Refresh env spawners

This commit is contained in:
Juraj Vajda 2023-04-24 23:16:05 -04:00
parent a93792fb1e
commit e3b5825b49
17 changed files with 828 additions and 619 deletions

40 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
# Spawners API
## Class
## Methods
`register_spawner(name, def)`
`name` - mob technical name
`egg_name_custom` string
For `spawners_mobs` only. Deifnes material for recipes.
`dummy_size` string
Entity size inside the spawner.
`dummy_offset` string
Entity y offset inside the spawner.
`dummy_mesh` string
Entity mesh model inside the spawner.
`dummy_texture` string
Entity mesh texture inside the spawner.
`night_only` string
true - night only
false - day only
'disable' - day and night
`sound_custom` string
Sound used when entity spawns. When not defined one will be attempted to generate.
`boss` string
Boss flag will spawn mob without player near by. Only one mob at the time with ~1 hour intervals.

View File

@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
# Spawners Modpack #
Adds multiple spawner blocks. There ara no ABM's used and this modpack is developed with focus on the best multiplayer online server performace.
Easy to implement new mob mods just look in to config.lua.
Adds multiple spawner blocks. There ara no ABM's used and this modpack is developed with focus on the best multiplayer online server performance.
Currently it works with [Mobs Redo]( and [Creatures]( but other mob mods can be easily added to config.lua
Currently it works with Animalia, Mobs Animal and Mobs Monster, but other mob mods can be easily added via API.
## Spawners Ores ##

