--[[ Networks ======== Copyright (C) 2021 Joachim Stolberg AGPL v3 See LICENSE.txt for more information ]]-- -- for lazy programmers local S2P = minetest.string_to_pos local P2S = function(pos) if pos then return minetest.pos_to_string(pos) end end local M = minetest.get_meta local N = tubelib2.get_node_lvm local Networks = {} -- cache for networks: {netw_type = {netID = <network>, ...}, ...} local NetIDs = {} -- cache for netw IDs: {pos_hash = {outdir = netID, ...}, ...} local MAX_NUM_NODES = 1000 -- per network including junctions local TTL = 5 * 60 -- 5 minutes local Route = {} -- Used to determine the already passed nodes while walking local NumNodes = 0 -- Used to determine the number of network nodes local Flip = tubelib2.Turn180Deg local get_nodename = networks.get_nodename local get_node = networks.get_node local tubelib2_get_pos = tubelib2.get_pos local tubelib2_side_to_dir = tubelib2.side_to_dir ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Debugging ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Table for all registered tubelib2 instances networks.registered_networks = {} -- {api_type = {instance,...}} -- Maintain simple numbers for the bulky netID hashes local DbgNetIDs = {} local DbgCounter = 1 local function netw_num(netID) if not netID or netID < 1 then return netID or 0 end if not DbgNetIDs[netID] then DbgNetIDs[netID] = DbgCounter DbgCounter = DbgCounter + 1 end return DbgNetIDs[netID] end local function network_nodes(netID, network) local tbl = {} for node_type,table in pairs(network or {}) do if type(table) == "table" then tbl[#tbl+1] = "#" .. node_type .. " = " .. #table end end tbl[#tbl+1] = "num_nodes = " .. (network.num_nodes or 0) return "Network " .. netw_num(netID) .. ": " .. table.concat(tbl, ", ") end -- Marker entities for debugging purposes function networks.set_marker(pos, text, size, ttl) local marker = minetest.add_entity(pos, "networks:marker_cube") if marker ~= nil then marker:set_nametag_attributes({color = "#FFFFFF", text = text}) size = size or 1 marker:set_properties({visual_size = {x = size, y = size}}) if ttl then minetest.after(ttl, marker.remove, marker) end end end minetest.register_entity("networks:marker_cube", { initial_properties = { visual = "cube", textures = { "networks_marker.png", "networks_marker.png", "networks_marker.png", "networks_marker.png", "networks_marker.png", "networks_marker.png", }, physical = false, visual_size = {x = 1.1, y = 1.1}, collisionbox = {-0.55,-0.55,-0.55, 0.55,0.55,0.55}, glow = 8, static_save = false, }, on_punch = function(self) self.object:remove() end, }) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Helper ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- return the networks table from the node definition local function net_def(pos, netw_type) local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[get_nodename(pos)] if ndef and ndef.networks then return ndef.networks[netw_type] end error("Node " .. get_nodename(pos) .. " at ".. P2S(pos) .. " has no 'ndef.networks'") end local function net_def2(pos, node_name, netw_type) local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[node_name] if ndef and ndef.networks then return ndef.networks[netw_type] end return net_def(pos, netw_type) end -- Don't allow direct connections between to nodes of the same type local function valid_secondary_node_connection(tlib2, pos, dir) local node1 = tlib2:get_secondary_node(pos, dir) if node1 then local node2 = N(pos) local ndef1 = minetest.registered_nodes[node1.name] local ndef2 = minetest.registered_nodes[node2.name] local ntype1 = ((ndef1.networks or {})[tlib2.tube_type] or {}).ntype local ntype2 = ((ndef2.networks or {})[tlib2.tube_type] or {}).ntype return ntype1 == "junc" or ntype1 ~= ntype2 end end -- Returns true if node is connected with another network node local function connected(tlib2, pos, dir) local param2, npos = tlib2:get_primary_node_param2(pos, dir) if param2 then local d1, d2, num = tlib2:decode_param2(npos, param2) if not num then return end return Flip[dir] == d1 or Flip[dir] == d2 end -- secondary nodes allowed? if tlib2.force_to_use_tubes then return tlib2:is_special_node(pos, dir) else return valid_secondary_node_connection(tlib2, pos, dir) end end local function side_to_outdir(pos, side) return tubelib2.side_to_dir(side, N(pos).param2) end -- determine outdir based on node type local function get_outdir(node_type, indir) if node_type == "junc" then return 0 -- same network on all sides else return Flip[indir] end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Node Connections ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Get tlib2 connection dirs as table -- used e.g. for the connection walk local function get_node_connection_dirs(pos, netw_type) local val = M(pos):get_int(netw_type.."