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--and an extra function for getting the right-facing vector
local function facedir_to_right_dir(facedir)
--find the other directions
local backdir = minetest.facedir_to_dir(facedir)
local topdir = ({[0]={x=0, y=1, z=0},
{x=0, y=0, z=1},
{x=0, y=0, z=-1},
{x=1, y=0, z=0},
{x=-1, y=0, z=0},
{x=0, y=-1, z=0}})[math.floor(facedir/4)]
--return a cross product
return {x=topdir.y*backdir.z - backdir.y*topdir.z,
y=topdir.z*backdir.x - backdir.z*topdir.x,
z=topdir.x*backdir.y - backdir.x*topdir.y}
minetest.register_craftitem("pipeworks:filter", {
description = "Filter",
stack_max = 99,
Multiple updates: 1) Refactor autoplace, There was a lot of redundant code and like a dozen unneccessary string scans for every node next to every tube placed! I put it all into indexed tables and loops instead of bizarre and unexplainable variable names and copy and pasted code. There was also no support for notifying a chest when an item has been taken from it by a filter, so I added something for that. I also thought it prudent to fall back on the allow_metadata_inventory_take function should a special can_remove not exist. In fact if can_insert doesn't exist, it calls allow_metadata_inventory_put instead. I also added a thing for allowing pipes to attach to nodes of other modules, without having to hard code type all those node names into autoplace.lua. Basically node.tube.collects(i,param2) and i is the direction from the pipe and param2 is the param2 of what it's pointing at. I also abstracted the inscrutable correlation between i and param2 by trial and error (and the paramwand mod) into understandable functions. There was no pipeworks namespace so I created it, and put these functions into pipeworks.collects (as distinguished from a node.tube.collects function, which uses those functions) And now it's too late to cart my old clothes to the thrift store, dangit. 2) My "node.tube.collects" idea might be redundant with the node.tube.connect_sides thing, though possibly more versatile so I'll leave it in. 3) I was using node.tube.connects and fancy functions for checking if it's the sides or top or whatnot, and this connect_side thing came in. This should make both my way and the way using connect_side work. Also removed some debugging cruft
2013-10-14 23:45:07 -04:00
local fakePlayer = {
get_player_name = function() return ":pipeworks" end,
-- any other player functions called by allow_metadata_inventory_take anywhere...
-- perhaps a custom metaclass that errors specially when fakePlayer.<property> is not found?
-- adding two tube functions
-- can_remove(pos,node,stack,dir) returns true if an item can be removed from that stack on that node
-- remove_items(pos,node,stack,dir,count) removes count items and returns them
-- both optional w/ sensible defaults and fallback to normal allow_* function
-- XXX: possibly change insert_object to insert_item
-- sname = the current name to allow for, or nil if it allows anything
function grabAndFire(frominv,frominvname,frompos,fromnode,sname,tube,idef,dir,all)
for spos,stack in ipairs(frominv:get_list(frominvname)) do
if ( sname == nil and stack:get_name() ~= "") or stack:get_name()==sname then
local doRemove = true
if tube.can_remove then
doRemove = tube.can_remove(frompos, fromnode, stack, dir)
elseif idef.allow_metadata_inventory_take then
doRemove = idef.allow_metadata_inventory_take(frompos,"main",spos, stack, fakePlayer)
-- stupid lack of continue statements grumble
if doRemove then
local item
local count
if all then
count = stack:get_count()
count = 1
if tube.remove_items then
-- it could be the entire stack...