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Adds environmental spawners to the map. When enabled, the spawners will be added to newly generated Dungeons (Uruk Hai) and Temples (Spider). They are dropping a real mob spawner by change (very small chance).
Adds environmental spawners to the map. When enabled, the spawners will be added to newly generated Dungeons and Temples. They are dropping a real mob spawner by change (small chance).
Copyright (C) 2016 - 2023 SaKeL <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
@ -18,36 +18,240 @@
-- main tables
spawners_env = {
registered_spawners_names = {}
spawners_env.mob_tables = {}
function spawners_env.register_spawner(name, def)
local mod_prefix = name:split(':')[1]
local mob_name = name:split(':')[2]
function spawners_env.register_spawners()
-- check if mods exists and build tables
for k, mob_mod in ipairs(spawners_env.ENABLED_MODS) do
local modpath = minetest.get_modpath(mob_mod)
-- list of mobs and their info
if (modpath) then
for j, mob in ipairs(spawners_env.MOBS_PROPS[mob_mod]) do
-- local mob_egg = nil
-- Entity inside the spawner
local ent_def = {
hp_max = 1,
physical = true,
collisionbox = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
visual = def.dummy_visual or 'mesh',
visual_size = def.dummy_size,
mesh = def.dummy_mesh,
textures = def.dummy_texture,
makes_footstep_sound = false,
timer = 0,
automatic_rotate = math.pi * -3,
m_name = 'dummy'
local ent_name = 'spawners_env:dummy_' .. mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name
-- create only environmental spawners
if mob.env then
table.insert(spawners_env.mob_tables, { name =, mod_prefix = mob_mod, egg_name_custom = mob.egg_name_custom, dummy_size = mob.dummy_size, dummy_offset = mob.dummy_offset, dummy_mesh = mob.dummy_mesh, dummy_texture = mob.dummy_texture, night_only = mob.night_only, sound_custom = mob.sound_custom, env = mob.env, boss = mob.boss })
ent_def.on_activate = function(self)
self.object:set_velocity({ x = 0, y = 0, z = 0 })
self.object:set_acceleration({ x = 0, y = 0, z = 0 })
self.object:set_armor_groups({ immortal = 1 })
-- use custom egg or create a default egg
-- if mob.egg_name_custom ~= '' then
-- mob_egg = mob.egg_name_custom
-- else
-- mob_egg = mob_mod .. ':' ..
-- end
-- remove dummy after dig the spawner
ent_def.on_step = function(self, dtime)
self.timer = self.timer + dtime
if self.timer > 2 then
local n = minetest.get_node_or_nil(self.object:get_pos())
if n and ~= 'spawners_env:' .. mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name .. '_spawner_active'
minetest.register_entity('spawners_env:dummy_' .. mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name, ent_def)
-- Default spawner (inactive)
local node_def = {}
local node_name = 'spawners_env:' .. mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name .. '_spawner'
node_def.description = mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name .. ' spawner env'
node_def.paramtype = 'light'
node_def.paramtype2 = 'glasslikeliquidlevel'
node_def.drawtype = 'glasslike_framed_optional'
node_def.walkable = true
node_def.sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults()
node_def.sunlight_propagates = true
node_def.tiles = { 'spawners_env_spawner_16.png' }
node_def.is_ground_content = true
node_def.groups = {
-- MTG
cracky = 1,
level = 2
node_def.stack_max = 1
node_def.drop = ''
node_def.on_construct = function(pos)
spawners_env.check_for_spawning_timer(pos, mob_name, def.night_only, mod_prefix, def.sound_custom, def.boss)
local drop_item_name = 'spawners_mobs:' .. mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name .. '_spawner'
if minetest.get_modpath('spawners_mobs') and minetest.registered_nodes[drop_item_name] then
node_def.drop = {
max_items = 1,
items = {
{ items = { 'spawners_mobs:' .. mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name .. '_spawner' }, rarity = 5 }
minetest.register_node(node_name, node_def)
table.insert(spawners_env.registered_spawners_names, node_name)
-- Waiting spawner
local node_def_waiting = table.copy(node_def)
node_name = 'spawners_env:' .. mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name .. '_spawner_waiting'
node_def_waiting.description = mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name .. ' spawner waiting env'
node_def_waiting.light_source = 2
node_def_waiting.tiles = {
name = 'spawners_env_spawner_waiting_animated_16.png',
animation = {
type = 'vertical_frames',
aspect_w = 16,
aspect_h = 16,
length = 2.0
node_def_waiting.groups = {
-- MTG
cracky = 1,
level = 2,
not_in_creative_inventory = 1
node_def_waiting.on_timer = function(pos, elapsed)
spawners_env.check_for_spawning_timer(pos, mob_name, def.night_only, mod_prefix, def.sound_custom, def.boss)
return false
node_def_waiting.on_construct = nil
minetest.register_node(node_name, node_def_waiting)
-- Active spawner
local node_def_active = table.copy(node_def)
node_name = 'spawners_env:' .. mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name .. '_spawner_active'
node_def_active.description = mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name .. ' spawner active env'
node_def_active.light_source = 4
node_def_active.damage_per_second = 4
node_def_active.tiles = {
name = 'spawners_env_spawner_animated_16.png',
animation = {
type = 'vertical_frames',
aspect_w = 16,
aspect_h = 16,
length = 2.0
node_def_active.groups = {
-- MTG
cracky = 1,
level = 2,
igniter = 1,
not_in_creative_inventory = 1
node_def_active.on_timer = function(pos, elapsed)
spawners_env.check_for_spawning_timer(pos, mob_name, def.night_only, mod_prefix, def.sound_custom, def.boss)
return false
node_def_active.on_construct = function(pos)
pos.y = pos.y + def.dummy_offset
minetest.add_entity(pos, ent_name)
minetest.register_node(node_name, node_def_active)
-- * LBM *
name = 'spawners_env:check_for_spawning_timer_' .. mob_name,
nodenames = {
'spawners_env:' .. mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name .. '_spawner',
'spawners_env:' .. mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name .. '_spawner_active',
'spawners_env:' .. mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name .. '_spawner_waiting'
action = function(pos)
spawners_env.check_for_spawning_timer(pos, mob_name, def.night_only, mod_prefix, def.sound_custom, def.boss)
-- Check for spawning
function spawners_env.check_for_spawning_timer(pos, mob_name, night_only, mod_prefix, sound_custom, boss)
local random_pos = spawners_env.check_node_status(pos, mob_name, night_only, boss)
local node = minetest.get_node_or_nil(pos)
-- minetest.log('action', '[Mod][Spawners] checking for: ' .. mob_name .. ' at ' .. minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
if random_pos and node then
-- print('try to spawn another mob at: ' .. minetest.pos_to_string(random_pos))
local mobs_counter_table = {}
local mobs_check_radius = 10
local mobs_max = 3
mobs_counter_table[mob_name] = 0
if boss then
mobs_max = 1
mobs_check_radius = 35
-- collect all spawned mobs around area
for _, obj in ipairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, mobs_check_radius)) do
if obj:get_luaentity() then
-- get entity name
local name_split = string.split(obj:get_luaentity().name, ':')
if name_split[2] == mob_name then
mobs_counter_table[mob_name] = mobs_counter_table[mob_name] + 1
-- print(mob_name .. ' : ' .. mobs_counter_table[mob_name])
-- enough place to spawn more mobs
if mobs_counter_table[mob_name] < mobs_max then
-- make sure the right node status is shown
if ~= 'spawners_env:' .. mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name .. '_spawner_active' then
minetest.set_node(pos, { name = 'spawners_env:' .. mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name .. '_spawner_active' })
if boss then
minetest.chat_send_all(minetest.colorize('#FF5722', 'Boss ' .. mob_name .. ' has spawned to this World!'))
spawners_env.start_spawning(random_pos, 1, 'spawners_env:' .. mob_name, mod_prefix, sound_custom)
-- print('too many mobs: waiting')
-- waiting status
if ~= 'spawners_env:' .. mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name .. '_spawner_waiting' then
minetest.set_node(pos, { name = 'spawners_env:' .. mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name .. '_spawner_waiting' })
elseif node then
-- print('no random_pos found: waiting')
-- waiting status
if ~= 'spawners_env:' .. mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name .. '_spawner_waiting' then
minetest.set_node(pos, { name = 'spawners_env:' .. mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name .. '_spawner_waiting' })
-- 6 hours = 21600 seconds
-- 4 hours = 14400 seconds
-- 1 hour = 3600 seconds
if boss then
minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(math.random(5, 15))
-- start spawning mobs
@ -60,14 +264,15 @@ function spawners_env.start_spawning(pos, how_many, mob_name, mod_prefix, sound_
-- remove 'spawners_env:' from the string
local _mob_name = string.sub(mob_name, 14)
local sound_name
-- use custom sounds
if sound_custom ~= '' then
if sound_custom and sound_custom ~= '' then
sound_name = sound_custom
sound_name = mod_prefix .. '_' .. _mob_name
if how_many == nil then
if not how_many then
how_many = math.random(1, 2)
@ -79,7 +284,7 @@ function spawners_env.start_spawning(pos, how_many, mob_name, mod_prefix, sound_
if sound_name then
minetest.sound_play(sound_name, {
pos = pos,
max_hear_distance = 100,
max_hear_distance = 16,
gain = 5,
@ -91,9 +296,10 @@ function spawners_env.check_around_radius(pos)
local player_near = false
local radius = 21
for _,obj in ipairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, radius)) do
for _, obj in ipairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, radius)) do
if obj:is_player() then
player_near = true

