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5b064048ef Formspecs: Rewrite chapter 2019-08-14 14:39:01 +01:00
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@ -7,12 +7,12 @@ root: ..
idx: 0.1
<div id="header">
<h1>Minetest Modding Book</h1>
<span>by <a href="" rel="author">rubenwardy</a></span>
<span>with editing by <a href="">Shara</a></span>
## Introduction

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@ -4,6 +4,13 @@ layout: default
root: ../..
idx: 4.5
redirect_from: /en/chapters/formspecs.html
level: warning
title: Real coordinates will be in 5.1.0
classes: web-only
message: This chapter describes the use of a feature that hasn't been released yet.
You can still use this chapter and the code in Minetest 5.0, but elements will
be positioned differently to what is shown.
level: warning
title: Malicious clients can submit anything at anytime
@ -24,250 +31,302 @@ submit_vuln:
In this chapter we will learn how to create a formspec and display it to the user.
A formspec is the specification code for a form.
In Minetest, forms are windows such as the player inventory, which can contain labels,
buttons and fields to allow you to enter information.
- [Formspec Syntax](#formspec-syntax)
- [Size[w, h]](#sizew-h)
- [Field[x, y; w, h; name; label; default]](#fieldx-y-w-h-name-label-default)
- [Other Elements](#other-elements)
- [Displaying Formspecs](#displaying-formspecs)
- [Example](#example)
- [Callbacks](#callbacks)
- [Fields](#fields)
- [Contexts](#contexts)
- [Node Meta Formspecs](#node-meta-formspecs)
In Minetest, forms are windows such as the player inventory and can contain a
variety of elements, such as labels, buttons and fields.
Note that if you do not need to get user input, for example when you only need
to provide information to the player, you should consider using Heads Up Display
(HUD) elements instead of forms, because unexpected windows tend to disrupt gameplay.
to provide information to the player, you should consider using
[Heads Up Display (HUD)](hud.html) elements instead of forms, because
unexpected windows tend to disrupt gameplay.
## Formspec Syntax
- [Real or Legacy Coordinates](#real-or-legacy-coordinates)
- [Anatomy of a Formspec](#anatomy-of-a-formspec)
- [Elements](#elements)
- [Header](#header)
- [Guessing Game](#guessing-game)
- [Padding and Spacing](#padding-and-spacing)
- [Receiving Formspec Submissions](#receiving-formspec-submissions)
- [Contexts](#contexts)
- [Formspec Sources](#formspec-sources)
- [Node Meta Formspecs](#node-meta-formspecs)
- [Player Inventory Formspecs](#player-inventory-formspecs)
- [Your Turn](#your-turn)
Formspecs have an unusual syntax.
They consist of a series of tags which are in the following form:
## Real or Legacy Coordinates
Firstly the element type is declared, and then the attributes are given
in square brackets.
In older versions of Minetest, formspecs were inconsistent. The way that different
elements were positioned varied in unexpected ways; it was hard to predict the
placement of elements and align them. Minetest 5.1.0 contains a feature
called real coordinates which aims to rectify this by introducing a consistent
coordinate system. The use of real coordinates is highly recommended, and so
this chapter will use them exclusively.
Elements are items such as text boxes or buttons, or can be metadata such
as size or background.
{% include notice.html notice=page.minetest510 %}
Here are two elements, of types foo and bar.
## Anatomy of a Formspec
### Elements
Formspec is a domain-specific language with an unusual format.
It consists of a number of elements with the following form:
The element type is declared and then any parameters are given
in square brackets. Multiple elements can be joined together, or placed
on multiple lines, like so:
### Size[w, h]
Nearly all forms have a size tag. This declares the size of the form window. Note that
**forms don't use pixels as co-ordinates; they use a grid based on inventories**.
A size of (1, 1) means the form is big enough to host a 1x1 inventory.
This means the size of the form is independent of screen resolution and it should work
just as well on large screens as small screens.
