--[[ Hyperloop Mod ============= Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Joachim Stolberg LGPLv2.1+ See LICENSE.txt for more information ]]-- -- for lazy programmers local SP = function(pos) if pos then return minetest.pos_to_string(pos) end end local P = minetest.string_to_pos local M = minetest.get_meta -- Load support for intllib. local S = hyperloop.S local NS = hyperloop.NS local Stations = hyperloop.Stations -- Return a text block with all given station names and their attributes local function generate_string(sortedList) -- Generate a list with lStationPositions[pos] = idx -- used to generate the "connected with" list. local lStationPositions = {} for idx,item in ipairs(sortedList) do local sKey = SP(item.pos) lStationPositions[sKey] = idx end local tRes = { "label[0,0;ID]".. "label[0.7,0;"..S("Dist.").."]".. "label[1.8,0;"..S("Station/Junction").."]".. "label[5.4,0;"..S("Position").."]".. "label[7.9,0;"..S("Owner").."]".. "label[10,0;"..S("Conn. with").."]"} for idx,dataSet in ipairs(sortedList) do if idx == 23 then break end local ypos = 0.2 + idx * 0.4 local owner = dataSet.owner or "" local name = dataSet.name or "" local distance = dataSet.distance or 0 tRes[#tRes+1] = "label[0,"..ypos..";"..idx.."]" tRes[#tRes+1] = "label[0.7,"..ypos..";"..distance.." m]" tRes[#tRes+1] = "label[1.8,"..ypos..";"..string.sub(name,1,24).."]" tRes[#tRes+1] = "label[5.4,"..ypos..";"..SP(dataSet.pos).."]" tRes[#tRes+1] = "label[7.9,"..ypos..";"..string.sub(owner,1,14).."]" tRes[#tRes+1] = "label[10,"..ypos..";" for dir,conn in pairs(dataSet.conn) do if conn and lStationPositions[conn] then tRes[#tRes + 1] = lStationPositions[conn] tRes[#tRes + 1] = ", " else tRes[#tRes + 1] = conn tRes[#tRes + 1] = ", " end end tRes[#tRes] = "]" end return table.concat(tRes) end local function station_list_as_string(pos) -- Generate a distance sorted list of all stations local sortedList = Stations:station_list(pos, nil, "dist") -- Generate the formspec string return generate_string(sortedList) end local function network_list_as_string(pos) -- Determine next station position local next_pos = Stations:get_next_station(pos) -- Generate a distance sorted list of all connected stations local sortedList = Stations:station_list(pos, next_pos, "dist") -- Generate the formspec string return generate_string(sortedList) end local function map_on_use(itemstack, user) local player_name = user:get_player_name() local pos = user:get_pos() local sStationList = station_list_as_string(pos) local formspec = "size[12,10]" .. default.gui_bg.. default.gui_bg_img.. default.gui_slots.. sStationList .. "button_exit[5,9.5;2,1;close;"..S("Close").."]" minetest.show_formspec(player_name, "hyperloop:station_map", formspec) return itemstack end local function map_on_secondary_use(itemstack, user) local player_name = user:get_player_name() local pos = user:get_pos() local sStationList = network_list_as_string(pos) local formspec = "size[12,10]" .. default.gui_bg.. default.gui_bg_img.. default.gui_slots.. sStationList .. "button_exit[5,9.5;2,1;close;"..S("Close").."]" minetest.show_formspec(player_name, "hyperloop:station_map", formspec) return itemstack end -- Tool for tube workers to find the next station minetest.register_node("hyperloop:station_map", { description = S("Hyperloop Station Book"), inventory_image = "hyperloop_stations_book.png", wield_image = "hyperloop_stations_book.png", groups = {cracky=1, book=1}, on_use = map_on_use, on_place = map_on_secondary_use, on_secondary_use = map_on_secondary_use, stack_max = 1, })