View File

@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
Adds environmental spawners to the map. When enabled, the spawners will be added to newly generated Dungeons (Uruk Hai) and Temples (Spider). They are dropping a real mob spawner by change (very small chance).
Copyright (C) 2016 - 2023 SaKeL <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it pos the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to
-- * [name : string] - Name of the mob used in the mod.
-- [egg_name_custom : string] - Custom name for the egg item. If empty default name will be used i.e. 'mobs:chicken'.
-- * [dummy_size : table] - Size of the rotating dummy inside the node.
-- * [dummy_offset : integer] - Offset on Y axis of the dummy inside the node.
-- * [dummy_mesh : string] - Filename of the model used fot he mob.
-- * [dummy_texture : table] - Textures used for the mob.
-- * [night_only : boolean : string] - If true mobs will spawn 'only' during the night or in dark areas, default:true. Writing 'disable' will disable light check and it will spawn in both states (night and day)
-- [sound_custom : string] - Custom name for the sound file name if differ from default: i.e 'mobs_cow'.
-- [*] -> MANDATORY - has to be filled in!
-- mods what should be enabled and loded, remove/add the one you want to load
spawners_env.ENABLED_MODS = { 'mobs', 'creatures' }
-- mobs properties - setup all you mobs here
spawners_env.MOBS_PROPS = {
['mobs'] = { -- MOBS REDO CONFIG
name = 'sheep_white',
egg_name_custom = '',
dummy_size = { x = 0.52, y = 0.52 },
dummy_offset = 0.2,
dummy_mesh = 'mobs_sheep.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'mobs_sheep_wool.png^mobs_sheep_base.png' },
night_only = false,
sound_custom = 'mobs_sheep'
name = 'cow',
egg_name_custom = '',
dummy_size = { x = 0.3, y = 0.3 },
dummy_offset = -0.3,
dummy_mesh = 'mobs_cow.x',
dummy_texture = { 'mobs_cow.png' },
night_only = false,
sound_custom = ''
name = 'chicken',
egg_name_custom = '',
dummy_size = { x = 0.9, y = 0.9 },
dummy_offset = 0.2,
dummy_mesh = 'mobs_chicken.x',
dummy_texture = { 'mobs_chicken.png', 'mobs_chicken.png', 'mobs_chicken.png', 'mobs_chicken.png', 'mobs_chicken.png', 'mobs_chicken.png', 'mobs_chicken.png', 'mobs_chicken.png', 'mobs_chicken.png' },
night_only = false,
sound_custom = ''
name = 'pumba',
egg_name_custom = '',
dummy_size = { x = 0.62, y = 0.62 },
dummy_offset = -0.3,
dummy_mesh = 'mobs_pumba.x',
dummy_texture = { 'mobs_pumba.png' },
night_only = false,
sound_custom = 'mobs_pig'
-- {
-- name = 'bunny',
-- egg_name_custom = '',
-- dummy_size = { x = 1, y = 1},
-- dummy_offset = 0.2,
-- dummy_mesh = 'mobs_bunny.b3d',
-- dummy_texture = { 'mobs_bunny_brown.png' },
-- night_only = false,
-- sound_custom = 'spawners_mobs_bunny'
-- },
-- {
-- name = 'kitten',
-- egg_name_custom = '',
-- dummy_size = { x = 0.32, y = 0.32},
-- dummy_offset = 0,
-- dummy_mesh = 'mobs_kitten.b3d',
-- dummy_texture = { 'mobs_kitten_ginger.png' },
-- night_only = false,
-- sound_custom = ''
-- },
name = 'spider',
egg_name_custom = '',
dummy_size = { x = 2, y = 2 },
dummy_offset = -0.2,
dummy_mesh = 'mobs_spider.x',
dummy_texture = { 'mobs_spider.png' },
night_only = true,
env = true,
sound_custom = 'mobs_spider_neutral'
name = 'stone_monster',
egg_name_custom = '',
dummy_size = { x = 0.5, y = 0.5 },
dummy_offset = 0.05,
dummy_mesh = 'mobs_stone_monster.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'mobs_stone_monster.png' },
night_only = true,
sound_custom = 'mobs_stonemonster_neutral'
name = 'oerkki',
egg_name_custom = '',
dummy_size = { x = 0.5, y = 0.5 },
dummy_offset = 0.05,
dummy_mesh = 'mobs_oerkki.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'mobs_oerkki.png' },
night_only = true,
sound_custom = ''
name = 'tree_monster',
egg_name_custom = '',
dummy_size = { x = 0.4, y = 0.4 },
dummy_offset = 0.05,
dummy_mesh = 'mobs_tree_monster.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'mobs_tree_monster.png' },
night_only = true,
sound_custom = 'mobs_treemonster_neutral'
['creatures'] = { -- CREATURES MOD CONFIG
name = 'chicken',
egg_name_custom = 'creatures:chicken_spawn_egg',
dummy_size = { x = 0.9, y = 0.9 },
dummy_offset = -0.3,
dummy_mesh = 'creatures_chicken.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'creatures_chicken.png' },
night_only = false,
sound_custom = ''
name = 'ghost',
egg_name_custom = 'creatures:ghost_spawn_egg',
dummy_size = { x = 0.7, y = 0.7 },
dummy_offset = -0.5,
dummy_mesh = 'creatures_ghost.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'creatures_ghost.png' },
night_only = true,
sound_custom = ''
name = 'sheep',
egg_name_custom = 'creatures:sheep_spawn_egg',
dummy_size = { x = 0.6, y = 0.6 },
dummy_offset = -0.3,
dummy_mesh = 'creatures_sheep.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'creatures_sheep.png^creatures_sheep_white.png' },
night_only = false,
sound_custom = ''
name = 'zombie',
egg_name_custom = 'creatures:zombie_spawn_egg',
dummy_size = { x = 0.5, y = 0.5 },
dummy_offset = -0.5,
dummy_mesh = 'creatures_zombie.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'creatures_zombie.png' },
night_only = false,
sound_custom = ''
name = 'oerrki',
egg_name_custom = 'creatures:oerrki_spawn_egg',
dummy_size = { x = 0.4, y = 0.4 },
dummy_offset = -0.5,
dummy_mesh = 'creatures_oerrki.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'creatures_oerrki.png' },
night_only = false,
sound_custom = 'creatures_oerrki_idle'
-- check for 3rd party dependencies
-- include mummy mobs redo addon (spawner)
if minetest.get_modpath('mobs') ~= nil then
-- enable spawner
table.insert(spawners_env.ENABLED_MODS, 'spawners_mobs')
-- configure spawner
spawners_env.MOBS_PROPS['spawners_mobs'] = {
name = 'mummy',
egg_name_custom = '',
dummy_size = { x = 0.4, y = 0.4 },
dummy_offset = 0,
dummy_mesh = 'spawners_mobs_mummy.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'spawners_mobs_mummy.png' },
night_only = true,
sound_custom = 'spawners_mobs_mummy_neutral'
name = 'bunny_evil',
egg_name_custom = '',
dummy_size = { x = 1, y = 1 },
dummy_offset = 0.2,
dummy_mesh = 'spawners_mobs_evil_bunny.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'spawners_mobs_evil_bunny.png' },
night_only = true,
sound_custom = 'spawners_mobs_bunny'
name = 'uruk_hai',
egg_name_custom = '',
dummy_size = { x = 0.5, y = 0.5 },
dummy_offset = 0,
dummy_mesh = 'spawners_mobs_character.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'spawners_mobs_uruk_hai.png', 'spawners_mobs_trans.png', 'spawners_mobs_galvornsword.png', 'spawners_mobs_trans.png' },
night_only = true,
sound_custom = 'spawners_mobs_uruk_hai_neutral',
env = true
name = 'balrog',
egg_name_custom = '',
dummy_size = { x = 0.2, y = 0.2 },
dummy_offset = 0,
dummy_mesh = 'spawners_mobs_balrog.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'spawners_mobs_balrog.png' },
night_only = 'disable',
sound_custom = 'spawners_mobs_balrog_neutral',
env = true,
boss = true