2013-10-15 15:29:55 -07:00
if idef.on_metadata_inventory_take then
idef.on_metadata_inventory_take(frompos, "main", spos, item, fakePlayer)
Multiple updates: 1) Refactor autoplace, There was a lot of redundant code and like a dozen unneccessary string scans for every node next to every tube placed! I put it all into indexed tables and loops instead of bizarre and unexplainable variable names and copy and pasted code. There was also no support for notifying a chest when an item has been taken from it by a filter, so I added something for that. I also thought it prudent to fall back on the allow_metadata_inventory_take function should a special can_remove not exist. In fact if can_insert doesn't exist, it calls allow_metadata_inventory_put instead. I also added a thing for allowing pipes to attach to nodes of other modules, without having to hard code type all those node names into autoplace.lua. Basically node.tube.collects(i,param2) and i is the direction from the pipe and param2 is the param2 of what it's pointing at. I also abstracted the inscrutable correlation between i and param2 by trial and error (and the paramwand mod) into understandable functions. There was no pipeworks namespace so I created it, and put these functions into pipeworks.collects (as distinguished from a node.tube.collects function, which uses those functions) And now it's too late to cart my old clothes to the thrift store, dangit. 2) My "node.tube.collects" idea might be redundant with the node.tube.connect_sides thing, though possibly more versatile so I'll leave it in. 3) I was using node.tube.connects and fancy functions for checking if it's the sides or top or whatnot, and this connect_side thing came in. This should make both my way and the way using connect_side work. Also removed some debugging cruft
2013-10-14 23:45:07 -04:00
item1:get_luaentity().start_pos = frompos
item1:setacceleration({x=0, y=0, z=0})
return -- only fire one item, please
minetest.register_node("pipeworks:filter", {
2013-01-28 18:41:14 +01:00
description = "Filter",
tiles = {"pipeworks_filter_top.png", "pipeworks_filter_top.png", "pipeworks_filter_output.png",
"pipeworks_filter_input.png", "pipeworks_filter_side.png", "pipeworks_filter_top.png"},
paramtype2 = "facedir",
groups = {snappy=2,choppy=2,oddly_breakable_by_hand=2,tubedevice=1,mesecon=2},
legacy_facedir_simple = true,
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
on_construct = function(pos)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
meta:set_string("infotext", "Filter")
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
inv:set_size("main", 8*4)
can_dig = function(pos,player)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos);
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
return inv:is_empty("main")
after_place_node = function(pos)
after_dig_node = function(pos)
on_punch = function (pos, node, puncher)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos);
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
local dir = facedir_to_right_dir(node.param2)
local frompos = {x=pos.x - dir.x, y=pos.y - dir.y, z=pos.z - dir.z}
local fromnode=minetest.get_node(frompos)
Multiple updates: 1) Refactor autoplace, There was a lot of redundant code and like a dozen unneccessary string scans for every node next to every tube placed! I put it all into indexed tables and loops instead of bizarre and unexplainable variable names and copy and pasted code. There was also no support for notifying a chest when an item has been taken from it by a filter, so I added something for that. I also thought it prudent to fall back on the allow_metadata_inventory_take function should a special can_remove not exist. In fact if can_insert doesn't exist, it calls allow_metadata_inventory_put instead. I also added a thing for allowing pipes to attach to nodes of other modules, without having to hard code type all those node names into autoplace.lua. Basically node.tube.collects(i,param2) and i is the direction from the pipe and param2 is the param2 of what it's pointing at. I also abstracted the inscrutable correlation between i and param2 by trial and error (and the paramwand mod) into understandable functions. There was no pipeworks namespace so I created it, and put these functions into pipeworks.collects (as distinguished from a node.tube.collects function, which uses those functions) And now it's too late to cart my old clothes to the thrift store, dangit. 2) My "node.tube.collects" idea might be redundant with the node.tube.connect_sides thing, though possibly more versatile so I'll leave it in. 3) I was using node.tube.connects and fancy functions for checking if it's the sides or top or whatnot, and this connect_side thing came in. This should make both my way and the way using connect_side work. Also removed some debugging cruft
2013-10-14 23:45:07 -04:00
if not fromnode then return end
local frominv