You can use decimals in sizes and co-ordinates.
Elements are items such as text boxes or buttons, or can be metadata such
as size or background. You should refer to
for a list of all possible elements. Search for "Formspec" to locate the correct
part of the document.
Co-ordinates and sizes only use one attribute.
The x and y values are separated by a comma, as you can see above.
### Header
### Field[x, y; w, h; name; label; default]
The header of a formspec contains information which must appear first. This
includes the size of the formspec, the position, the anchor, and whether the
game-wide theme should be applied.
This is a textbox element. Most other elements have a similar style of attributes.
The name attribute is used in callbacks to get the submitted information.
The x and y attributes determine the position of the element, and
the w and h attributes provide the size.
The elements in the header must be defined in a specific order, otherwise you
will see an error. This order is given in the above paragraph, and, as always,
documented in [lua_api.txt](../../lua_api.html#sizewhfixed_size)
The size is in formspec slots - a unit of measurement which is roughly
around 64 pixels, but varies based on the screen density and scaling
settings of the client. Here's a formspec which is `2,2` in size:
It is perfectly valid to not define an attribute.
### Other Elements
Notice how we explicitly need to enable the use of the real coordinate system.
Without this, the legacy system will instead be used to size the formspec, which will
result in a larger size. This element is a special case, as it is the only element
which may appear both in the header and the body of a formspec. When in the header,
it must appear immediately after the size.
You should refer to [lua_api.txt](
for a list of all possible elements. Search for "Formspec" to locate the correct part of the document.
At the time of writing, formspec information begins on line 1765.
The position and anchor elements are used to place the formspec on the screen.
The position sets where on the screen the formspec will be, and defaults to
the center (`0.5,0.5`). The anchor sets where on the formspec the position is,
allowing you to line the formspec up with the edge of the screen. The formspec
can be placed to the left of the screen like so:
## Displaying Formspecs
Here is a generalised way to show a formspec:
This sets the anchor to the left middle edge of the formspec box, and then the
position of that anchor to the left of the screen.
minetest.show_formspec(playername, formname, formspec)
Formnames should be itemnames; however, this is not enforced.
There is no need to override a formspec, because formspecs are not registered like
nodes and items are. The formspec code is sent to the player's client for them
to see, along with the formname.
Formnames are used in callbacks to identify which form has been submitted,
and to see if the callback is relevant.
### Example
This example shows a formspec to a player when they use the /formspec command.
## Guessing Game
<figure class="right_image">
<img src="{{ page.root }}//static/formspec_name.png" alt="Name Formspec">
<img src="{{ page.root }}/static/formspec_guessing.png" alt="Guessing Formspec">
The formspec generated by<br />
the example's code
The guessing game formspec.
The best way to learn is to make something, so let's make a guessing game.
The principle is simple: the mod decides on a number, then the player makes
guesses on the number. The mod then says if the guess is higher or lower then
the actual number.
First, let's make a function to create the formspec code. It's good practice to
do this, as it makes it easier to reuse elsewhere.
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
-- Show form when the /formspec command is used.
minetest.register_chatcommand("formspec", {
func = function(name, param)
minetest.show_formspec(name, "mymod:form",
"size[4,3]" ..
"label[0,0;Hello, " .. name .. "]" ..
"field[1,1.5;3,1;name;Name;]" ..
guessing = {}
function guessing.get_formspec(name)
-- TODO: display whether the last guess was higher or lower
local text = "I'm thinking of a number... Make a guess!"
local formspec = {
"label[0.375,0.5;", minetest.formspec_escape(text), "]",
-- table.concat is faster than string concatenation - `..`
return table.concat(formspec, "")
In the above code, we place a field, a label, and a button. A field allows text
entry, and a button is used to submit the form. You'll notice that the elements
are positioned carefully in order to add padding and spacing, this will be explained
Next, we want to allow the player to show the formspec. The main way to do this
is using `show_formspec`:
function guessing.show_to(name)
minetest.show_formspec(name, "guessing:game", guessing.get_formspec(name))
minetest.register_chatcommand("game", {
func = function(name)
Note: the .. is used to join two strings together. The following two lines are equivalent:
The show_formspec function accepts a player name, the formspec name, and the
formspec itself. The formspec name should be a valid itemname, ie: in the format
### Padding and Spacing
<figure class="right_image">
<img src="{{ page.root }}/static/formspec_padding_spacing.png" alt="Padding and spacing">
The guessing game formspec.