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Adds environmental spawners to the map. When enabled, the spawners will be added to newly generated Dungeons (Uruk Hai) and Temples (Spider). They are dropping a real mob spawner by change (very small chance).
Adds environmental spawners to the map. When enabled, the spawners will be added to newly generated Dungeons and Temples. They are dropping a real mob spawner by change (small chance).
Copyright (C) 2016 - 2023 SaKeL <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
@ -22,11 +22,24 @@ local path = minetest.get_modpath('spawners_env')
-- API
dofile(path .. '/api.lua')
-- Spawners configurations
dofile(path .. '/config.lua')
-- Register spawners
if minetest.get_modpath('animalia') then
dofile(path .. '/mod_support_animalia.lua')
-- Spawners for mobs
dofile(path .. '/spawners_env.lua')
if minetest.get_modpath('mobs') then
dofile(path .. '/mod_support_mobs_redo.lua')
if minetest.get_modpath('mobs_animal') then
dofile(path .. '/mod_support_mobs_animal.lua')
if minetest.get_modpath('mobs_monster') then
dofile(path .. '/mod_support_mobs_monster.lua')
-- Generate spawners in the World
dofile(path .. '/spawners_gen.lua')
local mod_end_time = (minetest.get_us_time() - mod_start_time) / 1000000

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = spawners_env
description = Adds environmental spawners to the map. When enabled, the spawners will be added to newly generated Dungeons (Uruk Hai) and Temples (Spider). They are dropping a real mob spawner by change (very small chance).
depends = default, mobs
optional_depends = creatures
description = Adds environmental spawners to the map. When enabled, the spawners will be added to newly generated Dungeons and Temples. They are dropping a real mob spawner by change (small chance).
depends = default
optional_depends = mobs_animal, mobs_monster, animalia, spawners_mobs
supported_games =
min_minetest_version = 5.4

