--[[ Signs Bot ========= Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Joachim Stolberg GPL v3 See LICENSE.txt for more information Bot place/remove commands ]]-- -- Load support for I18n. local S = signs_bot.S local lib = signs_bot.lib local bot_inv_take_item = signs_bot.bot_inv_take_item local function bot_inv_put_item(pos, slot, items) local leftover = signs_bot.bot_inv_put_item(pos, slot, items) return leftover:get_count() == 0 end local tValidLevels = {[-1] = -1, [0] = 0, [1] = 1} -- for items with paramtype2 = "facedir" local tRotations = {} local Rotations = { {0,8,22,4}, {1,17,21,13}, {2,6,20,10}, {3,15,23,19}, } for _,v in ipairs(Rotations) do local t = table.copy(v) for i = 1,4 do table.insert(t, 1, table.remove(t)) tRotations[t[1]] = {t[2], t[3], t[4]} end end -- -- Place/dig items -- local function place_item(base_pos, robot_pos, param2, slot, route, level) local pos1, p2 = lib.dest_pos(robot_pos, param2, route) pos1.y = pos1.y + level if not lib.not_protected(base_pos, pos1) then return signs_bot.ERROR, S("Error: Position protected") end if lib.is_air_like(pos1) then local taken = signs_bot.bot_inv_take_item(base_pos, slot, 1) if taken then local name = taken:get_name() if name == "default:torch" then name = "signs_bot:torch" end local def = minetest.registered_nodes[name] if not def then return end if def.paramtype2 == "wallmounted" then local dir = minetest.facedir_to_dir(p2) local wdir = minetest.dir_to_wallmounted(dir) minetest.set_node(pos1, {name=name, param2=wdir}) else minetest.set_node(pos1, {name=name, param2=p2}) --minetest.check_single_for_falling(pos1) end end end return signs_bot.DONE end signs_bot.register_botcommand("place_front", { mod = "place", params = "<slot> <lvl>", num_param = 2, description = S("Place a block in front of the robot\n".. "<slot> is the inventory slot (1..8)\n".. "<lvl> is one of: -1 0 +1"), check = function(slot, lvl) slot = tonumber(slot) or 0 if not slot or slot < 0 or slot > 8 then return false end return tValidLevels[lvl] ~= nil end, cmnd = function(base_pos, mem, slot, lvl) slot = tonumber(slot) or 0 local level = tValidLevels[lvl] return place_item(base_pos, mem.robot_pos, mem.robot_param2, slot, {0}, level) end, }) signs_bot.register_botcommand("place_left", { mod = "place", params = "<slot> <lvl>", num_param = 2, description = S("Place a block on the left side\n".. "<slot> is the inventory slot (1..8)\n".. "<lvl> is one of: -1 0 +1"), check = function(slot, lvl) slot = tonumber(slot) or 0 if not slot or slot < 0 or slot > 8 then return false end return tValidLevels[lvl] ~= nil end, cmnd = function(base_pos, mem, slot, lvl) slot = tonumber(slot) or 0 local level = tValidLevels[lvl] return place_item(base_pos, mem.robot_pos, mem.robot_param2, slot, {3,0}, level) end, }) signs_bot.register_botcommand("place_right", { mod = "place", params = "<slot> <lvl>", num_param = 2, description = S("Place a block on the right side\n".. "<slot> is the inventory slot (1..8)\n".. "<lvl> is one of: -1 0 +1"), check = function(slot, lvl) slot = tonumber(slot) or 0 if not slot or slot < 0 or slot > 8 then return false end return tValidLevels[lvl] ~= nil end, cmnd = function(base_pos, mem, slot, lvl) slot = tonumber(slot) or 0 local level = tValidLevels[lvl] return place_item(base_pos, mem.robot_pos, mem.robot_param2, slot, {1,0}, level) end, }) local function place_item_below(base_pos, robot_pos, param2, slot) local pos1 = {x=robot_pos.x,y=robot_pos.y-1,z=robot_pos.z} if not lib.not_protected(base_pos, pos1) then return signs_bot.ERROR, S("Error: Position protected") end local node = tubelib2.get_node_lvm(pos1) if node.name == "signs_bot:robot_foot" then local taken = bot_inv_take_item(base_pos, slot, 1) if taken then local name = taken:get_name() local def = minetest.registered_nodes[name] if not def then return end minetest.set_node(pos1, {name=name, param2=param2}) end end return signs_bot.DONE end signs_bot.register_botcommand("place_below", { mod = "place", params = "<slot>", num_param = 1, description = S("Place a block under the robot.