--[[ Signs Bot ========= Copyright (C) 2019 Joachim Stolberg GPL v3 See LICENSE.txt for more information Signs Bot: Robot command interpreter ]]-- -- for lazy programmers local S = function(pos) if pos then return minetest.pos_to_string(pos) end end local P = minetest.string_to_pos local M = minetest.get_meta -- Load support for intllib. local MP = minetest.get_modpath("signs_bot") local I,_ = dofile(MP.."/intllib.lua") local ci = dofile(MP.."/interpreter.lua") local lib = signs_bot.lib -- Possible command results signs_bot.BUSY = ci.BUSY signs_bot.DONE = ci.DONE signs_bot.NEW = ci.NEW signs_bot.ERROR = ci.ERROR signs_bot.TURN_OFF = ci.TURN_OFF local tCommands = {} local SortedKeys = {} local SortedMods = {} local tMods = {} local ExpensiveCmnds = {} function signs_bot.steps(mem, first, last) if not mem.steps then mem.steps = first - 1 end mem.steps = mem.steps + 1 if mem.steps >= last then mem.steps = nil return ci.DONE, last end return ci.BUSY, mem.steps end -- -- Command register API function -- function signs_bot.register_botcommand(name, def) tCommands[name] = def tCommands[name].name = name if def.expensive then ExpensiveCmnds[name] = true end if not SortedKeys[def.mod] then SortedKeys[def.mod] = {} SortedMods[#SortedMods+1] = def.mod tMods[#tMods+1] = def.mod end local idx = #SortedKeys[def.mod] + 1 SortedKeys[def.mod][idx] = name if def.num_param and def.cmnd then ci.register_command(name, def.num_param, def.cmnd, def.check) end end function signs_bot.get_commands() local tbl = {} for _,mod in ipairs(SortedMods) do tbl[#tbl+1] = mod.." "..I("commands:") for _,cmnd in ipairs(SortedKeys[mod]) do local item = tCommands[cmnd] tbl[#tbl+1] = " "..item.name.." "..item.params end end return tbl end function signs_bot.get_help_text(cmnd) if cmnd then cmnd = unpack(string.split(cmnd, " ")) local item = tCommands[cmnd] if item then return item.description end end return I("unknown command") end function signs_bot.check_commands(pos, text) return ci.check_script(text) end -- -- Bot Commands -- local function check_sign(pos, mem) local meta = M(pos) local cmnd = meta:get_string("signs_bot_cmnd") if cmnd ~= "" then -- command block? if meta:get_int("err_code") ~= 0 then -- code not valid? return false end local node = lib.get_node_lvm(pos) -- correct sign direction? if mem.robot_param2 == node.param2 then return true end -- special sign node? if node.name == "signs_bot:bot_flap" or node.name == "signs_bot:box" then return true end end return false end -- Function returns 2 values: -- - true if a sensor could be available, else false -- - the sign pos or nil local function scan_surrounding(mem) local pos1 = lib.next_pos(mem.robot_pos, mem.robot_param2) if check_sign(pos1, mem) then return true, pos1 end local pos2 = {x=pos1.x, y=pos1.y+1, z=pos1.z} if check_sign(pos2, mem) then return true, pos2 end if minetest.find_node_near(mem.robot_pos, 1, { "signs_bot:box", "signs_bot:bot_sensor"}) then -- something around? return true end return false end local function activate_sensor(pos, param2) local pos1 = lib.next_pos(pos, param2) local node = lib.get_node_lvm(pos1) if node.name == "signs_bot:bot_sensor" then node.name = "signs_bot:bot_sensor_on" minetest.swap_node(pos1, node) local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] if ndef and ndef.after_place_node then ndef.after_place_node(pos1) end end end local function bot_error(base_pos, mem, err) minetest.sound_play('signs_bot_error', {pos = base_pos}) minetest.sound_play('signs_bot_error', {pos = mem.robot_pos}) print(err) signs_bot.infotext(base_pos, err) mem.error = true return false end local function power_consumption(mem, cmnd) if mem.capa then if ExpensiveCmnds[cmnd] then mem.capa = mem.capa - 2 else mem.capa = mem.capa - 1 end return mem.capa > 0 end return true end function signs_bot.run_next_command(base_pos, mem) local res, err = ci.run_script(base_pos, mem) if res == ci.ERROR then return bot_error(base_pos, mem, err) elseif res == ci.EXIT then signs_bot.stop_robot(base_pos, mem) return false end if not power_consumption(mem) then signs_bot.stop_robot(base_pos, mem) mem.bot_state = "nopower" return bot_error(base_pos, mem, "No power") end return true end function signs_bot.reset(base_pos, mem) ci.reset_script(base_pos, mem) end signs_bot.register_botcommand("repeat", { mod = "core", params = "<num>", description = I("start of a 'repeat..end' block"), }) signs_bot.register_botcommand("end", { mod = "core", params = "", description = I("end command of a 'repeat..end' block"), }) signs_bot.register_botcommand("call", { mod = "core", params = "<label>", description = I("call a subroutine (with 'return' statement)"), }) signs_bot.register_botcommand("return", { mod = "core", params = "", description = I("return from a subroutine"), }) signs_bot.register_botcommand("jump", { mod = "core", params = "<label>", description = I("jump to a label"), }) local function move(mem, any_sensor) local new_pos = signs_bot.move_robot(mem) if new_pos then -- not blocked? mem.robot_pos = new_pos if any_sensor then activate_sensor(mem.robot_pos, (mem.robot_param2 + 1) % 4) activate_sensor(mem.robot_pos, (mem.robot_param2 + 3) % 4) end elseif mem.capa then mem.capa = mem.capa + 1 end end signs_bot.register_botcommand("move", { mod = "move", params = "<steps>", num_param = 1, description = I([[Move the robot 1..999 steps forward without paying attention to any signs. Up and down movements also become counted as steps.]]), check = function(steps) steps = tonumber(steps) or 1 return steps > 0 and steps < 1000 end, cmnd = function(base_pos, mem, steps) steps = tonumber(steps) or 1 local res, idx = signs_bot.steps(mem, 1, steps) move(mem, scan_surrounding(mem)) return res end, }) signs_bot.register_botcommand("cond_move", { mod = "move", params = "", num_param = 0, description = I([[Walk until a sign or obstacle is reached. Then continue with the next command. When a sign has been reached, the current program is ended and the bot executes the new program from the sign]]), cmnd = function(base_pos, mem) local any_sensor, sign_pos = scan_surrounding(mem) if not sign_pos then move(mem, any_sensor) return ci.BUSY else mem.script = M(sign_pos):get_string("signs_bot_cmnd").."\ncond_move" return ci.NEW end end, })