View File

@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
Adds environmental spawners to the map. When enabled, the spawners will be added to newly generated Dungeons and Temples. They are dropping a real mob spawner by change (small chance).
Copyright (C) 2016 - 2023 SaKeL <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it pos the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to
spawners_env.register_spawner('animalia:chicken', {
dummy_size = { x = 7, y = 7 },
dummy_offset = -0.3,
dummy_mesh = 'animalia_chicken.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'animalia_chicken_1.png' },
night_only = false,
sound_custom = 'animalia_chicken'
spawners_env.register_spawner('animalia:cow', {
dummy_size = { x = 3, y = 3 },
dummy_offset = -0.3,
dummy_mesh = 'animalia_cow.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'animalia_cow_1.png' },
night_only = false,
sound_custom = 'animalia_cow'
spawners_env.register_spawner('animalia:fox', {
dummy_size = { x = 7, y = 7 },
dummy_offset = -0.3,
dummy_mesh = 'animalia_fox.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'animalia_fox_1.png' },
night_only = false,
sound_custom = 'animalia_fox'
spawners_env.register_spawner('animalia:horse', {
dummy_size = { x = 2.5, y = 2.5 },
dummy_offset = -0.3,
dummy_mesh = 'animalia_horse.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'animalia_horse_1.png' },
night_only = false,
sound_custom = 'animalia_horse'
spawners_env.register_spawner('animalia:frog', {
dummy_size = { x = 7, y = 7 },
dummy_offset = -0.3,
dummy_mesh = 'animalia_frog.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'animalia_tree_frog.png' },
night_only = false,
sound_custom = 'animalia_frog'
spawners_env.register_spawner('animalia:pig', {
dummy_size = { x = 6, y = 6 },
dummy_offset = -0.3,
dummy_mesh = 'animalia_pig.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'animalia_pig_1.png' },
night_only = false,
sound_custom = 'animalia_pig'
spawners_env.register_spawner('animalia:sheep', {
dummy_size = { x = 4.5, y = 4.5 },
dummy_offset = -0.3,
dummy_mesh = 'animalia_sheep.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'animalia_sheep.png^animalia_sheep_wool.png' },
night_only = false,
sound_custom = 'animalia_sheep'
spawners_env.register_spawner('animalia:bat', {
dummy_size = { x = 8, y = 8 },
dummy_offset = -0.1,
dummy_mesh = 'animalia_bat.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'animalia_bat_1.png' },
night_only = true,
sound_custom = 'animalia_bat'
spawners_env.register_spawner('animalia:cat', {
dummy_size = { x = 5.5, y = 5.5 },
dummy_offset = -0.2,
dummy_mesh = 'animalia_cat.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'animalia_cat_1.png' },
night_only = false,
sound_custom = 'animalia_cat'
spawners_env.register_spawner('animalia:owl', {
dummy_size = { x = 5, y = 5 },
dummy_offset = -0.3,
dummy_mesh = 'animalia_owl.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'animalia_owl.png' },
night_only = true,
spawners_env.register_spawner('animalia:rat', {
dummy_size = { x = 8, y = 8 },
dummy_offset = -0.1,
dummy_mesh = 'animalia_rat.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'animalia_rat_1.png' },
night_only = false,
spawners_env.register_spawner('animalia:reindeer', {
dummy_size = { x = 3, y = 3 },
dummy_offset = -0.3,
dummy_mesh = 'animalia_reindeer.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'animalia_reindeer.png' },
night_only = false,
spawners_env.register_spawner('animalia:song_bird', {
dummy_size = { x = 8, y = 8 },
dummy_offset = -0.3,
dummy_mesh = 'animalia_bird.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'animalia_cardinal.png' },
night_only = false,
sound_custom = 'animalia_cardinal'
spawners_env.register_spawner('animalia:turkey', {
dummy_size = { x = 4.5, y = 4.5 },
dummy_offset = -0.3,
dummy_mesh = 'animalia_turkey.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'animalia_turkey_tom.png' },
night_only = false,
sound_custom = 'animalia_turkey'
spawners_env.register_spawner('animalia:wolf', {
dummy_size = { x = 4.5, y = 4.5 },
dummy_offset = -0.3,
dummy_mesh = 'animalia_wolf.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'animalia_wolf_1.png' },
night_only = true,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
Adds environmental spawners to the map. When enabled, the spawners will be added to newly generated Dungeons and Temples. They are dropping a real mob spawner by change (small chance).
Copyright (C) 2016 - 2023 SaKeL <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it pos the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to
spawners_env.register_spawner('mobs_animal:sheep_white', {
dummy_size = { x = 0.52, y = 0.52 },
dummy_offset = 0.2,
dummy_mesh = 'mobs_sheep.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'mobs_sheep_wool.png^mobs_sheep_base.png' },
night_only = false,
sound_custom = 'mobs_sheep'
spawners_env.register_spawner('mobs_animal:cow', {
dummy_size = { x = 0.25, y = 0.25 },
dummy_offset = -0.3,
dummy_mesh = 'mobs_cow.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'mobs_cow.png' },
night_only = false,
sound_custom = ''
spawners_env.register_spawner('mobs_animal:chicken', {
dummy_size = { x = 0.9, y = 0.9 },
dummy_offset = 0.2,
dummy_mesh = 'mobs_chicken.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'mobs_chicken.png', 'mobs_chicken.png', 'mobs_chicken.png', 'mobs_chicken.png', 'mobs_chicken.png', 'mobs_chicken.png', 'mobs_chicken.png', 'mobs_chicken.png', 'mobs_chicken.png' },
night_only = false,
sound_custom = ''
spawners_env.register_spawner('mobs_animal:pumba', {
dummy_size = { x = 0.62, y = 0.62 },
dummy_offset = -0.3,
dummy_mesh = 'mobs_pumba.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'mobs_pumba.png' },
night_only = false,
sound_custom = 'mobs_pig'
spawners_env.register_spawner('mobs_animal:bee', {
dummy_size = { x = 1.5, y = 1.5 },
dummy_offset = -0.5,
dummy_mesh = 'mobs_bee.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'mobs_bee.png' },
night_only = false,
sound_custom = 'mobs_bee'