Multiple updates: 1) Refactor autoplace, There was a lot of redundant code and like a dozen unneccessary string scans for every node next to every tube placed! I put it all into indexed tables and loops instead of bizarre and unexplainable variable names and copy and pasted code. There was also no support for notifying a chest when an item has been taken from it by a filter, so I added something for that. I also thought it prudent to fall back on the allow_metadata_inventory_take function should a special can_remove not exist. In fact if can_insert doesn't exist, it calls allow_metadata_inventory_put instead. I also added a thing for allowing pipes to attach to nodes of other modules, without having to hard code type all those node names into autoplace.lua. Basically node.tube.collects(i,param2) and i is the direction from the pipe and param2 is the param2 of what it's pointing at. I also abstracted the inscrutable correlation between i and param2 by trial and error (and the paramwand mod) into understandable functions. There was no pipeworks namespace so I created it, and put these functions into pipeworks.collects (as distinguished from a node.tube.collects function, which uses those functions) And now it's too late to cart my old clothes to the thrift store, dangit. 2) My "node.tube.collects" idea might be redundant with the node.tube.connect_sides thing, though possibly more versatile so I'll leave it in. 3) I was using node.tube.connects and fancy functions for checking if it's the sides or top or whatnot, and this connect_side thing came in. This should make both my way and the way using connect_side work. Also removed some debugging cruft
2013-10-14 23:45:07 -04:00
local idef = minetest.registered_nodes[fromnode.name]
-- assert(idef)
local tube = idef.tube
if not (tube and tube.input_inventory) then
local frommeta=minetest.get_meta(frompos)
Multiple updates: 1) Refactor autoplace, There was a lot of redundant code and like a dozen unneccessary string scans for every node next to every tube placed! I put it all into indexed tables and loops instead of bizarre and unexplainable variable names and copy and pasted code. There was also no support for notifying a chest when an item has been taken from it by a filter, so I added something for that. I also thought it prudent to fall back on the allow_metadata_inventory_take function should a special can_remove not exist. In fact if can_insert doesn't exist, it calls allow_metadata_inventory_put instead. I also added a thing for allowing pipes to attach to nodes of other modules, without having to hard code type all those node names into autoplace.lua. Basically node.tube.collects(i,param2) and i is the direction from the pipe and param2 is the param2 of what it's pointing at. I also abstracted the inscrutable correlation between i and param2 by trial and error (and the paramwand mod) into understandable functions. There was no pipeworks namespace so I created it, and put these functions into pipeworks.collects (as distinguished from a node.tube.collects function, which uses those functions) And now it's too late to cart my old clothes to the thrift store, dangit. 2) My "node.tube.collects" idea might be redundant with the node.tube.connect_sides thing, though possibly more versatile so I'll leave it in. 3) I was using node.tube.connects and fancy functions for checking if it's the sides or top or whatnot, and this connect_side thing came in. This should make both my way and the way using connect_side work. Also removed some debugging cruft
2013-10-14 23:45:07 -04:00
local frominvname=tube.input_inventory
local frominv=frommeta:get_inventory()
for _,filter in ipairs(inv:get_list("main")) do
local sname=filter:get_name()
if sname ~="" then
Multiple updates: 1) Refactor autoplace, There was a lot of redundant code and like a dozen unneccessary string scans for every node next to every tube placed! I put it all into indexed tables and loops instead of bizarre and unexplainable variable names and copy and pasted code. There was also no support for notifying a chest when an item has been taken from it by a filter, so I added something for that. I also thought it prudent to fall back on the allow_metadata_inventory_take function should a special can_remove not exist. In fact if can_insert doesn't exist, it calls allow_metadata_inventory_put instead. I also added a thing for allowing pipes to attach to nodes of other modules, without having to hard code type all those node names into autoplace.lua. Basically node.tube.collects(i,param2) and i is the direction from the pipe and param2 is the param2 of what it's pointing at. I also abstracted the inscrutable correlation between i and param2 by trial and error (and the paramwand mod) into understandable functions. There was no pipeworks namespace so I created it, and put these functions into pipeworks.collects (as distinguished from a node.tube.collects function, which uses those functions) And now it's too late to cart my old clothes to the thrift store, dangit. 2) My "node.tube.collects" idea might be redundant with the node.tube.connect_sides thing, though possibly more versatile so I'll leave it in. 3) I was using node.tube.connects and fancy functions for checking if it's the sides or top or whatnot, and this connect_side thing came in. This should make both my way and the way using connect_side work. Also removed some debugging cruft
