--[[ Signs Bot ========= Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Joachim Stolberg GPL v3 See LICENSE.txt for more information Bot sign commands and nodes ]]-- -- for lazy programmers local M = minetest.get_meta -- Load support for I18n. local S = signs_bot.S local lib = signs_bot.lib local sCmnds = "" local lCmnds = {} local tCmndIdx = {} minetest.after(2, function() for idx,cmnd in ipairs(signs_bot.get_commands()) do cmnd = minetest.formspec_escape(cmnd) lCmnds[#lCmnds+1] = cmnd tCmndIdx[cmnd] = idx end sCmnds = table.concat(lCmnds, ",") end) local function formspec1(meta) local cmnd = meta:get_string("signs_bot_cmnd") local name = meta:get_string("sign_name") local err_msg = meta:get_string("err_msg") cmnd = minetest.formspec_escape(cmnd) name = minetest.formspec_escape(name) return "size[9,8]".. default.gui_bg.. default.gui_bg_img.. default.gui_slots.. "style_type[textarea,table;font=mono]".. "tabheader[0,0;tab;"..S("Commands,Help")..";1;;true]".. "field[0.3,0.5;9,1;name;"..S("Sign name:")..";"..name.."]".. "textarea[0.3,1.2;9,7.2;cmnd;;"..cmnd.."]".. "label[0.3,7.5;"..err_msg.."]".. "button_exit[5,7.5;2,1;cancel;"..S("Cancel").."]".. "button[7,7.5;2,1;check;"..S("Check").."]" end local function formspec2(pos, text) return "size[9,8]".. default.gui_bg.. default.gui_bg_img.. default.gui_slots.. "style_type[textarea,table;font=mono]".. "tabheader[0,0;tab;"..S("Commands,Help")..";2;;true]".. "table[0.1,0;8.6,4;command;"..sCmnds..";"..pos.."]".. "textarea[0.3,4.5;9,3.5;help;"..S("Help")..":;"..text.."]".. "button[3,7.5;3,1;copy;"..S("Copy Cmnd").."]" end local function add_arrow(text, line_num) local tbl = {} for idx,line in ipairs(string.split(text, "\n", true)) do if idx == line_num and not string.find(line, '--<<== error') then tbl[#tbl+1] = line.." --<<== error" else tbl[#tbl+1] = line end end return table.concat(tbl, "\n") end local function check_syntax(pos, meta, text) local res,err_msg, line_num = signs_bot.check_commands(pos, text) meta:set_int("err_code", res and 0 or 1) -- zero means OK meta:set_string("err_msg", err_msg) if line_num > 0 then meta:set_string("signs_bot_cmnd", add_arrow(text, line_num)) end end local function append_line(pos, meta, line) line = line and line:trim() or "" local text = meta:get_string("signs_bot_cmnd").."\n"..line meta:set_string("signs_bot_cmnd", text) meta:set_int("err_code", 1) -- zero means OK meta:set_string("err_msg", S("please check the added line(s)")) end local function check_and_store(pos, meta, fields) meta:set_string("sign_name", fields.name) meta:set_string("signs_bot_cmnd", fields.cmnd) check_syntax(pos, meta, fields.cmnd) meta:set_string("formspec", formspec1(meta)) meta:set_string("infotext", meta:get_string("sign_name")) end minetest.register_node("signs_bot:sign_cmnd", { description = S('Sign "command"'), drawtype = "nodebox", inventory_image = "signs_bot_sign_cmnd.png", node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { { -1/16, -8/16, -1/16, 1/16, 4/16, 1/16}, { -6/16, -5/16, -2/16, 6/16, 3/16, -1/16}, }, }, paramtype2 = "facedir", tiles = { "default_wood.png", "default_wood.png", "default_wood.png", "default_wood.png", "default_wood.png", "default_wood.png^signs_bot_sign_cmnd.png", }, after_place_node = function(pos, placer, itemstack) local imeta = itemstack:get_meta() local nmeta = minetest.get_meta(pos) if imeta:get_string("description") ~= "" then nmeta:set_string("signs_bot_cmnd", imeta:get_string("cmnd")) nmeta:set_string("sign_name", imeta:get_string("description")) nmeta:set_string("err_msg", imeta:get_string("err_msg")) nmeta:set_int("err_code", imeta:get_int("err_code")) else