--[[ DocLib ====== Copyright (C) 2023 Joachim Stolberg AGPL v3 See LICENSE.txt for more information A library to generate ingame manuals based on markdown files. ]]-- -- for lazy programmers local S = doclib.S local P2S = function(pos) if pos then return minetest.pos_to_string(pos) end end local S2P = minetest.string_to_pos local M = minetest.get_meta local function get_text(text, x_offs, y_offs) if text == "top_view" then return "label[" .. x_offs .. "," .. y_offs .. ";" .. S("Top view") .. "]" elseif text == "side_view" then return "label[" .. x_offs .. "," .. y_offs .. ";" .. S("Side view") .. "]" elseif text == "sectional_view" then return "label[" .. x_offs .. "," .. y_offs .. ";" .. S("Sectional view") .. "]" end return "label[" .. x_offs .. "," .. y_offs .. ";" .. minetest.formspec_escape(text) .. "]" end local function get_image(image, size, x_offs, y_offs) size = size or "2.2,2.2" return "image[" .. x_offs .. "," .. y_offs .. ";" .. size .. ";" .. image .. "]" end local function get_item(item, tooltip, x_offs, y_offs) local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[tooltip] if ndef and ndef.description then tooltip = minetest.formspec_escape(ndef.description) else tooltip = minetest.formspec_escape(tooltip) or "" end tooltip = "tooltip[" .. x_offs .. "," .. y_offs .. ";1,1;" .. tooltip .. ";#0C3D32;#FFFFFF]" if string.find(item, ":") then return "item_image[" .. x_offs .. "," .. y_offs .. ";1,1;" .. item .. "]", tooltip else return "image[" .. x_offs .. "," .. y_offs .. ";1,1;" .. item .. "]", tooltip end end local function get_item_data(tbl, x_offs, y_offs) if type(tbl) == "table" then local ttype = tbl[1] if ttype == "item" then return get_item(tbl[2], tbl[3], x_offs, y_offs) elseif ttype == "img" then return get_image(tbl[2], tbl[3], x_offs, y_offs), "" elseif ttype == "text" then return get_text(tbl[2], x_offs, y_offs), "" else return "", "" end end end -- formspec images local function plan(images) local tbl = {} if images == "none" then return "label[1,3;"..S("No plan available") .."]" end for y=1,#images do for x=1,#images[1] do local item = images[y][x] or false if item ~= false then local x_offs, y_offs = (x-1) * 0.9, (y-1) * 0.9 + 0.8 local image, tooltip = get_item_data(item, x_offs, y_offs) tbl[#tbl+1] = image if tooltip then tbl[#tbl+1] = tooltip end end end end return table.concat(tbl) end local function formspec_help(meta, manual) local idx = meta:get_int("doclib_index") local box = "box[9.4,1.5;1.15,1.25;#BBBBBB]" local bttn, symbol if manual.content.aPlans[idx] ~= "" then bttn = "button[9.6,1;1,1;plan;" .. S("Plan") .. "]" elseif manual.content.aImages[idx] ~= "" then local name = manual.content.aImages[idx] or "" local item = manual.content.kvImages[name] or name if string.find(item, ":") then bttn = box .. "item_image[9.45,1.55;1.3,1.3;" .. item .. "]" else bttn = "image[9.4,1.5;1.4,1.4;" .. item .. "]" end else bttn = box end if string.find(manual.settings.symbol_item, ":") then symbol = "item_image[9.6,0;1,1;" .. manual.settings.symbol_item .. "]" else symbol = "image[9.6,0;1,1;" .. manual.settings.symbol_item .. "]" end return "size[11,10]" .. symbol .. "tablecolumns[tree,width=1;text,width=10,align=inline]" .. "tableoptions[opendepth=1]" .. "table[0.1,0;9,5;page;" .. table.concat(manual.content.aTitles, ",") .. ";" .. idx .. "]" .. bttn .. "box[0,5.75;10.775,4.45;#000000]" .. "style_type[textarea;textcolor=#FFFFFF]" .. "textarea[0.3,5.7;11,5.3;;;" .. (manual.content.aTexts[idx] or "") .. "]" end local function formspec_plan(meta, manual) local idx = meta:get_int("doclib_index") local name = manual.content.aPlans[idx] or "none" local tbl = manual.content.kvPlans[name] or {} local titel = string.sub(manual.content.aTitles[idx] or "", 3) or "unknown" return "size[11,10]" .. "label[0,0;"..titel..":]" .. "button[10,0;1,0.8;back;<<]" .. plan(tbl) end function doclib.formspec(pos, mod, language, fields) local manual = doclib.manual[mod][language] local meta = M(pos) if not fields then meta:set_int("doclib_index", 1) return formspec_help(meta, manual) elseif fields.plan then return formspec_plan(meta, manual) elseif fields.back then return formspec_help(meta, manual) elseif fields.page then local evt = minetest.explode_table_event(fields.page) if evt.type == "CHG" then local idx = tonumber(evt.row) meta:set_int("doclib_index", idx) end end return formspec_help(meta, manual) end