\n".. "Hint: use 'move_up' first.\n".. "<slot> is the inventory slot (1..8)"), check = function(slot) slot = tonumber(slot) or 0 return slot and slot >= 0 and slot < 9 end, cmnd = function(base_pos, mem, slot) slot = tonumber(slot) or 0 return place_item_below(base_pos, mem.robot_pos, mem.robot_param2, slot) end, }) local function place_item_above(base_pos, robot_pos, param2, slot) local pos1 = {x=robot_pos.x,y=robot_pos.y+1,z=robot_pos.z} if not lib.not_protected(base_pos, pos1) then return signs_bot.ERROR, S("Error: Position protected") end if lib.is_air_like(pos1) then local taken = bot_inv_take_item(base_pos, slot, 1) if taken then local name = taken:get_name() local def = minetest.registered_nodes[name] if not def then return end minetest.set_node(pos1, {name=name, param2=param2}) end end return signs_bot.DONE end signs_bot.register_botcommand("place_above", { mod = "place", params = "<slot>", num_param = 1, description = S("Place a block above the robot.\n".. "<slot> is the inventory slot (1..8)"), check = function(slot) slot = tonumber(slot) or 0 return slot and slot >= 0 and slot < 9 end, cmnd = function(base_pos, mem, slot) slot = tonumber(slot) or 0 return place_item_above(base_pos, mem.robot_pos, mem.robot_param2, slot) end, }) local function dig_item(base_pos, robot_pos, param2, slot, route, level) local pos1 = lib.dest_pos(robot_pos, param2, route) pos1.y = pos1.y + (level or 0) local node = tubelib2.get_node_lvm(pos1) local dug_name = lib.is_simple_node(node) if not lib.not_protected(base_pos, pos1) then return signs_bot.ERROR, S("Error: Position protected") end if dug_name then if bot_inv_put_item(base_pos, slot, ItemStack(dug_name)) then minetest.remove_node(pos1) else return signs_bot.ERROR, S("Error: No free inventory space") end end return signs_bot.DONE end signs_bot.register_botcommand("dig_front", { mod = "place", params = "<slot> <lvl>", num_param = 2, description = S("Dig the block in front of the robot\n".. "<slot> is the inventory slot (1..8)\n".. "<lvl> is one of: -1 0 +1"), check = function(slot, lvl) slot = tonumber(slot) or 0 if not slot or slot < 0 or slot > 8 then return false end return tValidLevels[lvl] ~= nil end, cmnd = function(base_pos, mem, slot, lvl) slot = tonumber(slot) or 0 local level = tValidLevels[lvl] return dig_item(base_pos, mem.robot_pos, mem.robot_param2, slot, {0}, level) end, expensive = true, }) signs_bot.register_botcommand("dig_left", { mod = "place", params = "<slot> <lvl>", num_param = 2, description = S("Dig the block on the left side\n".. "<slot> is the inventory slot (1..8)\n".. "<lvl> is one of: -1 0 +1"), check = function(slot, lvl) slot = tonumber(slot) or 0 if not slot or slot < 0 or slot > 8 then return false end return tValidLevels[lvl] ~= nil end, cmnd = function(base_pos, mem, slot, lvl) slot = tonumber(slot) or 0 local level = tValidLevels[lvl] return dig_item(base_pos, mem.robot_pos, mem.robot_param2, slot, {0,3}, level) end, expensive = true, }) signs_bot.register_botcommand("dig_right", { mod = "place", params = "<slot> <lvl>", num_param = 2, description = S("Dig the block on the right side\n".. "<slot> is the inventory slot (1..8)\n".. "<lvl> is one of: -1 0 +1"), check = function(slot, lvl) slot = tonumber(slot) or 0 if not slot or slot < 0 or slot > 8 then return false end return tValidLevels[lvl] ~= nil end, cmnd = function(base_pos, mem, slot, lvl) slot = tonumber(slot) or 0 local level = tValidLevels[lvl] return dig_item(base_pos, mem.robot_pos, mem.robot_param2, slot, {0,1}, level) end, expensive = true, }) local function dig_item_below(base_pos, robot_pos, param2, slot) local pos1 = {x=robot_pos.x,y=robot_pos.y-1,z=robot_pos.z} local node = tubelib2.get_node_lvm(pos1) local dug_name = lib.is_simple_node(node) if not lib.not_protected(base_pos, pos1) then return signs_bot.ERROR, S("Error: Position protected") end if dug_name then if bot_inv_put_item(base_pos, slot, ItemStack(dug_name)) then minetest.set_node(pos1, {name="signs_bot:robot_foot"}) else return signs_bot.ERROR, S("Error: No free inventory space") end end return signs_bot.DONE end signs_bot.register_botcommand("dig_below", { mod = "place", params = "<slot>", num_param = 1, description = S("Dig the block under the robot.