![Luke aka SwissalpS](/assets/img/avatar_default.png)
Some checks failed
build / build (push) Has been cancelled
Default to not being ground content. The few nodes that were registered as ground content shouldn't be considered ground content. * cut nodes aren't ground content By default make cut nodes non ground content but allow mods to register theirs as ground content if they want to.
183 lines
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183 lines
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More Blocks: registrations
Copyright © 2011-2020 Hugo Locurcio and contributors.
Licensed under the zlib license. See LICENSE.md for more information.
local S = moreblocks.S
local descriptions = {
["micro"] = "Microblock",
["slab"] = "Slab",
["slope"] = "Slope",
["panel"] = "Panel",
["stair"] = "Stairs",
-- Extends the standad rotate_node placement so that it takes into account
-- the side (top/bottom or left/right) of the face being pointed at.
-- As with the standard rotate_node, sneak can be used to force the perpendicular
-- placement (wall placement on floor/ceiling, floor/ceiling placement on walls).
-- Additionally, the aux / sprint / special key can be used to place the node
-- as if from the opposite side.
-- When placing a node next to one of the same category (e.g. slab to slab or
-- stair to stair), the default placement (regardless of sneak) is to copy the
-- under node's param2, flipping if placed above or below it. The aux key disable
-- this behavior.
local wall_right_dirmap = {9, 18, 7, 12}
local wall_left_dirmap = {11, 16, 5, 14}
local ceil_dirmap = {20, 23, 22, 21}
-- extract the stairsplus category from a node name
-- assumes the name is in the form mod_name:category_original_ndoe_name
local function name_to_category(name)
local colon = name:find(":") or 0
colon = colon + 1
local under = name:find("_", colon)
return name:sub(colon, under)
stairsplus.rotate_node_aux = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing)
local sneak = placer and placer:get_player_control().sneak
local aux = placer and placer:get_player_control().aux1
-- category for what we are placing
local item_prefix = name_to_category(itemstack:get_name())
-- category for what we are placing against
local under = pointed_thing.under
local under_node = minetest.get_node(under)
local under_prefix = under_node and name_to_category(under_node.name)
local same_cat = item_prefix == under_prefix
-- standard (floor) facedir, also used for sneak placement against the lower half of the wall
local p2 = placer and minetest.dir_to_facedir(placer:get_look_dir()) or 0
-- check which face and which quadrant we are interested in
-- this is used both to check if we're handling parallel placement in the same-category case,
-- and in general for sneak placement
local face_pos = minetest.pointed_thing_to_face_pos(placer, pointed_thing)
local face_off = vector.subtract(face_pos, under)
-- we cannot trust face_off to tell us the correct directionif the
-- under node has a non-standard shape, so use the distance between under and above
local wallmounted = minetest.dir_to_wallmounted(vector.subtract(pointed_thing.above, under))
if same_cat and not aux then
p2 = under_node.param2
-- flip if placing above or below an upright or upside-down node
-- TODO should we also flip when placing next to a side-mounted node?
if wallmounted < 2 then
if p2 < 4 then
p2 = (p2 + 2) % 4
p2 = ceil_dirmap[p2 + 1]
elseif p2 > 19 then
p2 = ceil_dirmap[p2 - 19] - 20
p2 = (p2 + 2) % 4
-- for same-cat placement, aux is used to disable param2 copying
if same_cat then
aux = not aux
local remap = nil
-- standard placement against the wall
local use_wallmap = (wallmounted > 1 and not sneak) or (wallmounted < 2 and sneak)
-- standard placement against the ceiling, or sneak placement against the upper half of the wall
local use_ceilmap = wallmounted == 1 and not sneak
use_ceilmap = use_ceilmap or (wallmounted > 1 and sneak and face_off.y > 0)
if use_wallmap then
local left = (p2 == 0 and face_off.x < 0) or
(p2 == 1 and face_off.z > 0) or
(p2 == 2 and face_off.x > 0) or
(p2 == 3 and face_off.z < 0)
if aux then
left = not left
remap = left and wall_left_dirmap or wall_right_dirmap
elseif use_ceilmap then
remap = ceil_dirmap
if aux then
p2 = (p2 + 2) % 4
if remap then
p2 = remap[p2 + 1]
return minetest.item_place(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing, p2)
stairsplus.register_single = function(category, alternate, info, modname, subname, recipeitem, fields)
local src_def = minetest.registered_nodes[recipeitem] or {}
local desc_base = S("@1 "..descriptions[category], fields.description)
local def = {}
if category ~= "slab" then
def = table.copy(info)
-- copy fields to def
for k, v in pairs(fields) do
def[k] = v
def.is_ground_content = def.is_ground_content == true
def.drawtype = "nodebox"
def.paramtype = "light"
def.paramtype2 = def.paramtype2 or "facedir"
if def.use_texture_alpha == nil then
def.use_texture_alpha = src_def.use_texture_alpha
-- This makes node rotation work on placement
def.place_param2 = nil
-- Darken light sources slightly to make up for their smaller visual size
def.light_source = math.max(0, (def.light_source or 0) - 1)
def.on_place = stairsplus.rotate_node_aux
def.groups = stairsplus:prepare_groups(fields.groups)
if category == "slab" then
if type(info) ~= "table" then
def.node_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, (info/16)-0.5, 0.5},
def.description = ("%s (%d/16)"):format(desc_base, info)
def.node_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = info,
def.description = desc_base .. alternate:gsub("_", " "):gsub("(%a)(%S*)", function(a, b) return a:upper() .. b end)
def.description = desc_base
if category == "slope" then
def.drawtype = "mesh"
elseif category == "stair" and alternate == "" then
def.groups.stair = 1
if fields.drop and (type(fields.drop) ~= "table") then
def.drop = modname.. ":" .. category .. "_" .. fields.drop .. alternate
minetest.register_node(":" ..modname.. ":" .. category .. "_" .. subname .. alternate, def)
stairsplus.register_recipes(category, alternate, modname, subname, recipeitem)