spawners_env.register_spawner('mobs_animal:bunny', {
dummy_size = { x = 1, y = 1 },
dummy_offset = 0.2,
dummy_mesh = 'mobs_bunny.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'mobs_bunny_white.png' },
night_only = false,
spawners_env.register_spawner('mobs_animal:kitten', {
dummy_size = { x = 0.25, y = 0.25 },
dummy_offset = 0,
dummy_mesh = 'mobs_kitten.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'mobs_kitten_striped.png' },
night_only = false,
sound_custom = 'mobs_kitten'
spawners_env.register_spawner('mobs_animal:panda', {
dummy_size = { x = 0.5, y = 0.5 },
dummy_offset = 0,
dummy_mesh = 'mobs_panda.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'mobs_panda.png' },
night_only = false,
sound_custom = 'mobs_panda'
spawners_env.register_spawner('mobs_animal:penguin', {
dummy_size = { x = 0.2, y = 0.2 },
dummy_offset = -0.15,
dummy_mesh = 'mobs_penguin.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'mobs_penguin.png' },
night_only = false,
spawners_env.register_spawner('mobs_animal:rat', {
dummy_size = { x = 0.9, y = 0.9 },
dummy_offset = 0.8,
dummy_mesh = 'mobs_rat.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'mobs_rat.png' },
night_only = false,
sound_custom = 'mobs_rat'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
Adds environmental spawners to the map. When enabled, the spawners will be added to newly generated Dungeons and Temples. They are dropping a real mob spawner by change (small chance).
Copyright (C) 2016 - 2023 SaKeL <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it pos the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to
spawners_env.register_spawner('mobs_monster:spider', {
dummy_size = { x = 0.4, y = 0.4 },
dummy_offset = 0.1,
dummy_mesh = 'mobs_spider.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'mobs_spider_orange.png' },
night_only = true,
sound_custom = 'mobs_spider_neutral'
spawners_env.register_spawner('mobs_monster:stone_monster', {
dummy_size = { x = 0.5, y = 0.5 },
dummy_offset = 0.05,
dummy_mesh = 'mobs_stone_monster.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'mobs_stone_monster.png' },
night_only = true,
sound_custom = 'mobs_stonemonster_neutral'
spawners_env.register_spawner('mobs_monster:oerkki', {
dummy_size = { x = 0.4, y = 0.4 },
dummy_offset = 0.05,
dummy_mesh = 'mobs_oerkki.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'mobs_oerkki.png' },
night_only = true,
sound_custom = ''
spawners_env.register_spawner('mobs_monster:tree_monster', {
dummy_size = { x = 0.4, y = 0.4 },
dummy_offset = 0.05,
dummy_mesh = 'mobs_tree_monster.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'mobs_tree_monster.png' },
night_only = true,
sound_custom = 'mobs_treemonster_neutral'
spawners_env.register_spawner('mobs_monster:dirt_monster', {
dummy_size = { x = 0.4, y = 0.4 },
dummy_offset = 0.05,
dummy_mesh = 'mobs_stone_monster.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'mobs_dirt_monster.png' },
night_only = true,
sound_custom = 'mobs_dirtmonster'
spawners_env.register_spawner('mobs_monster:dungeon_master', {
dummy_size = { x = 0.3, y = 0.3 },
dummy_offset = -0.1,
dummy_mesh = 'mobs_dungeon_master.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'mobs_dungeon_master.png' },
night_only = true,
sound_custom = 'mobs_dungeonmaster'
spawners_env.register_spawner('mobs_monster:land_guard', {
dummy_size = { x = 0.3, y = 0.3 },
dummy_offset = -0.1,
dummy_mesh = 'mobs_dungeon_master.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'mobs_land_guard.png' },
night_only = true,
sound_custom = 'mobs_dungeonmaster'
spawners_env.register_spawner('mobs_monster:lava_flan', {
dummy_size = { x = 0.4, y = 0.4 },
dummy_offset = -0.1,
dummy_mesh = 'zmobs_lava_flan.x',
dummy_texture = { 'zmobs_lava_flan.png' },
night_only = true,
sound_custom = 'mobs_lavaflan'
spawners_env.register_spawner('mobs_monster:mese_monster', {
dummy_size = { x = 2.5, y = 2.5 },
dummy_offset = -0.3,
dummy_mesh = 'mobs_mese_monster.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'mobs_mese_monster_purple.png' },
night_only = true,
sound_custom = 'mobs_mesemonster'
spawners_env.register_spawner('mobs_monster:sand_monster', {
dummy_size = { x = 0.4, y = 0.4 },
dummy_offset = 0.05,
dummy_mesh = 'mobs_sand_monster.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'mobs_sand_monster.png' },
night_only = true,
sound_custom = 'mobs_sandmonster'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
Adds environmental spawners to the map. When enabled, the spawners will be added to newly generated Dungeons and Temples. They are dropping a real mob spawner by change (small chance).
Copyright (C) 2016 - 2023 SaKeL <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it pos the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to
spawners_env.register_spawner('spawners_mobs:mummy', {
dummy_size = { x = 0.4, y = 0.4 },
dummy_offset = 0,
dummy_mesh = 'spawners_mobs_mummy.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'spawners_mobs_mummy.png' },
night_only = true,
sound_custom = 'spawners_mobs_mummy_neutral'
spawners_env.register_spawner('spawners_mobs:bunny_evil', {
dummy_size = { x = 1, y = 1 },
dummy_offset = 0.2,
dummy_mesh = 'spawners_mobs_evil_bunny.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'spawners_mobs_evil_bunny.png' },
night_only = true,
sound_custom = 'spawners_mobs_bunny'
spawners_env.register_spawner('spawners_mobs:uruk_hai', {
dummy_size = { x = 0.5, y = 0.5 },
dummy_offset = 0,
dummy_mesh = 'spawners_mobs_character.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'spawners_mobs_uruk_hai.png', 'spawners_mobs_trans.png', 'spawners_mobs_galvornsword.png', 'spawners_mobs_trans.png' },
night_only = true,
sound_custom = 'spawners_mobs_uruk_hai_neutral',
-- spawners_env.register_spawner('spawners_mobs:balrog', {
-- dummy_size = { x = 0.2, y = 0.2 },
-- dummy_offset = 0,
-- dummy_mesh = 'spawners_mobs_balrog.b3d',
-- dummy_texture = { 'spawners_mobs_balrog.png' },
-- night_only = 'disable',
-- sound_custom = 'spawners_mobs_balrog_neutral',
-- boss = true
-- })