nmeta:set_string("sign_name", S('Sign "command"')) nmeta:set_string("signs_bot_cmnd", S("-- enter or copy commands from help page")) nmeta:set_int("err_code", 0) end nmeta:set_string("infotext", nmeta:get_string("sign_name")) nmeta:set_string("formspec", formspec1(nmeta)) end, on_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, player) if minetest.is_protected(pos, player:get_player_name()) then return end local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) if fields.check then check_and_store(pos, meta, fields) elseif fields.key_enter_field then check_and_store(pos, meta, fields) elseif fields.copy then append_line(pos, meta, lCmnds[meta:get_int("help_pos")]) elseif fields.tab == "1" then meta:set_string("formspec", formspec1(meta)) elseif fields.tab == "2" then check_and_store(pos, meta, fields) local pos = meta:get_int("help_pos") local cmnd = lCmnds[pos] or "" meta:set_string("formspec", formspec2(pos, signs_bot.get_help_text(cmnd))) elseif fields.command then local evt = minetest.explode_table_event(fields.command) if evt.type == "DCL" then append_line(pos, meta, lCmnds[tonumber(evt.row)]) elseif evt.type == "CHG" then local pos = tonumber(evt.row) meta:set_int("help_pos", pos) local cmnd = lCmnds[pos] or "" meta:set_string("formspec", formspec2(pos, signs_bot.get_help_text(cmnd))) end end end, after_dig_node = lib.after_dig_sign_node, paramtype = "light", use_texture_alpha = signs_bot.CLIP, sunlight_propagates = true, is_ground_content = false, drop = "", groups = {choppy = 2, oddly_breakable_by_hand = 2, flammable = 2, sign_bot_sign = 1}, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), }) -- Get one sign from the robot signs inventory local function get_inv_sign(base_pos, slot) local inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="node", pos=base_pos}) local stack = inv:get_stack("sign", slot) local taken = stack:take_item(1) if taken:get_count() == 1 then inv:set_stack("sign", slot, stack) return taken end end -- Put one sign into the robot signs inventory local function put_inv_sign(base_pos, slot, item) local inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="node", pos=base_pos}) local stack = inv:get_stack("sign", slot) local leftovers = stack:add_item(item) if leftovers:get_count() == 0 then inv:set_stack("sign", slot, stack) return true end return false end local function place_sign(base_pos, robot_pos, param2, slot) local pos1 = lib.dest_pos(robot_pos, param2, {0}) if lib.not_protected(base_pos, pos1) then if lib.is_air_like(pos1) then local sign = get_inv_sign(base_pos, slot) if sign then lib.place_sign(pos1, sign, param2) return signs_bot.DONE else return signs_bot.ERROR, S("Error: Signs inventory empty") end end end return signs_bot.ERROR, S("Error: Position protected or occupied") end signs_bot.register_botcommand("place_sign", { mod = "sign", params = "<slot>", num_param = 1, description = S("Place a sign in front of the robot\ntaken from the signs inventory\n".. "<slot> is the inventory slot (1..6)"), check = function(slot) slot = tonumber(slot) or 1 return slot and slot > 0 and slot < 7 end, cmnd = function(base_pos, mem, slot) slot = tonumber(slot) or 1 return place_sign(base_pos, mem.robot_pos, mem.robot_param2, slot) end, }) local function place_sign_behind(base_pos, robot_pos, param2, slot) local pos1 = lib.dest_pos(robot_pos, param2, {2}) if lib.not_protected(base_pos, pos1) then if lib.is_air_like(pos1) then local sign = get_inv_sign(base_pos, slot) if sign then lib.place_sign(pos1, sign, param2) return signs_bot.DONE else return signs_bot.ERROR, S("Error: Signs inventory empty") end end end return signs_bot.ERROR, S("Error: Position