2013-10-14 23:45:07 -04:00
-- XXX: that's a lot of parameters
if inv:is_empty("main") then
Multiple updates: 1) Refactor autoplace, There was a lot of redundant code and like a dozen unneccessary string scans for every node next to every tube placed! I put it all into indexed tables and loops instead of bizarre and unexplainable variable names and copy and pasted code. There was also no support for notifying a chest when an item has been taken from it by a filter, so I added something for that. I also thought it prudent to fall back on the allow_metadata_inventory_take function should a special can_remove not exist. In fact if can_insert doesn't exist, it calls allow_metadata_inventory_put instead. I also added a thing for allowing pipes to attach to nodes of other modules, without having to hard code type all those node names into autoplace.lua. Basically node.tube.collects(i,param2) and i is the direction from the pipe and param2 is the param2 of what it's pointing at. I also abstracted the inscrutable correlation between i and param2 by trial and error (and the paramwand mod) into understandable functions. There was no pipeworks namespace so I created it, and put these functions into pipeworks.collects (as distinguished from a node.tube.collects function, which uses those functions) And now it's too late to cart my old clothes to the thrift store, dangit. 2) My "node.tube.collects" idea might be redundant with the node.tube.connect_sides thing, though possibly more versatile so I'll leave it in. 3) I was using node.tube.connects and fancy functions for checking if it's the sides or top or whatnot, and this connect_side thing came in. This should make both my way and the way using connect_side work. Also removed some debugging cruft
2013-10-14 23:45:07 -04:00
2013-01-28 18:41:14 +01:00
minetest.register_craftitem("pipeworks:mese_filter", {
description = "Mese filter",
stack_max = 99,
minetest.register_node("pipeworks:mese_filter", {
description = "Mese filter",
tiles = {"pipeworks_mese_filter_top.png", "pipeworks_mese_filter_top.png", "pipeworks_mese_filter_output.png",
"pipeworks_mese_filter_input.png", "pipeworks_mese_filter_side.png", "pipeworks_mese_filter_top.png"},
paramtype2 = "facedir",
groups = {snappy=2,choppy=2,oddly_breakable_by_hand=2,tubedevice=1,mesecon=2},
legacy_facedir_simple = true,
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
on_construct = function(pos)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
2013-01-28 18:41:14 +01:00
2013-01-28 18:41:14 +01:00
meta:set_string("infotext", "Mese filter")
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
inv:set_size("main", 8*4)
can_dig = function(pos,player)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos);
2013-01-28 18:41:14 +01:00
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
return inv:is_empty("main")
after_place_node = function(pos)
after_dig_node = function(pos)
2013-01-28 18:41:14 +01:00
2013-01-28 18:41:14 +01:00
on_punch = function (pos, node, puncher)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos);
2013-01-28 18:41:14 +01:00
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
local dir = facedir_to_right_dir(node.param2)
local frompos = {x=pos.x - dir.x, y=pos.y - dir.y, z=pos.z - dir.z}
local fromnode=minetest.get_node(frompos)
2013-01-28 18:41:14 +01:00
local frominv
Multiple updates: 1) Refactor autoplace, There was a lot of redundant code and like a dozen unneccessary string scans for every node next to every tube placed! I put it all into indexed tables and loops instead of bizarre and unexplainable variable names and copy and pasted code. There was also no support for notifying a chest when an item has been taken from it by a filter, so I added something for that. I also thought it prudent to fall back on the allow_metadata_inventory_take function should a special can_remove not exist. In fact if can_insert doesn't exist, it calls allow_metadata_inventory_put instead. I also added a thing for allowing pipes to attach to nodes of other modules, without having to hard code type all those node names into autoplace.lua. Basically node.tube.collects(i,param2) and i is the direction from the pipe and param2 is the param2 of what it's pointing at. I also abstracted the inscrutable correlation between i and param2 by trial and error (and the paramwand mod) into understandable functions. There was no pipeworks namespace so I created it, and put these functions into pipeworks.collects (as distinguished from a node.tube.collects function, which uses those functions) And now it's too late to cart my old clothes to the thrift store, dangit. 2) My "node.tube.collects" idea might be redundant with the node.tube.connect_sides thing, though possibly more versatile so I'll leave it in. 3) I was using node.tube.connects and fancy functions for checking if it's the sides or top or whatnot, and this connect_side thing came in. This should make both my way and the way using connect_side work. Also removed some debugging cruft