View File

@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
Adds environmental spawners to the map. When enabled, the spawners will be added to newly generated Dungeons (Uruk Hai) and Temples (Spider). They are dropping a real mob spawner by change (very small chance).
Copyright (C) 2016 - 2023 SaKeL <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it pos the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to
function spawners_env.create(mob_name, mod_prefix, size, offset, mesh, texture, night_only, sound_custom, env, boss)
local dummy_definition = {
hp_max = 1,
physical = true,
collisionbox = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
visual = 'mesh',
visual_size = size,
mesh = mesh,
textures = texture,
makes_footstep_sound = false,
timer = 0,
automatic_rotate = math.pi * -3,
m_name = 'dummy'
dummy_definition.on_activate = function(self)
self.object:set_velocity({ x = 0, y = 0, z = 0 })
self.object:set_acceleration({ x = 0, y = 0, z = 0 })
self.object:set_armor_groups({ immortal = 1 })
-- remove dummy after dug up the spawner
dummy_definition.on_step = function(self, dtime)
self.timer = self.timer + dtime
local n = minetest.get_node_or_nil(self.object:get_pos())
if self.timer > 2 then
if n and and ~= 'spawners_env:' .. mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name .. '_spawner_active' then
minetest.register_entity('spawners_env:dummy_' .. mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name, dummy_definition)
minetest.register_node('spawners_env:' .. mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name .. '_spawner_active', {
description = mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name .. ' spawner active env',
paramtype = 'light',
light_source = 4,
paramtype2 = 'glasslikeliquidlevel',
drawtype = 'glasslike_framed_optional',
walkable = true,
sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(),
damage_per_second = 4,
sunlight_propagates = true,
tiles = {
name = 'spawners_env_spawner_animated_16.png',
animation = {
type = 'vertical_frames',
aspect_w = 16,
aspect_h = 16,
length = 2.0
is_ground_content = true,
groups = {
-- MTG
cracky = 1,
level = 2,
igniter = 1,
not_in_creative_inventory = 1
on_timer = function(pos, elapsed)
spawners_env.check_for_spawning_timer(pos, mob_name, night_only, mod_prefix, sound_custom, env, boss)
return false
drop = {
max_items = 1,
items = {
{ items = { 'spawners_mobs:' .. mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name .. '_spawner' }, rarity = 20 }
on_construct = function(pos)
pos.y = pos.y + offset
minetest.add_entity(pos, 'spawners_env:dummy_' .. mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name)
-- waiting for light - everything is ok but too much light or not enough light
minetest.register_node('spawners_env:' .. mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name .. '_spawner_waiting', {
description = mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name .. ' spawner waiting env',
paramtype = 'light',
light_source = 2,
paramtype2 = 'glasslikeliquidlevel',
drawtype = 'glasslike_framed_optional',
walkable = true,
sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(),
sunlight_propagates = true,
tiles = {
name = 'spawners_env_spawner_waiting_animated_16.png',
animation = {
type = 'vertical_frames',
aspect_w = 16,
aspect_h = 16,
length = 2.0
is_ground_content = true,
groups = {
-- MTG
cracky = 1,
level = 2,
not_in_creative_inventory = 1
on_timer = function(pos, elapsed)
spawners_env.check_for_spawning_timer(pos, mob_name, night_only, mod_prefix, sound_custom, env, boss)
return false
drop = {
max_items = 1,
items = {
{ items = { 'spawners_mobs:' .. mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name .. '_spawner' }, rarity = 20 }
minetest.register_node('spawners_env:' .. mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name .. '_spawner', {
description = mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name .. ' spawner env',
paramtype = 'light',
paramtype2 = 'glasslikeliquidlevel',
drawtype = 'glasslike_framed_optional',
walkable = true,
sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(),
sunlight_propagates = true,
tiles = { 'spawners_env_spawner_16.png' },
is_ground_content = true,
groups = {
-- MTG
cracky = 1,
level = 2,
not_in_creative_inventory = 0
stack_max = 1,
drop = {
max_items = 1,
items = {
{ items = { 'spawners_mobs:' .. mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name .. '_spawner' }, rarity = 20 }
on_construct = function(pos)
spawners_env.check_for_spawning_timer(pos, mob_name, night_only, mod_prefix, sound_custom, env, boss)
-- * LBM *
name = 'spawners_env:check_for_spawning_timer',
nodenames = {
'spawners_env:' .. mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name .. '_spawner',
'spawners_env:' .. mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name .. '_spawner_active',
'spawners_env:' .. mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name .. '_spawner_waiting'
action = function(pos)
spawners_env.check_for_spawning_timer(pos, mob_name, night_only, mod_prefix, sound_custom, env, boss)
-- * check for spawning *
function spawners_env.check_for_spawning_timer(pos, mob_name, night_only, mod_prefix, sound_custom, env, boss)
local random_pos = spawners_env.check_node_status(pos, mob_name, night_only, boss)
local node = minetest.get_node_or_nil(pos)
-- minetest.log('action', '[Mod][Spawners] checking for: ' .. mob_name .. ' at ' .. minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
if random_pos then
-- print('try to spawn another mob at: ' .. minetest.pos_to_string(random_pos))
local mobs_counter_table = {}
local mobs_check_radius
local mobs_max
mobs_counter_table[mob_name] = 0
if boss then
mobs_max = 1
mobs_check_radius = 35
mobs_max = 3
mobs_check_radius = 10
-- collect all spawned mobs around area
for _, obj in ipairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, mobs_check_radius)) do
if obj:get_luaentity() ~= nil then
-- get entity name
local name_split = string.split(obj:get_luaentity().name, ':')
if name_split[2] == mob_name then
mobs_counter_table[mob_name] = mobs_counter_table[mob_name] + 1
-- print(mob_name .. ' : ' .. mobs_counter_table[mob_name])
-- enough place to spawn more mobs
if mobs_counter_table[mob_name] < mobs_max then
-- make sure the right node status is shown
if ~= 'spawners_env:' .. mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name .. '_spawner_active' then
minetest.set_node(pos, { name = 'spawners_env:' .. mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name .. '_spawner_active' })
if boss then
-- color: deep orange
minetest.chat_send_all(minetest.colorize('#FF5722', 'Balrog has spawned to this World!'))
spawners_env.start_spawning(random_pos, 1, 'spawners_env:' .. mob_name, mod_prefix, sound_custom)
-- print('too many mobs: waiting')
-- waiting status
if ~= 'spawners_env:' .. mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name .. '_spawner_waiting' then
minetest.set_node(pos, { name = 'spawners_env:' .. mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name .. '_spawner_waiting' })
-- print('no random_pos found: waiting')
-- waiting status
if ~= 'spawners_env:' .. mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name .. '_spawner_waiting' then
minetest.set_node(pos, { name = 'spawners_env:' .. mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name .. '_spawner_waiting' })
-- 6 hours = 21600 seconds
-- 4 hours = 14400 seconds
-- 1 hour = 3600 seconds
if boss then
minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(math.random(5, 15))
for i, mob_table in ipairs(spawners_env.mob_tables) do
if mob_table then
spawners_env.create(, mob_table.mod_prefix, mob_table.dummy_size, mob_table.dummy_offset, mob_table.dummy_mesh, mob_table.dummy_texture, mob_table.night_only, mob_table.sound_custom, mob_table.env, mob_table.boss)

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Adds environmental spawners to the map. When enabled, the spawners will be added to newly generated Dungeons (Uruk Hai) and Temples (Spider). They are dropping a real mob spawner by change (very small chance).
Adds environmental spawners to the map. When enabled, the spawners will be added to newly generated Dungeons and Temples. They are dropping a real mob spawner by change (small chance).
Copyright (C) 2016 - 2023 SaKeL <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
@ -43,14 +43,15 @@ local function place_spawner(param)
pos.y = pos.y + 1
if gen_obj == 'dungeon' then
minetest.set_node(pos, { name = 'spawners_env:spawners_mobs_uruk_hai_spawner' })
minetest.log('action', '[Spawners] dungeon spawner placed at: ' .. minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
minetest.set_node(pos, { name = 'spawners_env:spawners_mobs_uruk_hai_spawner' })
minetest.log('action', '[Spawners] temple spawner placed at: ' .. minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
local spawner_name = spawners_env.registered_spawners_names[math.random(1, #spawners_mobs.registered_spawners_names)]
if gen_obj == 'dungeon' then
minetest.set_node(pos, { name = spawner_name })
minetest.log('action', '[Spawners] dungeon spawner ' .. spawner_name .. ' placed at: ' .. minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
minetest.set_node(pos, { name = spawner_name })
minetest.log('action', '[Spawners] temple spawner ' .. spawner_name .. ' placed at: ' .. minetest.pos_to_string(pos))

View File

@ -19,7 +19,8 @@
-- main tables
spawners_mobs = {
registered_spawners_names = {}
spawners_mobs.mob_tables = {}
local max_obj_per_mapblock = tonumber(minetest.settings:get('max_objects_per_block'))
@ -256,6 +257,24 @@ function spawners_mobs.on_timer(pos, elapsed)
local sound_custom = mob_table.sound_custom
local night_only = mob_table.night_only
local max_objects = max_obj_per_mapblock / 4
local offset = mob_table.dummy_offset
local has_dummy = false
local objects_inside_radius = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 0.5)
for _, obj in ipairs(objects_inside_radius) do
local lua_ent = obj:get_luaentity()
if lua_ent then
if == 'spawners_mobs:dummy_' .. mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name then
has_dummy = true
if not has_dummy and meta:get_string('status') == 'active' then
minetest.add_entity({ x = pos.x, y = pos.y + offset, z = pos.z }, 'spawners_mobs:dummy_' .. mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name)
-- check spawner light
local node_light = minetest.get_node_light(pos)
@ -295,7 +314,7 @@ function spawners_mobs.on_timer(pos, elapsed)
-- spawn 2 mobs on 2 different positions by chance
local how_many = math.random(2)
local how_many = math.random(1, 2)
local spawn_area_random_pos = {}
-- get random spawn position from spawn area
@ -449,7 +468,7 @@ function spawners_mobs.set_status(pos, set_status)
if meta_status ~= set_status then
-- add dummy entity
minetest.add_entity({ x = pos.x, y = pos.y + offset, z = pos.z },'spawners_mobs:dummy_' .. mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name)
minetest.add_entity({ x = pos.x, y = pos.y + offset, z = pos.z }, 'spawners_mobs:dummy_' .. mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name)
meta:set_string('status', 'active')