Padding is the gap between the edge of the formspec and its contents, or between unrelated
elements, shown in red. Spacing is the gap between related elements, shown in blue.
It is fairly standard to have a padding of `0.375` and a spacing of `0.25`.
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
### Receiving Formspec Submissions
When `show_formspec` is called, the formspec is sent to the client to be displayed.
For formspecs to be useful, information needs to be returned from the client to server.
The method for this is called formspec field submission, and for `show_formspec`, that
submission is received using a global callback:
"foo" .. "bar"
## Callbacks
It's possible to expand the previous example with a callback:
-- Show form when the /formspec command is used.
minetest.register_chatcommand("formspec", {
func = function(name, param)
minetest.show_formspec(name, "mymod:form",
"size[4,3]" ..
"label[0,0;Hello, " .. name .. "]" ..
"field[1,1.5;3,1;name;Name;]" ..
-- Register callback
formname, fields)
if formname ~= "mymod:form" then
-- Formname is not mymod:form,
-- exit callback.
return false
minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
if formname ~= "guessing:game" then
-- Send message to player.
"You said: " .. .. "!")
-- Return true to stop other callbacks from
-- receiving this submission.
return true
if fields.guess then
local pname = player:get_player_name()
minetest.chat_send_all(pname .. " guessed " .. fields.number)
The function given in minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields is called
every time a user submits a form. Most callbacks will check the formname given
every time a user submits a form. Most callbacks will need to check the formname given
to the function, and exit if it is not the right form; however, some callbacks
may need to work on multiple forms, or all forms - it depends on what you
want to do.
may need to work on multiple forms, or on all forms.
The `fields` parameter to the function is a table of the values submitted by the
user, indexed by strings. Named elements will appear in the field under their own
name, but only if they are relevent for the event that caused the submission.
For example, a button element will only appear in fields if that particular button
was pressed.
{% include notice.html notice=page.submit_vuln %}
### Fields
So, now the formspec is sent to the client and the client sends information back.
The next step is to somehow generate and remember the target value, and to update
the formspec based on guesses. The way to do this is using a concept called
The `fields` parameter to the function is a table, index by string, of the values
submitted by the user. You can access values in the table via,
where 'name' is the name of the element.
As well as retrieving the values of each element, you can also get which button
was clicked. In this case, the button called 'exit' was clicked, so fields.exit
will be true.
Some elements can submit the form without the user clicking a button,
such as a checkbox. You can detect these cases by looking
for a clicked button.
-- An example of what fields could contain,
-- using the above code
name = "Foo Bar",
exit = true
## Contexts
### Contexts
In many cases you want minetest.show_formspec to give information
to the callback which you don't want to send to the client. This might include
what a chat command was called with, or what the dialog is about.
what a chat command was called with, or what the dialog is about. In this case,
the target value that needs to be remembered.
For example, you might make a form to handle land protection information:
A context is a per-player table to store information, and the contexts for all
online players are stored in a file-local variable:
-- Step 1) set context when player requests the formspec
local _contexts = {}
local function get_context(name)
local context = _contexts[name] or {}
_contexts[name] = context
return context
-- land_formspec_context[playername] gives the player's context.
local land_formspec_context = {}
minetest.register_chatcommand("land", {
func = function(name, param)
if param == "" then
"Incorrect parameters - supply a land ID")
-- Save information
land_formspec_context[name] = {id = param}
minetest.show_formspec(name, "mylandowner:edit",
"size[4,4]" ..
