--[[ TechAge ======= Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Joachim Stolberg GPL v3 See LICENSE.txt for more information ICTA Controller - Condition Registration ]]-- -- for lazy programmers local M = minetest.get_meta local S = techage.S local logic = techage.logic -- tables with all data from condition registrations local kvRegisteredCond = {} -- list of keys for conditions local aCondTypes = {} -- list of titles for conditions local aCondTitles = {} -- -- API functions for condition registrations -- function techage.icta_register_condition(key, tData) table.insert(aCondTypes, key) table.insert(aCondTitles, tData.title) if kvRegisteredCond[key] ~= nil then print("[Techage] Condition registration error "..key) return end kvRegisteredCond[key] = tData for _,item in ipairs(tData.formspec) do if item.type == "textlist" then item.tChoices = string.split(item.choices, ",") item.num_choices = #item.tChoices end end end -- return formspec string function techage.cond_formspec(row, kvSelect) return techage.submenu_generate_formspec( row, "cond", "Condition type", aCondTypes, aCondTitles, kvRegisteredCond, kvSelect) end -- evaluate the row condition input -- and return new data function techage.cond_eval_input(kvSelect, fields) kvSelect = techage.submenu_eval_input(kvRegisteredCond, aCondTypes, aCondTitles, kvSelect, fields) return kvSelect end -- return the Lua code function techage.code_condition(kvSelect, environ) if kvSelect and kvRegisteredCond[kvSelect.choice] then if techage.submenu_verify(environ.owner, kvRegisteredCond, kvSelect) then return kvRegisteredCond[kvSelect.choice].code(kvSelect, environ) end end return nil, nil end techage.icta_register_condition("default", { title = "", formspec = {}, code = function(data, environ) return false, false end, button = function(data, environ) return "..." end, })