get_physics_override() local meta = player:get_meta() -- Check access conflicts with other mods if meta:get_int("player_physics_locked") == 0 then meta:set_int("player_physics_locked", 1) if meta and physics then -- store the player privs default values meta:set_int("autobahn_speed", physics.speed) -- set operator privs meta:set_int("autobahn_isactive", 1) physics.speed = 3.5 minetest.sound_play("autobahn_motor", { pos = player:get_pos(), gain = 0.5, max_hear_distance = 5, }) -- write back player:set_physics_override(physics) end end end local function reset_player_privs(player) local physics = player:get_physics_override() local meta = player:get_meta() if meta and physics then -- restore the player privs default values meta:set_int("autobahn_isactive", 0) physics.speed = meta:get_int("autobahn_speed") if physics.speed == 0 then physics.speed = 1 end -- delete stored default values meta:set_string("autobahn_speed", "") -- write back player:set_physics_override(physics) meta:set_int("player_physics_locked", 0) end end minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) if is_active(player) then reset_player_privs(player) end end) minetest.register_on_leaveplayer(function(player) if is_active(player) then Currently_left_the_game[player:get_player_name()] = true end end) minetest.register_on_respawnplayer(function(player) if is_active(player) then reset_player_privs(player) end end) local function control_player(player) local player_name = player:get_player_name() if Currently_left_the_game[player_name] then Currently_left_the_game[player_name] = nil return end if player then local pos = player:get_pos() if pos then --pos.y = math.floor(pos.y) local node = minetest.get_node(pos) if string.sub(node.name,1,13) == "autobahn:node" then minetest.after(0.5, control_player, player) else pos.y = pos.y - 1 node = minetest.get_node(pos) if string.sub(node.name,1,13) == "autobahn:node" then minetest.after(0.5, control_player, player) else reset_player_privs(player) end end end end end local NodeTbl1 = { ["autobahn:node1"] = true, ["autobahn:node2"] = true, ["autobahn:node3"] = true, ["autobahn:node4"] = true, ["autobahn:node12"] = true, ["autobahn:node22"] = true, ["autobahn:node32"] = true, ["autobahn:node42"] = true, } local NodeTbl2 = { ["autobahn:node11"] = true, ["autobahn:node21"] = true, ["autobahn:node31"] = true, ["autobahn:node41"] = true, } -- 1) _o_ -- /\ [?] ==> 1 -- [T][T][S][S][S] T..tar -- [S][S][S][S][S] S..sand -- -- -- 2) _o_ -- /\ [1][?] ==> 2 -- [T][T][S][S][S] -- [S][S][S][S][S] -- -- -- 3) _o_ -- /\ [?] ==> 1 -- [S][S][S][T][T] -- [S][S][S][S][S] -- -- -- 4) _o_ -- /\ [?][1] ==> 2 -- [S][S][S][T][T] -- [S][S][S][S][S] local function update_node(pos) local node = minetest.get_node(pos) local nnode local npos -- check case 1 local facedir = (2 + node.param2) % 4 npos = vector.add(pos, Facedir2Dir[facedir]) npos.y = npos.y - 1 nnode = minetest.get_node(npos) if NodeTbl1[nnode.name] then node.name = node.name .. "1" minetest.swap_node(pos, node) return end -- check case 2 npos.y = npos.y + 1 nnode = minetest.get_node(npos) if NodeTbl2[nnode.name] then node.name = string.sub(node.name,1,-1) .. "2" minetest.swap_node(pos, node) return end -- check case 3 facedir = (0 + node.param2) % 4 npos = vector.add(pos, Facedir2Dir[facedir]) npos.y = npos.y - 1 nnode = minetest.get_node(npos) if NodeTbl1[nnode.name] then node.name = node.name .. "1" node.param2 = 3 minetest.swap_node(pos, node) return end -- check case 4 npos.y = npos.y + 1 nnode = minetest.get_node(npos) if NodeTbl2[nnode.name] then node.name = string.sub(node.name,1,-1) .. "2" node.param2 = 3 minetest.swap_node(pos, node) return end end local function register_node(name, tiles, drawtype, mesh, box, drop) minetest.register_node("autobahn:"..name, { description = "Autobahn", tiles = tiles, drawtype = drawtype, mesh = mesh, selection_box = box, collision_box = box, paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(), is_ground_content = false, groups = {cracky=2, crumbly=2, not_in_creative_inventory=(mesh==nil) and 0 or 1}, drop = "autobahn:"..drop, after_place_node = function(pos, placer, itemstack, pointed_thing) update_node(pos) end, on_rightclick = function(pos, node, clicker) if is_active(clicker) then reset_player_privs(clicker) else set_player_privs(clicker) minetest.after(0.5, control_player, clicker) end end, }) end local sb1 = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.375, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.375, -0.25, 0.5, -0.25, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.25, 0, 0.5, -0.125, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 0, 0.5}, } } local sb2 = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.125, 0.5}, {-0.5, 0.125, -0.25, 0.5, 0.25, 0.5}, {-0.5, 0.25, 0, 0.5, 0.375, 0.5}, {-0.5, 0.375, 0.25, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, } } local Nodes = { {name="node1", tiles={"autobahn1.png"}, drawtype="normal", mesh=nil, box=nil, drop="node1"}, {name="node2", tiles={"autobahn2.png","autobahn1.png"}, drawtype="normal", mesh=nil, box=nil, drop="node2"}, {name="node3", tiles={"autobahn3.png","autobahn1.png"}, drawtype="normal", mesh=nil, box=nil, drop="node3"}, {name="node4", tiles={"autobahn2.png^[transformR180]","autobahn1.png"}, drawtype="normal", mesh=nil, box=nil, drop="node4"}, {name="node5", tiles={"autobahn4.png^[transformR90]","autobahn1.png"}, drawtype="normal", mesh=nil, box=nil, drop="node5"}, {name="node6", tiles={"autobahn5.png^[transformR90]","autobahn1.png"}, drawtype="normal", mesh=nil, box=nil, drop="node6"}, {name="node11", tiles={"autobahn1.png"}, drawtype="mesh", mesh="autobahn_ramp1.obj", box=sb1, drop="node1"}, {name="node21", tiles={"autobahn2.png","autobahn1.png"}, drawtype="mesh", mesh="autobahn_ramp1.obj", box=sb1, drop="node2"}, {name="node31", tiles={"autobahn3.png","autobahn1.png"}, drawtype="mesh", mesh="autobahn_ramp1.obj", box=sb1, drop="node3"}, {name="node41", tiles={"autobahn2.png^[transformR180]","autobahn1.png"}, drawtype="mesh", mesh="autobahn_ramp1.obj", box=sb1, drop="node4"}, {name="node12", tiles={"autobahn1.png"}, drawtype="mesh", mesh="autobahn_ramp2.obj", box=sb2, drop="node1"}, {name="node22", tiles={"autobahn2.png","autobahn1.png"}, drawtype="mesh", mesh="autobahn_ramp2.obj", box=sb2, drop="node2"}, {name="node32", tiles={"autobahn3.png","autobahn1.png"}, drawtype="mesh", mesh="autobahn_ramp2.obj", box=sb2, drop="node3"}, {name="node42", tiles={"autobahn2.png^[transformR180]","autobahn1.png"}, drawtype="mesh", mesh="autobahn_ramp2.obj", box=sb2, drop="node4"}, } for _,item in ipairs(Nodes) do register_node(item.name, item.tiles, item.drawtype, item.mesh, item.box, item.drop) end minetest.register_craftitem("autobahn:stripes", { description = "Autobahn Stripe", inventory_image = 'autobahn_stripes.png', }) if minetest.global_exists("techage") then minetest.register_craft({ output = "autobahn:node1 12", recipe = { {"techage:sieved_basalt_gravel", "techage:sieved_basalt_gravel", "techage:sieved_basalt_gravel"}, {"techage:sieved_basalt_gravel", "techage:ta3_barrel_bitumen", "techage:sieved_basalt_gravel"}, {"techage:sieved_basalt_gravel", "techage:sieved_basalt_gravel", "techage:sieved_basalt_gravel"}, }, replacements = {{"techage:ta3_barrel_bitumen", "techage:ta3_barrel_empty"}}, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "autobahn:node1 12", recipe = { {"techage:sieved_gravel", "techage:sieved_gravel", "techage:sieved_gravel"}, {"techage:sieved_gravel", "techage:ta3_barrel_bitumen", "techage:sieved_gravel"}, {"techage:sieved_gravel", "techage:sieved_gravel", "techage:sieved_gravel"}, }, replacements = {{"techage:ta3_barrel_bitumen", "techage:ta3_barrel_empty"}}, }) end if minetest.global_exists("moreblocks") then minetest.register_craft({ output = "autobahn:node1 4", recipe = { {"moreblocks:tar", "moreblocks:tar"}, {"default:cobble", "default:cobble"}, }, }) else minetest.register_craft({ output = "autobahn:node1 4", recipe = { {"autobahn:tar", "autobahn:tar"}, {"default:cobble", "default:cobble"}, }, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = "cooking", output = "autobahn:tar", recipe = "default:pine_tree", }) minetest.register_node("autobahn:tar", { description = "Tar", tiles = {"autobahn1.png^[colorize:#000000:80"}, is_ground_content = false, groups = {cracky = 2}, sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(), }) end minetest.register_craft({ output = "autobahn:stripes 8", recipe = { {"dye:white"}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "autobahn:node2", recipe = { {"", "", "autobahn:stripes"}, {"", "autobahn:node1", ""}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "autobahn:node3", recipe = { {"", "autobahn:stripes", ""}, {"", "autobahn:node1", ""}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "autobahn:node4", recipe = { {"autobahn:stripes", "", ""}, {"", "autobahn:node1", ""}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "autobahn:node5", recipe = { {"", "", ""}, {"autobahn:stripes", "autobahn:node1", ""}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "autobahn:node6", recipe = { {"", "autobahn:stripes", ""}, {"autobahn:stripes", "autobahn:node1", ""}, } }) if minetest.global_exists("minecart") then minecart.register_protected_node("autobahn:node1") minecart.register_protected_node("autobahn:node2") minecart.register_protected_node("autobahn:node3") minecart.register_protected_node("autobahn:node4") minecart.register_protected_node("autobahn:node5") minecart.register_protected_node("autobahn:node6") minecart.register_protected_node("autobahn:node11") minecart.register_protected_node("autobahn:node21") minecart.register_protected_node("autobahn:node31") minecart.register_protected_node("autobahn:node41") minecart.register_protected_node("autobahn:node12") minecart.register_protected_node("autobahn:node22") minecart.register_protected_node("autobahn:node32") minecart.register_protected_node("autobahn:node42") end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- External API functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns true if player is "driving" on the autobahn -- func autobahn.is_driving(player) autobahn.is_driving = is_active