2013-10-14 23:45:07 -04:00
local idef = minetest.registered_nodes[fromnode.name]
-- assert(idef)
local tube = idef.tube
if not (tube and tube.input_inventory) then
local frommeta=minetest.get_meta(frompos)
2013-01-28 18:41:14 +01:00
local frominvname=minetest.registered_nodes[fromnode.name].tube.input_inventory
local frominv=frommeta:get_inventory()
for _,filter in ipairs(inv:get_list("main")) do
local sname=filter:get_name()
if sname ~="" then
Multiple updates: 1) Refactor autoplace, There was a lot of redundant code and like a dozen unneccessary string scans for every node next to every tube placed! I put it all into indexed tables and loops instead of bizarre and unexplainable variable names and copy and pasted code. There was also no support for notifying a chest when an item has been taken from it by a filter, so I added something for that. I also thought it prudent to fall back on the allow_metadata_inventory_take function should a special can_remove not exist. In fact if can_insert doesn't exist, it calls allow_metadata_inventory_put instead. I also added a thing for allowing pipes to attach to nodes of other modules, without having to hard code type all those node names into autoplace.lua. Basically node.tube.collects(i,param2) and i is the direction from the pipe and param2 is the param2 of what it's pointing at. I also abstracted the inscrutable correlation between i and param2 by trial and error (and the paramwand mod) into understandable functions. There was no pipeworks namespace so I created it, and put these functions into pipeworks.collects (as distinguished from a node.tube.collects function, which uses those functions) And now it's too late to cart my old clothes to the thrift store, dangit. 2) My "node.tube.collects" idea might be redundant with the node.tube.connect_sides thing, though possibly more versatile so I'll leave it in. 3) I was using node.tube.connects and fancy functions for checking if it's the sides or top or whatnot, and this connect_side thing came in. This should make both my way and the way using connect_side work. Also removed some debugging cruft
2013-10-14 23:45:07 -04:00
2013-01-28 18:41:14 +01:00
if inv:is_empty("main") then
Multiple updates: 1) Refactor autoplace, There was a lot of redundant code and like a dozen unneccessary string scans for every node next to every tube placed! I put it all into indexed tables and loops instead of bizarre and unexplainable variable names and copy and pasted code. There was also no support for notifying a chest when an item has been taken from it by a filter, so I added something for that. I also thought it prudent to fall back on the allow_metadata_inventory_take function should a special can_remove not exist. In fact if can_insert doesn't exist, it calls allow_metadata_inventory_put instead. I also added a thing for allowing pipes to attach to nodes of other modules, without having to hard code type all those node names into autoplace.lua. Basically node.tube.collects(i,param2) and i is the direction from the pipe and param2 is the param2 of what it's pointing at. I also abstracted the inscrutable correlation between i and param2 by trial and error (and the paramwand mod) into understandable functions. There was no pipeworks namespace so I created it, and put these functions into pipeworks.collects (as distinguished from a node.tube.collects function, which uses those functions) And now it's too late to cart my old clothes to the thrift store, dangit. 2) My "node.tube.collects" idea might be redundant with the node.tube.connect_sides thing, though possibly more versatile so I'll leave it in. 3) I was using node.tube.connects and fancy functions for checking if it's the sides or top or whatnot, and this connect_side thing came in. This should make both my way and the way using connect_side work. Also removed some debugging cruft
2013-10-14 23:45:07 -04:00
2013-01-28 18:41:14 +01:00
function tube_item(pos, item)
-- Take item in any format
local stack = ItemStack(item)
local obj = minetest.add_entity(pos, "pipeworks:tubed_item")
return obj
2013-06-05 15:54:03 +02:00
local function roundpos(pos)
return {x=math.floor(pos.x+0.5),y=math.floor(pos.y+0.5),z=math.floor(pos.z+0.5)}
minetest.register_entity("pipeworks:tubed_item", {
initial_properties = {
hp_max = 1,
physical = false,
-- collisionbox = {0,0,0,0,0,0},
collisionbox = {0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1},
visual = "sprite",
visual_size = {x=0.5, y=0.5},
textures = {""},
spritediv = {x=1, y=1},
initial_sprite_basepos = {x=0, y=0},
is_visible = false,
itemstring = '',
physical_state = false,
set_item = function(self, itemstring)