_conn") local tbl = {} if val % 0x40 >= 0x20 then tbl[#tbl+1] = 1 end if val % 0x20 >= 0x10 then tbl[#tbl+1] = 2 end if val % 0x10 >= 0x08 then tbl[#tbl+1] = 3 end if val % 0x08 >= 0x04 then tbl[#tbl+1] = 4 end if val % 0x04 >= 0x02 then tbl[#tbl+1] = 5 end if val % 0x02 >= 0x01 then tbl[#tbl+1] = 6 end return tbl end local function get_node_connection_dirs_table(pos, netw_type) local val = M(pos):get_int(netw_type.."_conn") local tbl = {} if val % 0x40 >= 0x20 then tbl[1] = true end if val % 0x20 >= 0x10 then tbl[2] = true end if val % 0x10 >= 0x08 then tbl[3] = true end if val % 0x08 >= 0x04 then tbl[4] = true end if val % 0x04 >= 0x02 then tbl[5] = true end if val % 0x02 >= 0x01 then tbl[6] = true end return tbl end -- store all node sides with tube connections as nodemeta local function store_node_connection_sides(pos, tlib2) local node = get_node(pos) local val = 0 for dir = 1,6 do val = val * 2 if tlib2:is_valid_dir(node, dir) and connected(tlib2, pos, dir) then val = val + 1 end end M(pos):set_int(tlib2.tube_type.."_conn", val) end -- If outdir is given, return outdir, otherwise return all valid node dirs with tube connections local function get_outdirs(pos, tlib2, outdir) if outdir then return {outdir} end return get_node_connection_dirs(pos, tlib2.tube_type) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Connection Walk ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function pos_already_reached(pos) local key = minetest.hash_node_position(pos) if not Route[key] and NumNodes < MAX_NUM_NODES then Route[key] = true NumNodes = NumNodes + 1 return false end return true end -- check if the given tube dir into the node is valid local function valid_indir(pos, indir, node, tlib2) local outdir = Flip[indir] return tlib2:is_valid_dir(node, outdir) end local function is_junction(pos, name, tlib2) local ndef = net_def2(pos, name, tlib2.tube_type) if ndef then return ndef.ntype == "junc" end end -- Do the walk through the tubelib2 network. -- `indir` is the direction which should not be covered by the walk -- (coming from there). -- if outdir is given, only this dir is used local function connection_walk(pos, outdir, indir, node, tlib2, clbk) if clbk then clbk(pos, indir, node) end if outdir or is_junction(pos, node.name, tlib2) then for _,outdir in ipairs(get_outdirs(pos, tlib2, outdir)) do local pos2, indir2 = tlib2:get_connected_node_pos(pos, outdir) local node = get_node(pos2) if valid_indir(pos2, indir2, node, tlib2) and not pos_already_reached(pos2) then connection_walk(pos2, nil, indir2, node, tlib2, clbk) end end end end local function collect_network_nodes(pos, tlib2, outdir) local t = minetest.get_us_time() Route = {} NumNodes = 0 pos_already_reached(pos) local netw = {} local node = N(pos) local netw_type = tlib2.tube_type local tbl = get_node_connection_dirs_table(pos, netw_type) if tbl[outdir] then -- valid conncetion -- outdir corresponds to the indir coming from connection_walk(pos, outdir, Flip[outdir], node, tlib2, function(pos, indir, node) local ndef = net_def2(pos, node.name, netw_type) if ndef and ndef.ntype then local ntype = ndef.ntype if not netw[ntype] then netw[ntype] = {} end netw[ntype][#netw[ntype] + 1] = {pos = pos, indir = indir} end end) end netw.ttl = minetest.get_gametime() + TTL netw.num_nodes = NumNodes t = minetest.get_us_time() - t --print("collect_network_nodes in " .. t .. " us", NumNodes, P2S(pos), N(pos).name) return netw end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Maintain Network ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function set_network(netw_type, netID, network) assert(netID) if netID > 0 then Networks[netw_type] = Networks[netw_type] or {} Networks[netw_type][netID] = network Networks[netw_type][netID].ttl = minetest.get_gametime() + TTL end end -- Return network if available, or dummy network. -- The function updates the network TTL, thus keeping the network alive. local function get_network(netw_type, netID) assert(netID) if netID > 0 then local netw = Networks[netw_type] and Networks[netw_type][netID] if netw then netw.ttl = minetest.get_gametime() + TTL return netw end end return {num_nodes = 0} end local function delete_network(netw_type, netID) assert(netID) if netID > 0 then if Networks[netw_type] and Networks[netw_type][netID] then Networks[netw_type][netID] = nil end end end -- Keep data in memory small local function remove_outdated_networks() local to_be_deleted = {} local t = minetest.get_gametime() for net_name,tbl in pairs(Networks) do for netID,network in pairs(tbl) do local valid = (network.ttl or 0) - t if valid < 0 then to_be_deleted[#to_be_deleted+1] = {net_name, netID} end end end for _,item in ipairs(to_be_deleted) do local net_name, netID = unpack(item) Networks[net_name][netID] = nil --print("Network " .. netw_num(netID) .. " timed out") end minetest.after(60, remove_outdated_networks) end minetest.after(60, remove_outdated_networks) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Maintain netID ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function set_netID(pos, outdir, netID) local hash = minetest.hash_node_position(pos) NetIDs[hash] = NetIDs[hash] or {} NetIDs[hash][outdir] = netID end local function get_netID(pos, outdir) local hash = minetest.hash_node_position(pos) NetIDs[hash] = NetIDs[hash] or {} return NetIDs[hash][outdir] end -- determine network ID (largest hash number of all nodes with given type) local function determine_netID(netw) local netID = 0 for node_type, table in pairs(netw) do if type(table) == "table" then for _, item in ipairs(netw[node_type] or {}) do local outdir = Flip[item.indir] local new = minetest.hash_node_position(item.pos) * 8 + outdir if netID <= new then netID = new end end end end return netID end -- store network ID for each network node local function store_netID(tlib2, netw, netID) for node_type, table in pairs(netw) do if type(table) == "table" then for _, item in ipairs(table) do local outdir = get_outdir(node_type, item.indir) set_netID(item.pos, outdir, netID) end end end set_network(tlib2.tube_type, netID, netw) end -- delete network and netID for all nodes in the network -- `outdir` shall be 0 for junctions local function delete_netID(pos, tlib2, outdir) local netID = get_netID(pos, outdir) if netID then local netw = get_network(tlib2.tube_type, netID) for node_type, table in pairs(netw) do if type(table) == "table" then for _, item in ipairs(table) do local outdir = get_outdir(node_type, item.indir) set_netID(item.pos, outdir, nil) end end end set_netID(pos, outdir, nil) delete_network(tlib2.tube_type, netID) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- API Functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- networks.MAX_NUM_NODES = MAX_NUM_NODES -- Table for a 180 degree turn: indir => outdir and vice versa networks.Flip = tubelib2.Turn180Deg -- networks.net_def(pos, netw_type) networks.net_def = net_def -- sides: outdir: -- U -- | B -- | / 6 (N) -- +--|-----+ | 1 -- / o /| | / -- +--------+ | |/ -- L <----| |o----> R (W) 4 <-------+-------> 2 (O) -- | o | | /| -- | / | + / | -- | / |/ 3 | -- +-/------+ (S) 5 -- / | -- F | -- D -- -- Determine the pos relative to the given 'pos', 'param2' -- and the path based on 'sides' like "FUL" function networks.get_relpos(pos, sides, param2) local pos1 = {x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z} for side in sides:gmatch(".") do pos1 = tubelib2_get_pos(pos1, tubelib2_side_to_dir(side, param2)) end return pos1 end -- networks.side_to_outdir(pos, side) networks.side_to_outdir = side_to_outdir -- networks.is_junction(pos, name, tlib2) networks.is_junction = is_junction -- Return a simple number instead of the netID -- Useful for debuging purposes -- networks.netw_num(netID) networks.netw_num = netw_num -- For debugging purposes -- networks.network_nodes(netID, network) networks.network_nodes = network_nodes -- networks.get_network(netw_type, netID) networks.get_network = get_network -- return the networks table from the node definition -- networks.net_def(pos, netw_type) networks.net_def = net_def -- Function returns {outdir} or all node dirs with connections -- networks.get_outdirs(pos, tlib2, outdir) networks.get_outdirs = get_outdirs -- Provide own netID -- networks.get_netID(pos, outdir) networks.get_netID = get_netID -- networks.get_node_connection_dirs(pos, netw_type) networks.get_node_connection_dirs = get_node_connection_dirs -- To be called from each node via 'tubelib2_on_update2' -- 'output' is optional and only needed for nodes with dedicated -- pipe sides. Junctions have to provide 0 (= same network on all sides). function networks.update_network(pos, outdir, tlib2, node) store_node_connection_sides(pos, tlib2) -- update node internal data delete_netID(pos, tlib2, outdir) -- delete node netIDs and network end -- Provide or determine netID function networks.determine_netID(pos, tlib2, outdir) assert(outdir) local netID = get_netID(pos, outdir) if netID and Networks[tlib2.tube_type] and Networks[tlib2.tube_type][netID] then return netID elseif netID == 0 then return -- no network available end local netw = collect_network_nodes(pos, tlib2, outdir) if netw.num_nodes > 1 then netID = determine_netID(netw) store_netID(tlib2, netw, netID) return netID end -- mark as "no network" set_netID(pos, outdir, 0) end -- Provide network with all node tables function networks.get_network_table(pos, tlib2, outdir) assert(outdir) local netID = networks.determine_netID(pos, tlib2, outdir) if netID and netID > 0 then return get_network(tlib2.tube_type, netID) end end