protected or occupied") end signs_bot.register_botcommand("place_sign_behind", { mod = "sign", params = "<slot>", num_param = 1, description = S("Place a sign behind the robot\ntaken from the signs inventory\n".. "<slot> is the inventory slot (1..6)"), check = function(slot) slot = tonumber(slot) or 1 return slot and slot > 0 and slot < 7 end, cmnd = function(base_pos, mem, slot) slot = tonumber(slot) or 1 return place_sign_behind(base_pos, mem.robot_pos, mem.robot_param2, slot) end, }) local function dig_sign(base_pos, robot_pos, param2, slot) local pos1 = lib.dest_pos(robot_pos, param2, {0}) local meta = M(pos1) local cmnd = meta:get_string("signs_bot_cmnd") local err_code = meta:get_int("err_code") local name = meta:get_string("sign_name") if cmnd == "" then return signs_bot.ERROR, S("Error: No sign available") end if lib.not_protected(base_pos, pos1) then local node = tubelib2.get_node_lvm(pos1) local sign = ItemStack(node.name) local meta = sign:get_meta() meta:set_string("description", name) meta:set_string("cmnd", cmnd) meta:set_int("err_code", err_code) minetest.remove_node(pos1) if not put_inv_sign(base_pos, slot, sign) then signs_bot.lib.drop_items(robot_pos, sign) return signs_bot.ERROR, S("Error: Signs inventory slot is occupied") end return signs_bot.DONE end return signs_bot.ERROR, S("Error: Position is protected") end signs_bot.register_botcommand("dig_sign", { mod = "sign", params = "<slot>", num_param = 1, description = S("Dig the sign in front of the robot\n".. "and add it to the signs inventory.\n".. "<slot> is the inventory slot (1..6)"), check = function(slot) slot = tonumber(slot) or 1 return slot and slot > 0 and slot < 7 end, cmnd = function(base_pos, mem, slot) slot = tonumber(slot) or 1 return dig_sign(base_pos, mem.robot_pos, mem.robot_param2, slot) end, }) local function trash_sign(base_pos, robot_pos, param2, slot) local pos1 = lib.dest_pos(robot_pos, param2, {0}) local cmnd = M(pos1):get_string("signs_bot_cmnd") if cmnd == "" then return signs_bot.ERROR, S("Error: No sign available") end if lib.not_protected(base_pos, pos1) then local node = tubelib2.get_node_lvm(pos1) local sign = ItemStack("signs_bot:sign_cmnd") minetest.remove_node(pos1) local leftover = signs_bot.bot_inv_put_item(base_pos, slot, sign) if leftover and leftover:get_count() > 0 then signs_bot.lib.drop_items(robot_pos, leftover) end return signs_bot.DONE end return signs_bot.ERROR, S("Error: Position is protected") end signs_bot.register_botcommand("trash_sign", { mod = "sign", params = "<slot>", num_param = 1, description = S("Dig the sign in front of the robot\n".. "and add the cleared sign to\nthe item iventory.\n".. "<slot> is the inventory slot (1..8)"), check = function(slot) slot = tonumber(slot) or 1 return slot and slot > 0 and slot < 9 end, cmnd = function(base_pos, mem, slot) slot = tonumber(slot) or 1 return trash_sign(base_pos, mem.robot_pos, mem.robot_param2, slot) end, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "signs_bot:sign_cmnd 4", recipe = { {"group:wood", "default:stick", "group:wood"}, {"dye:yellow", "default:stick", "dye:yellow"}, {"", "dye:black", ""} } }) if minetest.get_modpath("doc") then doc.add_entry("signs_bot", "sign_cmnd", { name = S("Sign 'command'"), data = { item = "signs_bot:sign_cmnd", text = table.concat({ S("The 'command' sign can be programmed by the player."), S("Place the sign in front of you and use the node menu to program your sequence of bot commands."), S("The menu has an edit field for your commands and a help page with all available commands."), S("The help page has a copy button to simplify the programming."), }, "\n") }, }) end