\n".. "<slot> is the inventory slot (1..8)"), check = function(slot) slot = tonumber(slot) or 0 return slot and slot >= 0 and slot < 9 end, cmnd = function(base_pos, mem, slot) slot = tonumber(slot) or 0 return dig_item_below(base_pos, mem.robot_pos, mem.robot_param2, slot) end, expensive = true, }) local function dig_item_above(base_pos, robot_pos, param2, slot) local pos1 = {x=robot_pos.x,y=robot_pos.y+1,z=robot_pos.z} local node = tubelib2.get_node_lvm(pos1) local dug_name = lib.is_simple_node(node) if not lib.not_protected(base_pos, pos1) then return signs_bot.ERROR, S("Error: Position protected") end if dug_name then if bot_inv_put_item(base_pos, slot, ItemStack(dug_name)) then minetest.remove_node(pos1) else return signs_bot.ERROR, S("Error: No free inventory space") end end return signs_bot.DONE end signs_bot.register_botcommand("dig_above", { mod = "place", params = "<slot>", num_param = 1, description = S("Dig the block above the robot.\n".. "<slot> is the inventory slot (1..8)"), check = function(slot) slot = tonumber(slot) or 0 return slot and slot >= 0 and slot < 9 end, cmnd = function(base_pos, mem, slot) slot = tonumber(slot) or 0 return dig_item_above(base_pos, mem.robot_pos, mem.robot_param2, slot, 1) end, expensive = true, }) local function rotate_item(base_pos, robot_pos, param2, route, level, steps) local pos1 = lib.dest_pos(robot_pos, param2, route) pos1.y = pos1.y + level local node = tubelib2.get_node_lvm(pos1) if not lib.not_protected(base_pos, pos1) then return signs_bot.ERROR, S("Error: Position protected") end if lib.is_simple_node(node) then local p2 = tRotations[node.param2] and tRotations[node.param2][steps] if p2 then minetest.swap_node(pos1, {name=node.name, param2=p2}) end end return signs_bot.DONE end signs_bot.register_botcommand("rotate_item", { mod = "place", params = "<lvl> <steps>", num_param = 2, description = S("Rotate the block in front of the robot\n".. "<lvl> is one of: -1 0 +1\n".. "<steps> is one of: 1 2 3"), check = function(lvl, steps) steps = tonumber(steps) or 1 if not steps or steps < 1 or steps > 4 then return false end return tValidLevels[lvl] ~= nil end, cmnd = function(base_pos, mem, lvl, steps) local level = tValidLevels[lvl] steps = tonumber(steps) or 1 return rotate_item(base_pos, mem.robot_pos, mem.robot_param2, {0}, level, steps) end, }) -- Simplified torch which can be placed w/o a fake player minetest.register_node("signs_bot:torch", { description = S("Bot torch"), inventory_image = "default_torch_on_floor.png", wield_image = "default_torch_on_floor.png", drawtype = "nodebox", node_box = { type = "connected", fixed = { {-1/16, -3/16, -1/16, 1/16, 7/16, 1/16}, --{-2/16, 4/16, -2/16, 2/16, 8/16, 2/16}, }, connect_bottom = {{-1/16, -8/16, -1/16, 1/16, 1/16, 1/16}}, connect_front = {{-1/16, -1/16, -8/16, 1/16, 1/16, 1/16}}, connect_left = {{-8/16, -1/16, -1/16, 1/16, 1/16, 1/16}}, connect_back = {{-1/16, -1/16, -1/16, 1/16, 1/16, 8/16}}, connect_right = {{-1/16, -1/16, -1/16, 8/16, 1/16, 1/16}}, }, tiles = { -- up, down, right, left, back, front "signs_bot_torch_top.png", "signs_bot_torch_bottom.png", { image = "signs_bot_torch_animated.png", backface_culling = false, animation = { type = "vertical_frames", aspect_w = 16, aspect_h = 16, length = 4.0, }, }, }, connects_to = { "group:pane", "group:stone", "group:glass", "group:wood", "group:tree", "group:bakedclay", "group:soil"}, paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", use_texture_alpha = signs_bot.CLIP, sunlight_propagates = true, walkable = false, liquids_pointable = false, light_source = 12, groups = {choppy=2, dig_immediate=3, flammable=1, attached_node=1, torch=1, not_in_creative_inventory=1}, drop = "default:torch", sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), })