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
-- [*] -> MANDATORY - has to be filled in!
-- mods what should be enabled and loded, remove/add the one you want to load
spawners_mobs.ENABLED_MODS = { 'mobs', 'creatures' }
spawners_mobs.ENABLED_MODS = { 'mobs', 'creatures', 'animalia' }
-- mobs properties - setup all you mobs here
spawners_mobs.MOBS_PROPS = {
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ spawners_mobs.MOBS_PROPS = {
name = 'cow',
egg_name_custom = '',
dummy_size = { x = 0.3, y = 0.3 },
dummy_size = { x = 0.25, y = 0.25 },
dummy_offset = -0.3,
dummy_mesh = 'mobs_cow.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'mobs_cow.png' },
@ -104,10 +104,10 @@ spawners_mobs.MOBS_PROPS = {
name = 'spider',
egg_name_custom = '',
dummy_size = { x = 2, y = 2 },
dummy_offset = -0.2,
dummy_mesh = 'mobs_spider.x',
dummy_texture = { 'mobs_spider.png' },
dummy_size = { x = 0.4, y = 0.4 },
dummy_offset = 0.1,
dummy_mesh = 'mobs_spider.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'mobs_spider_orange.png' },
night_only = true,
env = true,
sound_custom = 'mobs_spider_neutral'
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ spawners_mobs.MOBS_PROPS = {
name = 'oerkki',
egg_name_custom = '',
dummy_size = { x = 0.5, y = 0.5 },
dummy_size = { x = 0.4, y = 0.4 },
dummy_offset = 0.05,
dummy_mesh = 'mobs_oerkki.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'mobs_oerkki.png' },
@ -195,6 +195,79 @@ spawners_mobs.MOBS_PROPS = {
night_only = false,
sound_custom = 'creatures_oerrki_idle'
['animalia'] = { -- MOBS REDO CONFIG
name = 'chicken',
egg_name_custom = '',
dummy_size = { x = 7, y = 7 },
dummy_offset = -0.3,
dummy_mesh = 'animalia_chicken.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'animalia_chicken_1.png' },
night_only = false,
sound_custom = 'animalia_chicken'
name = 'cow',
egg_name_custom = '',
dummy_size = { x = 3, y = 3 },
dummy_offset = -0.3,
dummy_mesh = 'animalia_cow.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'animalia_cow_1.png' },
night_only = false,
sound_custom = 'animalia_cow'
name = 'fox',
egg_name_custom = '',
dummy_size = { x = 7, y = 7 },
dummy_offset = -0.3,
dummy_mesh = 'animalia_fox.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'animalia_fox_1.png' },
night_only = false,
sound_custom = 'animalia_fox'
name = 'horse',
egg_name_custom = '',
dummy_size = { x = 2.5, y = 2.5 },
dummy_offset = -0.3,
dummy_mesh = 'animalia_horse.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'animalia_horse_1.png' },
night_only = false,
sound_custom = 'animalia_horse'
name = 'frog',
egg_name_custom = '',
dummy_size = { x = 7, y = 7 },
dummy_offset = -0.3,
dummy_mesh = 'animalia_frog.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'animalia_tree_frog.png' },
night_only = false,
sound_custom = 'animalia_frog'
name = 'pig',
egg_name_custom = '',
dummy_size = { x = 6, y = 6 },
dummy_offset = -0.3,
dummy_mesh = 'animalia_pig.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'animalia_pig_1.png' },
night_only = false,
sound_custom = 'animalia_pig'
name = 'sheep',
egg_name_custom = '',
dummy_size = { x = 4.5, y = 4.5 },
dummy_offset = -0.3,
dummy_mesh = 'animalia_sheep.b3d',
dummy_texture = { 'animalia_sheep.png^animalia_sheep_wool.png' },
night_only = false,
sound_custom = 'animalia_sheep'
@ -203,7 +276,7 @@ spawners_mobs.MOBS_PROPS = {
-- include mummy mobs redo addon (spawner)
if minetest.get_modpath('mobs') ~= nil then
if minetest.get_modpath('mobs') ~= nil then
-- enable spawner
table.insert(spawners_mobs.ENABLED_MODS, 'spawners_mobs')

View File

@ -22,10 +22,8 @@ local balrog_def = {
type = 'monster',
passive = false,
rotate = 180,
hp_min = 10,
hp_max = 15,
-- hp_min = 1000,
-- hp_max = 1250,
hp_min = 1000,
hp_max = 1250,
pathfinding = false,
attack_type = 'dogshoot',
shoot_interval = 0.6,
@ -34,8 +32,7 @@ local balrog_def = {
shoot_offset = 1,
arrow = 'spawners_mobs:balrog_firebolt',
reach = 5,
damage = 1,
-- damage = 10,
damage = 10,
armor = 100,
collisionbox = { -0.8, -2.1, -0.8, 0.8, 2.6, 0.8 },
visual_size = { x = 2, y = 2 },

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = spawners_mobs
description = Let the player craft Mob Spawners. Mobs are spawning randomly in a short intervals, giving the option of creating mob farms and grinders.
depends = default
optional_depends = mobs, creatures, xpanes, fire, bones
optional_depends = mobs_animal, mobs_monster, animalia, xpanes, fire, bones
supported_games =
min_minetest_version = 5.4

View File

@ -91,6 +91,8 @@ function spawners_mobs.create(mob_table, idx)
table.insert(spawners_mobs.registered_spawners_names, 'spawners_mobs:' .. mod_prefix .. '_' .. mob_name .. '_spawner')