self.itemstring = itemstring
local stack = ItemStack(itemstring)
local itemtable = stack:to_table()
local itemname = nil
if itemtable then
itemname = stack:to_table().name
local item_texture = nil
local item_type = ""
if minetest.registered_items[itemname] then
item_texture = minetest.registered_items[itemname].inventory_image
item_type = minetest.registered_items[itemname].type
prop = {
is_visible = true,
visual = "sprite",
textures = {"unknown_item.png"}
if item_texture and item_texture ~= "" then
prop.visual = "sprite"
prop.textures = {item_texture}
prop.visual_size = {x=0.3, y=0.3}
prop.visual = "wielditem"
prop.textures = {itemname}
prop.visual_size = {x=0.15, y=0.15}
get_staticdata = function(self)
2013-01-19 13:14:41 +01:00
if self.start_pos==nil then return end
local velocity=self.object:getvelocity()
return minetest.serialize({
2013-01-19 13:14:41 +01:00
on_activate = function(self, staticdata)
if staticdata=="" or staticdata==nil then return end
local item = minetest.deserialize(staticdata)
local stack = ItemStack(item.itemstring)
local itemtable = stack:to_table()
local itemname = nil
if itemtable then
itemname = stack:to_table().name
if itemname then
self.object:setacceleration({x=0, y=0, z=0})
on_step = function(self, dtime)
2013-06-05 15:54:03 +02:00
if self.start_pos==nil then
local pos = self.object:getpos()
local pos = self.object:getpos()
local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local stack = ItemStack(self.itemstring)
local drop_pos=nil
local velocity=self.object:getvelocity()
if velocity==nil then return end
local velocitycopy={x=velocity.x,y=velocity.y,z=velocity.z}
local moved=false
2013-01-19 13:14:41 +01:00
local speed=math.abs(velocity.x+velocity.y+velocity.z)
2013-10-21 11:34:10 +02:00
local vel={x=velocity.x/speed,y=velocity.y/speed,z=velocity.z/speed, speed=speed}
2013-01-19 13:14:41 +01:00
if math.abs(vel.x)==1 then
local next_node=math.abs(pos.x-self.start_pos.x)
if next_node >= 1 then
2013-01-19 13:14:41 +01:00
2013-01-19 13:14:41 +01:00
elseif math.abs(vel.y)==1 then
local next_node=math.abs(pos.y-self.start_pos.y)
if next_node >= 1 then
2013-01-19 13:14:41 +01:00
2013-01-19 13:14:41 +01:00
elseif math.abs(vel.z)==1 then
local next_node=math.abs(pos.z-self.start_pos.z)
if next_node >= 1 then
2013-01-19 13:14:41 +01:00
local sposcopy={x=self.start_pos.x,y=self.start_pos.y,z=self.start_pos.z}
node = minetest.get_node(self.start_pos)
if moved and minetest.get_item_group(node.name,"tubedevice_receiver")==1 then
if minetest.registered_nodes[node.name].tube and minetest.registered_nodes[node.name].tube.insert_object then
2013-01-19 13:14:41 +01:00
leftover = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name].tube.insert_object(self.start_pos,node,stack,vel)
leftover = stack
--if drop_pos and not leftover:is_empty() then minetest.item_drop(leftover,"",drop_pos) end
if leftover:is_empty() then
if moved then
if go_next (self.start_pos, velocity, stack)==0 then
drop_pos=minetest.find_node_near({x=self.start_pos.x+velocity.x,y=self.start_pos.y+velocity.y,z=self.start_pos.z+velocity.z}, 1, "air")
if drop_pos then
minetest.item_drop(stack, "", drop_pos)
if velocity.x~=velocitycopy.x or velocity.y~=velocitycopy.y or velocity.z~=velocitycopy.z or
self.start_pos.x~=sposcopy.x or self.start_pos.y~=sposcopy.y or self.start_pos.z~=sposcopy.z then
2013-06-05 15:54:03 +02:00
local function addVect(pos,vect)
return {x=pos.x+vect.x,y=pos.y+vect.y,z=pos.z+vect.z}
function notvel(tbl,vel)
for _,val in ipairs(tbl) do
if val.x~=-vel.x or val.y~=-vel.y or val.z~=-vel.z then table.insert(tbl2,val) end
return tbl2
function go_next(pos,velocity,stack)
local chests={}
local tubes={}
local cnode=minetest.get_node(pos)
local cmeta=minetest.get_meta(pos)
local node
local meta
local tubelike
local tube_receiver
local len=1
local n
local can_go
2013-01-19 13:14:41 +01:00
local speed=math.abs(velocity.x+velocity.y+velocity.z)
local vel={x=velocity.x/speed,y=velocity.y/speed,z=velocity.z/speed,speed=speed}
if speed>=4.1 then
elseif speed>=1.1 then
2013-01-28 18:41:14 +01:00
if minetest.registered_nodes[cnode.name] and minetest.registered_nodes[cnode.name].tube and minetest.registered_nodes[cnode.name].tube.can_go then
2013-01-19 13:14:41 +01:00
for _,vect in ipairs(can_go) do
if tube_receiver==1 then
if minetest.registered_nodes[node.name].tube and
minetest.registered_nodes[node.name].tube.can_insert and
minetest.registered_nodes[node.name].tube.can_insert(npos,node,stack,vect) then
local i=1
if chests[i]==nil then break end
until false
elseif tubelike==1 then
local i=1
if tubes[i]==nil then break end
until false
if chests[1]==nil then--no chests found
if tubes[1]==nil then
return 0
local i=1
if tubes[i]==nil then break end
until false
if n>=i then
until false
2013-06-28 15:16:28 +02:00
if CYCLIC then
2013-01-19 13:14:41 +01:00
local i=1
if chests[i]==nil then break end
until false
if n>=i then
until false
2013-06-28 15:16:28 +02:00
if CYCLIC then
2013-01-19 13:14:41 +01:00
return 1