2018-09-23 13:02:18 +01:00
title: ItemStacks and Inventories
layout: default
root: ../..
idx: 2.4
description: Manipulate InvRefs and ItemStacks
- /en/chapters/inventories.html
- /en/chapters/itemstacks.html
- /en/inventories/inventories.html
- /en/inventories/itemstacks.html
2019-05-31 18:32:40 +01:00
## Introduction <!-- omit in toc -->
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2019-05-31 18:32:40 +01:00
In this chapter, you will learn how to use and manipulate inventories, whether
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that be a player inventory, a node inventory, or a detached inventory.
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2019-05-31 18:32:40 +01:00
- [What are ItemStacks and Inventories?](#what-are-itemstacks-and-inventories)
- [ItemStacks](#itemstacks)
- [Inventory Locations](#inventory-locations)
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- [Node Inventories](#node-inventories)
- [Player Inventories](#player-inventories)
- [Detached Inventories](#detached-inventories)
2019-05-31 18:32:40 +01:00
- [Lists](#lists)
- [Size and Width](#size-and-width)
- [Checking Contents](#checking-contents)
- [Modifying Inventories and ItemStacks](#modifying-inventories-and-itemstacks)
- [Adding to a List](#adding-to-a-list)
- [Taking Items](#taking-items)
- [Manipulating Stacks](#manipulating-stacks)
- [Wear](#wear)
- [Lua Tables](#lua-tables)
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## What are ItemStacks and Inventories?
An ItemStack is the data behind a single cell in an inventory.
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An *inventory* is a collection of *inventory lists*, each of which is a 2D grid
of ItemStacks. Inventory lists are referred to as *lists* in the context of
Players and nodes only have a single inventory; lists enable you to have
multiple grids within that inventory. By default, the player has the "main" list
for the bulk of its inventory and a few lists for the crafting system.
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## ItemStacks
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ItemStacks have four components to them: `name`, `count`, `wear`, and metadata.
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The item name may be the item name of a registered item, an alias, or an unknown
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item name. Unknown items are common when users uninstall mods, or when mods
remove items without precautions, such as registering aliases.
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if not stack:is_known() then
print("Is an unknown item!")
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The count will always be 0 or greater. Through normal gameplay, the count should
be no more than the maximum stack size of the item - `stack_max`. However, admin
commands and buggy mods may result in stacks exceeding the maximum size.
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An ItemStack can be empty, in which case the count will be 0.
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ItemStacks can be constructed in multiple ways using the ItemStack function:
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ItemStack() -- name="", count=0
ItemStack("default:pick_stone") -- count=1
ItemStack("default:stone 30")
ItemStack({ name = "default:wood", count = 10 })
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Item metadata is an unlimited key-value store for data about the item. Key-value
means that you use a name (called the key) to access the data (called the
value). Some keys have special meaning, such as `description` which is used to
have a per-stack item description. This will be covered in more detail in the
[Storage and Metadata](../map/storage.html) chapter.
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## Inventory Locations
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An Inventory Location is where and how the inventory is stored. There are three
types of inventory location: player, node, and detached. An inventory is
directly tied to one and only one location - updating the inventory will cause
it to update immediately.
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### Node Inventories
Node inventories are related to the position of a specific node, such as a
chest. The node must be loaded because it is stored in
[node metadata](../map/storage.html#metadata).
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on_punch = function(pos, node)
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local inv = core.get_inventory({ type="node", pos=pos })
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-- now use the inventory
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The above obtains an *inventory reference*, commonly referred to as *InvRef*.
Inventory references are used to manipulate an inventory.
*Reference* means that the data isn't actually stored inside that object,
but the object instead directly updates the data in-place.
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The location of an inventory reference can be found like so:
local location = inv:get_location()
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### Player Inventories
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Player inventories can be obtained similarly or using a player reference.
The player must be online to access their inventory.
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local inv = core.get_inventory({ type="player", name="player1" })
2018-09-23 13:02:18 +01:00
-- or
local inv = player:get_inventory()
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### Detached Inventories
A detached inventory is one that is independent of players or nodes. Detached
inventories also don't save over a restart.
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2024-10-23 00:39:22 +01:00
local inv = core.get_inventory({
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type="detached", name="inventory_name" })
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2020-07-05 23:26:25 +00:00
Unlike the other types of inventory, you must first create a detached inventory
before accessing it:
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2018-09-23 13:02:18 +01:00
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The `create_detached_inventory` function accepts 3 arguments, where only the
first - the inventory name - is required. The second argument takes a table of
callbacks, which can be used to control how players interact with the inventory:
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-- Input only detached inventory
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core.create_detached_inventory("inventory_name", {
2019-07-01 21:47:52 +01:00
allow_move = function(inv, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player)
return count -- allow moving
allow_put = function(inv, listname, index, stack, player)
return stack:get_count() -- allow putting
allow_take = function(inv, listname, index, stack, player)
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return 0 -- don't allow taking
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on_put = function(inv, listname, index, stack, player)
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core.chat_send_all(player:get_player_name() ..