"field[1,1;3,1;plot;Plot Name;]" ..
"field[1,2;3,1;owner;Owner;]" ..
-- Step 2) retrieve context when player submits the form
formname, fields)
if formname ~= "mylandowner:edit" then
return false
-- Load information
local context = land_formspec_context[player:get_player_name()]
if context then
minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), "Id " .. .. " is now called " .. fields.plot ..
" and owned by " .. fields.owner)
-- Delete context if it is no longer going to be used
land_formspec_context[player:get_player_name()] = nil
return true
-- Fail gracefully if the context does not exist.
"Something went wrong, try again.")
_contexts[player:get_player_name()] = nil
## Node Meta Formspecs
Next, we need to modify the show code to update the context
before showing the formspec:
function guessing.show_to(name)
local context = get_context(name) = or math.random(1, 10)
local fs = guessing.get_formspec(name, context)
minetest.show_formspec(name, "guessing:game", fs)
We also need to modify the formspec generation code to use the context:
function guessing.get_formspec(name, context)
local text
if not context.guess then
text = "I'm thinking of a number... Make a guess!"
elseif context.guess == then
text = "Hurray, you got it!"
elseif context.guess > then
text = "To high!"
text = "To low!"
Note that it's good practice for get_formspec to only read the context, and not
update it at all. This can make the function simpler, and also easier to test.
And finally, we need to update the handler to update the context with the guess:
if fields.guess then
local name = player:get_player_name()
local context = get_context(name)
context.guess = tonumber(fields.number)
## Formspec Sources
There are three different ways that a formspec can be delivered to the client:
* [show_formspec](#guessing-game): the method used above, fields are received by register_on_player_receive_fields.
* [Node Meta Formspecs](#node-meta-formspecs): the node contains a formspec in its meta data, and the client
shows it *immediately* when the player rightclicks. Fields are received by a
method in the node definition called `on_receive_fields`.
* [Player Inventory Formspecs](#player-inventory-formspecs): the formspec is sent to the client at some point, and then
shown immediately when the player presses `i`. Fields are received by
### Node Meta Formspecs
minetest.show_formspec is not the only way to show a formspec; you can also
add formspecs to a [node's metadata](node_metadata.html). For example,
@ -305,3 +364,22 @@ This style of callback triggers when you press enter
in a field, which is impossible with `minetest.show_formspec`;
however, this kind of form can only be shown by right-clicking on a
node. It cannot be triggered programmatically.
### Player Inventory Formspecs
The player inventory formspec is the one shown when the player presses i.
The global callback is used to receive events from this formspec, and the
formname is `""`.
There are a number of different mods which allow multiple mods to customise
the player inventory. The officially recommended mod is
[Simple Fast Inventory (sfinv)](sfinv.html), and is included in Minetest Game.
### Your Turn
* Extend the Guessing Game to keep track of each player's top score, where the
top score is how many guesses it took.
* Make a node called "Inbox" where users can open up a formspec and leave messages.
This node should store the placers' name as `owner` in the meta, and should use
`show_formspec` to show different formspecs to different players.

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
{% assign notice=include %}
{% endif %}
<div class="notice notice-{{ notice.level }}">
<div class="notice notice-{{ notice.level }} {{ notice.classes }}">
{% if notice.level == "warning" %}
{% else if notice.level == "tip" %}

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@ -101,16 +101,16 @@ footer a:hover {
text-decoration: underline;
#header {
header {
text-align: center;
padding: 100px 0;
#header h1 {
header h1 {
padding-bottom: 20px;
#header span {
header span {
display: block;
padding: 6px;
@ -119,6 +119,10 @@ footer a:hover {
font-size: 200%;
.book-only {
display: none;
@media all and (max-height: 568px) {
nav {
position: absolute;

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