2019-07-01 21:47:52 +01:00
" gave " .. stack:to_string() ..
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" to the donation chest from " .. core.pos_to_string(player:get_pos()))
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2020-07-05 23:26:25 +00:00
Permission callbacks - ie: those starting with `allow_` - return the number
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of items to transfer, with 0 being used to prevent transfer completely.
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2020-07-05 23:26:25 +00:00
On the contrary, action callbacks - starting with `on_` - don't have a return value.
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2018-09-23 13:02:18 +01:00
## Lists
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Inventory Lists are a concept used to allow multiple grids to be stored inside a
single location. This is especially useful for the player as there are several
common lists that all games have, such as the *main* inventory and *craft*
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### Size and Width
2018-10-20 01:37:41 +01:00
Lists have a size, which is the total number of cells in the grid, and a width,
which is only used within the engine.
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The width of the list is not used when drawing the inventory in a window,
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because the code behind the window determines the width to use.
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if inv:set_size("main", 32) then
inv:set_width("main", 8)
2020-08-08 22:56:50 +00:00
print("size: " .. inv:get_size("main"))
2018-09-23 13:02:18 +01:00
print("width: " .. inv:get_width("main"))
print("Error! Invalid itemname or size to set_size()")
`set_size` will fail and return false if the listname or size is invalid.
For example, the new size may be too small to fit all the current items
in the inventory.
### Checking Contents
`is_empty` can be used to see if a list contains any items:
if inv:is_empty("main") then
print("The list is empty!")
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`contains_item` can be used to see if a list contains a specific item:
if inv:contains_item("main", "default:stone") then
print("I've found some stone!")
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## Modifying Inventories and ItemStacks
### Adding to a List
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`add_item` adds items to a list (in this case `"main"`). In the example below,
the maximum stack size is also respected:
2018-09-23 13:02:18 +01:00
local stack = ItemStack("default:stone 99")
local leftover = inv:add_item("main", stack)
if leftover:get_count() > 0 then
2018-09-24 17:16:00 +01:00
print("Inventory is full! " ..
leftover:get_count() .. " items weren't added")
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### Taking Items
To remove items from a list:
local taken = inv:remove_item("main", stack)
print("Took " .. taken:get_count())
### Manipulating Stacks
You can modify individual stacks by first getting them:
local stack = inv:get_stack(listname, 0)
Then modifying them by setting properties or by using the methods which
respect `stack_size`:
local stack = ItemStack("default:stone 50")
local to_add = ItemStack("default:stone 100")
local leftover = stack:add_item(to_add)
local taken = stack:take_item(19)
print("Could not add" .. leftover:get_count() .. " of the items.")
-- ^ will be 51
print("Have " .. stack:get_count() .. " items")
2019-05-31 18:32:40 +01:00
-- ^ will be 80
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-- min(50+100, stack_max) - 19 = 80
-- where stack_max = 99
`add_item` will add items to an ItemStack and return any that could not be added.
`take_item` will take up to the number of items but may take less, and returns the stack taken.
Finally, set the item stack:
inv:set_stack(listname, 0, stack)
## Wear
Tools can have wear; wear shows a progress bar and makes the tool break when completely worn.
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Wear is a number out of 65535; the higher it is, the more worn the tool is.
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2018-10-20 01:37:41 +01:00
Wear can be manipulated using `add_wear()`, `get_wear()`, and `set_wear(wear)`.
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local stack = ItemStack("default:pick_mese")
local max_uses = 10
-- This is done automatically when you use a tool that digs things
-- It increases the wear of an item by one use.
stack:add_wear(65535 / (max_uses - 1))
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When digging a node, the amount of wear a tool gets may depend on the node
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being dug. So max_uses varies depending on what is being dug.
## Lua Tables
ItemStacks and Inventories can be converted to and from tables.
This is useful for copying and bulk operations.
-- Entire inventory
local data = inv1:get_lists()
-- One list
local listdata = inv1:get_list("main")
inv2:set_list("main", listdata)
The table of lists returned by `get_lists()` will be in this form:
list_one = {
-- inv:get_size("list_one") elements
list_two = {
-- inv:get_size("list_two") elements
`get_list()` will return a single list as just a list of ItemStacks.
One important thing to note is that the set methods above don't change the size
of the lists.
This means that you can clear a list by setting it to an empty table and it won't
decrease in size:
inv:set_list("main", {})